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Childhood Sweethearts PT 4

Page 12

by Jacob Spears

“Mmmm! Shit. Fuck me, daddy!” Jane shouted out as her sugar daddy named Marvin fucked her hard from the back.

  Marvin was a known trick from North Miami, who everyone knew had full-blown AIDS. For months, he had been fucking Jane on her demand, and then he’d leave her with a large sum of money. She loved giving herself to Marvin. He was able to hit all the spots that no other man could hit since she had been home from prison. In fact, she had fucked over thirty different men thus far.

  “I’m coming, daddy!” Jane screamed while looking back at Marvin with a facial expression that caused Marvin to explode inside of her phat, excessively wet pussy.

  “Uhhh shit!” he yelled.

  “That’s right, daddy. This yo puss. Skeet all in me, big-dick muthafucka!” Jane exclaimed.

  When Marvin collapsed on the bed, Jane grabbed his dick and sucked him clean before she lay down next to him.

  “Why do you fuck me so good?”

  “Because yo pussy is too good.”

  “Are you coming back next week?” Jane asked.

  “Baby, I’m coming whenever you call me. Don’t I always come?”

  “Yeah, you do, daddy. Your birthday is next week too. I swear you don’t look forty-five years old,” she told him.

  “I don’t feel it either,” Marvin replied.

  “Well, that means I still got some work to do,” Jane said as she climbed on top of him and rode his cock.

  * * *

  When Smooth, Sue Rabbit, and Guru stepped into the Mexican joint on 33rd, the small hole-in-the-wall bar was crowded. Mexican music emanated from an old jukebox, and everyone was intoxicated at some level. As the threesome sat down at the bar, a beautiful bartender walked over to them.

  “May I help you?” she said to Smooth in good English.

  “Yeah, let me get a shot of Mexican rum, bonita,” Smooth shouted over the loud music while leaning into the bar so she could hear him. “We all want the same. All drinks on me,” Smooth announced.

  “Okay, handsome,” the bartender said as she walked off to fix drinks for the threesome.

  When she got to the shelf, she saw the red light flashing on the telephone. Smooth, Sue Rabbit, and Guru all saw it too.

  “He sees us!” Smooth said to Sue, whose hands were already gripping his MAC-10, ready to turn the small-capacity Mexican joint into mayhem.

  Smooth was the only one who saw the bartender looking at him and his two homeboys through the glass in front of her. When she hung up the phone, Smooth looked at his watch, and then all hell broke loose. Mall, Money, and Big Mitch burst through the doors with ski masks and AK-47s and took down everything and everyone in their paths.

  Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop!

  Sue Rabbit and Guru raised up with their MAC-10s and joined the rest. Smooth kept his eye on the bartender, who ducked behind the counter screaming for her life.

  Smooth jumped over the counter and pulled out his Glock .22. He rushed over to the bartender, who was trembling and afraid, and snatched her up by her hair, placing the gun to her head. The place was wild and sounded like a cross-seas battlefield.

  “Please don’t kill me!”

  “Where the fuck is Juan Sr.?”

  “He’s in the back,” the bartender said, just as Smooth looked up and saw Sue Rabbit and Guru making their way to the back.

  “Where’s Juan Jr.?”

  “I don’t know. I promise. I don’t know. He only comes on Fridays lately. He hasn’t been coming.”

  When Smooth looked up again, he saw Sue Rabbit and Guru bringing an old man from the back, jacked up by the back of his suit coat.

  “Is that Juan Sr.?” Smooth asked the bartender, turning her head toward the old man.

  “Yes, that’s him!” she said.

  “Where are the tapes?”

  “In his office under his desk.”

  “Come on,” Smooth said as he dragged her to Juan Sr.’s office and made her retrieve the tapes to the hidden cameras.

  “Please don’t kill me. I’ll be your wife, and I don’t know.”

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  “I know you don’t know nothing,” Smooth said after shooting the bartender three times in the head, sending her brains flying everywhere on Juan Sr.’s oak desk.


  Juan couldn’t believe his ears that his father’s joint was ambushed and that his father was abducted. He knew deep down that it was only the art of war and retaliation. Juan knew that abducting Choppa would bring such aftermath. But he never would have thought that his father would be the product of his now realized mistake.

  He walked into the room where Choppa was bound to a chair and covered in blood from being beaten with a spiked chain. He was completely disfigured. Mario was having a lot of fun beating him up, until Juan delivered him the news over the phone. Juan had ordered Mario to cease the torture. Walking up to Choppa, Juan could only imagine what would be done to his father if Smooth saw how Choppa looked.

  Damn, man, this Negro is almost dead! Juan thought.

  An AMBER Alert was still out for Choppa throughout Miami and the surrounding area. Juan and Mario had Choppa at an abandoned junkyard inside one of the offices. It was the last place the police would come searching for an abducted drug dealer like they had broadcast on the news the moment they discovered his identity.

  “You are a famous man, Choppa!” Juan said to him. Choppa’s eyes were swollen shut and he could only hear in one ear.

  “Are you ready to go home?” Juan asked Choppa, who nodded his head up and down, unable to speak from the broken jaw that Mario had given him.

  “Are you still going to protect Smooth?”

  Choppa again shook his head up and down. He wasn’t breaking. It didn’t matter how much he’d been beaten up and subsequently knocked unconscious. He wasn’t giving up Smooth.

  “This man has a big heart, esé,” Mario said.

  “Yeah, a stupid one too!” Juan replied.

  “So, what’s the deal?” Mario asked.

  “We wait until they call us,” Juan instructed.

  * * *

  “Come on, old man! You saying you don’t speak no English, huh?” Smooth said to Juan Sr., who was hanging from the joist and bound at his wrists.

  Now he was a frightened sixty-five-year-old man, but he was a legendary gangsta in his prime.

  “No English!” Juan Sr. said again.

  “Spencer, I think you could make this muthafucka speak some English!” Smooth said while puffing on a Cuban cigar.

  “I hate them kinds,” Spencer said, sitting on a metal table swinging his legs. “I think we could give him a couple tattoos,” he suggested.

  “So you don’t know the code to your phone, huh?” Smooth asked the old man, who was now sweating intensely.

  I hope I don’t give the man a heart attack before we get what we need out of him, Smooth thought.

  “No English!” he screamed.

  Smooth was getting frustrated. No English seemed like the only word Juan Sr. knew, and Smooth knew better. He didn’t want to give the man a heart attack, but something had to give or take. So Smooth took the burning cigar and placed it under Juan Sr.’s armpits.

  “Arrgghhh! No English!” Juan Sr. screamed as Smooth put out his cigar under his arm.

  “Number to code is what?” Smooth asked.

  “2301,” he responded in almost perfect English.

  Everyone in the room exploded into laughter as Smooth entered the code to unlock the old man’s phone.

  “You’re really about to pay for that. You want to lie and play games? We will do just that, papi!” Smooth said while looking for Juan Jr.’s phone number, but also facing a language barrier.

  “Where is Juan’s number, old man?”

  “786-447-2013,” he answered, directing Smooth through his phone.

  Juan Sr. had caught on quickly. Smooth didn’t want him; he wanted his only son, and Juan Sr. had just given him up. When Smooth found the digits, he smiled and was eager to hear Mr. Juan
José’s voice for the first time. Smooth dialed the number on a disposable phone and got Juan on the line immediately.

  “Who is this?”

  “Your muthafuckin’ nightmare!” Smooth said.

  “Uhhh, it’s you, huh? Or is this one of your soldiers?”

  “You knew who would be calling you, and you knew that it would be a piece of cake to get it out of your old man. It’s funny how I was able to teach him English.”

  “Man, don’t hurt my dad, boy. If you do, I swear I’ll hit home base with you, Negro!” Juan exclaimed.

  Smooth had missed the understatement. He was too excited to know that he had Juan where he needed him to be.

  “So tell me. Why would you play the abducting game if you can’t stand the heat?” Smooth asked Juan, who he imagined rubbing his temples in distress.

  “Okay, man. You got the prize. So I have something of yours, and you have something of mine, homie. So let’s do what we are supposed to do,” Juan suggested.

  “And where is my man, Choppa?”

  “Choppa is okay, my friend. Let’s just say you’ve come on time. No harm to my father, and no harm to your friend.”

  “Keep it like that. You let Choppa go, and then we’ll definitely let your father go.” Smooth sounded convincing.

  Juan thought for a moment to get a good game plan going.

  Choppa is just about dead already. He is losing too much blood. So things have to be calculated to work out smoothly, Juan thought.

  “Do you know where the gym is on 37th? Send your men with my father, and I’ll send my men.”

  “No, Juan. I want you, chico!” Smooth exploded.

  “It’ll never happen, Smooth. Two things about me that you lack: a chance and vulnerability. That is what makes us two different people, my friend.”

  “I’ma tell you like this, Juan. You play games, and I will make sure your father is the next example!” Smooth threatened.

  “I will deal you a fair hand, just as long as your cards are all showing on the table. Meet my men at the old gym on 37th, with my father, at twelve o’clock sharp. It’s eleven now, so we both have an hour,” Juan explained as he disconnected the call.

  “The old gym on 37th, Sue Rabbit. Call Mall and get some men over there now!” Smooth ordered.

  “I got you, bro.”

  “Spencer, stay on point,” Smooth ordered his man, who was still sitting on the table swinging his legs.

  “I got you, Smooth. Me and Tic are about to have some fun,” Spencer said, with an evil smirk on his face while looking at Juan Sr., who appeared scared to death.

  * * *

  China was worried about Smooth, despite showing him differently.

  People are being abducted, and Smooth is vulnerable, China thought.

  All day she had been thinking about the ring he showed her but that she had declined to take.

  Did I make a mistake? I can understand Tracy’s reason for not wanting to be back in his life. But, damn, am I making a mistake by leaving the true love of my life for a new love? China contemplated as she lay in bed with Tracy asleep in her arms.

  I can’t hurt Tracy for someone who’s hurt the both of us, she thought, settling her indecisiveness with that conclusion.

  Tracy was too good to her. China now only had to find a way to bring her love for Jenny into the picture.

  I will. China got this. Jenny, China, and Tracy, China thought as she closed her eyes with a smile on her face.

  * * *

  Mall and Money made it over to the gym with a couple of their soldiers, and found the building empty.

  “No one’s arrived yet,” Money said while looking out into the night behind the broken windows. It was 11:45 p.m., and Juan’s men were supposed to show within the next fifteen minutes.

  “I still don’t know how the fuck Choppa let the muthafuckas get him, man. He’s too damn on beat to be slippin’!” Money said to Mall.

  “We don’t know what the fuck happened. Let’s just pray that we can ask him, and that these chicos deliver bro safe.”

  “Yeah! Let’s hope they do. If not, they think we doing something now, I’ma drop everyone that looks like a wetback!” Money expressed.

  When Mall and everyone saw the headlights appear at the back of the gym lot, they immediately killed all the lights. Everyone got into position and ran toward a broken or shattered window.

  “They driving a black van, bro,” Jay said as he looked out.

  Mall’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He grabbed it and answered, “Yo!”

  “Is everything clear?” Sue Rabbit asked.

  “Yeah, we’re looking at them now. They pulled up in a black van.”

  “Are they flickering their lights?”

  Mall looked over, and the headlights were indeed turning off and on.

  “Yeah, their lights are flashing.”

  “That’s us. We’re coming in,” Sue Rabbit said, and then hung up the phone.

  “That’s our men,” Mall told everyone, who were ready to squeeze the triggers at any crazy movement.

  * * *

  Juan had his men dress Choppa in all black so no one could see his bloody body. He was constantly fading in and out of consciousness from losing so much blood that was pouring from his wounds.

  “Esé, I don’t think he’s gonna make it,” Tito said to Javier, who was driving the SUV and trying to get to the location in a hurry.

  Behind them were three other SUVs full of their M-13 brothers, all ready to war it out with Smooth’s men.

  “The next corner, bro. Slow down before you miss it,” Tito told Javier.

  At the corner, Javier turned into the gym parking lot and pulled around back. When he saw the black van, he slowed down and kept his headlights on.

  “They’re here, esé!” Javier said, putting the SUV in park.

  Javier had Juan’s phone in his hand. He was just about to call the number from which Smooth called, when suddenly his phone rang first.

  “It’s them!” Javier said as he looked into his rear-view mirror and saw his brothers lined up behind him waiting on the word.

  “Answer, homie!” Tito said.

  “What’s up?” Javier answered.

  “You know what’s up, homie! Let our man go, and we’ll let your man go,” Smooth said.

  “Where is he?”

  “That’s not what I said. Please tell me you understand English as well as you speak it.”

  “I understand good English, Negro!” Javier said.

  “Name calling now?”


  “Call me another insult, and I’ll put the next bullet between ya man’s eyes. Do we understand each other?” Smooth shouted.

  “Man, listen. We gonna bring him out to y’all. He’s highly wasted, so he won’t be able to walk until he sobers up. When we drop him half distance, we want our man to walk out of the building,” Javier informed Smooth.

  “Why did you bring all of your lil friends with you?” Smooth asked. “We are only three deep.”

  “Let’s take ’em!” Tito whispered.

  “We always ride deep. Something your boy should have done. Maybe he wouldn’t be in the position he’s in today.”

  “Mmmm!” Choppa moaned, trying to speak.

  “See, your boy is trying to get sober now. We move first, and then you move. We’ll lay him down behind the van. You guys let Juan Sr. go,” Javier said.

  “We will do our part. You and your damn parade behind you need to kill your headlights,” Smooth ordered.

  “Tell them to kill the lights,” Javier ordered Tito, who exited the SUV with his M-16 rifle and walked back to his brothers.

  Javier stared in the rear-view mirror until he saw all the lights go out and Tito return with two of his brothers.

  “Okay, man. We’re about to move first,” Javier said to Smooth, who was still on the phone.

  “Let’s go then,” Smooth replied.

  Javier and Tito’s two M-13 brothers grabbed Cho
ppa from the backseat. He had passed out again, so the two men carried him by his hands and feet to the back of the van. They laid him down on the ground on his side. They then quickly ran back to the SUV.

  “Your turn now,” Javier said to Smooth.

  “Send him out!” Smooth ordered his men.

  No less than a minute had gone by when Javier saw the old man walking from the side of the van. Just about the same time, Smooth’s men made it to Choppa.

  “Damn, homie! Go grab the old man,” Javier said to Tito, trying to make sure Juan Sr. was secured.

  When Tito made a dash toward the old man, two shots pierced through his chest, dropping him.

  All hell broke loose!

  “They beat ’em!” Jay screamed as he released a deadly fusillade at Javier’s SUV.

  The Mexicans in the other SUVs were firing at the building where the shots were coming from and knocking them down.

  Damn, I thought it was only three of them! Javier thought as he turned on his brights, ducked with his M-16, and climbed out of the passenger side door

  The moment Javier’s feet touched the ground, the old man was riddled with a storm of bullets.

  “Nooo! Shit!” Javier screamed as he released a stream of bullets back at the building and the van he was leaving.

  As he continued to shoot at the tail lights, he glanced at Tito, who was still moving.

  “Hold ’em off!” Javier shouted as he continued to shoot into the dark confines of the building.

  When he looked around, most of his men were down except a few.

  Damn man! Javier thought.

  A minute later, the shooting from the gym ceased, and Javier was left with ringing ears. But he could still hear the burning tires on the other side of the building.

  “Damn it! We played right into their hands!” Javier shouted as he ran over to Tito, who was still breathing with a bloody smile.

  “M-13 vida por vida,” Tito said in pain.

  “No, homie. Don’t go on me,” Javier begged Tito.

  When Javier went to pick him up, Tito took his last breath.

  “Damn it! It’s not supposed to be you!” Javier shouted,


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