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Getting Mine: A Stepbrother Romance

Page 13

by Rymer, Adair

  My gaze darted toward the open driver's window. I was jerked forward, when he grabbed my thighs and pulled them toward him. We were in plain sight of the driver's rear view mirror.

  “Arsen!” I quietly scolded him, while frantically slapping at the console. Finally the tinted window between the driver's seat and us went up. Jesus, that was close. “You can't be doing that in public!”

  “Public?” Arsen looked around, mockingly. “Now, can your vibrator do this?” He reached up under my skirt and dragged down my nylons. Arsen slipped his fingers into my panties and pushed them up against my sensitive lips, hard. “Does your vibrator know exactly how to touch your pussy?”

  “It is pretty good,” I moaned. I was already wet down there. “It's got a bunch of settings. What else you got?”

  He curled his fingers into my pussy, up between my lips and across my clit, one by one. Each finger caused a mini spasm to shoot into my stomach. Then he pulled his hand out and licked his fingers, one by one. I moaned again at the sight of him sucking me off his fingers.

  Now I was soaked.

  “Mmmm, I think I need a little more of that.” Arsen abruptly grabbed my ass, pulling my crotch into the air before him. I was thrown onto my back. My shoulders were the only thing that touched the leather seats, everything else hovered in front of his chest.

  He didn't even bother taking my underwear off, he just pulled them aside and dove in with his tongue. Arsen was rarely ever gentle with the things he wanted, but he was a gymnast with his tongue. He touched places inside of me that I didn't even know how to reach.

  I shifted over to one side to get away from him, I didn't want to come just yet. Arsen readjusted to get a better grip on me and sucked my clit, my eyes rolled back and I bit my lip.

  “Fuckfuckfuck... Don't stop, I'm so fucking close!” He had me. He knew he had me. There was no stopping it now. The intense pleasure of his tongue coupled with the image of Arsen sucking his fingers, wrecked me to the core.

  I came. And I came loudly.

  “Uh, ma'am?” The limo driver's voice came out of the small speaker next to the intercom button... that my elbow was digging into! “Are you alright?”

  Oh shit!

  I jerked my arm away. My elbow had been propping me up, with it gone, I slapped down awkwardly onto my shoulder. He knows it's just me and Arsen back here. My chest seized up, this could be what does it! Arsen and I had gotten more relaxed lately and if we kept doing things this way, it was only a matter of time till we got caught. When that happened, I could say goodbye to my dream movie...

  No production survives a scandal like incest, regardless if it's only step siblings.

  “Just practicing my lines!” I blurt out, unconvincingly. When I didn't hear a response, I pressed the button and repeated myself, but this time with a little more conviction.

  “Uh, yes, ma'am.” The driver replied, equally unconvincingly. “Also, we'll be arriving at the studio momentarily.”

  “Circle the block please.” I paused, searching for an excuse as to why I didn't want to get out of this car as a wet, sticky mess, on the cusp of another orgasm. “I need more practice. For that scene.”

  I cursed myself for not being nearly as good at improv as I should've been. To be fair, I wasn't thinking straight. That was by far the most intense orgasm I'd ever had.

  “He's gonna have to go a hell of a lot farther than that.” Arsen casually remarked, burying his mouth back into my clit.

  “Make that ten blocks!” My voice pitched an octave higher at the end, when Arsen bit one on my lower lips. The pain pushed me back over the edge of bliss. I had no idea how I managed to turn off the intercom system before I came.

  Arsen's tongue and fingers destroyed me over the course of those ten blocks. I was actually physically dazed from all the orgasms he put me through. Even still, I needed more. I wanted his cock inside me. It wasn't a want anymore, it was a need.

  I reached for it, but he slapped my hand away. Did he really want me to beg? This was Arsen, of course he did.

  “Please...” I whined as the car came to a stop.

  No! We couldn't have arrived back to the studio already? In that moment, I didn't give a damn about being caught or that I was already past the call time to show up. What I needed was more time with Arsen. I wasn't done with him yet.

  He reached into his pants and stroked himself. “When you get in there, you just remember that it was my cock you were begging for.”

  “Oh, you are such a fucking monster!” My mouth dropped, he was going to make me suffer. Arsen could play me like a musical instrument. He would never have to worry about Phillip, or anyone else. I'd always been his.

  Arsen's had my heart since prom night, all those years ago.

  Chapter 20



  I kissed Val one last time before letting her go.

  “I'll see you tomorrow for your birthday?” It was nearly three in the morning. Val meant later today, but I didn't correct her.

  “Definitely.” I couldn't think of another person I wanted to spend the day with, or every day with. She opened the door to leave. Right before she slid out, I grabbed her hand. “Val, I...” The words I wanted to say were lodged uncomfortably in my throat for too long. “Thanks,” I wussed out and held up the pendant she gave me instead.

  She kissed me on the cheek and hopped out of my truck. Her ruined dress train dragged behind her as she walked to the door. I could watch that girl forever. She looked back and smiled, then disappeared.

  “I love you, Val.” The words finally came out, but she wasn't around to hear them.

  Why couldn't I tell her? Was I too afraid? I sighed, then drove out of her long driveway, thinking that tomorrow was way too far away. I wasn't afraid of anything, my resolve hardened. I will tell her tomorrow.

  When I arrived at my house I found a black Lexus idling in my spot. I knew immediately who it was, and part of me was glad for it. Now that I had a taste for it, I loved the idea of fighting for Valentine. She was mine, I wouldn't let anyone change that.

  Hugh Dawson got out of his car, he'd been waiting for me.

  I turned my truck off and walked over to him. It was kind of a surreal moment, it was like finding an angry George Clooney at your door in the middle of the night.

  “What do you want, Hugh?” I cut right to it. Whatever this was, it ended tonight.

  “You had your fun, Mr. Constantine. Now you're going to stay away from my daughter.” He stood in front of his headlights to look more menacing. He probably learned that on the set of one of his films.

  “And why the hell would I do that?” I stood unfazed, refusing to be intimidated. He was just an a rich, spoiled actor. Our plumber had probably gotten into more real fights than Hugh ever had.

  Hugh pulled a fat money clip from the breast pocket of his blazer. There must have been several thousand dollars in it.

  “You think you can buy me?” I laughed. This asshole didn't know me at all. Despite how hard I fought against it growing up, my father instilled in me a sense of pride that couldn't be bought. “My father was a Marine. I'd never let him down by accepting your bribe.”

  Hugh paused, slapping the thick clip of cash against his palm. “What is your plan, then, Hmm?” He looked me over, disdainfully. “You're a middling student, at best, with no future prospects to speak of; aside from a few wresting scholarships, which, you'll of course, squander. So that leaves you where, exactly? A future shift manager at the fast food chain down the road?”

  “I'll figure something out.” I spat. “You're wasting your time here. Val already chose me over your bullshit.”

  “Valentine?” It was Hugh that laughed this time. “She's a confused girl that needs structure and guidance.”

  “I think you mean control.”

  Hugh dismissed the clarification, I wondered if he even knew the difference.

  “And if I say no?” I sized Hugh up. Hugh wasn't a small man, he was tall w
ith a slender build. But if it came to blows, I would win. “What's stopping me from diving back over and picking her up? Val and I can be gone by dawn and there's not a thing you can do about it.”

  “Aside from the fact that I legally own her for four more months?” Hugh didn't look concerned in the least. “Or that I'll lead a high profile manhunt to find you, which will result in you being arrested for kidnapping. And now that you're eighteen, you'll be tried as an adult thrown into prison.”

  Shit, I hadn't thought of that.

  “We'll just wait until she turns eighteen, then we'll run off together.” There was nothing illegal about two adults running off together. Even if Hugh didn't allow us to see each other in the mean time, I could wait for her.

  Hugh smiled, it was a dark, knowing thing that put me on edge. It was the kind of smile that I imagined psychopaths had when they were about to run someone down with their car. “Your mother and I are going to get married, I'll see to that personally.”

  “The fuck?” What the hell? I knew they occasionally did some work together, but that's a hell of a leap. “My mother's not famous, what could you possibly want from her?”

  “You really have no idea how any of this works, do you?” Hugh's words were dry and wicked. “It's the Hollywood fairytale. I marry far beneath my own status, and instantly become relatable to the public, which in turn doubles my marketability. The grieving widow of a marine, no less. It's perfect for my image.”

  “You have to know that I'll tell her everything you just said.”

  “Why would you do that?” Hugh looked genuinely confused, as if the notion was absurd.

  “You're kidding, right?”I expected him to attack me physically when I pulled in. That I could handle. I didn't know the rules of the game he was playing now. I was caught off guard by all of this. “Because you're a fucking lunatic. I would never let her marry you.”

  “You would rob your mother of a life where she'll never have to worry about anything ever again?” Hugh's tone was so matter-of-fact that it sounded like he was reading the newspaper aloud. “Pamela needs financial security, stability and to be taken care of. All things that you couldn't possibly provide her. You're losing your house, did you know that? Where will she go once it's gone?”

  The long silence that followed haunted me. She'd been working such long hours lately and just recently picked up a second job. Mom never let on that we were in that much trouble. I felt so stupid, how could I not know? Was I letting my own anger blind me? I loved my mom, she shouldn't have to work so hard just to scrape by.

  “Face it, boy. I'm the best thing that will ever happen to her. There is no winning against me.” Hugh's tone never changed. His flat smile never faded. “If Valentine runs off with her future stepbrother, I will disown her. She'll be blacklisted from the industry and will never act in anything that matters. She will be a broken shell of a person, and you will be at fault.”

  “Why are you doing this?” It seemed crazy that he could ever think about doing that to his own flesh and blood.

  “To protect our family's legacy. If that means sabotaging Valentine's career...” Hugh let the implication linger, then shrugged indifferently.

  “She's your own fucking daughter!” Outrage flared within me. Val deserved better than this. “Val's mother would be disgusted with you.”

  “Valentine is no daughter of mine!” Hugh's calm demeanor snapped.

  I must have really hit a nerve. 'No daughter of mine?' What did that mean?

  “Holy shit. You blame Val for what happened to your wife, don't you?” What kind of monster blames a kid for something like that?

  “By virtue of her inheriting the Dawson name,” Hugh collected himself, completely ignoring my accusation. “Valentine is eventually bound for a life of wealth and fame. Whereas, you've been arrested several times already. You're nothing more than a violent loser. What kind of life could you possibly give her?”

  “You can't have her fucking up that last name of yours by hanging out with a 'loser', right?” I was angry. But not just at Hugh, I was angry because he was making sense. I felt like I had run into a dead end and now I lashed out because I didn't have any choice.

  “Regardless of my motives, in the face of what either of us can actually provide, are you truly thinking of what's best for her?” Hugh paused, then drove the point home. “Or what's best for yourself?”

  I swallowed hard. Hugh was an evil, self-serving asshole, but it was hard to disagree with the facts. What could I give her? I cared more about Val than anyone I'd ever known. Was I being selfish by staying in her life?

  I thought about her last play, Romeo and Juliet. They chose each other and it ended so poorly for them. Val wouldn't die if I stayed, but her dream might. I couldn't live with myself if I crushed that sparkling hope in her eyes. I hadn't even known her for a full year. Who was I to do that to her?

  Hugh saw that his words were having the effect that he wanted. He tossed the money clip at me, it bounced off my chest and landed on the pavement. “If you truly care for my daughter, do not force my hand.”

  Whatever this game was, I had lost.

  I stared at the bulging fold of cash on the ground, while Hugh got back into his Luxury car and drove off. I had to do what was best for Val. I kicked the bill fold onto the grass, then got back in my truck. Hugh might have been right, but he still couldn't buy me.

  “I'm sorry, everyone.” I started the truck, having no idea where I was going. The only thing I knew was that I couldn't stay there any longer. The thought of Hugh and my mother made me sick and angry. And thinking of Val just made me sad. “I'm sorry, Val.

  This wasn't my home anymore.

  I tossed my cell phone onto the lawn as well. If it wasn't a clean break, I might have given in and come back. It was better for everyone if I left for good. I threaded Val's pendant to a shoelace and tied it around my neck. At least in this small way, she'd always be close to my heart.

  Then I drove away.


  I tried like hell to stay away from her, but I couldn't.

  This past week, I'd been going out of my mind thinking about what was going on at set. She never wanted to talk about work when she got home, but I could tell that it took a heavy toll on her. I packed her a lunch, it was a weak excuse, especially because all their meals were catered. I just needed to see her.

  Everyone had just taken the lunch break when I walked into the warehouse set. I heard Val arguing with someone. Were they trying to change the script on her again? How long had this been going on? Goddammit, Val, why didn't you tell me?

  I passed several elaborate sets inside the sound stage building. One was a courtyard, and one was lavish ballroom, all of which only worked from one angle. It was crazy to see the exterior of a massive stone castle wall, but when you rounded the corner, it was all just plywood and two by fours holding it up.

  It was behind the castle set that I saw Val arguing with Phillip. Her fluffy blouse was ripped down the side. She had it pinned to her chest, to keep it from exposing her tits. Phillip was grabbing and groping at her.

  Anger surged up the back of my neck, and my knuckles tightened. I took a step toward them, but forced myself to stop. What if they were rehearsing a scene?

  Dammit, I hated this. Val was right, I couldn't be here. I'd always be a second away from snapping. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but I forced myself to turn around and walk away. I promised myself to support her, even if I didn't like it.

  “Back the fuck off, Phillip!” Val's words were nearly a whisper, but there was unmistakable hardness in her tone.

  Phillip was the actor's name, not the character's name! This asshole was really bothering her. That's all it took. When I turned back around I saw him, one hand down his pants, the other grabbing Val's ass. I lost it.

  My eyes were burning with rage when they saw me. Phillip's no-one-will-know expression fell away. He immediately searched around for his entourage, but fo
r once, they were nowhere to be found. He must've sent them away so he and Val could be alone.

  Phillip had the balls to swing first, probably because he knew what was going to happen. I ducked it easily and whipped my elbow up into his chin. There was a sharp crack and Phillip's head whipped backwards, he was unconscious before he hit the ground. Disappointment washed over me, I hadn't had a good fight since becoming Val's bodyguard. And if anybody deserved to get their shit kicked in, it was this guy.

  “Dammit, Arsen! Do you have any idea what you just did?” Val freaked out.

  “That's the shittiest 'thank you' I've ever heard.” I said, rubbing the sting from my elbow. Phillip had an incredibly angular, boney features. I'd have liked to mess them up more, but not even I would attack an unconscious man.

  “Oh my, God! I'm responsible for your actions while you're on set. Do you not get that? They could fire me for this!” She looked at Phillip on the floor and covered her nose and mouth.

  “So what?”

  “What?” Val's face puckered with indignation.

  “You heard me.” It was one thing to support her dream and passion, but I couldn't stand around and watch her let people take advantage of her. “They've treated you like shit since you've been here. You come home feeling worthless every night. You don't deserve to be here, Val, surrounded by these pretentious assholes. You're not like them and you never will be. You're better this all this.”

  Val's face was firm, but her eyes were floating in tears. “You should go, Arsen.” A tear broke free and streamed down her cheek. It took all the strength I had not to brush it away. “Leave now.”

  “Fine.” I wasn't a fucking caveman, I wasn't going to drag her out by her hair. I was just disappointed in her, I thought she was smarter than this. Maybe it was myself I was disappointed with. I shouldn't have come back at all, what did I really expect? I didn't belong in this world. “I'm done, Valentine. I won't be at the apartment when you get back. I was wrong, looks like you'll fit in around here just fine.”


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