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VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 18

by Powers, Miranda

  Ashleigh’s eyes fluttered open to see her mother leaning over her. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hello, sleepyhead. Did you see Bastian?”

  “Ugh,” Ashleigh groaned, shrugging out of her blazer. “Don’t remind me about the toad.”

  Kate Alberts laughed. “He’s not so bad. He is your brother after all.”

  “Stepbrother,” Ashleigh reminded her. “I’m staging a revolt.”

  “Ash,” her mother sighed. “Try and get along with him for my sake. Your father won’t be spending Christmas with us. He had to fly to London.”


  “Being an ambassador has its ups and downs. He wouldn’t tell me why. I think it had something to do with the economic summit.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry, mom.” Ashleigh apologized, and sat up. She wanted to ask her mother if she cared Damien was a vampire. But she supposed it didn’t matter. Her mother really did love her husband. “I’ll try and be civil. But don’t be surprised when he shoves me down the stairs.”

  “You’re being silly!”

  “Not really,” Ashleigh deadpanned. “Brothers do it all time to their sisters.”

  Her mother laughed at this and kissed her goodnight. “There’s roast beef in the fridge if you get hungry later.”

  “Goodnight, mom.”

  Ashleigh kicked off her shoes and went back to sleep.

  She awoke to find her mother downstairs surrounded by mounds of luggage. Sebastian helped her load the limo and barely glanced up as Ashleigh came downstairs.

  “Mom! What is it?”

  Kate turned around, worry etching her delicate features. “Your father has been shot!”


  Sebastian came back, his eyes dark with anger. “Leave it to Dad to ride with the top down.” Ashleigh felt a shiver creep up her spine. If looks could kill....

  “Is he alright?” Ashleigh said, worried about her stepfather. Suddenly it didn’t matter if he was a vampire. Her mind flew through warm memories of Damien laughing, giving fatherly advice, and leaving her mother love notes so she could read them out loud and embarrass Ashleigh. “He’s going to be alright? Isn’t he?”

  Kate rushed to reassure her daughter. “Of course he will. Damien has lived this long. No assassin is going ruin his track record.” She began sobbing. Sebastian hurried to comfort her while Ashleigh felt small and useless.

  “He’ll be alright, Mom,” Sebastian soothed. “Dad just got careless that’s all.”

  “Yeah, mom.” Ashleigh rushed to fetch her coat and purse. “Dad’s indestructible. You’ll see.”

  Her mother nodded. “I’m going to London. Sebastian will take care of you. I’ll let you know how...he’s doing.” She blew her nose. “I’ll send for you as soon as I can.”

  “Sure, mom.” Ashleigh hugged her tight. “Go and take care of dad. We’ll be just fine.” She eyed Sebastian warily. “Won’t we?”

  He grimaced. “Sure,” Sebastian agreed reluctantly. “We’ll be great.”

  Kate rushed outside to the limo, and Ashleigh watched with a heavy heart as it sped off towards the unknown. Sebastian stood beside her, his face grim and taut.

  “Dad will pull through,” he told her. “The silver bullet missed his heart.”

  “That’s know,” Ashleigh said before bursting into tears. When Sebastian took her in his arms she didn’t pull away.

  They needed each other now more than ever whether they liked it or not.

  Chapter 2

  “What’s it like having a vampire as a dad?” Ashleigh asked over dinner. Sebastian had run out and gotten cheeseburgers and fries as he didn’t like Matilda’s cooking.

  Sebastian dipped his fries in ketchup and took a long sip of his coke before answering cryptically, “It has its moments.”

  “Who do you think did it?” Ashleigh glanced towards the television droning on in the background. The media coverage had been off the wall. “I mean, you don’t think it was those guys from the Order of The Cross?”

  He shook his head. “Nah. They haven’t tried to kill each other in centuries.”

  “Then who?”

  “Who knows?” Sebastian rubbed his eyes. Neither of them had gotten any sleep. “It could have been anybody. You know how folks feel about vamps.”

  “And you?” Ashleigh countered softly. “What’s it like being a hybrid?”

  “I hardly consider myself a hybrid,” he laughed. “Mom was too young. Her father didn’t approve of the marriage.”

  “Do all vampires have to marry?”

  “Sometimes,” he said ruefully. “What’s with the twenty questions, Leigh?”

  Her brown eyes widened. He hadn’t called her that in years. “I’m just curious. I spend so much time at school that I think I don’t know much about anything.”

  “You’re smart enough, honor society and all that.” Sebastian rummaged around the sack for more fries. “Dad tells me you’re on the debate team.”

  “Yeah,” she sighed. “Lucky me.” Ashleigh reached up self-consciously to smooth the frizzy locks. “Boys don’t know I’m alive!”

  “You poor thing,” Sebastian said dryly. “The world as we know it is coming to an end!”

  “Oh, shut up!’ she snapped. “It’s easy for you with that face! Look at me with these glasses.” She held them up. “See? Total nerd!”

  “You’re pretty enough,” he soothed, offering her half of his fries. “You’re too young to date anyway. Dad would never allow it.”

  “Then how am I supposed to get married and have children? Will I be a nun?”

  Sebastian burst out laughing. “There are worse things, you know.”

  “Like what?”

  He pointed at the television. “Like being shot by a whacked-out weirdo.”

  Ashleigh sighed. Men never had to worry about these things. She studied her stepbrother. He was the quintessential male model with striking good looks. He resembled his father with the thickly waving raven hair, dark gray eyes. and aristocratic features. Many a friend had swooned over him. But he’d paid them no heed. She wondered if he was gay. He didn’t have a girlfriend and she couldn’t remember a time when he did. It was most peculiar.

  “What are you thinking, mouse?” he said suddenly, startling her so much she nearly fell off her stool. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I was just wondering if you met anyone. It must be lonely in New York all by yourself.”

  “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?”

  “What?” Ashleigh cried defensively. “It’s just a simple question. Mom thinks you’re gay.”

  “She does not!” He peered at her closely. “Does...she really think I’m gay?”

  “Well, she does wonder why you’ve never had a girlfriend.”

  “Lord!” he snorted. “As a matter of fact, I am in love with someone.”

  Ashleigh was shocked. “Really? Who?”

  Sebastian flashed her a wicked grin, and Ashleigh felt something painful move within her chest. “None of your business.” He leapt off the stool and sauntered off, leaving Ashleigh to ponder the mysterious girl who’d stolen Sebastian’s heart.

  “I wonder who she is?” she muttered to herself. Ashleigh shrugged it off and went upstairs to take a bath.

  Her mother called and told her Damien was recovering after surgery. But he wasn’t out of the woods yet. Ashleigh filled the tub with fragrant bubbles and soaked her worries away. She leaned her head back and thought of prom. No one had asked her yet. She and Kaila had a pact. If no one asked, they were going to skip it and sit home and watch sappy romances while they steeped in self-pity.

  Ashleigh wondered if she was really that ugly. Sure she was taller than most. And all gangly limbs with no figure to speak of, but was she really that awful? Most boys she knew just thought of her as one of the guys. She’d never even been kissed for goodness’ sake! Not that she wanted to. “I probably wouldn’t enjoy it anyway.”

  She groaned miserably and sank down in the tub.

  After showering the bubbles off and washing her hair, Ashleigh stepped out and was in the process of slipping on her robe when the door flung open. It was something out of a bad teenage drama as Sebastian’s eyes skimmed her naked body, and Ashleigh let out a horrendous shriek. “Sebastian!”

  He quickly shut the door. “I didn’t...see anything,” he stammered. “Why don’t you lock the damn door, woman!”

  Ashleigh secured her robe and flung the door open, nearly ripping it off its hinges. “I can’t believe you!” she shouted in rage. “You knew I was taking a bath!”

  He glared back. “I didn’t. There are eight bathrooms in this fucking house and you decide to take a bath in the one I always use!”

  “Don’t you swear at me!” She was so angry she wanted to smack him.

  “I’ll swear if I damn well please!”

  Ashleigh was nearly as tall as he was and they stood nose to nose, venting the full range of their fury. “You did it on purpose!”

  “I did not!” His cold eyes raked over her dispassionately. “I didn’t see a thing.”

  That did it. Her hand snapped back to let him have it and he caught it, making her cry out in pain as he twisted it behind her. “Let go,” she gasped. “You’re hurting me!”

  “Only if you play nice,” he growled. His pupils were fully dilated with his anger, rendering them an enraged black. She gasped as he grabbed the other arm and forced it behind her, thrusting her chest up against his. The robe was starting to open exposing her breasts, and Sebastian’s breath left him in a sharp exhale as the nipples burned through his T-shirt.

  Ashleigh gasped in shock. She’d never been this close to a man before, and the feel of his hard body against hers was too much for her to bear. “L-let go,” she stammered. feeling a sudden ache between her thighs. “Please.”

  Sebastian couldn’t move. A moan escaped him at the feel of her softly curving form against him and he yanked her tighter, slipping a powerful thigh between hers. Her eyes were soft and limpid as his mouth touched hers. The first touch of her lips and he was a man possessed. Ashleigh gasped as he ravaged her mouth sliding his tongue inside to stroke and beguile. She was powerless to resist when he released her arms so she could clutch at him, his mouth leaving hers and scorching a path down to her breasts.

  “Bastian,” she panted, her fingers sliding through silken locks to pull him closer. A tortured cry emerged as his hot tongue swirled around an innocent peak, teasing and tugging before drawing it into his mouth to drink from the sweet flesh. Hot rippling pleasure swamped her body to pool into a throbbing ache between her thighs. “Oh, Bastian!” she gasped, her head falling back as he devoured the creamy throat. “What’s happening?”

  “I--I don’t know,” he rasped. “Don’t stop me, Leigh,” he pleaded. “I want you so.”

  Ashleigh didn’t want him to stop and drew his head back to hers so she could drink from his lips. “I too,” she said, hardly aware of what she was asking. A strangled cry escaped her as he lifted her into his powerful arms. “Bastian,” she gasped between kisses. “What are we doing?”

  He groaned and stifled her protests with kisses. “Hush,” Sebastian urged softly. “Let me make you mine, Leigh.”

  Ashleigh stopped struggling and kissed his throat as he carried her upstairs to his bedroom. Were they really doing this? Or was it a dream? She didn’t know and didn’t care. All she wanted was Sebastian’s arms around her. Here. Now. Forever.

  “I want to be yours,” she found herself whispering in his ear. He turned his head to kiss her deeply. It seemed to take forever to reach his bedroom, and he laid her gently on the bed. Ashleigh watched breathlessly as he shut and locked the door. He drew the curtains and stood before her, his eyes heating every inch of her.

  “Take the robe off, Leigh,” he said hoarsely. “Let me see you.”

  She shook her head. “I’m so skinny. You said so yourself.”

  Sebastian flung off his T-shirt and fumbled with his jeans. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath and his cock sprang out at her, huge and swollen. Ashleigh shrank away.

  “I’m a virgin, Bastian,” she confessed, wondering if she were mad to do this with her stepbrother. “You be gentle.”

  He smiled tenderly and removed the robe. She gasped as he knelt on the bed and touched his body to hers. “I know you are, Leigh.” His lips touched her brow. “I want to be the first.”

  She stared up at him, all at once frightened and consumed with a want she did not understand. “If we do will be the only one.”

  Sebastian kissed her gently and pulled her arms around his neck. “Forever?” he breathed against her lips. “There will be no one else, Ashleigh. You are mine.” Her response was buried beneath his sweet kisses. She sighed as he caressed her body, fingering the soft nipples and teasing them to soft peaks.

  “You’re so gentle,” she sighed dreamily, allowing her hands to stroke over his splendid body. “Will it hurt very much, Bastian?” His head lowered to feast on the swollen mounds and Ashleigh whimpered with pleasure. “Oh, it aches!” she gasped in agony.

  “Where?” he whispered. Sebastian’s teeth lightly nipped at her flesh as he went down her body. “Here?” His hand slid between the slender thighs to cup her gently. She cried out as his finger began to stroke a place she had not known existed, inducing piercing shards of rapturous ecstasy. “Like this, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah,” she moaned, arching her hips. “It feels so good.” Ashleigh spread her thighs wide and gasped as he slid a finger inside to stroke within. “Oh!”

  Sebastian chuckled. “No shame in this,” he said raggedly, his mouth catching the soft cries of pleasure. “We won’t be ashamed, Leigh.”

  “No,” she panted, her hips moving frantically against his hand. “Oh, please!” she moaned. Then he stopped. “No!” she protested. He laughed and covered her mouth with his.

  “Careful, Leigh,” he breathed, lowering his hips between her thighs. “Hold on to me.”

  She grasped his shoulders and cried out as the rounded tip of his cock slowly penetrated. An agonized sob broke from her lips as he tore through the barrier, the cry smothered by Sebastian’s mouth as he buried himself within her virgin body.

  “Leigh,” he said softly, kissing her brow and ear. “You’re so sweet.”

  Ashleigh wasn’t sure this was such a good idea as the thick shaft stretched her. It was so painful she tried to push him off. But he stroked her hair and pressed soothing kisses against her face and throat. “Shh,” he soothed. “It’s alright, my love.”

  “It...hurts,” she gasped, tears of pain filling her eyes. He was too big. The stretching ache and weight of his body was something she could do without. “Bastian, make it go away!” she pleaded.

  Groaning, he kissed her deeply, his tongue stroking hers and teeth lightly nipping at her lips to draw blood. He sucked her mouth and began to move. Ashleigh sucked in her breath as he pulled out all the way to the tip and slid back in. He did this several times until the pain subsided. Then he began to stroke gently, his warm breath caressing her face. “Better?” he whispered, touching his lips to her brow. “Tell me if I’m hurting you.”

  “Oh!” she gasped softly, arching her back. The stretching ache was a constant reminder this was her first time. But Sebastian was gentle in his movements and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Bastian,” Ashleigh moaned in spite of the discomfort. “Don’t stop!”

  “Darling,” he muttered, increasing his pace. “Touch me. Don’t be afraid.” He groaned as her hands drifted down over his flexing ass and sliding between to pull him closer. “Ashleigh!” he cried out, closing his eyes in agony.

  Her soft gasps mingled with his, and Ashleigh clung to him, whimpering as hot waves of pleasure swamped her lithe body. “Sebastian!” she shrieked in fright. “What is it?”

  “Don’t fight it,
love,” he moaned, thrusting hard and fast. “Let it happen.”

  Ashleigh bit down on her lip and clutched at his powerful shoulders. She felt something terrifying building within her body. His cock stroked hotly within, swelling and stretching her tight flesh to such a rapturous intensity she was certain she was dying. And just when she thought she mustn’t bear it, something gave within her and Ashleigh screamed his name. Sebastian caught it on his tongue, his hips slamming against hers. He gave a shout and collapsed on her groaning his release. Ashleigh could feel his sharp teeth nipping her throat and sighed.

  They lay together in the aftermath, kissing and stroking the other.

  “I thought you hated me,” she murmured, as he teased her swollen mouth with a finger.

  “Never,” he breathed, pressing soft kisses against her lips and dimpled chin. “You were an annoying little thing. Always poking around my stuff.” Sebastian chuckled and slid down to suck on her breasts. “You’re perfect, Leigh.”

  “I’m sorry I’m so small,” she apologized, stroking his hair. “I can’t seem to gain weight.”

  He glanced up, his eyes warm and caressing. “You’re lovely.”

  Ashleigh sobered slightly. “Bastian, what have we done?”

  Sebastian’s smile evaporated. “I thought we agreed we wouldn’t be ashamed. We’re not related. We don’t share blood.”

  “I know,” she said uneasily, biting nervously on her finger. “But your dad is a powerful man. What if he finds out?”

  His face darkened. “Find out what? We didn’t kill anyone, Leigh. We made love. Plain and simple.”

  “Is that what it was?” she asked in wonder, reaching up to caress his cheek. “Is there love between us?”

  Sebastian pulled her closer and kissed her hard, drawing blood. She gasped at his possession. “What do you think this was?” he demanded, pulling away slightly. “This wasn’t a fuck, Leigh. You’re worth more than that.”

  “I am?” she said dreamily. She slid her fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes. “Are we in love then?”


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