Sean: Denver Royalty (Book 3)

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Sean: Denver Royalty (Book 3) Page 19

by Sheridan Anne

  “The contraction is coming,” Lucia warns.

  Gigi explains to Lucia how she wants her to push as my eyes raise up to meet Logan’s. From the look in his eyes I can tell he is completely freaked out by this situation and I’d bet any money he’s wondering how the fuck we got pulled into this.

  Gigi gets me and Logan to hold the woman’s legs up and I’ve never felt so uncomfortable in my life.

  The woman starts screaming and her husband does his best to calm her but she’s squeezing the life out of his hand. “Ok, Lucia, you’re going to give a great big push while Sean counts back from ten.”

  Shit. I swear in that very moment, I forget how to count before I get my shit together and start counting. “Slower,” Gigi murmurs.

  Her contraction stops and I feel like both me and Logan are breathing just as hard as the woman. “Another push on the next contraction and we’ll have the head out. You’re doing great Lucia.”

  Just as I knew she would, Gigi coaches her through the next one and I find myself staring down at the baby’s head sticking out of its mother’s vagina. Gigi checks the positioning of the umbilical cord and explains what’s going to happen next.

  I briefly hear my daughter in the background asking what’s going on and I pray she’s with one of her auntie’s rather than running around the street by herself.

  The next contraction has the baby coming the rest of the way out. It’s so gross but it’s also beautiful. I feel if I was a weaker man, I’d be tearing up right about now. Witnessing a child being brought into the world is honestly a miracle. I didn’t get to see Georgie’s birth like that but none the less, it was still extraordinary.

  Gigi reaches through the woman’s legs and places the baby boy on his mother’s chest. Lucia tears up as she looks down at her little man. Cheers and applause are heard all around and I feel the greatest sense of pride in Gigi. What she has done today for this family was incredible. I can’t imagine what would have happened if she wasn’t here.

  “Thank you,” the new mother says as she looks up at us all. She gives a grateful smile to Gigi who looks like she’s on an absolute high.

  Blankets are tossed around and the new parents go about cleaning him off when the ambulance finally arrives. Gigi jumps up off the ground and talks to the paramedic, who by the looks of it, she clearly knows.

  The woman is checked over by the paramedics before she’s moved into the ambulance with her new baby, leaving us all behind, still a little in shock for what we’ve endured over the past ten minutes.

  I take Gigi by the hand and pull her into my arms. “You were amazing,” I say as I press my lips against hers.

  She looks up at me with those bright eyes. “That was incredible,” she tells me. “I absolutely love it, bringing life into the world. It’s the best feeling you’ll ever know.”

  “I’ll place it right behind loving you and Georgie,” I murmur.

  “You’re so cheesy,” she laughs.

  “You love it.”

  “I do,” she tells me. “I can’t wait to get back to work on Monday.”

  “I know,” I laugh. “You tell me three times every day.”

  I pull her into me and put my arm over her shoulder before leading her back into the restaurant where my family instantly starts commending her for everything she’s done.

  I sit back and watch on proudly with Georgie in my lap.

  She turns towards me and I give her a smile. “I love you,” I tell her as I reach out and take her hand in mine. I bring it up to my lips and give her hand a gentle kiss.

  Her face instantly flames as she notices the eyes of my whole family on us, but none the less, she can’t help but say it back.

  Chapter 25


  I walk around the maternity ward, checking on my patients one last time before heading over to Sue to let her know I’m done for the day. She lets out a relieved sigh as I hand her my paperwork. “It’s so good to have you back, Gigi,” she says as she happily takes the paper from me.

  “I know, I’ve missed it so much,” I tell her. “It was only six weeks but it felt like years.”

  “I know, honey,” she says. “I’m just happy to have someone back on this floor who I don’t need to constantly be checking in on.”

  I give her a big smile before saying goodnight and heading out to grab my things.

  I’ve been back at work for just over a week and it’s amazing. I’ve always had a fire within me when I work but since being back that fire has tripled. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve missed it so much since being off or because I’m just a happier person since having Sean in my life and finding this intense, beautiful love.

  Fuck, I’m so head over heels in love with him.

  I let out a lovesick sigh as I collapse into the nurse’s couch with my phone in hand. My feet are aching but I swear, I’d happily stick around and do the night shift if I was asked.

  I check my phone and find a text from Mel.

  Mel – Still going to be another hour. Tom is going to pick me up. Go home and spend the night with your man. Love you xxx

  I get to my feet and hash out a reply as I make my way to the door.

  Gigi – No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you, too. Xx

  I bring up Sean’s number as I get to my car and hit call. He answers instantly. “Well… look who’s dying for my attention again?” he jokes.

  “Shut up,” I laugh. “What are you doing?”

  “Just getting home. I had a massive day in court.”

  “Oh, that’s right. How’d your case go?” I ask.

  “Do you even need to ask?” he scoffs. “You should know by now that I never lose.”

  “Ooooh,” I cringe as I turn on the ignition. “I distinctively remember you saying you had a 98% conviction rate, not 100%.”

  “Yeah,” he says in a tone that tells me he has a smile on his handsome face. “I did that on purpose. I need to let the other lawyers think they could catch up to me. 100% just seems to unachievable for them. You know, I’m all about the little people.”

  “Ha,” I laugh. “That seems about right.”

  He lets out a laugh that wraps right around me. “You heading home?” he asks.

  “I was going to, but Mel’s working late and seeing Tom tonight.”

  “Oh, I see how it is,” he teases. “Your original plan bailed and now you want me.”

  “I never said I wanted to go to your place,” I tell him with a sarcastic scoff.

  “You’re a terrible liar.”

  “I know,” I laugh. “You’re always my first choice, you know that right?”

  “I do,” he murmurs. “Now hurry up and get that sweet ass over here. Georgie’s cooking.”

  “I can’t wait,” I grin as I hang up.

  I throw my phone in my bag and put my car in reverse before backing out of my parking spot and heading to Sean’s place. I pull up fifteen minutes later and climb out. I grab my overnight bag from the back seat of my car that I have learned to always keep there.

  I get inside and the smell of burned Bolognese sauce instantly assaults my senses. I kick my shoes off and walk deeper into Sean’s house to find Georgie standing on a chair as she stirs her pot of sauce with Sean standing protectively behind her.

  “Hi,” I smile as I take in the scene before me.

  Georgie squeals and pushes her dad out of the way so she can launch herself off the chair and bolt towards me. I catch her in my arms and pull her in tight as Sean turns off the stove. He walks over to us and wraps his arms around us both before giving me a kiss.

  “Eeeewwwwwwwww,” Georgie whines as she holds the note for as long as possible. “No kissing.”

  Sean kisses me again and I feel the smile on his lips as he teases his little girl. “But I like kissing her,” he tells her.

  “No,” she demands as she shoves her little fist into his chest and pushes him away. “She’s mine.”

  “No,” he fights back as he refu
ses he move back. “She’s mine.”

  Georgie scrunches her face up and sticks her tongue out at her daddy so I put her down before this shit gets out of hand. She instantly forgets about their mock fight and runs off to the living room where I hear her put on her shows.

  With Georgie out of my arms, Sean lunges for me. He pulls me into him before lifting me and placing me down on the kitchen table. His hands roam over my body before he kisses me deeply. “How was your day?” he asks between kisses.

  “Amazing. I could pull babies out of vaginas all day,” I tell him. “I wish there were more hours in the day.”

  “Me too,” he agrees. “But not so I can work more.”

  I reach forward and hook my fingers into the waistband of his pants and pull him into me. “What would you do with your extra hours?” I whisper as I look up at him through my lashes.

  His hands wrap around my body and he scoots me to the edge off the table so my center rubs right up against the very hard dick within his pants. “You,” he tells me. “Always you.”

  I grin up at him. I completely agree. If could spend my life with him between the sheets, I would. His hand wraps around my neck and I tilt my chin up to him. His lips come down on my neck and I have to force myself not to moan knowing Georgie is in the other room.

  My hands rub against his chest, feeling the strong muscles beneath is skin. “Dinner smells… interesting,” I murmur.

  “Yeah,” he chuckles. “I ordered pizza the second she said she wanted to cook.”

  “Oh, thank God,” I breathe just as the doorbell goes off.

  “Good timing,” he tells me as he grabs his wallet off the table and goes to the door.

  I hop off the table and pull some plates out of the cupboard. “Georgie, honey. Dinner is ready.”

  She comes bolting out of the living room and flies up into her chair at the table. Sean comes in with the pizza and Georgie’s face instantly drops. “Where’s my spaghetti?” she asks in a tone that absolutely breaks my heart.

  Sean opens his mouth to answer but I see him stumbling over how to explain her dinner wasn’t edible. I put the same pout on my face and reach across the table to take her hand in mine. “Your daddy burned the sauce while you were playing,” I tell her.

  She sucks in a breath as she looks to her father. “Daddy” she whines.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he says, taking the seat beside her.

  “Maybe you should give him some cooking lessons,” I suggest.

  Her whole face brightens. “Yeah and den you could helwp when you live wid us.”

  “Oh no,” Sean cringes before dropping his face into his hand.

  “I’m sorry?” I question in shock. I mean, I could have sworn she said that I was going to live with them.

  “Daddy towld me you were going to live wid us.”

  I look over at Sean before turning back to Georgie. “Really, now?” I ask.

  She nods her head before stuffing another slice of pizza in her mouth.

  Sean looks up and turns to his daughter. Thanks, kid,” he grunts.

  “Dat’s ok, daddy,” she says, completely oblivious to what’s going on around her.

  His eyes come to mine and I see the question deep within them. He gets up and walks around the table. He drops down to one knee beside me and I gasp as I take him in. My heart leaps out of my chest and instantly starts thumping. I mean, he’s not about to propose is he? I’ve only know him for like, three months.

  He takes in the look on my face before glancing down at his position. “Oh shit, no,” he rushes out. “I just needed to be closer.”

  I let out a relieved breath. Marriage is not something I see for us. Don’t get me wrong. I fully intend to spend the rest of my life with him, but he has a wife. She may not be here anymore but it’s not a territory I want to go stomping all over.

  I have respect for what they had. I mean, they made vows to each other. Who am I to ask him to go back on that promise he made to her?

  Sean’s hand squeezes my thigh and pulls me out of my inner thoughts. “I wanted to do something special and completely blow you away when I asked you to move in, but someone has a big mouth.”

  I grin over at Georgie and find her still completely engrossed in her pizza. I look back to Sean and slide my hand into his. “Are you sure?” I question. “It’s not too soon?”

  “It’s not soon enough,” he tells me. “I want you here every day, Gigi. I want us to build a life together. I want to wake up every morning and see your beautiful face looking back at me. What we have is something I’ll never find again, so yeah, I’m ready to take that leap with you and start the rest of our lives.”

  I blink back tears as I reach up and take his face in my hands. “You’re not going to change your mind?” I ask.

  He shakes his ever so softly. “Never,” he murmurs as he pulls me into him and presses his lips to mine. The second he releases my lips, he rests his forehead against mine. “What do you say, babe?”

  A smile spreads over my face. “I’d love to.”

  He beams back at me before pulling me in again, kissing me deeper.

  “Eeewwwwwwwww,” comes from that sweet little voice across the table.

  I giggle as I push him off me. His eyes bore into mine and I see him deep in thought. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “I have one condition,” he says. My mind rushes through all the possibilities, wondering what it could be. I give a slow nod, desperate to hear this mystery condition. “I want you sleeping in my bedroom.”

  My eyes widen and I suck in a breath. Could I do that? Can I sleep in the same bed he once slept with his wife? “I’ll make a deal with you,” I say.

  “Go ahead,” he says, looking a little terrified.

  “I’ll sleep in there if you retire the sheets I’m sure you shared with Sara and get a new bed.”

  “I can do that,” he says.

  “I wasn’t quite finished,” I tell him with a cringe.

  “What else, your highness?”

  I swallow as I prepare for the one thing he might have a problem with. “Can you limit the photos of Sara in there to just one small one? We can’t be, um… going to town in there while I’m looking at pictures of her.”

  He lets out a breath and I know this is hard for him to let me in like this, but he’s trying so hard to give his all. “You have yourself a deal,” he murmurs.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  He takes my hand in his. “Now that’s out of the way,” he grins as he gestures down to his kneeling position with a wicked grin.

  “Don’t push your luck,” I laugh.

  “It was worth a shot,” he says with a wink before standing up and lifting me off the chair. He comes down and sits me on his lap, and together, we finish off our pizza.

  We clean up after dinner and put Georgie through her bedtime routine when I finally get a chance to check in with Mel.

  Gigi – I, uh… sort of agreed to move in with Sean.

  Mel – Thank fuck. I sort of started moving my shit into Tom’s place two weeks ago.

  Gigi – You rotten cow! How the hell could you not tell me?

  Mel – I was too busy denying it. I’ll tell you all about it in the morning. Right now, I have a man tied up with chocolate syrup dripping all over his body.

  Ugh, I throw my phone down and join Sean on the couch. He pulls me into him and presses a kiss to my temple. “I love you, Gigi.”

  I shuffle myself around so I straddle his waist. I place my hand down on his chest as his hands run up and down the soft material of my silk pajamas. “I love you, too,” I tell him as I look deeply into his warm eyes. “Before you, I thought there was something wrong with me and then you showed up on my Tinder and brought back the woman I used to be.”

  “You always were that woman, you just didn’t know it,” he tells me as he pushes my hair behind my ear. He kisses me deeply before pulling back with a grin. “Can I have your phone for a minute?” he asks.
/>   My brows furrow. “Why?” I question.

  “I need to delete that damn app.”

  I let out a laugh and hand him my phone. He goes about deleting my Tinder account and removing the app off phone. He tosses it back to the couch before lifting us both and heading up the stairs. “Let me take you to bed.”

  “I’d like nothing more,” I smile before his lips comes down on mine, making me the happiest woman in the world.



  6 Months Later

  I sit with all of the girls, and Mel and Georgie in my living room as we sip on champagne, well me, Cassie and Mel sip on champagne while Elle and Bri throw back as much juice as their little heart’s desire while they cook my future nieces or nephews.

  Sean and his brothers have gone away for a boys’ weekend which I’m pretty sure involves a lot of dirt bike riding and drinking. Who actually know what goes on with those boys? I honestly don’t care because I’m having the best time with the girls and I’m nowhere near a dirt bike.

  The house is filled with all the kids and it’s amazing. It’s all I’ve ever wanted out of life. Having a big family, having the career of my dreams and having a man who I love and cherish.

  I’ve got it all.

  It’s been an amazing day when Mel stands up and address all the girl. “I feel like dressing up,” she says with a big girly grin on her face.

  “What?” I grunt as I look at her like she’s just taken a trip to looney town.

  “I want to dress up,” she repeats. “You know, put on a fancy dress, make my hair all pretty and do my makeup. I mean, what are girl weekends for if we can’t dress up? We could go out afterwards, looking like the hottest bunch of bitches in Denver.”

  “Oooh, I wouldn’t mind,” Cassie speaks up. “I never get to get all sexy anymore. It’s work clothes and then pajamas.”

  “Please,” Brianna scoffs. “I get sexy every night.”

  “I bet you do,” Cassie laughs as I try not to spit my champagne all over the room.

  “So, that’s settled then,” Elle says. “We’re getting beautified.”

  “Ooooh,” Mel shouts. “I’m hiring a hairdresser, masseur and makeup artist. If we’re doing this, then we’re doing it right.” She pulls her phone out and starts doing a Google search on mobile makeup artists and hairdressers.


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