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BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6)

Page 4

by Samantha Leal

  They sat at a quiet table in a dark corner and Sasha couldn’t help but stare adoringly at him. This man had been the object of her desire since the second she had set foot inside The Bleeding Bullet and realized what a turn on it was to be surrounded by bad boys.

  But Bull wasn’t like the others… all of the Forsaken Riders seemed to blur into one to Sasha… and then there was him.

  Maybe it was because of his height, muscular body and his striking good looks, or maybe it was because they had an undiscovered connection. She had felt drawn to him the moment that she had first seen him all those months ago, and now she barely dared hope that it may all be coming to fruition. She swept a strand of blonde hair behind her ear nervously and looked up into his dark, penetrating eyes. His skin was so tanned and golden, and the black hair on his chin was perfectly groomed, it was as if he was like some kind of God before her. He was of superhuman size and no doubt had superhuman strength. Sasha found herself blushing again as she thought of what he could do to her in the bedroom and she couldn’t help but let a little smirk flirt across her lips.

  “I still can’t believe it,” she said to finally break the ice. “About Reid…”

  “I know,” Bull said as he sipped on his beer. “It’s been a hard day for all of us I think.”

  “Yes, it has,” she said sympathetically.

  She looked around at all of the sad faces and she felt herself begin to tense again. She had no idea how to talk to him. She had longed for a moment like this for so long, and yet now it was here she felt like a school girl who had just kissed her first crush… But they hadn’t even touched each other!

  Maybe he’s just being friendly…

  Maybe it’s just the emotion of the day…

  Maybe he’s just checking in with me because he’s in charge now…

  She sat there and thought of every possibility as she searched for the words to say so she didn’t sound like a total idiot. But she was still at a loss. Bull looked down at her with a smile on his face as if he was fully aware of the effect he was having on her, and he was loving every second.

  “I bet you’re wondering what this is about,” he whispered as he leaned forward, almost as if he had read her mind.

  Sasha smiled and nodded, “I was a little, yeah…”

  “Well,” he said as he raised his hand and moved her hair back over her shoulder, “I’ve been thinking of trying to get to know you better for a while now…” he trailed off an looked at her dead in the eyes.

  “What stopped you?” she said a bit briskly. “I mean I didn’t think you even knew I existed…” she put her hands on her hips and tried to act annoyed – even though that was the last thing she was. She couldn’t have been any happier even if she had tried.

  “Look,” he said as he whispered so the rest of the room wouldn’t be able to hear a word he was saying, “I’ve never had the balls to do it until now… okay?”

  He shrugged and held his palms up into the air. Sasha studied him for a moment, convinced that he was joking, but he just kept his shoulders hunched.

  “What?” she laughed, “I mean seriously?”

  He nodded.

  “No way,” she whispered, “I don’t believe you…”

  “Why not?” he asked with a little grin on his face.

  “How could a guy like you not have the balls to come and talk to me? That doesn’t make any sense at all…”

  “Okay, maybe I’m spinning the truth a little,” he winked.

  “A little?” Sasha said a bit too loudly and Bull grabbed hold of her hand and shushed her whilst laughing. “You’ve barely even acknowledged me before…”

  “Okay,” he said as he held up his hands again. “I know… But I’m a big believer in timing, and maybe now, the times just right…”

  Sasha looked up at him and really took him all in. His face and eyes were sincere and even though this was the most they had ever spoken, she felt as if she knew him already and that he was being completely genuine.

  She had watched him for so long and he had remained an enigma, and now, suddenly he had come for her as if this was always going to happen and as if he had always had it planned. Sasha was so confused, and although she wanted to let him sweep her up into his arms and carry her off into the sunset, she couldn’t help but err on the side of caution.

  “Well, I’m very flattered,” she said finally, putting her guard back up. “And thank you for the drink.”

  She slid down off the stool and made her way back toward the bar. Bull reached out and grabbed hold of her arm and spun her back to him. It was as if she were weightless, the way he did it so effortlessly and she was instantly aroused at how much power and strength he had running through him.

  “I mean it,” he said as he held her close to him, “Just think about it, okay?”

  Sasha was so close to him she could feel his hot breath on her face and her spine tingled with desire. She could smell his delicious scent, the manly musk that clung to him and drove her wild. She felt herself becoming hot and bothered and she smiled meekly and slipped free of his grasp.

  “Okay,” she said. “I’ll think about it… boss…”

  A smile flashed across his face and he bit his bottom lip with the whole row of his top teeth. Sasha walked backwards, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on him, and not really having a clue as to what was happening…

  But she didn’t really care…

  She was loving every second.


  As she slipped back behind the bar her heart was racing and her nerves were mounting. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. Bull had come onto her… completely out of nowhere… but it was so strange, it was like she knew exactly what he meant when he had mentioned about the timing being right.

  She picked up her apron and tied it back around her waist and then reached for a hair tie in her purse. She swept up her long hair and tied it tight, so that it swung around her shoulders in a long ponytail. As she worked she could feel that his eyes were still on her and that he was watching her every move. She resisted the urge to look up and acknowledge him and she kept her back turned to him as much as she could.

  If he really wanted her, he was going to have to work for it…

  Sasha knew that he was in a position of power now that he had been made the leader of the club, but at the same time, she didn’t want to just let him click his fingers and for her to come running. Her job was on the line too, after all.

  She bent down and began to stack all of the used glasses into the washing crates and then she heaved them up and slid them into the dishwasher. When she turned around and looked, Bull had gone, and she felt her stomach drop with disappointment.

  She turned and looked around the bar, but he was nowhere to be seen. Lynx appeared to notice her reaction and he smiled and wandered over to her.

  “What was all that about then?” he asked nosily.

  “None of your business, buddy,” Sasha joked as she punched him playfully on the shoulder.

  “Getting close to the big man now huh? Is that because of his recent promotion?” Lynx raised his eyebrows as he joked with her, but Sasha was not going to bite the bait.

  “He asked me for a chat, that’s all…” she said defiantly. “So don’t be getting too excited with yourself.”

  Lynx smiled and raised his bottle of beer to his lips.

  “Stranger things have happened Sash,” he said as he tapped the counter and motioned for another drink. “To be honest, I think he’s had a thing for you for a while.”

  She stopped in her tracks and looked up at Lynx. Was he playing with her? She cocked her head to the side and studied him seriously.

  “What?” he asked.

  She paused for a moment and tried to gauge his reaction, but he was giving her nothing.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said with a sigh. “What can I get you anyway?” she smiled.

  “Just another beer, last one of the night,” he said with a yawn. “It’s
been a long day…” he trailed off and looked off into space.

  “Lynx…” Sasha began, “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened with Reid?”

  He nodded his head slowly for a moment and then he leaned in closer and spoke.

  “Late yesterday, he supposedly called Bull and asked him to go over to the clubhouse. When he got there Reid wasn’t in a good way, and he just asked him right then and there… Would Bull take over from him when he was gone… Said that Bull was the only one who could do it…” Lynx stopped and shrugged.

  “But… King?” Sasha asked. “I just assumed he would be the next… you know, in line…?”

  “So did I,” he shrugged. “But Reid would have known what he was doing, and he won’t have made the decision lightly.”

  Sasha nodded and for a brief moment her chest swelled with pride for Bull. It was a good feeling to know that someone she could see herself investing in had been appreciated in such a way.

  “Bull said Reid went rapidly downhill not long after he’d asked, so Bull called for Lexi and within half an hour he was gone… Hard to believe really…” he said with a sigh. “I mean I know he was sick, and he had been for a long time, but I guess because of that I just thought he’d keep going forever, you know?” He took another swig of his drink.

  “Yeah I know.” Sasha smiled with tears in her eyes.

  Her stomach clenched and she couldn’t help but relate very well to that feeling. She experienced it every day with her grandmother, and now she had the very real sense of doom hanging over her head, like if it could happen to Reid, it could happen again at any moment.

  “How’s Lexi?” she asked. “Have you seen her?”

  Lynx shrugged and then looked down to the ground.

  “I saw her earlier for a few minutes, she wasn’t doing too good,” he said sympathetically. “I just hope King will pull his head out of his ass soon and be there to support her.”

  “Is King okay?” she asked cautiously. Not wanting to overstep her boundaries.

  “I have no fucking clue,” Lynx said as he drained the last bit of beer from the bottle and dropped it down on the counter. “He’ll have to be I guess, we all need him. He can’t be kicking up a big fuss because he didn’t get his own way.”

  Sasha was surprised by Lynx’s honesty, but at the same time she understood it. It had clearly been an emotional day for everyone.

  “Right, I better head back,” he said as he got to his feet. “Did they tell you to close up early tonight?” he asked as he turned back to her.

  “No, no one said anything,” Sasha said.

  “Well, I’m sure someone will be here with you til they’re ready to leave. Just make sure you’re not here alone okay? Close it up and get yourself home.”

  “Okay,” she smiled, grateful to feel cared for by someone for once, rather than her doing all the caring for other people.

  She watched Lynx stagger out of the front door and waited until it had closed behind him before she turned and looked back around the bar. There were only a handful of the Forsaken Riders left and she decided to shut everything down and finish everything up so that the second they were all ready to leave, she could run out of the door with them.

  It would be the first time since she had worked there that The Bleeding Bullet would be closing and locking its doors. But Sasha understood the importance. The windows had to be dark, much like flying a flag at half-mast. They had to pay their respects to their fallen brother.


  The next morning she was awoken by the sounds of screaming. Sasha leapt out of bed and ran, staggering down the hallway with her eyes still half sealed shut and her heart pounding with panic. The nurses had left when she had returned from work in the early hours and now her grandmother was screaming like a banshee.

  Sasha burst into her room and saw her thrashing around in the bed, she ran over to her and wrapped her arms around her.

  “It’s okay,” she soothed, “it’s okay Grandma, you’re okay… we’re just at home. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  Her grandmother cried into Sasha’s chest and she tried to keep her calm until she wasn’t crying anymore.

  The episodes had been coming more often and Sasha was worried. She laid her back down in the bed and then she left the room quietly and paced up and down the hallway. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep her there without it hurting both of them.

  She knew that her grandma needed to have proper care, but she couldn’t bear the thought of taking her to a care home. She felt the tears prick the corners of her eyes and she leaned against the wall in the hallway. The nurses had been trying to talk her into viewing a facility for months but she had been putting it off, insisting that she was coping alright on her own… But now Sasha knew the time had come. She was physically exhausted from working long hours and being up and down constantly in the night. She couldn’t care for her the way she needed to be cared for and she knew it would be much better for both of them if her grandmother was somewhere where she could be properly looked after twenty-four hours a day.

  She wiped a tear away and suppressed her sobs. She had always hoped that it wouldn’t come to this, but she knew now she didn’t have a choice. She walked slowly down towards the kitchen and she sat down at the table. The phone book was lying right there next to the old cordless phone that they had had since somewhere back in the nineties. She opened it up and searched for the nurses phone number, pressed dial and held the phone to her ear.

  Even though it was killing her, she wanted to make sure that her grandmother would have the best care possible. She didn’t want her dying at home like Reid had. Who knows, if he had been in hospital, maybe he would have stayed longer.

  “Hello Janet?” Sasha said as the nurse answered on the other end. “It’s Sasha… I think it’s time we talked about moving grandma somewhere more suitable…”


  Sasha spent the rest of the day beating herself up inside for the fact that she had set the change in motion. When her grandmother had calmed down and didn’t seem scared of being outside, she led her into the garden and sat her in a chair in the sun. She rarely ever spoke, but Sasha could tell that she was enjoying the garden and that gave her some comfort. She knew that at the care home they had acres of lovely gardens for the residents to wander around. And she hoped that her grandmother would love it there as much as she did in their own garden.

  The insects buzzed around the flowers and Sasha wondered how she would look after it all when she was there alone, but she knew she would do everything she could to preserve it. It was the one link she really still had to her grandma, the brave, strong woman that she remembered so well. They had built that garden together, and she would continue to make sure that it thrived.

  When she looked at the old woman, she barely recognized her anymore, and although it made her sad to know that she wouldn’t be there with her anymore, it was also a quiet, bittersweet relief.


  The nurses returned early evening and Sasha spoke with them briefly before she made her way outside and down the drive to her car. Her mind was swimming with confusion and she couldn’t help but second guess each decision she was making. She slid onto the driver’s side seat and breathed out deeply. It had been a rough couple of days and the last thing she wanted to do was head into work, but she knew it was better for her than moping around the house.

  She put the keys in the ignition, put the car in drive and headed on up the street. The air was warm and she sang along to the music on the radio even though she didn’t know the words. As she passed through she noticed how much busier Main Street was and it made her relax. It was like things were maybe heading back to normal, and for once she actually hoped that the bar was going to be busy. She couldn’t stand another quiet and tense night like there had been the day before.

  She drove out of the other side of Main Street and headed to the outlaw part of town. As she pulled around the corner and headed
up the street towards The Bleeding Bullet, she felt herself cheering up immediately as soon as she saw that the place was a little bit more back to its normal self. Bikes and cars swarmed around the road and men and women loitered on the steps smoking and drinking.

  “This is more like it,” she smiled. “It’s good to be back.”

  She parked up at the curbside and jumped out of the driver’s door. She slammed the door behind her and locked it with a key before she slung her purse over her shoulder and began to walk towards the steps at the front of The Bleeding Bullet. She recognized a lot of people out in the street who were regulars at the bar, and she smiled and made small talk with them as she made her way through the crowd. Many of them stopped her and offered condolences about Reid, whereas others who seemed kind of oblivious to the tragedy that had occurred, just heckled her in a friendly and familiar way about serving them drinks when they came back inside.

  Sasha smiled and nodded, before she carried on to the steps. As she climbed them she turned and looked back out over the busy street. She really was glad to be there, even though she was tired and emotionally worn out.

  She pushed the door open and stepped into a throng of hot, sweaty bodies. The music was loud, even though it was still early, and there was a thick fog of smoke hanging heavy in the air. Sasha squinted to try and save her eyes as she passed through the crowd and when she finally made it to the bar she breathed a sigh of relief. She slipped behind the counter and hid her purse in the usual spot on one of the low shelves and then she turned around and surveyed the room. She could tell already that it was going to be a crazy night, and she hoped that some of the other bar girls would be coming in and joining her.

  She braced herself for the onslaught of drinks orders, took a deep breath and then walked to the front of the bar.

  “Okay,” she smiled, “Who’s next?”


  Sasha worked like crazy into the night and didn’t stop once until her shoulders started to ache and she didn’t think she could possibly have any more conversation with the drunks that were leaning over the bar and slobbering in her ear. She mopped her brow with the back of her hand and looked out across the room. It was crazy in there. Men and women were twisted up with one another and kissing each other passionately, girls dangled themselves around the pole supports around the side of the rooms and men watched on lecherously. Sasha tried to see if there was anyone from the club there, but it was so busy, she could barely make out any faces in the crowd.


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