Sean: Denver Royalty (Book 3)

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Sean: Denver Royalty (Book 3) Page 20

by Sheridan Anne

  A grin creeps across my face. This isn’t how I expected my day to go but being pampered and getting dressed up sounds absolutely perfect. I top up the girls’ champagne glasses and before we know it, a hairdresser is knocking on the door while a masseur is setting up a table.

  Two hours later, I feel like a queen. I’ve had a massage, my hair is falling in soft ringlets, my nails are manicured and my makeup looks absolutely stunning.

  All the girls look stunning.

  I close the door on the hired help and send them on their way when I turn to Mel. “Thanks,” I smile. “This was a great idea.”

  “It’s not over yet,” she tells me. “We still need to put on nice dresses and go out. I think we should go for dinner,” she says as the rest of the girls agree.

  “There’s no way in hell I’m not going out and showing myself off,” Cassie says.

  “Agreed,” Elle says.

  I top up some more champagne glasses and I can’t tear the smile off my face. We all head upstairs, each with a child or two in our arms and raid my jewelery and dresses. I don’t have many to choose from but what I do have is perfect for the job.

  I pick out a yellow sundress and Mel shakes her hair. “Nope. Too casual,” she says before pulling out a floor length cream dress that I wore to a fundraiser the hospital had put on a few months ago, which is also when the victims of the shooting were formally awarded with their payouts.

  I still feel a little strange about the money in my bank account, but it’s honestly been kind of amazing not having to worry about the financial aspect of life. Not to mention, Mel was so thrilled she scheduled her boob job almost instantly and I swear, they look amazing.

  With a smile, I take the dress from her and slip into it while the others get dressed. Even Georgie comes to me with a sequined dress from her wardrobe. I help pull it on and give her a little lip gloss.

  Georgie and I have seriously become best friends and I absolute love it. Sean absolutely adores watching us together. He’s always missed having a mother figure for Georgie and I’ve easily slipped into that role.

  An hour later, we’re all completely dressed up with the jewelery and heels to match. We honestly look like the baddest bunch of bitches around. We step out of the house and the sun is just beginning to set. It’s a beautiful night but what surprises me more is the limo parked right out the front with the driver standing by the back door in a suit.

  “What the hell?” I grunt as the girls go nuts. “Who did this?”

  “I don’t know. It could have been Carter,” Bri says. “I told him we were dressing up and going out.”

  I smile at Bri, “Remind me to thank that husband of yours.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll thank him enough for all of us,” she says with an excited wink. “With these pregnancy hormones, I haven’t been able to keep off him. Good thing he’s the devil in bed.”

  “Ewww,” Cassie groans. “You have to stop talking about your sex life around me.”

  Georgie looks up at me. “What’s sex, Gigi?”

  Oh shit. Eyes go wide. Cassie slaps a hand over her mouth while the rest of us burst into laughter. “That’s something you’ll have to talk to your daddy about when you’re a bit older.”

  She pouts when she doesn’t get the answer she’s looking for but then the limo driver opens the car door and her face brightens. The driver explains that he’s had car seats put in for all the kids and I smile at the tiny details Carter has remembered.

  We all climb in and the driver takes off. It doesn’t take long before I realize he’s heading in the wrong direction and pulling up at a very familiar park. I look out the window as he brings the limo to a stop and notice the sweetest little wedding set up in the park. There’s those little white chairs set up with rose petals scattered down the aisle. Lanterns hang from the trees above casting a light glow over the setting below.

  “Wow,” I murmur to Mel as I take it all in. “That’s beautiful. Take a picture. If I ever get married, that’s how I’d want it to be.”

  “Ok,” she agrees as she goes about pulling her phone out and snapping the picture.

  I notice movement off to the side of the park. My throat completely dries up as I take in my man in a suit, grinning at the limo as he walks closer to the win the park with his brothers and Tom following behind. I mean, what the hell? He’s supposed to be on a boy weekend riding, not looking like sex on legs in a suit and making my ovaries scream.

  Movement comes from the opposite side of the park which is when I notice my parents, my closest friends and colleagues.

  “What the hell is going on?” I ask the girls but not one of them say a word as they try to hide their secretive smiles and make their way out of the limo.

  “Mel,” I grunt as she goes to move. “What’s going on?”

  She turns back to me with a proud smile and pulls me into her arms. “You look beautiful,” she says before scooting out of the car.

  I follow behind and by the time I’m safely on the pavement, Sean is right there taking both my hands in his. He looks at me with love in his eyes as the rest of our group heads towards the empty chairs under the lanterns.

  “You look radiant,” he murmurs as he pulls me in and presses a kiss to my forehead.

  “Sean,” I ask. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m about to make you my wife,” he tells me, so proudly.

  I mean, I can see that, but what? “But,” I start to protest.

  “No buts, babe. We’re doing this. I know this is what you want. You want it so bad you’re scared to talk to me about it because you think it’s too soon or that I don’t want it, too, but I do. I want it all with you.”

  “What about Sara?” I murmur as I look up at him through my lashes.

  “Sara would be rolling over in her grave if I didn’t take this step with you. She’s always wanted what’s best for me and that’s you. I love you so much it hurts, Gigi. I couldn’t imagine living my life without you. I already know what it feels like to lose someone and I’ll be damned if I ever let you get away.”

  “I want to give you the world, just like you’ve done for me. So, what do you say, Gigi?” he asks as he gets down on one knee with my hand firmly in his. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Absolute joy overwhelms me as the happiest of tears run down my face. I launch myself into him and he stumbles back onto the pavement, catching me in his arms. “Yes, yes, of course, I will,” I tell him as my lips come down on his.

  I feel his smile in his kiss as he brings us up to our feet. “Let’s go get married,” he tells me.

  He turns towards our family and friends who all stand congregated around the chairs. “She said yes,” he calls out for them.

  Instant cheers and applause echoes throughout the park and I have no doubt it’s heard right up the street. I walk with Sean down to them and half an hour later, I’m kissing my husband as the happiest and luckiest woman on this planet.



  Three Years Later

  My bedroom door is thrown open as Georgie comes barging in and throws herself into the center of our bed. “It’s my birthday, it’s my birthday,” she yells as the excitement overwhelms her. “I’m six now. I’m a big girl.”

  I sit up in bed as Gigi does the same. “Shhhhh, sweetheart,” I say with a smile. “You’ll wake your sister.”

  “Who cares? I’m six,” she announces as the tears start from the bassinet next to our bed.

  Gigi reaches over and takes little Sara out of her bassinet and holds her close to her chest as she soothes the frightened little thing. Georgie crawls her way up the bed and inserts herself between me and Gigi. I pull her in close and press a big kiss to her cheek, “Happy birthday, big girl.”

  She beams up at me but a baby is soon thrust into my arms before Georgie is stolen from beside me and pulled into Gigi. “Happy Birthday,” Gigi says as she squishes Georgie into her so hard that I fear her head mig
ht pop off.

  Georgie giggles, but it’s not over yet as Gigi pins her to the bed and starts smothering her with kisses. Laughter comes from us all until the baby starts crying for her breakfast.

  We switch the children and Gigi gets started on breastfeeding Sara. I watch on in pure joy at the sight. Sara is only two months old and I still get the biggest thrill out of watching her. Georgie never got to do this stuff, so it’s all brand new for me.

  It’s fucking incredible.

  “Do I get presents?” Georgie asks with an excited bounce that makes the bed shake.

  “You sure do,” I say as I climb out of bed. “But you have to go put your slippers on.”

  With that, she bolts out the door and Gigi and I meet her on the staircase. We walk to the bottom and I turn to Georgie. “You need to close your eyes,” I tell her.

  She grins up at me and puts her hand over her eyes, with her fingers slightly splayed so she can see right through the cracks. Knowing my daughter too well, I pull a blindfold out of my pocket. She groans as I put it on and then for good measure, I spin her a few times.

  She giggles as I guide her down the hallway with Gigi following behind, recording the moment. I open the door to the room we currently have all her toys stashed in. “Happy Birthday, beautiful girl,” I tell her as I remove the blindfold.

  Her eyes bug out of her head as she takes in the room that my brother’s and I spent all of yesterday redoing. Rather than a plain room with toys in it, it’s now been transformed into a very pink princess castle, filled with everything a princess could possibly need.

  “Wow,” she screams before diving straight in.

  I turn back to Gigi who still has a baby attached to her boob. I give her a massive excited grin, one that she already has plastered all over her own face. “That couldn’t have gone any better,” I tell her as I step back and wrap my arm around her waist.

  Gigi finishes off feeding Sara and hands her off to me. I get comfortable in Georgie’s castle while she goes absolutely nuts, playing with everything.

  Soon enough, Gigi returns with a massive stack of pancakes and sits down besides me. Georgie’s nose acts as a food radar and comes crashing down between us, narrowly missing her sister.

  I lean back against the wall as I sit with my perfect family. I’ve been through absolute hell to get here and I couldn’t be happier. I have the most beautiful children in the world and have a wife to kill for.

  I look up to the sky. My heart still hurts each and every time I think of Sara, but I know deep down, that it was her who has given me this life I have now. She watches over us. I don’t know how but I’m certain she brought Gigi to me when I needed her most. I’ll never be able to thank her enough.

  My thoughts are cut short when Georgie bounces into my lap. “Can we get ready for my party now? Pleasssssssse daddy.”

  Gigi laces her fingers through mine and gives them a squeeze. I look over to my gorgeous wife who has the most radiant smile I’ve ever seen. “Yeah, kid,” I smile back down at Georgie. “Let’s get ready.”

  The End.

  Thanks for reading!

  If you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it, please leave a review.

  For more information on the Kings of Denver & the Denver Royalty series, find me on Facebook

  Other Books by Sheridan Anne

  Teen & Young Adult - Paranormal Romance

  DESTRUCT – The Guard Trilogy (Book 1) -

  DECIMATE – The Guard Trilogy (Book 2) -

  DOMINATE – The Guard Trilogy (Book 3) -

  An Angel’s Trust – Warriors of Light (Book 1) - Coming Soon

  An Angel’s Soul – Warriors of Light (Book 2) – Coming Soon

  An Angel’s Destiny – Warriors of Light (Book 3) – Coming Soon


  Miller – Kings of Denver (Book 1)

  Jaxon – Kings of Denver (Book 2)

  Xander – Kings of Denver (Book 3)

  Tank – Kings of Denver (Book 4)

  Logan – Denver Royalty (Book 1) –

  Carter – Denver Royalty (Book 2) –

  Sean – Denver Royalty (Book 3)

  Cole – Rebels Advocate (Book 1) – Coming Soon

  Caden – Rebels Advocate (Book 2) – Coming Soon

  Luke – Rebels Advocate (Book 3) – Coming Soon

  Jace – Rebels Advocate (Book 4) – Coming Soon




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