Sean: Denver Royalty (Book 3)

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Sean: Denver Royalty (Book 3) Page 17

by Sheridan Anne

  “Yeah,” I grin. “I liked it.”

  He shakes his head as his own smile lights up his face. “Do you have plans for today?” he questions.

  “Nope,” I smile as his hands runs up and down my back.

  “Good,” he smiles. “Then I’m kidnapping you again.”

  “That’s fine by me.”

  With that, he lifts me off the couch and places me safely on my feet before ordering me to grab some clothes. I do as I’m told and before I know it, Sean is stealing my car keys out of my hand and pulling out of my parking spot.

  Chapter 22


  With Gigi’s hand in mine, I drive her car down my driveway and find a police car parked next to my truck. Tom is halfway up the stairs with my keys in his hand when he hears the sound of Gigi’s tires on the driveway. He turns at the sound and the look of relief in his eyes is almost comical.

  Gigi and I get out of her car and meet him halfway. “Hey,” he says as he tosses my keys. “Just started my shift when I found your truck sitting outside of some rundown bar.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” I say as he truly looks me over. Gigi gives Tom a smile and I hand her my keys so she can head on inside. Tom nods in her direction and it’s clear these two are still going to have to work on their relationship, though, I’m sure it also has something to do with the fact that her best friend is falling for him and she’s worried he’s going to break her heart

  “How are you feeling?” Tom questions once Gigi is far enough away.

  “Good, actually,” I tell him. “Really good.”

  “Good, then learn to answer your fucking phone,” he grunts. “We’ve all been trying to get a hold of you. Your sister was worried you’d be laying in a gutter somewhere with alcohol poisoning, Logan and Carter were searching all the local bars and I was checking hospitals.”

  “Shit,” I grunt. “Sorry, I went to the cemetery to check in with Sara, then went to Gigi’s.”

  “Yeah, I see that now,” he says. “We checked the cemetery but must have just missed you. We all ruled out Gigi’s place thinking that was the last place you’d want to be yesterday.”

  “The exact opposite, dude,” I tell him.

  He lets out a breath. “It’s that serious, huh?” he questions.

  “Yeah, man,” I say, a little unsure how he’s going to react.

  It’s clear he’s deep in thought before he slowly begins to nod and presses his lips together. He claps me on the shoulder. “I’m happy for you,” he finally says.

  “Really?” I question.

  “Really,” he confirms. “I have to go so when you actually turn on your phone, ignore the pissed off messages flooding your voicemail.”

  “Yeah, alright,” I chuckle as he walks away and gets in the police car. I wave at him and give a nod to his partner before turning and heading inside. I find Gigi inside, sitting up on the kitchen table, waiting patiently and looking absolutely beautiful. “Hi,” I murmur as I walk towards her.

  I slide my hands up her thighs and she slowly opens her legs so I can wedge myself between them. “What are the plans today?” she questions as her hands come to a stop on my chest.

  “I don’t need to pick Georgie up until three, so until then, consider yourself my hostage.”

  “Hostage, huh?” she asks. “Should I be screaming?”

  I lean into her and run my nose along her neck before kissing the soft, sensitive skin. “Oh, you’ll definitely be screaming,” I murmur against her skin.

  She pulls back and raises a brow in question. Her eyes bore into mine and I give a slow definite nod, letting her know just how serious I am. I reach forward and run my fingers down the side of her face. She leans into my hand and before I know it, I find my fingers sliding around the back of her neck and pulling her into me.

  Her hands move from my chest to my neck and holds me against her as our bodies come together in the middle. My lips catch hers and I absolutely devour them.

  She moans into me before moving her hands down my front and finding the hem of my shirt. She slides her hands up my shirt and splays her fingers out across my stomach. Her hands begin exploring before she decides the shirt is in the way. She raises it up my body and I help her to reach it up over my head.

  Her hands come straight back to my chest and the feel of her skin on mine is electrifying.

  I bunch her dress up her thighs and slide the fabric under her ass before raising it up over her body. Her hands reach up into the sky so I can pull the dress over her head and before I know it, she’s sitting before me, looking absolutely breathtaking in her black bra and skimpy thong.

  I reach out to touch her and the second I do, I wonder why the hell I’ve waited so long. Her eyes close at my touch and she tilts her chin up to kiss me. I greedily take her in as my hands begin roaming over her hot skin. “You’re beautiful,” I murmur against her lips.

  Her face flushes as my lips move from hers down to her neck. She arches her chest into me and I reach behind her to unclasp her bra. She lets the straps fall down her arms before letting the flimsy material fall to the ground.

  I instantly dive in.

  I cup her perfectly full breast in one hand and rub her nipple between my fingers, forcing another moan out of her. I grin at the sound, absolutely loving the way it sounds coming from her.

  I reach down and lift her off the table before walking into the living room. I sit down on the couch with Gig straddling my lap which instantly puts those perfect tits right in front of my face. I resist the urge to squish my face between them and settle for sucking a nipple into my mouth.

  Her fingers run through my scalp and she fists my hair between her fingers. My hands wrap around her and travel down to her ass. I squeeze it as she grabs my face and brings her lips back to mine.

  I slip her thong off her ass as she reaches down and unbuckles my belt. I lift my hips off the couch and slide my jeans off. My dick instantly springs free and she collects it in her tight little fist.

  My eyes close in satisfaction as I haven’t felt a woman’s touch in over three years. She shuffles around and loses her thong before lowering herself back to my lap.

  I reach down between us as I greedily kiss her and find her soaking wet. I press my fingers against her clit before rubbing slow circles. Her eyes clench down as she bites her bottom lip. I pick up the pace and so does she.

  I find her center and push two fingers up into her. I repeat it over and over again at an agonizing slow pace. She groans my name as she moves her hips. “Sean,” she says. “I can’t wait any longer. I need you.”

  “I don’t want to rush this, babe,” I murmur against her lips but my own patience is wearing thin. I need her just as bad.

  “Please,” she begs. “I need to feel you.”

  Fuck. That does it.

  I pull my fingers out of her and grab her waist. I raise her up and bring her down directly on top of me. She guides herself down and I groan as she seats herself fully around me. Her pussy is tight and it feels as though it’s claiming me. I fucking love it. “Fuck, babe,” I grunt as my fingers squeeze her waist.

  A weaker man would come from just be seated inside this woman, but me, I’m going to hold on until it kills me.

  And then she moves, riding me like a fucking cowgirl and I just about explode.

  “Sean,” she moans as she slowly raises herself up the length of my dick and then comes back down. Her nails squeeze into my shoulders and she picks up her pace.

  Fuck me, this is good. This woman is incredible.

  Her walls start clenching around me and I can tell she’s close, but this ride isn’t over yet. She gasps as I grab her waist and lay her down on the couch. Without missing a beat, I take control and slam into her. “Fuck,” she groans as she holds onto me a lighter tighter.

  In, out, in, out. I hold on for dear life as I bring her right to the edge. She screams out that she’s getting close and I press down on her clit. “Shit, Sean,” she cries. “I’m
going to come.”

  Fuck yeah. You are.

  I add a little more pressure on her clit and she completely detonates. Her pussy clenches down on me and finally allow myself the release my body is desperate for. We come together and even though the sensation has me practically paralyzed, I force myself to keep moving so she can ride out her orgasm.

  I come down on top of her and wrap my arms around her. I roll us over so she isn’t crushed by my weight and she lays her head against my chest as she tries to catch her breath. “That was amazing,” she murmurs as she draws little circles on my skin with her finger, something I’ve realized she can’t help but do.

  When we’ve finally caught our breaths, I pick her up off the couch and walk us into the bathroom. Seeing as though neither of us have showered yet today, I set her down on the vanity and reach in to turn on the tap. I turn back around to find Gigi’s eyes firmly plastered to my ass.

  “Would you like to take a photo?” I question.

  “Mmmm,” she groans. “You’re like a work of art.”

  “Speak for yourself, babe,” I tell her as I grab her off the vanity and step into the shower. I press her up against the cold tiles of the wall and she screeches as she tries to wriggle herself away.

  I hold her still, grinning as she squeals and giggles. “Get off me,” she demands.

  I lean into her and press my lips against her neck. “I’m not finished with you yet,” I tell her as I reach for the body wash. She watches as I bring the body wash up and let the cold liquid slowly run out and land against the curve of her breasts.

  She sucks in a breath as I give the bottle a little squeeze. Cold soap lands against her and instantly starts running down her body, leaving a cool trail behind. Her eyes flame as she silently watches me place the bottle back on the shelf.

  She sucks in another breath as the cool soap reaches that heavenly place between her legs and I look down her body, appreciating every inch of it. I bring my hand up and touch the soap on her breasts and slowly spread it. She closes her eyes in satisfaction but they pop open the second my fingers follow the trail of soap that leads down her stomach.

  I cup her between her legs and give a gentle squeeze. She grinds down into me but I don’t give her what she needs, not yet. I spread the soap over her body and she moves with me, taking in every sensual touch I give.

  My hands travel up her body, giving her breasts a squeeze in the process and around to her back. They go down her toned back and over her ass. My fingers slip between her buttcrack and travels dangerously close to that one area that is considered taboo by so many people. She lets out an intrigued gasp and her eyes flash up to mine.

  I grin down at her, realizing that this is something that could very possibly be in our future, but not today, not yet. There’s so many other things that I want to do with her first.

  She pulls me into her and our bodies rub together with the soap in between, driving me absolutely crazy. She kisses me and squeezes her hand between us before taking my very hard dick in her hand. She pumps it a few times before grinning and dropping to her knees.

  The water rinses off the soap and before I know it, she’s taking me in her mouth. I lean against the tiles while she goes to town and honestly, I can’t wait to return this favor. Just the thought of her taste on my tongue gets me off.

  She brings me to the edge but I need to be inside her again. I pull her to her feet and turn her around. She instantly bends over and thrusts her ass back into me as she puts her hands up and braces against the wall.

  I line myself up with her entrance and slam into her. She screams out and pushes back against the wall, needing more. I pound into her over and over again until we’re both exploding.

  As soon as we’re done, she collapses into the wall of the shower, completely and utterly spent. Her eyes almost close as she watches me rinse the soapy water off her body. I turn off the tap, pull a towel around her and walk out.

  The need to take her to my bed shines bright within me but I know she isn’t comfortable in there, so I take us downstairs to the living room and fall into the massive couch.

  I pull her into my arms and she instantly snuggles into me. We still have a few hours before I have to get Georgie, so I flick on a movie. It doesn’t take long before Gigi is fast asleep in my arms.

  I lay awake beside her feeling completely at ease for the first time in three years. I feel like this woman has put the broken pieces of my heart back together. I said those three little words that I thought I’d never say to a woman again and when I said them, it felt right. It felt pure and honest.

  When this whole ‘start dating again’ bullshit was thrown my way, I was convinced it would be as if I was replacing Sara, but now I see just how wrong I was. Sara is still right there, always in my heart and mind, right alongside Gigi. Sara is the mother of my child and the woman I married. She always will be and nothing could take that away. Gigi, however, is my future and completely accepts that Sara will forever remain in my heart.

  I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect woman to bring me back to life.

  I wake Gigi up with a kiss an hour before I need to leave. She smiles up at me and it warms my thawing heart. “Hi,” she murmurs.

  “Are you hungry?” I question.

  “I could eat,” she says in her sleepy, just woke up voice that I want to hear every day for the rest of my life.

  “Good,” I tell her as my finger runs down her cheek, past her neck and between those perfect breasts. “As much as I hate to say this, you need to get dressed.”

  “Really?” she frowns

  A grin rips across my face. “Yeah, babe,” I chuckle.

  She sits up on the couch and rubs at her tired eyes. “Do you know where you tossed my dress?”

  “Unfortunately,” I grumble, hating that she needs to cover up that beautiful body. She gives me a cheeky as fuck grin as she puts on an award winning show while getting dressed into her underwear. I get up off the couch and head over to the kitchen table where her dress lays carelessly on the floor. I scoop it up and find her walking out of the living room. She smiles as she takes it from me and slips it over her head. “I should have burned it,” I tell her.

  With that, I get myself dressed and grab my keys and wallet off the table. I take her hand in mine and lead her out the door.

  Chapter 23


  I sit in the cutest little princess bed I think I’ve ever seen. Georgie sits up next to me, curled under my arm as I rest her bedtime story book on my knees. “Can you wread it again?” she asks as she looks up at me with those beautiful big blue eyes, ones I’ve comes to realize look exactly like her mothers.

  “No,” I chuckle as I bop her nose with my finger. “I’ve already read it three times.”

  She lets out a little huff before a cheeky sparkle lights up her eyes. “You could wread a different one,” she suggests.

  “Georgie,” I say in my best ‘you’re doing the wrong thing’ voice.

  “Fine,” she pouts. I can just imagine that if we were anywhere else and she wasn’t curled up in her bed, she’d be stomping her little foot right about now. “Do you have to go?” she questions.

  “No, not yet,” I smile as I reach over and grab her asthma puffer. “But you do need to take your puffer.”

  She instantly sits up and does an excellent job of taking slow deep breaths as I administer her Ventolin. As soon as she’s done, I replace the inhaler with a glass of water and she does a damn good job on that too, making me nervous about her bed sheets for the middle of the night.

  She snuggles back into my side and I curl my arm around her little body. Sean appears in her doorway, probably wondering why the hell this tuck-in is taking so long. “Do you want to know a secret?” I whisper.

  “Uh huh,” she says excitedly as her little head vigorously nods up and down.

  I smile at her performance but quickly give her a very serious look. “My name isn’t Gigi,” I tell her.

bsp; My mouth drops as she looks at me in horror. “Yes, it is,” she demands. “My daddy said it is.”

  I shake my head and she looks at me as if I’m the biggest liar on the planet. “Gigi is my nickname, just like Georgie is your nickname.”

  “Really?” she asks, with wide eyes.

  “Uh huh. My actual name is Georgia, just like yours.”

  She sucks in the biggest breath I’ve ever seen and I’m thankful she’s just had her inhaler. Excitement instantly takes over her face. “Wow,” she giggles as she looks to her daddy for confirmation. He gives her a nod and she turns back to me before holding me tighter. Call me crazy but it’s almost as if she’s connecting herself with me, like an invisible tether strengthens between us.

  I place her book on the floor beside her bed and scooch down in her bed. She does the same and rests her head against my arm. I run my fingers through her hair and a ginormous yawn rips out of her. “Can I tell you something?” I say, quietly.

  I feel her head nodding against my arm. “I’m in love with your daddy and if it’s alright with you, I’d like to spend some more time with the two of you.”

  She’s silent for a moment and I look down at her. Her eyebrows are furrowed and it’s clear she’s deep in thought. I look over to Sean who’s watching her with the same curiosity.

  I give her the moment she needs to work out the thoughts floating around in her head. She finally looks up at me with hope in her eyes. “Are you going to be my mommy?”

  Oh shit. How the hell am I going to answer this without tearing her heart open. Sean walks into the room and sits at the edge of the bed. He looks to me and I can tell he’s about to answer but I shake my head. I need to do this.

  I reach across and take the photo of Sara off the bedside table and hold it above us so she can see it perfectly. “I wish I was lucky enough to be your mommy because you’re the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever met. But you already have a mommy and I bet she wouldn’t be too happy if I stole you away.”

  Georgie shakes her head and her bottom lip pouts out. “Is this your mommy in the picture?” I ask.


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