Book Read Free

Just Say Yes

Page 1

by Samantha Lind

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Just Say Yes

  Indianapolis Eagles Series Book 1

  Samantha Lind


  Just Say Yes

  Copyright © 2017 by Samantha Lind


  ISBN -13: 978-1974478088

  ISBN-10: 1974478084

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, distributed, stored in or introduced into any information storage or retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic, photocopying, mechanical or otherwise, without express permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, story lines and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales or any events or occurrences are purely coincidental.

  Trademarked names appear throughout this novel. These names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intentional infringement of the trademark owner’s trademark(s).

  The following story contains adult language and sexual situations and is intended for adult readers.

  Cover Design by Jersey Girl Design

  Cover Photograph by Kruse Images and Photography

  Cover Models Kristen Lazarus-Wood & Justin Cadwell

  Editing provided by Jenn Wood with All About the Edits

  Proofreading by Robyn Crawford

  Created with Vellum


  For all those who believe in second chances.


  1. Scott

  2. Becca

  3. Scott

  4. Becca

  5. Scott

  6. Becca

  7. Scott

  8. Becca

  9. Scott

  10. Becca

  11. Scott

  12. Becca

  13. Scott

  14. Becca

  15. Scott

  16. Becca

  17. Scott

  18. Becca

  19. Scott

  20. Becca

  21. Scott

  22. Becca

  23. Scott

  24. Scott




  Coming Soon

  Also by Samantha Lind

  About the Author

  Connect with Samatha

  Chapter One


  Being back in my hometown for the summer always rejuvenates me. This summer is going to be fucking awesome. I’m the captain of the Indianapolis Eagles Hockey Team, and we won the Stanley Cup a few weeks ago. As tradition stands, each player gets the cup for a day. Being the captain, I get the first date. It will be here, in Anchorage, Alaska, tomorrow. I have a meeting later today with the mayor and police chief to discuss using my day to host a public event to show off the cup, and we need to finalize the plans for the event. Events like this tend to draw a huge crowd, so a lot of planning has gone into it. I remember years ago when Scotty Gomez won the cup with the Devils and brought it to Anchorage, he hosted an event like I’m planning. The crowds were crazy then, and I imagine it will be the same this time around.

  Having played in the NHL for the past eight years, I’ve led a very privileged life. I work hard, but I make sure to give back, too. I also made sure my parents were set up financially. For all they sacrificed while I was growing up so I could play hockey, they deserve more than I can ever repay them. I own a beautiful home; three, actually. Two here in Alaska – a house in Anchorage, as well as a cabin – and a condo in Indy. I have a fantastic family. My older brother is married to his high school sweetheart, and they have two kids: my adorable niece Abby, who is six, and nephew Chase, who is almost five. They are the cutest kids, and I love being able to see them all summer.

  The only thing missing in my life is a woman to come home to. I would do anything to have Becca Phillips back in my life. She was – hell, still is – the love of my life. The one that got away. We’ve known each other since we were in elementary school. She lived a couple of houses down the street from me, growing up. We started dating when we were freshmen in high school, and stayed together until I got into the minors. My hectic travel schedule was hard on our relationship, and I don't blame her. The travel involved when playing professional hockey can suck ass at times, but I deal with it, knowing that it will all be over, sooner rather than later. I hope to still have five or six more years left to play before it’s time for me to retire. Then I’m hoping I can secure a coaching or scouting job within an NHL organization. I'm only thirty, so as long as I can stay healthy and injury-free, I shouldn’t have a problem staying on this path.

  My meeting with the mayor and police chief went well, and we have everything arranged for the event. With the estimated crowd expected to exceed 15,000, we needed a game plan, and now we have one. I’m excited for this event and to share this with my hometown and state. Being one of the few local kids to make it to the big leagues, it’s humbling to receive such an unbelievable amount of support from my fellow Alaskans.

  At the event, fans will be able to get their picture taken with the cup, do a meet and greet with me, but we’ll also have some surprises in store as well. A couple of my teammates are flying in for the event and will be on hand for pictures and to interact with the fans.

  Once the event is over, we’re heading down to my cabin to fish for a few days, and have a relaxing guys’ trip. Leaving my meeting I glance at the time realizing it’s time to head to the airport to pick up the guys.

  As I roll to a stop along the curb, I see Brian Kelly my defensive partner and Richard “Murph” Murphy. “Hey, fucker, nice of you to finally show up to pick us up.” Brian jokes.

  “Be thankful I didn't make your ass take a cab and tell you to stay in a hotel, too fucker,” I call out the window of my truck. Being hockey players, and teammates for the past couple of seasons, we’ve become great friends. We also give each other a ton of shit. We’re so used to locker room talk that I’m going to have to reign everyone in when we are at the event tomorrow, especially Brian. That's all I need, my teammates mouthing off around a bunch of kids. They tend to forget when we’re together outside of the locker room that they can’t do that.

  “Taking us out to show off your hometown tonight?” Murph asks as he climbs into the truck.

  “Sure. What are you shitheads in the mood for?” I ask them as I pull back out into traffic.

  "Getting laid," Brian pipes up from the back seat.

  “Do you ever think with the head that isn’t in your pants?” Murph asks Brian shaking his head at him, a smirk on his face.

  “Fuck no, why would I do something crazy like that?” Brian teases back.

  “If you guys want to hit the town, we can head over to Koots. It’s the biggest nightclub, and Brian will have his pick of women.”

  “How about dinner fir
st? I’m starving,” Murph suggests.

  “Sounds good to me. Let's run by my house and drop your luggage off. We can all get changed and head out to dinner, and then on to Koots.”

  My house is big enough that I have multiple guest rooms, so we’re all comfortable and not on top of each other. With all of us being big guys, it’s a necessity. I’m also hoping to settle down with a wife and kids one day, and this house is perfect for that.

  We make it through dinner with only a few interruptions from fans. I usually don't turn any away, at least not when I’m home and never the kids. But put three of us from the reigning Stanley cup team at the same table, and people tend to go a little crazy, especially the ladies. Brian eats up the attention, and I’m sure he won’t have any trouble taking someone home tonight. He’s such a player. But whatever; it’s his thing, and I’m not going to condemn him for it. He might be a cocky motherfucker, but he’s a damn good hockey player. I’m sure one day he’ll meet a woman who will bring him to his knees and tame the beast. I hope we’re still on the same team so I can watch it all go down.

  We decide to drive back to my house and Uber it over to Koots since we all want to drink. None of us are stupid enough to drink and drive.

  “Hey fuckers, no bringing random chicks to my house. If you want to get laid that bad, take it to a hotel.”

  “No problem, man. Maybe I’ll find someone to fuck in the bathroom,” Brian says with a chuckle.

  “You do that shit?” I ask him, shaking my head.

  “Sometimes. I usually bring them back to my condo or get a room, so if I don’t want to have to deal with them knowing where I live. But yeah, I’ve fucked a few chicks in club bathrooms before.”

  "You are one fucked up dude,” I say back to him. “What about you, Murph?”

  “You know I'm not the player type. Don’t get me wrong, I love women, but I don't need to play the field that much. I have Madison back in Indy. We’ve had our agreement as friends with benefits since we met, and it works for us.”

  “Wow, I didn't realize that you guys still had that little arrangement going. No deeper feelings or pushing for a full relationship from either of you?” I asked.

  “I was worried about it at first, but she’s never pushed for more. Or if she has, she hasn't done so very hard. I’ve never gotten those vibes from her.”

  “Will you fuckers quit talking like chicks and let's get going to the club? I need to get a drink in my hand and start my search for pussy tonight,” Brian says as he slaps us both on the back.

  Once we make it into Koots and get drinks, I show them around to the different areas. It's a cool place, offering different music in different areas, as well as having typical bar games scattered around. We make our way to the very crowded main room where they play mostly hip hop and Top 40 music, but it’s also where most of the crowd is. Murph and I hang back while Brian beelines his way toward a group of ladies dancing together. I have to give him credit; the man does have game. But it’s also funny as shit when we see him get turned down. It doesn't seem to faze him one bit though. He goes back on the prowl until he finds another woman to try and hit on.

  I head to the bar to get another round when I see guys I know from high school. They head my way and we bullshit for a while, catching up. I make my way back to the room where I left Murph and Brian, trying to find them. Brian is easy to spot. He’s so much taller than everyone else – the fucker is like six foot eight without skates on. I notice them both dancing with a couple of beautiful women, so I move toward them, and I'm immediately surrounded by a few ladies who recognize me. Don’t get me wrong, I love to have a good time with a beautiful woman, but I’m not looking for a quick hookup tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a long day with the cup event, but I also want to have a good time tonight with my friends. I give in and dance with a few of the women around me and the guys for a little while. It’s obvious that Brian has found someone he’s interested in for the evening, so I get Murph’s attention to see if he’s ready to head out.

  While we wait for our Uber, I remind Brian what time he needs to be downtown tomorrow, just in case he doesn’t make it to my house in time to ride with me before I need to leave. I don’t expect to see him until tomorrow, at the event, from the way he’s wrapped around the woman on the dance floor.

  Chapter Two


  “Damn, that shift kicked my ass,” my best friend and co-worker Kinley says to me, as we both head into the locker room. We’ve just finished our shift change with the day nursing staff.

  “No shit. Last night was killer. I’m so ready for my bed, a run later this afternoon, and then a nice glass of wine at dinner,” I tell her as I grab my bag from my locker.

  As nurses in the ER in the busiest hospital in Alaska, we hardly ever have a quiet night. Even with the crazy shifts, I wouldn’t change a thing. With patients always flowing in and out, it helps the hours pass by quickly, especially when I’m stuck on night shifts. I hate working nights, but it’s good money, and there is never a dull moment.

  “Hey Becca, you going to the Stanley Cup celebration downtown today?” Dr. Emanuel asks me as I walk by the desk on my way out.

  “I haven’t decided yet. I’m exhausted, and I’m sure it’s going to be a mad house. Plus, if I wanted to see the cup, I’m sure I could call up Scott and see it at his or his parents’ house.”

  “Oh, do you know him?” Dr. Emanuel asks, shocked that I so nonchalantly mention Scott’s name and reference him and his parents.

  “You could say that. We grew up down the street from each other and then dated for six years,” I reply. “Kinley also grew up with him.” I motion to her standing beside me.

  “Holy shit, I had no idea,” Dr. Emanuel replies, still in awe over us knowing Scott. I forget that people think of him as a celebrity around here and that not everyone knows him as well as I do…or did.

  “Have a good day, Dr. Emanuel,” I call over my shoulder as I head for the parking lot so I can get home and to bed.

  “Do you want to get together this afternoon for a run, and then dinner?” I ask Kinley as we approach our cars.

  “Sure, give me a call when you’re up, and we can pick a time to meet. It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day, and you know I’ll never turn down dinner and wine.”

  “Sounds good. Talk to you later!” I call out as I climb into my car.

  On my way home, my mind drifts, and I start thinking about Scott and the possibility of seeing him again. I knew he would be back in town soon. He always comes home every summer, once the season is over. I usually run into him at least once, but try to avoid seeing him. Being around him always brings back so many emotions, and each year, I try and ignore them, hoping I’ll eventually get over him. I kick myself all the time for giving up on what we had together. I know it was my insecurities that led to us breaking up, and years later I still regret that decision.

  I also know deep down that Scott would have never cheated on me while he was away and traveling. But it doesn’t help that the puck bunnies throw themselves at the players, even when it’s well-known that some are in committed relationships. It was bad enough when he played in college, and then the minors. He was very vocal about the fact that he had a girlfriend he was madly in love with, and they would still try to get to him. I knew it would be worse when he made the national level, so I was the coward that ended things and didn’t give us a chance. I wish I could turn back the clock and take that back. If I hadn’t ended things, maybe I wouldn’t be thirty and single, with no man on the horizon.

  I’m sure I could find someone to date. Hell, Dr. Davis from Anesthesiology has asked me out multiple times, and I’ve turned him down every time. It’s nothing against him. He’s drop dead gorgeous, my age, and a freaking doctor. What more could most women ask for? But he isn’t Scott, and for some reason, I can’t get over him. I still measure every man against him and I have a feeling that will never change.

  I make it home, shower
, and climb into bed. Before I fall asleep, I pull out my iPad and check out what’s happening on social media. A few pictures pop up from friends, showing pictures of Scott and a few of his fellow teammates out last night. I guess they’re in town for the event. Damn, he looks good, even if the pictures were taken in shitty bar lighting with cell phones. I’m going to either go out of my way again this summer to avoid him or change my approach and try and see him as much as possible. Maybe he feels the same way, and we can rekindle what we had before. On that thought, I put my iPad away and drift off to sleep, thinking about Scott.

  After waking up, I get moving so I can meet up with Kinley for our run, and then dinner and drinks. It’s so beautiful outside; I’m looking forward to a long run out in the sunshine. I send Kinley a quick text.

  Becca: Hey, you ready to run?

  Kinley: I will be soon, where do you want to run today?

  Becca: I was thinking down along the coastal trail

  Kinley: Sounds good, want to meet in 30 down at the park off L Street?

  Becca: Sounds good. See ya then :)

  I decide to head out since I’m ready to go and I want to get out into the sunshine. It’s a good thing I left when I did. I spaced out about the event going on downtown, and now I’m stuck in the traffic on my way to where I’m supposed to be meeting Kinley. I finally find a place to park and make it to the little park area right on time. I don’t see Kinley yet and figure she’s probably stuck in the same traffic, so I start stretching while I wait for her to arrive.


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