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BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6)

Page 6

by Samantha Leal

  Sasha nodded.

  Bull sat up and she watched as he got to his feet. His thighs were so wide and muscular she could stare at them all day, and she was more than disappointed when he slipped his boxers back on and then his jeans. As he buckled up the belt and looked down at her with a cheeky smile she realized that her ten minute break had turned into two hours.

  “Shit,” she laughed. “I told Becca I would only be a few minutes.”

  “And I have a club to run,” he said as he grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it on over his head. “But you’re not going back out there.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked as she started to pull on her own clothes. First her lacy panties, then her tight little denim shorts, followed by the t-shirt. She picked up her bra and threw it towards Bull and he caught it with both hands.

  “I mean, I want you to go home, rest up and wait for me… okay?” he said with a grin.

  “But… I can’t…” she laughed, “I can’t just disappear mid-shift and leave Becca on her own.”

  “What, you mean like you just did?” he laughed as he snatched out and grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him.

  “Fair point,” she smiled as she pushed herself up on her tip toes and kissed him again.

  “I’ll tell her you’re sick and had to go home,” he said as he kissed her. “And then, when I can, I’ll be there… Okay?”

  Sasha nodded and smiled.

  As they left the office behind and walked back out into the darkened hallway, she couldn’t help but look up at him and pinch herself on the arm to check that she wasn’t dreaming. Bull led her down to the far end of the hallway and opened up the fire escape so she could slip out into the night.

  He held onto her tight and pushed her up against the wall and she felt a familiar stir in his jeans.

  “I can’t wait to get my hands on you again,” he said as his hot tongue slipped up against hers. “Now go on, get home and rest.”

  Sasha ran out into the street and turned back to look at his huge silhouette in the doorway.

  Suddenly, she felt part of something unbreakable.

  Suddenly, everything seemed possible.


  When she got home her grandmother was sleeping soundly and the nurses were both dozing on the couch. Sasha woke them up gently and said that she had got an early finish, so they packed their things and got ready to leave. She watched from the doorway as they wandered down to their car parked at the end of the driveway and she waved as they got inside and started the ignition.

  She went back inside and closed the door. The house was quiet and she was tired. Bull had really taken it out of her.

  She went straight into her bedroom and closed the door, she climbed into bed and wrapped her arms around herself and breathed in his intoxicating scent. She never wanted to wash it away, she wanted to smell of him forever and be covered in him for the rest of her days.

  Bull had been right, the second she had seen him all those months before, she too had felt the importance of it. She saw something in him that she recognized and that she craved, and the way he had almost dismissed her had just driven her even more wild.

  But, he had been worth the wait.

  Now she had tasted, touched and loved him, she knew no other man would ever compare. He was the one for her, and by the sounds of things, he knew it too.

  She smiled as she closed her eyes and replayed the evening over and over in her mind. His hard touch, his brutal love, his wicked kisses… and she trembled…

  She drifted off into a dreamless sleep with a smile across her face and her skin tingling with desire. She couldn’t wait to see him again, and she couldn’t wait to hold him in her arms.


  She woke to lips on hers and a tongue searching inside her mouth. Big rough hands were pawing at her and holding her tight and she moaned as she leaned into their touch and rode along on the wave of bliss. Bull was next to her, and he was kissing her softly, as he held onto her and protected her.

  “You’re here…” she whispered as she tried to wake herself from the deep sleep she’d been in.

  Her body was still exhausted, but it was responding to him and she wanted to wake so that she could open her eyes fully and see him again.

  “I am,” he whispered as he kissed her neck. “I couldn’t stay away…”

  He climbed on top of her and Sasha could feel that he had already removed his clothes. She smiled and wrapped her arms and legs around him and felt the hot poke of his hard cock into her side. She had never been woken up in such an erotic way, and she couldn’t get enough of it.

  Bull kissed her throat and worked down over her breasts and stomach, past her navel and to the top of her panties. He slipped his fingers inside of them and pulled them down before pulling her legs apart and gazing lovingly at her sex.

  “You have the most perfect pussy,” he said as he leaned forward and kissed it. “I’ve been looking forward to tasting it since you left me back at the bar…”

  Sasha gasped as he moved forward and ran his tongue the full length of her slit. She moaned and bucked her hips up to meet him as he held onto her tightly and licked her lightly and massaged her clit with his tongue. She was in absolute heaven. Bull’s tongue was as powerful as he was, and within seconds she found herself cumming across his face and covering her mouth with her pillow to stifle her screams.

  He kissed back up her stomach and neck and then, with one powerful thrust, pushed himself inside of her. The sensation from her intense orgasm and the feeling of him hitting her spot right up inside sent her over the edge again and she dug her heels into the back of his knees as he fucked her and built up to his own release.

  Sex had never been so good. A man had never pleasured her like that before… it was as if he knew exactly where to touch her and when, and she never wanted it to end.

  As Bull’s thighs tensed and he grunted and groaned into her neck she bit his shoulder as he emptied his huge balls into her for the second time that night. His smacked her down onto the bed as his release fired through him and his spunk shot up right inside her.

  “Fuck,” he said as he held onto her neck. “What are you doing to me…?”

  He looked at her deep in the eyes and kissed her again on the lips.

  She didn’t know what she was doing to him, but she certainly knew what he was doing to her… She was falling hard and fast… And she knew there was no way out…


  As the sun rose the next morning, they still lay tangled in each other’s arms, gazing at each other. Bull had transformed in the past week to someone else entirely, and Sasha more than approved. He cupped her face and held onto her so protectively, she felt as if she would never have to worry about anything again.

  “I’d do anything for you,” she whispered as he kissed her forehead. “I really would…”

  “So would I,” he said. “I’ve already told you, I want you to be mine, always… and I’ll do anything to keep you happy and safe.”

  Sasha felt a swell of pride in her chest. The warm feeling spread out down her arms and legs, right to her core. She had never felt so complete.

  “Let me,” he said. “Let me help you with your grandmother…”

  Sasha sat up and leaned back on her elbows.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “The bar…” Bull began, “That’s no place for my woman… I don’t want you working nights and being around all of those drunks. I want you home and safe… I want to know you’re not crying in a dark hallway and worrying about the future…”

  Sasha stared deep into his eyes.

  “Whatever your decision is…” he said, “If you choose to explore the care home, or keep her here, I want you to know that I’ll help with any cost of it. If she’s here with you, then you can’t be working… I’ll still pay you your wage, but I want you to be where you need to be, okay?”

  Sasha couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

��But… what?” she stammered.

  “It’s pretty simple,” Bull laughed, “Your job at the bar, you’ll still get paid, but you don’t need to actually do it… I want to look after you from now on. You’ve already proved yourself to be loyal and dedicated to the club, now it’s our turn to give you something back… If you need help with care home fees, I’ll pay them… if you would like your grandmother here with you, then I’ll support that too… Like I say, whatever you need and whatever you decide.”

  Sasha was speechless. No one had ever been so kind to her, or so understanding. Tears welled up behind her eyes again and she couldn’t help but let one escape.

  “No crying,” he smiled as he wiped it away.

  “Thank you so much,” she said, “You have no idea how much that would help me… I just, I feel like I can’t accept it.”

  “There’s no question about that,” he said. “It’s done.”

  He kissed her again and held her tight. As she dozed in his arms she couldn’t help but wonder what she had done to deserve such an amazing man. He wasn’t just handsome, powerful and kind… he was an incredible lover and one of the most interesting people she had ever met.

  He was the real deal.

  A fantasy man who had come to life.

  He was her everything.

  “You’re going to be great you know,” she smiled. “You’ve got everything it takes to lead The Forsaken Riders… you’re the leader they need.”

  “And you’re what I need,” he said as he pulled her closer. “You know what they say… behind every strong man is a strong woman.”

  Sasha smiled and kissed his chest.

  As the sun rose over the desert, her love for him intensified. She had found her happy ending and she was more than content. Bull pulled her close and wrapped his big, protective arms around her. It was good to know that there was someone to look after her now, after all of her selfless years of giving to others. She had finally found someone who would put her first.

  “This is just the beginning,” Bull whispered. “I can’t wait to see where we are in another years’ time…”

  Sasha nodded and smiled. She had the feeling it was going to be somewhere very special indeed…


  The day was hot and dry out in the desert and the convoy of bikes worked their way slowly out from the Forsaken Riders clubhouse and down across the valley. The mountains rose up out against the sky and looked surreal in the sunlight. It was as if they were painted against the azure blue.

  Sasha held on to Bull’s waist tightly as he revved the accelerator and zipped to the very front of the line. He was leading the thirty or so bikes out into the middle of the desert. Him, and only him, knew where they were going.

  As they continued up over the rise and the flat plane of sand spread out before them, Sasha squinted to try and see an end point, but there was nothing. No roads, no trees, nothing to mark where in the hell it may be. But she had faith in her man, and she knew he had it all under control.

  Half an hour later they had crossed the desert and were miles away from any roads. The sun was high overhead and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The heat was so intense she could barely concentrate and Bull reached down and gave her arm a protective squeeze just to make sure she was alright. She smiled and squeezed back. She had gotten used to him looking out for her now, and she had to admit, it was the best feeling in the world.

  When he finally slowed and brought the convoy to a stop, Sasha could see now where they were heading. There was a small, lone Elephant Tree on the edge of a ridge and below it the ground had been hollowed out. She smiled sadly and squeezed him again.

  Reid’s coffin was on the back of one of the black pickups and all of the bikers gathered around it. King, Gunner, Steel, Lynx, and Carter all made their way to the front and Lexi watched on with tears in her eyes. As Bull joined them, they raised him up high onto their shoulders and walked with him out across to the tree.

  Bull had been out days before and dug the grave after a freak flash flood had softened the earth. Reid had told him long ago of his desire to be laid to rest there. He had always loved that desert. The way it was so wild and natural, the way it was so unpredictable, the way it was unruly and only did what it wanted. Much like Reid… And much like any member of The Forsaken Riders.

  As they lowered him into the ground Sasha took hold of Lexi’s hand. She couldn’t even imagine what she was going through, but she knew she would be there for her and support her in any way she needed. The girls of the club had to stick together as much as the men did. They were all a family and they all had loyalty to one and other.

  As Reid was placed in the ground, Bull stood up in front of them all and looked out across the crowd. Sasha looked up at him with pride and affection, he really was an amazing man.

  “Reid,” he said. “Our leader, our father, our brother… Our legendary biker… Forever loved and honored.”

  Sasha and Lexi both sobbed, and it was one of the hardest things that Sasha had ever had to witness. The men around them all clung to each other and she knew then that this was something stronger than family. It was a deeper bond than blood. These men had been brought together not by chance but by choice, and they all loved each other and their cause more than anything in the world.

  Bull got down from the rock and he picked up a spade as he and the rest of the Forsaken began to shovel in the sand and dirt. As the coffin was covered Sasha felt a strange kind of catharsis. She could recognize the significance of this moment and what it not only meant for her, but for everyone connected to the club.

  This really was a new beginning.

  When Reid was buried they all stood around the grave and took a moment. But there was nothing left to say. They had honored him so much in the past couple of weeks, all they could do now was say goodbye.

  King patted Bull on the back and the pair shared a knowing smile. They had patched up their differences and Sasha and Lexi were both glad to see that they were back to being brothers instead of rivals. At the end of the day, all that mattered was that they were both fighting for the same cause… And there was still a bigger enemy at large… One that was hanging over them like a big storm cloud, ready to burst and rain down hell at any moment.

  Bull lifted Sasha onto the back of his bike and climbed on in front of her. She breathed him in… Her man… His intoxicating scent…

  As they pulled out over the desert and the bikes all spread out behind them she knew that she had really found her place in the world. She had found her great love, fulfilled her destiny and it was all only just beginning.

  The Forsaken Riders were about to start a new chapter, and she was so happy to be a part of it. She just hoped that whatever happened, they would continue to champion and rule…


  Look for the next story soon…

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  What the Outlaw Craves

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!

  Table of Contents








  The screaming had been going on for nearly two hours. Lacey buried her head under her pillow and just prayed that it would stop. The banging and crashing had ceased maybe thirty minutes before, but the fight was still in full swing and Charlene, the girl who lived in the apartment on the floor above, didn’t seem to want to let up, even if it was four am.

  Lacey could hear them above, shouting and stamping across the vinyl floor
. She didn’t know who had gone to see her neighbor, but they were obviously causing trouble. Maybe Charlene owed someone money again. Or maybe whoever the guy was had been a lover and had come back for more. Lacey rolled over and stared at the ceiling. She didn’t know whether she should go up there and try to help or just hope it resolved on its own. In this town, you never knew what you could be walking in on.

  Lacey sat up and leaned back against the headboard. Her temples were throbbing and she was so tired, she didn’t know if she would even make it into work the next day at the rate things were going. She had already been given a warning for slacking on the job, so she couldn’t exactly go into the bar, stand there looking half dazed and keep on her feet for nearly ten hours. It would be impossible.

  She picked up her cell phone and unlocked it. Should she call Charlene and see what was happening? She tapped at the keys and opened her contact list before stopping and thinking again… What if the guy up there was a drug dealer? Lacey could end up getting hurt or dragged into Charlene’s debts again. She put the phone down and instantly felt guilty for being too scared to intervene. She knew there was no point in calling the cops. In Clay Springs, the cops didn’t help and protect the little guy… They fucked them over like all the other criminals running the town.

  Lacey shouldn’t have even been there. She’d made her escape. After high school she had packed up her stuff, said goodbye to her family and got the hell out of there, running as far and as fast as she could. She’d traveled for a while and seen a lot of the country but never found anywhere she really wanted to call home. She had several relationships and made plenty of mistakes, and two years after she had set off on her journey, she found herself traveling back through her hometown with no intention of staying. It was a devastating blow when her mother got sick and she had to stay and take care of her. It had been a long illness, but she had recovered. But after being so close to her mother again, Lacey didn’t feel like she could up and leave right away. She got a job at the bar, rented an apartment and suddenly, before she’d even really realized it, she was stuck.


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