The Wrong Side of Honor
Page 25
BNDD: Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Now named the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
BOQ: Bachelor Officer Quarters.
CAP: Combat Air Patrol.
CB: Cluster bomb. A cam-shell bomb that opens after it is dropped from the aircraft and releases hundreds of little bomblets.
CBPO: Consolidated Base Personnel Office.
Dash-K: Russian built .51 caliber machine gun.
DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency. Military intelligence agency that is larger in number and budget than the CIA.
FAC: Forward Air Control. Aircraft that mark targets and control bombing by faster bombing aircraft.
Frag: An order authorizing an aircraft bombing mission.
Fragging: Slang term meaning to deliberately attack friendly forces.
F-4: Phantom fight-bomber aircraft.
GUARD: Military emergency radio frequency 243.0.
LAW’s Rocket: Light Anti-Tank Weapon. Shoulder fired rocket used on lightly armored and other vehicles.
LOX: Liquid Oxygen.
MAC-10: Submachine gun.
MIG-CAP: Combat Air Patrol flown by fighters over a bombing mission to protect other aircraft from attack by enemy fighters.
NKP: Nakom Phamom. Thai military base located along the Thai-Laotian border used by American Special Air Operations.
VNA: North Vietnamese Army.
Op: Operation.
OSI: Office of Special Investigation. Air Force criminal investigators who do not wear military uniforms.
O-2: Military version of the Cessna 337 Skymaster, used for Forward Air Control.
PACAF: Pacific Air Force. Major air command covering all Air Force bases in the Pacific and Southeast Asia.
PCS: Permanent Change of Station.
Projects Office: CIA field office.
QRT: Quick Reaction Team. A six-man team of Security Policemen in an armored personnel carrier used for rapid response to attacks or other incidents needing automatic weapons for base defense.
RIF: Reduction In Force. List of officers discharged from military because their jobs are eliminated after the war.
RTB: Return to base.
R-Factor: Reliability factor. The lower the number, i.e. R-1, the higher the reliability of the intelligence information. R-5 is very low.
R & R: Rest and Relaxation. A vacation break from combat.
SP: Security Police.
TAC: Tactical.
TDY: Temporary Duty.
VC: Viet Cong.
Wizzo: F-4 weapons systems officer, rides in the back seat.