Sean: Denver Royalty (Book 3)

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Sean: Denver Royalty (Book 3) Page 18

by Sheridan Anne

  “Uh huh,” she mumbles as she reaches up and takes the picture out of my hands. “Daddy says she’s my mommy, but I don’t know her.”

  “I know, sweetie, but I bet she knows you. I think she looks down on you every single day to make sure you’re safe.”


  “Yeah, Georgie.” She lets out a little sigh and I look up at Sean, a little unsure of what to do.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” he asks as he gives her leg a little squeeze.

  She looks up at him with her heart on her sleeve. “All da kids at daycawre get picked up by dere mommies.”

  My heart shatters and I pull her in closer. The pain is clear across Sean’s face and I desperately want to pull him in too, but I don’t dare let go of Georgie. “Would it be alright if I picked you up from daycare?” I ask.

  “But you’re not my mommy,” she says.

  “I know,” I tell her. “But I’m going to love you like one.”

  Her little face instantly brightens and that cheeky look in her eye returns. “So, I can hab anoder book?”

  Sean lets out an amused sigh. “What am I going to do with you, Georgie?” he murmurs as he grabs another book out of her bookshelf and orders us to scooch over. He climbs in and Georgie instantly starts giggling as she’s just gotten away with murder, and she’d be right. She has her father wrapped around her little finger.

  He reads her the story before she finally accepts it’s time for bed. He kisses her on the forehead and we make our way out of her room. He takes my hand in his as we walk down the hallway and tugs on my hand, bringing me to a stop.

  He crowds me and pushes me into the wall and pressing his lips against mine. He pulls back slightly. “You’re amazing with her,” he tells me.

  I smile up at her. “I can’t help it. She’s beautiful.”

  “She is,” he agrees with love in his eyes. “Will you stay here tonight?”

  “Are you sure?” I question. I mean, I’ve been here all day, the last thing I want to do is push my luck. He said he loved me this morning but now we’re in his home with the memory of his wife. I don’t want to rush it and force him to take a step back.

  His eyes soften. “I’m positive,” he tells me. I search his eyes and find his honestly written within them.

  “Then I’d like nothing more.”

  A big cheesy smile cuts across his face and he scoops me up into his arms and starts walking down the hallway. Relief takes over me as he passes his bedroom and pushes his way into the spare room.

  He lays me down on the bed and comes down on top of me. He props himself up on his elbow and cages me between them. “I’m meeting my family for lunch tomorrow. Did you want to come?”

  Wow. This is a big step. I know I’ve already met the family but this will be meeting the family as the woman he loves, not the woman who he was roped into taking out. “I’d love to,” I murmur. “Your family is hilarious.”

  “Yeah,” he grunts sarcastically. “Totally hilarious.”

  I grin up at him and hook my legs around his waist. “You’re such a dork,” I giggle.

  He grabs my arm and pins them to the bed before nuzzling my dress up with his nose. “Take that back,” he warns me.

  I shake my head as the laughter takes over. I’ve always hated getting raspberries against my skin. My dad used to do it when I was a kid and I would laugh like a fucking hyena. By the cheeky as fuck look in Sean’s eyes, there’s no doubt in my mind that giving me raspberries is his intention. “Take it back,” he repeats before pressing his face into my stomach and tickling my skin with his stubble.

  Again, I shake my head. “No, no. Please don’t,” I laugh as I try to pull away from his face.

  He holds me down and I squirm as much as possible. “Last warning, babe,” he says. “Take it back.”

  I look him square in the eye and give him the most determined and serious look I can manage. “Make me,” I tell him while somehow managing to keep a straight face.

  With that, the grin on his face triples and he dives for my stomach. I scream out as his lips come in contact with my stomach and I pray to God that I’m not waking Georgie. “Stop,” I squeal through my laughter as I desperately try to squirm away.

  He nuzzles his face into my stomach and I feel his own laughter against my skin.

  Fuck, I love this side of him.

  He raises his face off me and looks up at me through those long lashes, looking as proud as fuck of himself. “Are you ready to take it back?”

  I press my lips together in a firm line and shake my head. He releases my arms and pushes back to his knees as his hands run down my body, giving me shivers. His eyes flame which lights a fire within me. “You’re trouble,” he murmurs as his fingers run gently across my stomach.

  “You’ve got no idea,” I tell him as he leans back down and presses a kiss to my stomach before another on my hip. He raises back up and hooks his fingers into the waistband of my thong before sliding it down my legs.

  He climbs back up my body and presses his lips to mine as he shimmies my dress up between us. The second my dress is gone, I wrap my arms around him and latch onto the material of his shirt. I pull it up over his head and throw it aside before digging my nails into his back.

  He wedges his body between my legs and slowly makes his way down. Anticipation builds in my stomach knowing whatever he has in store for me is going to be amazing. With his face right down between my legs, I’ve never felt so exposed, yet with Sean, all it does is turn me on that much more.

  I find myself pushing up onto my elbows as his face ducks down. His eyes flash up to mine with excitement shining bright within them. His arms scoop under my thighs and wrap up around my body, cupping my boobs.

  I watch as his face gets closer and closer. The anticipation continues to build and I suck in a breath which is when he finally touches me. His tongue grazes past my clit and the tiny touch has my eyes closing in pure delight.

  And then he goes to fucking town.

  My hands fist into the sheets as he adds his fingers into the mix. He works my body in a way that it’s never been worked before and it doesn’t take long until my world is exploding.

  I come around him but he continues his assault on my body as I ride out one hell of an orgasm. My breath comes hard and he climbs back up my body with a proud grin before kissing me deeply.

  I taste myself on his lips as he seats his large erection between my legs. I reach down and take him into my hand. I pump a few times before adjusting myself and guiding him into me. He pushes up and I swear, every time this man is inside me, he somehow manages to fill me more than before.

  I groan as he holds my body tight and thrusts up into me over and over again. His lips never leave mine once as he makes the sweetest love to me. My legs tighten round his body and he gently pulls his face back from mine. “I love you, Gigi,” he tells me as he looks down into my eyes.

  Wow. Nothing is better than this.

  His hands slide up my body and find mine before lacing our fingers together. “I love you, too,” I murmur as his lips come back to mine.

  My grip on his hand tightens as we both get closer to what is going to be an amazing finale. We continue moving as one as our bodies heat and become sweaty. I’ve never felt so alive.

  He thrusts up into me one more time and I groan out as my orgasm rips through me. He comes with me and drops his forehead to mine while we catch our breath. “Wow,” I murmur. “I’ve never felt a connection like this before.”

  His eyes shine with adoration. “You’re incredible,” he tells me. “It’s only going to get better from here on out.”

  “I can’t wait,” I smile.

  He reaches down and pulls the blanket up over us while I snuggle into him. His arm wraps around my waist and he holds me tight. He presses a kiss to my forehead as our legs become entangled. “Sweet dreams, beautiful girl.”

  “Sweet dreams, Sean.”

  Chapter 24

  Seanr />
  We detour to Gigi’s place before meeting my family for lunch. I head around to Georgie’s door to unbuckle her out of her car seat only she puts up a fight, demanding that Gigi be the one to unbuckle her.

  Naturally, Gigi gives in and happily struts around the side of my truck, looking up at me like she’s the fucking queen of the free world. I can’t help but grin as Georgie’s face lights up when she realizes she has gotten away with murder.

  Gigi unbuckles her and pulls her out of the truck. Georgie refuses to be put down and I’m about to object when Gigi’s face beams with happiness. I shake my head in disbelief at how easily these two have come together. I swear, they already have a strong relationship, one that would rival mine and Georgie’s.

  Fuck, I’m a lucky bastard.

  We walk up the hallway to Gigi’s door, hand in hand while she cradles my daughter in her other. I open the door for her and usher my girls inside. Gigi puts Georgie down and she instantly takes off, running around the apartment, probably looking for things to break that I’ll have to replace.

  I look up from Georgie to see Mel walking around the kitchen with her legs so far apart that I fear she may end up in the splits. Gigi notices it at exactly the same time I do. “Why the hell are you walking like that?” Gigi grunts.

  Mel turns a ferocious glare on Gigi before it quickly turns into a pout. “I got a hot wax this morning and the bitch burned my pussy. I have blisters, Gigi,” she cries. “Fucking blisters on my vag.”

  I press my lips together to stop from smiling as Gigi rushes over to her friend and pulls her into her arms. “Are you sure Tom didn’t give you an STD?” Gigi murmurs.

  This time, I physically have to turn myself to avoid my grin being seen.

  “I don’t have a fucking STD, Gi,” Mel snaps before pulling herself out of Gigi’s arms and grabbing the hem of her skirt. She rips it right up her body to show Gigi her burns just as Georgie appears from around the corner.

  Georgie’s eyes go wide before she slaps a hand over her eyes. I quickly grab her and pull her away to block her view as Gigi gets busy inspecting her best friend’s pussy. “Shit, Mel. This is bad. Have you put anything on it?”

  “Not yet,” she whines as she finally drops her skirt back into place. “It’s hurting too bad.”

  “Go sit down,” Gigi orders. “I have a good burn cream in the medicine cabinet.”

  Gigi disappears down the hallway and Georgie and I stand very awkwardly by the front door. Mel waddles over to the couch and falls straight onto her back. She throws one leg up over the back rest while leaving the other on the ground, I guess to air out her pussy. I don’t know but seeing your woman’s best friend spread eagle on her couch, and not in a good way, is a little uncomfortable.

  Mel’s head pops up from the couch and she looks at me through her open legs. “Hey, Sean,” she says with a tight smile.

  “Mel,” I nod, keeping this shit short and simple.

  “Sorry, I, uh… didn’t realize Georgie had come back into the room,” she says about the display she put my impressionable daughter through. I mean, I would be surprised if Georgie starts flashing herself to the kids at daycare on Monday.

  “It’s fine,” I say, wanting to move right along.

  Gigi appears moments later and bursts into laughter as she takes Mel in on the couch. “Here,” she finally says as she hands her the cream. “I’d offer to do it for you but I think that would be taking the friendship to a whole new level that I don’t think we’re ready for.”

  “Speak for yourself, Gi,” Mel grins in a way that makes it clear she’s teasing. “I’m more than happy for you to get your hands all over me. In fact, have at it.”

  “Ugh,” Gigi groans. “You’re so gross.”

  “You know you love it,” Mel laughs as I follow Gigi back down the hallway to her bedroom. I put Georgie down and she once again goes nuts with a new room to explore. Gigi rifles through her wardrobe and pulls out a pair of dark jeans and a black top before quickly pulling them on. She grabs her boots and a jacket then fluffs up her hair in her tiny mirror.

  She looks absolutely stunning and I can’t wait to show her off to my family again.

  We leave Mel behind to tend to her scorched pussy and before I know it we’re pulling up at the restaurant. Georgie does a repeat performance of demanding for Gigi to get her out of the car and to be honest, I’m slightly jealous.

  I love doing things for Georgie, even the small things like getting her out of my truck, but I guess I’m going to have to get used to sharing. I love that Georgie loves Gigi, but it would be nice if Georgie could pretend that she still remembers me. though I know as she gets used to Gigi, she’ll soon settle back into her old self, for now, she’s just excited.

  We walk into the restaurant and all hell breaks loose. Brianna and Carter’s twins notice us first and both squeal out at exactly the same time, making all heads turn our way. Everyone gets up out of their seats and vacates the table. We’re always a bit like this, but because Gigi is here, my family is being a little extra.

  We get comfortable at the table while Georgie crawls around under it untying everyone’s shoelaces. The waiter comes and takes our orders and returns moments later with a few bottles of champagne.

  Glasses are poured and appetizers are set out on the table. Everyone is having a great time when Cassie speaks up. “What’s the matter with you?” she asks, aiming her question at Brianna. “You’re not drinking today?”

  My eyes flick down to her drink and notice she’s just having water. Before she says anything, I realize my thoughts had been right. They’re going to have another baby.

  A grin rips across my face as Brianna looks to Carter. He laces his fingers through hers on the table before looking back at everyone. His chest inflates as if he’s about to say something when Logan flies to his feet with his drink in his hand. “Fuck yeah,” he cheers, raising his glass to Brianna and Carter.

  Glasses are raised while Cassie looks to her best friend in confusion. “What the fuck am I missing here?” she grunts.

  “Babe,” Jax chuckles. “Bri’s knocked up again.”

  “What?” she shouts as she also flies to her feet and practically crawls across the table to get to her best friend.

  Logan clears his throat and gains the tables attention. “While we’re at it,” he says looking down at his wife. “Elle’s pregnant, too.”

  What. The. Fuck?

  A grin rips across my face and I hardly know where to look. Do I smile at Bri? Do I smile at Elle? Do I look to Georgie to see if she understands what’s going on? Do I collapse to the ground out of pure happiness?

  Holy shit. I came here today expecting one pregnancy announcement, but two? Wow. Our family is growing and I can’t wait to meet these little guys.

  Fuck, I wish Mom and Dad were here to see this. I could just imagine Mom’s face.

  Gigi squeezes my hand under the table and gives me a beaming smile. I can’t help but feel just how right this is, especially in this incredible moment. That Gigi is here with my family, colliding my two worlds. The feeling is indescribable.

  I order another bottle of champagne for the table and the party really gets started, well, as much of a party that you can have in a restaurant, but from the looks of joy on the faces of the people around us, I don’t think they mind our excitement.

  Our party is cut short when a short Italian man comes slamming his way into the restaurant, gaining everyone’s attention as he screams for help. “Please, someone,” he yells out in his Italian accent. “I need a doctor. My wife is about to have a baby.”

  Gigi instantly flies to her feet and shoots forward to the man. I follow behind in case she needs anything. “My name is Gigi. I’m a trained midwife. Where’s your wife?”

  “She’s in the car,” he says urgently as he rushes out. “We were on the way to the hospital, but she’s not going to make it. I can see the baby’s head.”

  “Shit,” she grunts under her breath.
“Sir, have you called an ambulance?” she questions as we hurry out behind him.

  He looks startled at the question and I pull my phone out to begin dialling. We get to the car and find the public starting to crowd around. Gigi rips the car door open and looks down at the woman who’s screaming out in pain. “Hi ma’am, I’m Gigi. I’m going to help you. Are you able to get out of the car?”

  The woman tries to move but she’s too far along. She shakes her head as she truly starts to panic. “I need to push,” she screams at Gigi.

  “Alright,” she says as calm as ever. Gigi turns to me. “Can you help her out of the car?” she asks. I give her a nod and throw my phone across to Logan who catches it and instantly continues the conversation with the emergency operator. I dive into the open doorway with the woman’s husband and we help get her out as Gigi demands someone grab a shit load of towels and blankets.

  The waiter from the restaurant brings out bottled water with a pile of blankets and we finally get the woman down on the ground. Her husband climbs in behind her the to help support her back and I stand patiently beside Gigi, waiting for any instructions if she needs help. “Get someone to hold up a blanket, so she can have some privacy.”

  I get straight to it and instantly Jax is right there, ripping the blanket open and handing one end to a guy in the street.

  “Alright, ma’am, I’m going to remove your underwear,” she tells the woman as she reaches forward. “What’s your name?”

  “I’m Lucia,” she practically screams at Gigi.

  “Ok, Lucia. I can see your baby’s head, so you’re going to have to prepare to push on your next contraction,” she says as calm as ever. She quickly glances up at me. “Can you grab one of your brothers and get down here. One at each leg.”

  I do as she instructs and before I know it, both Logan and I are in the firing zone. “How far out is the ambulance?” Gigi questions.

  “Still a few minutes. There’s an accident that it has to get through,” Logan explains.

  “Shit, alright. Looks like we’re delivering this baby,” she says.


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