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Bad Storm

Page 3

by Jackie Sexton

  I was alone that Christmas, since we have no other relatives in Florida. Sierra’s mother had invited me over, but she was a really emotionally disturbed woman herself and I kind of wanted to stay clear of that kind of energy for a while.

  And so I was watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on TV, eating straight from a tub of chocolate chip mint ice cream when Trent knocked on the front door. He knew what was up, of course, but instead of asking if I was okay, if I needed any company, he asked what I was watching. When I told him he smiled, his brilliant teeth flashing as he said, “cool.”

  We sat together on the couch passing the ice cream between us, laughing and smiling at the dated Claymation. While it was probably the worst holiday season I ever had, it was definitely the most memorable Christmas by far.

  So I couldn’t help but reminisce as I watched scene where Rudolph and the dentist elf sing about being a couple of misfits. I heard the rain pour down on the window and sighed. It was hypnotic and calming, erasing all the pain in that moment so I could only feel the comfort of being understood, of being loved.

  ‘He loves me,’ I thought, remembering his words outside of the Clam Shack. ‘At least, that’s what he said.’

  I brought my legs up on the couch, reaching my arms around them and holding them tight, trying to will the thought away. A knock at the door ripped me from my muddled feelings, and I got up to open the door.

  It was Trent, his hair so wet it was plastered to his forehead.

  I stood there, my heart like a frog in my throat, unable to think of anything to say. Not like there wasn’t a million things I could say—I hate you. I love you. Shouldn’t you be in bed?

  But he broke the since for me. “I’m no Aamir,” he started. “I’m not going to tell you you’re perfect, because you’re not. And I’m not going to tell you I’ll follow you to the end of the earth because that’s stupid, there’s no such thing. But I will tell you that I love that when you think something’s hilarious you’re eyes get really small, and that when you’re tired, you say really bizarre things that make no sense. And I love that you make me smile by just sending me a text. I love how smart you are, and how you’re good-natured and caring, and incredibly loyal. It also really doesn’t hurt that you’re so goddam beautiful. Basically, I love you and I can’t deny it anymore.”

  I probably would have stood there forever, waffling in confusion as I stared into Trent’s slate gray eyes, if he hadn’t broke my thoughts with a sudden, magnificent kiss. My mind was shocked into silence, and my tense muscles eased into him, my stomach bursting with butterflies.

  And in that moment, everything was perfect. I wasn’t anything more than the sum of our parts, feeling the power of the world between us. He raked his blunt masculine fingers over the back of my neck with one hand, and cupped the other over my cheek. Our mouths danced, his tongue coiling over mine, lulling me into him. I flung my arms around his neck, the rainwater warming beneath my fingers.

  Every other thought died as he lowered his hands down my sides, stopping at the top of the back of my thighs, and pulling me up in the air. I gasped, but he clamped his mouth back over mine, refusing to let me go even for a second. I wrapped my legs around him, moving my fingers up into his shaggy hair. I was hardly aware as he shut the door behind him and carried me to my room. I was to busy kissing his neck ravenously, taking in every inch of his skin, like it could disappear at any moment.

  He laid me out onto the bed quickly, without grace, without any pretensions of finesse. He stretched his body out over mine and kissed me, furiously, tenderly, languorously, energetically. Every time I thought I could follow his lead, he changed on me, surprising me and keeping me on my toes. We had years to make up for, and in his kisses I could feel the range of emotions we had felt together.

  As I brought my hands to his chest, smoothing them over his shoulders and down his back, I realized what it was that he always was to me, the connection between us that spanned a lifetime of heartbeats.

  He was home.

  He moved his kisses down my neck, leaving a hot trail on my skin, and pushed up my shirt, giving my navel small, sweet kisses. He smiled up at me, as if posing a question, and I nodded. He pulled the shirt up over my head so quickly that our heads knocked in the frenzy.

  “Sorry,” he murmured. But I just giggled and kissed him, nervous and excited. Trent had never seen me naked before. Of all the moments we had shared together, we still had a list a mile long of things we had yet to experience together.

  “Don’t be nervous.”

  I pulled away and looked at him, a gentle smile on his face.

  “I can’t help it,” I said, moving some of his wet hair out of his eyes.

  “Me neither,” he admitted, looking a little bashful. “But you’re so beautiful.” He searched me with the most earnest eyes, tender and full of longing.

  “Do you mean that?” I breathed, bringing my arms up over my chest protectively.

  “Of course I do.” His face softened. He brought a hand to my cheek and stroked it with his thumb. I shuddered under his touch, and closed my eyes for a moment.

  “This is intense,” I muttered, steadying my breath and then opening my eyes to see his gorgeous face again. Seriously, no one should look so good with dark stubble on his chin and shadows beneath his eyes, but Trent always did. It was like no matter how well you knew him, you’d never know some dark, mysterious side of him.

  ‘Except now I do,’ I marveled to myself as I studied his thick lower lip.

  “Yeah. And that’s why I’ve been trying to push you away. Because you didn’t choose this. You should be super pissed at me, and I just don’t get why you aren’t,” he admitted. He looked like he felt guilty, but like there was something else, something that was pleading.

  “I should be pissed, you’re right. But for some reason…I don’t know Trent, it just…feels right. Like, all of the craziness aside, being with you is something I…” I looked away, a fierce blush coming over my cheeks. I couldn’t believe what was coming out of my mouth so easily—over a decade of repressed emotions and intense denial.

  “What? Bailey, look at me,” he moved my face back towards him with his gentle touch. I finally dared to look up into his beautiful face again, the expression on his countenance stealing my breath away.

  “I always wanted to be with you,” I admitted. “For basically as long as I can remember. God I sound so pathetic.” I dropped my gaze to my lap, suddenly hyper aware of the curve of my belly over my jeans.

  “Hey, you’re not pathetic, okay?” he lowered his head to catch my gaze. His lips were upturned in a genuine smile.

  “I’ve been in love with you for years now. I just never wanted to get you involved with any of this…but I guess it’s too late now,” he sighed. “You’re just…so good at things, and smart and wonderful, and gorgeous and I just don’t deserve you.”

  I gaped at him, at a complete loss for words. “Um, you sound crazy right now.” I couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “But seriously, like, I’m not any of those things. That’s you.”

  “Yeah, okay,” he snorted. “That’s why your the one who graduated summa cum laude and I’m the one that fucked up my band, which was the only thing I had going for me.” He shook his head. “And I couldn’t even protect you.”

  “Hey,” I said, my voice tender, only a register above a whisper. “No matter what, you’re my best friend first.” I took his hand off my face and held it my lap, squeezing it tightly. “And I wanted to know about your weird, crazy world. I wanted to be a part of it. I still do.”

  His smile returned to him, big and goofy, and like I was used to seeing it. He was that adorable guy that couldn’t contain his enthusiasm, and it made him that much sexier.

  “I love you,” he said, squeezing my hand back.

  “I love you too,” I said, and I felt a tightness spring up in the space between us, like invisible strings were pulling his chest closer to mine. Then Trent wrapped his arms arou
nd me and pushed his lips against mine, making me dizzy with his passionate kiss.

  He moved his lips down my throat and I gasped, a vivid memory of the last time we hooked up flooding my mind. It was so sensual, regardless of how trashy it seemed objectively, and so filled with heat and desperation. I moved my hands down his back, pressing my fingers against the taut muscle.

  My fingers found their way to the bottom of his shirt just as he found the top of my breasts, kissing the round plush of flesh greedily.

  I shivered and tugged the shirt upwards, eager to see his bare chest and thick arms. He relented and I pulled the cotton up over his head, not disappointed in the least by his rugged chest and broad, strong shoulders.

  “Oh God,” I gasped, “look at you.”

  “Are you kidding me?” his eyes were wide as he stared down into my deep cleavage. “Look at you. You’re so fucking beautiful and sexy.”

  “Shut up,” I said, a tinge embarrassed but also incredibly flattered.

  “No, I won’t,” he shook his head and moved away from me, taking my hand into his. “Stand up,” he commanded, and I complied, rising to my feet and giving him a questioning look. He walked across my room and stopped in front of my closed door, where my full-length mirror hung.

  “See?” He came up from behind me and kissed my neck as he snaked his hands around my stomach. I followed the reflection of his gaze and looked at myself, my wide hips and large breasts, held back by a pink bra. It was just me. I couldn’t pretend to see any differently.

  Then he continued to move his kisses southward, onto my shoulder and down my arm. His fingers found the top of my jeans, and he pried them open, undoing the button and zipper and bringing them slowly down my hips.

  I moaned, rolling my head back and relishing in the feeling of his fingers as they brushed down my sides. I felt him move down to my legs, kissing the side of my thigh as he urged me to pick up my feet out of the jeans. I did, feeling my legs turn to Jell-O as he pulled away the pants.

  “Look at yourself now,” he urged, his voice breathy and filled with longing. I opened my eyes and stared at my reflection, in a matching pink bra and panty set.

  “See?” he said, staring at my body hungrily.

  “I just see me,” I laughed. “And I’m glad I wore a matching bra and panty for once.”

  “Ugh.” He rolled his eyes at me. He stood up and moved his hands to the narrowest part of my waist. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “What?” I gasped, but he was gone, kissing my neck and moving his mouth up to my ear, seducing me with his delicious, hot mouth. “You’re going to drive me crazy,” I moaned.

  “Good,” he breathed into my ear, his warm breath tantalizing on my skin. I could feel the rise of longing between my legs. He was doing this to me, and I had no control over it any longer.

  I melted back into his chest and I guided his hands with my own up to my generous rack. He cupped my breasts into his hands, and I felt my nipples harden against the thick pink cups. A deep, guttural noise sounded from his throat as he moved his hands over them.

  I felt the strip of cotton between my legs go damp with desire. There was no way I was going to escape his intense, sexy touch. I was all his.

  He moved a hand to my back and fiddled with the clasp to my bra, releasing it so that it loosened on my chest. I wiggled out of it, letting it fall carelessly to the floor. I didn’t care anymore if I was naked in front of him. I just wanted to feel him touch every inch of my skin.

  “If you don’t think you’re beautiful now, you’re blind,” he growled, and the roughness in his voice drove me wild. I looked myself over, seeing the soft, curving lines of my body, my hard, pink nipples. I could feel the desire pulsing through me, hot and ready.

  “Holy shit,” I mumbled. Because for the first time I saw it. My beautiful, sexy body. I groaned in excitement and desperation. I felt Trent’s hardness push against my ass.

  Another thing I had never seen or experienced. I turned around quickly, gripping my hands on his lower back and kissing his chest, relishing the strong muscle under the fold of my lips.

  “Bailey,” he groaned. And something about the way he said my name, the dark, tantalizing allure of it, made me wild inside. I moved my kisses southward. I was going to have him, and he was going to say my name again. I wanted it. I needed it.

  I found the bulge of his jeans and kissed through the denim, the specific Trent-smell, aftershave and old spice, came through and flooded my senses. I undid his button and zipper desperately pulling the jeans down quickly, releasing his surprisingly large member to tent in his boxers.

  “Oh fuck,” I said in surprise, staring at the largest hard-on I had ever seen in my life. I couldn’t control the desperate beating of my heart as I stared at it, but I didn’t want to. I could feel my core igniting, the deep longing balling up in the pit of my stomach.

  “Wait,” he said, and he kneeled down to greet me and kiss my face, keeping me from his amazing cock.

  “I want it,” I pouted between greedy kisses.

  “Ladies first,” he said before grabbing me and lifting me up.

  “OH MY GOD!” I yelped. Seriously, what was it with guys throwing me around all of a sudden?

  He tossed me on the bed with a flourish and dived in after me, landing above me with a thud and an insane look on his face, like he was going for the kill.

  And oh, was it hot as hell. He kissed me one last time before snaking downwards, pulling my panties off and kissing my aching clit, pulling it into his lips with intense ferociousness and finesse.

  I cried out in pleasure, pulling my fingers into his back and tossing my head against the soft mattress. I was going, going, gone in a world of thundering intensity, and I came hard, orgasming quicker and harder than I could have imagined.

  “Holy shit!” I cried as the rolling wave overtook me. “I’m coming!”

  Trent met my mouth and kissed me eagerly as I came and I tried to regain my breath, my tender nub still throbbing with sensitive delight.

  “That was amazing,” I sighed.

  “I’m not done with you.” He moved a finger to my opening and tracing my nether lips.

  “What are you going to do now?” I joked, but I could hardly speak above a whisper, I was so worn out.

  “I’m going to make up for all the years we didn’t touch each other,” he said, looking deep into my eyes as two of his calloused fingers found their way inside of me, plunging into my eager depths. I moaned at the thrilling sensation, and he pulled in and out, his fingers sliding against my slick walls.

  I was losing myself to his touch again, slipping away from reality. He brought his lips over my left breast and took my left nipple into his mouth. I felt myself open for him, moist and ready.

  “I want you,” I huffed, trying desperately not to lose my breath. “Please.”

  I could feel something pull between us again, as if our bodies were magnetized to one another. Everything around us faded away, and there was only him as he searched my face, a hard look of longing in his.

  “You really want me,” he growled, more a statement than a question. I was floored by his sultry voice, a canine lust reverberating through his words. But before I could respond, though words were failing me completely, he said, “I want you too.”

  I shuddered at his words and he kissed my forehead, fumbling around with his discarded pants on the floor to produce the aluminum condom square. He quickly pulled it on, and repositioned himself so that his lips were hovering over mine.

  And I felt him thrust between my thighs, his hardness thrusting inside of me. I gasped and turned to butter, falling into the downy mattress beneath me. Every thrust was filled with longing that had been built between us for years, shattering through all of my fantasies and forcing the hot, searing reality inside of me.

  He kissed me, deeply and passionately, stuffing his hot tongue into my mouth as his dick pressed up against my g-spot. Searing delight raced
through my body, pulsing in my veins.

  “Oh fuck,” he groaned, bucking his hips faster and faster, making me delirious with joy and wonton lust. Everything disappeared and I just felt him, his beating heart, his labored breathing, racing inside of me like shooting stars, bundles of fire igniting every inch of me with their fiery touch.

  I pulled my legs over his sinewy back, the last, delicious thing I felt before falling into my second orgasm of the night, bursting and rolling with a sinful delight, so charged with power and fire that I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

  I screamed out towards the ceiling, arching my back and pulling him in deeper as my muscles clenched and went into spasm. I heard a groan escape him as he collapsed onto of me, covering my body with his.

  I kissed his neck and collarbone, realizing with an electric thrill that he was mine. I could hear Rudolph in the other room, his high-pitched voice and Trent’s deep breaths the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep.

  The next morning I awoke, the sun filtering through the small gap between my curtains, right onto my face. I pushed myself up and rubbed my eyes, shocked for a moment when I caught sight of Trent’s naked body beside me.

  ‘What the…’ I thought before remembering our raunchy night. Goosebumps raced down my flesh, and I smiled to myself, watching his serene face. He was surprisingly handsome while he was asleep, in a different way than when he was awake. His closed lids and parted lips made him look vulnerable and sweet instead of just the sexy sarcastic guy he normally was.

  I traced my eyes downward towards his bare chest, peaking out over my comforter. I suppressed a giggle, surprised that he would choose to wrap himself up in a South Floridian night. Then my eyes caught sight of the massive tent at his crotch, and I felt a warmth ignite between my legs.

  In addition to forgetting our sultry night, I had forgotten about how well-endowed he was. And boy, was it a delight to remember.

  I brought the comforter slowly downwards, lifting it ever-so-gently up over his stiff manhood. He stirred and I stopped for a moment, relieved when his steady breathing continued.


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