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Science Fiction Romance: Biomechanical Hearts (Space Sci-Fi Love Triangle) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy)

Page 35

by Olivia Myers

  “Well,” he said, straightening, his eyes lighting up like they did whenever he talked science. “Very well. Statistically two of every three females has been impregnated successfully. We have twenty women in similar rooms being given the highest level of medical care.”

  “Wow. Are they… happy?” I asked, grimacing a little at the idea.

  Argo wouldn’t meet my eyes. “I don’t know. I don’t speak to them the way I speak to you.”

  “I see. And what of the other one in three?” I asked.

  “We’ve lost eight. Mostly due to idiots like Rythe. The other two have not been impregnated and we will be trying in the lab tomorrow.”

  “What if that doesn’t take?” I asked, pushing him to the cot and sliding into his lap.

  “I don’t know, but I imagine they will be eliminated like the rejections from the invasion.”

  I nodded, cuddling against him. “Argo, on Earth, where the Vendi have taken over, what have they done with the survivors?”

  Argo sighed, stroking my arms. “Must we discuss such unpleasantness?” he asked, kissing my head.

  “Tell me, please.” I buried my face in his neck and teased at the skin with my teeth.

  His breath sped up as he spoke. “We’ve created camps where others like me have sorted and prepped other women. The results are encouraging and we will need to bring many back to the home planet to solve our problem. The men were considered superfluous. I am sorry.”

  “Do you think what they’re doing is right?” I asked, pulling back slightly so that I could see his face.

  “Not anymore.” He let his fingers slide through my hair. “It has become increasingly difficult for me to do my work, Rachel, and you are the reason.”

  I leaned in for another lingering kiss and helped tug his suit back off. This time, a bit braver, I let myself explore every inch of rust-colored skin, every rippling muscle, every crevice. By the time I climbed on his lap, working myself over his cock, he was ready. “I can wait for you,” he breathed, straining with his eyes pressed closed. But it didn’t take me long either. It was like our bodies were made for each other and every part lined up perfectly.

  We finished in unison, but before I could climb off of him I found myself being pulled off from behind.

  “So this is what you were saving it for, Doctor,” mocked a gruff and familiar voice. Just the sound made me quake, as I recalled how Rythe had cracked that woman’s head against the wall and nearly raped me… or worse.

  “Let me go!” I screamed, wriggling in Rythe’s enormous hands. I kicked and squirmed but only hit air.

  “Feisty one. I think I’ll gas it.”

  “What?” I tried to reach Argo, but Rythe swung me around, flinging me over his shoulder and we moved quickly down the halls, back toward the cell room I’d been in initially. Gas? Then I remembered the woman who’d panicked in the cell all those months ago and how the orange gas came and froze her in place. How the Vendi had moved her like a doll and taken her away.

  I started beating on his back with my fists. Argo was chasing behind us, ordering him to stop. He was still naked and I doubted he had any magic syringes on him this time. As big as Argo was, he was no match for the brute that had me.

  The room with the cells was empty except for two women in the back corner. Their bodies were bruised and broken. I was thrown into a cell on the other side of the room.

  I scurried to stand and threw myself toward the exit, only to hit the invisible wall, already in place. “No!” Screams tore at my throat as I threw myself against the force field again and again.

  The Vendi sneered at me and pushed an invisible button. The gas crept in through the bottom of the cell and I danced out of its path, holding my breath as Argo charged the larger alien. He smashed into my cell, his face pressed against the invisible wall. The gas was half way up my body now and my skin tingled. I drew a quick fresh breath, sticking my neck as high in the air as possible.

  Argo reached for the button on the wall to release me, but Rythe tackled him, pushing him the other way. The baby kicked my ribs, and I drew in a sharp breath.

  By the time I tried to close my mouth, I could no longer control my muscles. I was frozen in place no matter how hard I tried to move.

  The orange gas dissipated around me and I was stuck, staring at the two brawling Vendi, unable to help Argo. Please don’t die, I thought. Not because of me.

  Tears fell unhindered from my eyes and slid down my face as I watched the monster punch Argo over and over. He pulled Argo to his feet and I was sure he would deliver the final blow, but instead he dragged him over to look at me. He punched a few invisible buttons and grabbed me by the neck, dragging me forward.

  “Why don’t you watch me with your favorite? Is that your baby in there, Doc? I think we should replace it with mine.” He laid a hand across my stomach and terror ripped through me. What was he going to do to my baby? Not my baby! Silently, I screamed.

  “No!” Argo was able to say it out loud. Fury lit his face and he lunged for the other Vendi, knocking us both back several feet, which seemed to only piss Rythe off. He threw me to the side and stormed toward Argo who waited, fuming, fists clenched, chest heaving. But instead of crashing into him, he smacked into an invisible wall.

  Trapped, the Vendi pounded like a frightened child – much like I had – as Argo pushed a button and the space filled with orange gas. When it cleared, Argo again pushed buttons and pulled me into his arms, ignoring that I couldn’t move. He hugged me tight, kissing my face.

  “Rachel, oh thank The Great One you’re okay. I’m so sorry. So sorry.” He lifted me carefully and carried me to his lab where I’d first been examined and laid me on the table. Soon he came back with a syringe and showed it to me. “I’m going to inject this. It will release your muscles. You and the baby should both be fine.”

  I felt the pinch in my arm followed by a melting sensation that ran from my head to my toes. I collapsed into his arms, crying.

  “It’s okay now, Rachel. I have you.”

  “But it isn’t okay. How long do you have me, Argo? How long can you protect me and my child? You know it’s a losing battle. The only way to be sure you can save us is to let us go.” I hadn’t meant to ask so quickly. The plan was to seduce him, make him fall in love with me, and then play on his weakness. But all I’d succeeded in doing by making love to him, was realize how I’d fallen for him myself.

  I squeezed his arms in desperation, searching his eyes for empathy, but they grew hard instead, and he gently pried my hands off of him. “Where would you go, Rachel?”

  “I don’t know. Away. West, I suppose. Or to another country.”

  “The project will be deemed a success. The Vendi will farm your world for able-bodied women. The only safe place would be an extremely rural area.”

  “Then I’ll go into the woods. I don’t care. I can survive.”

  “And the baby? How will you deliver your own child? Rachel, you need a doctor.”

  My stomach turned. Argo was a good person, but he was still a Vendi and I was just another human when it came down to it. Why would I expect him to risk his own position or who knows what else just to help me?

  “I see.” I let my hands fall to my sides and turned away, unable to look him in the eye. I’d fallen for him. My kidnapper. What was that called? Stockholm Syndrome? But to him I was just a fascination. A unique sex slave that had a human child he could use to further a political career.

  I was such an idiot. My future and probably my child’s were with Rythe or someone like him. For the first time, I wondered if there was a way I could end my own life.

  “Rachel?” Argo asked. “What are you thinking?”

  “Please take me back to my room.”

  “Rachel!” Argo spun me around and held me until I looked at him. “You need a doctor and I happen to know one that’s available. But we have to leave before Rythe is discovered. He is an army general, and what I did back there is a capital offe
nse. So even if you don’t want my company, at least accept my offer of a ride back to Earth.”

  The truth dawned on me slowly and when it registered on my face, Argo let me go.

  “You want to come with me?” I asked, barely daring to believe it.

  “I believe after studying the Earth’s geography and knowing the plans, Northern Canada would be our best bet at survival and a normal life. I have a wristband that allows me to use hologram technology to disguise myself as a human male should anyone else get too close It works much the same way as the language filtered through the ship.”

  “Will we be able to speak to each other down there?” I asked.

  He gave me a funny smile. “I’ve been learning English. I’m terrible, but maybe you can teach me more.”

  Argo ran over to the cabinet in the corner and pulled on a new leather suit and a watch. He then pulled out what looked like a large suitcase and tossed me something soft and red.

  “Put that on, Rachel. You need clothes.” He smiled and waited as I slipped the simple cotton dress over my head. It draped easily over my enlarged breasts and stomach. I could have cried because I felt almost human again.

  “But how could you have had time to prepare all this?” I asked, glancing at the suitcase.

  Argo smiled. “I’ve been planning this for over a month. I was hoping to surprise you. I thought it might be easier for you to give birth here, where I have all my equipment. You would have woken up with a baby and your freedom. I have more supplies loaded and ready on a recycling vessel. They’ll pay no attention to us.”

  “So even before we made love…”

  “I’ve had feelings for you for a long time, Rachel. Now let’s get out of here.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered as he took my hand and led me out the glass doors toward freedom.

  And I vowed, when I had my freedom, I would use it to free the women in the sky above, and in the camps below. I would be with my love, and we would all be free.


  Alien Petals

  Smoothing her long brown hair self-consciously with her manicured fingers, Kimi Wilson joined the rest of the scientific mission team in celebrating their victory in the space ship's laboratory.

  "What's next for us after this?" her teammate Lia asked. She was one of the well-known IT experts in the current human community on Planet Venora, which they all considered their home.

  Kimi was still flustered from her quick, spontaneous tryst with their security officer Lee 5 who was a huge, powerful cyborg that had been sent to protect them. She recalled his every touch and felt her face heating up. She was afraid Lia could actually see through her.

  Raissa, an award-winning botanist she idolized, spoke up. "Tim's already in the cockpit getting ready for our departure. We should clean up here and change into the proper gear now."

  Everybody helped pack away the food and wine they had consumed. The plant samples they had extracted from Planet Earth were safely put away, ready for initial testing once they were gliding in outer space on their way back to Planet Venora.

  Within a few minutes, they were all dressed appropriately and strapped in special seats in the center area of the ship, awaiting the take-off. Kimi took a sideward glance at Lee 5, whose handsome face was as expressionless as ever, as if nothing had happened between them earlier in the bathroom. His ebony hair looked slick as always, while his bulging muscles seemed about to burst through his classic uniform. She could imagine the lustrous metal that made up his arms and legs integrated with his well-built human body.

  The ship shuddered a little before it rose from the ground. The take-off was shaky. They hovered a bit within the atmosphere of Earth before the vessel began to wobble and vibrate dangerously.

  Kimi gripped the steel arms of her seat tightly. In a snap, all her muddled up thoughts and feelings of confusion about her sexual relationship with Lee 5 flew from her mind. All she could think about now was her life, at risk thousands of miles above the mildly less dangerous ground.

  "What's going on?" their other teammate Ned, also a scientist, whispered. He was a veteran of such missions and also the oldest in the group, but still his voice shrilled with alarm.

  Suddenly, the ship swayed and then plunged forward. Kimi screamed, her voice blending with the other sounds of fright and panic. Her heart stopped while the world around her turned upside down. She could feel them plummeting back to Earth in top speed.

  We're going to die. This was her thought right before the ship abruptly stopped, causing her to lurch forward and recoil backward due to her seatbelt.

  A few seconds of silence followed. Kimi's breathing was raspy as she tried to absorb what had just happened. She didn't dare move, somehow awaiting some sort of aftershock.

  "Thank God we're alive!" Lia suddenly exclaimed, taking off her seatbelt slowly and gulping in deep breaths.

  Kimi was still in shock. She waited for her breathing to slow down and her dizziness to subside before she removed her seatbelt and attempted to stand up.

  Before anybody could say anything else, Raissa and her husband Tim came rushing out of the cockpit with anxious looks on their faces. "Is everyone okay?" Raissa asked with great concern.

  Everybody nodded wordlessly. Even Lee 5 looked a little pale.

  Tim appeared to be shaken up. He moved sluggishly and then leaned against a wall. "I'm sorry…" he started in a soft voice. "I don't… know… what happened…"

  Everyone was too shaken to answer him or even ask questions.

  "It was like an invisible force… pulling hard… yanking us back to Earth…" Tim said in an unsteady voice, shaking his head in disbelief and shock. "I did what I could to land us safely…"

  "You did really well," Raissa assured him, giving him a quick embrace.

  "Yes, you did," Ned agreed. "We owe you our lives, Tim."

  Kimi also whispered her thanks along with the others, although she still had not fully recovered from the incident. "What should we do now?"

  Lee 5 immediately stepped forward, his face set in a grim expression. "Tim, Ned, and Lia can check the computer system and see what went wrong and how this can be resolved. Raissa and Kimi, contact the base and ask if they can assist us. I don't think it's safe for us to spend another night on Earth, with the Mongarians still pissed off with us. We should most definitely leave as soon as possible."

  "Maybe those aliens did this!" Lia shouted, her tone a fusion of anger and fear.

  "That is likely," Lee 5 answered. "These Mongarians may look a bit barbaric, but their science and technology are as advanced as ours."

  Dread spread through Kimi's body as she remembered the intimidating aliens who had occupied and settled on Planet Earth, and had been unwelcoming to returning humans like them. They were obviously threatened by the team's presence and purpose.

  She pictured the frightening chief Mongarian who had tried to rape her in the woods. She winced at the image, but struggled to calm herself so she could think straight.

  "I will have a look outside," Lee 5 said and marched toward the exit with his laser weapon.

  Everybody went to do their own tasks. Just a while ago, they were celebrating the success of their mission. But now, the prospect of getting home seemed bleak. Nevertheless, Kimi took a deep breath and used their special communication device to contact the main base back at The Dome's space port. Raissa did the same but utilized a personal gadget she had brought along. To their dismay, they could not get in touch. It seemed the frequencies had been disrupted.

  After many more attempts, Kimi threw her hands up in frustration and stepped outside to get some fresh air. The chilly night wind slapped her face harshly while tons of stars twinkled in the evening sky. She wrapped her arms around herself as she slowly began to walk around the ship, looking for Lee 5.

  As she rounded one of the ship's corners, a tall, looming figure suddenly materialized in front of her, making her gasp. Even in the darkness, she could make out the alien's menacing glare an
d flashing reddish eyes. She took in his high forehead, the shiny black hair pulled back in a ponytail, the bulky chest and shoulders partially covered in a medieval-like armor, and the muscular legs that she knew could run like a tiger in the forest.

  "Hello again, Kimi." The voice was low, deep, and rumbling with controlled anger.

  Kimi's face drained of color as she found herself staring at the chief Mongarian who had attacked her before. Fuck, she thought. I'm dead.


  Her instincts told her to turn around and run as fast as she could. She didn't even have the chance to take one step away, as strong brown-skinned arms wrapped around her waist and jerked her back. She slammed hard into the Mongarian's chest and got a whiff of his putrid scent.

  "Let me go!" Kimi screamed as loud as she could, kicking her legs wildly and pounding on his arms with all her might.

  He clapped one stinky, dirty hand over her mouth to muffle her screams. Her eyes widened in terror as she continued to thrash about.

  Suddenly, she heard scuttling feet coming near and fast. Somebody lunged at the chief, causing him to release her. She fell hard on the cold ground with a painful thud. Ignoring the throbbing in her leg, she raised her eyes to find Lee 5 being tackled by two other monstrous male Mongarians.

  "Kimi! Lee 5!" Lia shouted. She was running toward them, along with the rest of the team. Tim and Ned dove toward the Mongarians and tried to help Lee 5 fight them off. Meanwhile, Raissa and Lia hurried to Kimi. But before they could get to her, about thirty Mongarian women blocked their way and made them halt.

  "Don't come near!" Kimi shouted. "They're going to tear you to pieces!"

  Raissa and Lia stopped in their tracks. The ferocious female Mongarians moved back slowly, their flaring eyes not leaving Kimi’s two colleagues. Their ponytailed black hair swung left and right as they treaded backward.

  Kimi scrambled to her feet and started to dash away. But the Mongarian women nearest to her lifted her off the ground before she could escape. One of them easily held her on her shoulder while her partner tied Kimi’s feet and hands together and then placed a long piece of cloth over her mouth.


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