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Protecting His Mistress...Book 24 in the Kindred Tales Series

Page 11

by Evangeline Anderson

  He didn’t admit, even to himself, that he was looking for any excuse not to leave her side. His heart, so long completely untouchable, was already beginning to become entangled in the soft, silky web of desire, longing, and love. But Karn refused to examine the feelings growing inside him for his little Mistress.

  After all, he had a mission to complete and no time for anything else—or so he told himself.


  “This is Mother’s secret study,” Lilli explained, pressing in the code exactly as she’d been taught.

  “I see.” And he did—Karn kept a watchful eye on the combination, memorizing it as she punched it in. This was almost too easy, he thought. In all his years in the Kindred Elite Espionage Corps, he’d never just been handed the information he’d come looking for like this.

  “Here we go.” Lilli let them into a richly decorated room. The walls were lined with leather-bound tomes of Yonnite law and literature and the space was lit by the soft glows of many tall, purple pulta plants, whose blossoms had a glowing pink center.

  “It’s a good thing Mother is gone for the day,” Lilli remarked, shutting the door behind them.

  Karn arched an eyebrow.

  “Because you don’t think she’d like you being in here on your own?”

  “Well, that and the fact that every time she brings me in here she tries to teach me all about her job with the Sacred Seven.” Lilli sighed. “Honestly, the paperwork part of it isn’t so bad. But all the parties and public appearances you have to make are awful.”

  “Well, let’s see if we can find what we came for and get out of here,” Karn suggested. This was feeling almost too easy—he didn’t trust it.

  “Mother’s communications and computing system is right here.”

  Lilli walked around to sit behind a massive crystal desktop which floated, seemingly with no support, about three feet off the richly carpeted floor. On it was placed a single computing unit with a liquid crystal screen. It had a manipu-cube rather that a keyboard, but that was fine with Karn—he was well versed in all kinds of tech.

  “Let me see now…” Lilli seated herself in the cushioned leather office chair which immediately conformed to her shape and lifted her to the perfect height to work at the desk. “Mother showed me how to do this,” she muttered, touching the cube hesitantly. “But I haven’t got much experience—there was no communications tech at the convent…”

  Karn watched impatiently as she began handling the manipu-cube. He normally would have given her as much time as she needed to do anything which was new and unfamiliar to her, but he really wanted to get in and out of this office. What if lady Mirabella came back unexpectedly?

  “Mistress,” he said, “Maybe if you let me have a try? In my last assignment, I was charged with using this kind of tech.” Which was technically the truth.

  “Oh, really?” Lilli got up at once and let him have the chair. “What Mistress were you with? Was she kind to you? Did you…like her?”

  Karn shot her a glance as he seated himself behind the desk.

  “I think what you’re asking is if I liked her as much as I like you,” he remarked as he began manipulating the cube with expert quickness.

  “Well…” Lilli blushed prettily, looking down at her hands, as she often did when she was embarrassed. “I mean—”

  “The answer is no.” Karn grinned at her. “I’ve never had any Mistress I like as much as you, Lilli.”

  Which, again, was technically the truth, since he’d never had any Mistress at all before this mission.

  “Really?” Her big brown eyes were bright as stars when she looked up at him and Karn couldn’t help himself—he put an arm around her waist and pulled her down for a gentle kiss. She tasted of the silki fruit she’d been eating at First Meal—a sweet, fragrant delight.

  Lilli froze for a moment and then kissed him back eagerly.

  “Oh, Karn,” she whispered, when he broke the kiss at last. “I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t do that but it’s really nice.”

  “I like it too, baby,” he murmured, smiling at her. “But I guess we’d better get down to business,” he added when the cube beeped at him softly, letting him know it had found what he was looking for.

  The liquid crystal screen, which floated above the desk the same way the desktop floated above the carpet, suddenly filled with a list of names and locations.

  “Oh…” Lilli leaned on his shoulder and stared at the screen with wide eyes. “What’s that?”

  “A listing of all the Kindred who are currently being kept as bodyslaves,” Karn said grimly.

  Surreptitiously, he pressed the fingernail of the ring finger on his left hand. The tiny spy device that had been grafted onto the nail buzzed quietly to life at once, sucking data from the computing unit and transferring it directly to the Mother Ship, hundreds of thousands of light years away.

  There—mission complete, he thought. But was it? He thought not.

  Quickly, he began manipulating the cube again.

  “What are you looking for now?” Lilli asked.

  “I’m searching the list for any known felons,” Karn answered. “Or any convicted of crimes. I…there—there it is!”

  He pointed at the liquid crystal screen where a single name was outlined in red. Quickly, he twisted the cube to highlight it and asked for more information.

  “Oh, my,” Lilli said faintly, reading the grizzly details over his shoulder. “This is awful, Karn.”

  “What he’s accused of certainly is awful,” Karn agreed grimly. “But I’m not convinced he actually did it. Look—it says the records are incomplete.”

  “Oh, and look where the crime happened,” Lilli exclaimed. “The Zangelo Building!”

  “Fuck,” Karn swore softly to himself. “The very place we’re going tonight.”

  It had to be more than coincidence, he thought. The Goddess must be facilitating this—she was still blessing his mission. She must mean for him to find out more about this Kindred bodyslave—a Nightwalker, by the information he was reading—and help free him.

  “We can search for more clues when we get there,” Lilli said excitedly. “Well, if we can get away from the awards ceremony, that is.”

  “I think we can manage somehow,” Karn said. He did a brief search for any more information and came up with nothing. Anything further would hopefully be found at the Zangelo Building. “Come on, little Mistress,” he said to Lilli. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “And do what?” Lilli asked. “We still have hours before Mother comes to pick us up for the awards ceremony tonight.”

  “Well…” Karn gave her a wolfish grin. “You could always try on your outfit for tonight. I’m interested to see how you look in those ‘formal panties’ you’re supposed to wear.”

  Lilli blushed fetchingly but she didn’t seem reluctant. In fact, she nodded eagerly.

  “I think that’s a good idea,” she murmured. “After all, I’m supposed to make sure they fit me just right.”

  “And I’m supposed to practice kissing them,” Karn growled. Already he could feel his shaft rising at the thought. As a Kindred, there was nothing he loved more than kissing and tasting his female’s pussy. And though he would technically only be kissing Lilli’s panties, he had an idea his little Mistress wouldn’t mind if he kissed a little more deeply than was technically necessary.

  Lilli’s blush deepened.

  “Oh, do…you really want to do that?”

  “Practice kissing your pussy? I mean your panties?” Karn lifted his eyebrows. “You have to ask, baby? Hell yes, I want to do it. Come on—let’s go!”

  And he ushered her quickly out of the study, making certain everything was in its place and the door was locked securely behind them. Part of his mission was complete and now it was time to tend to the other part—time to tend to his little Mistress and bring her pleasure.

  Karn couldn’t fucking wait.


  Lilli wiggle
d, trying to get comfortable in the formal panties. She was wearing the largest pair she’d been able to find and still they were tiny.

  Instead of being a triangle shape, like most of her underwear, these panties—which were made of rich, gold lace—were V shaped. Which meant they dipped down in the middle and showed not only her bare mound, but also the top part of her pussy slit.

  That might not have been so bad, except that the tingling sensation which Karn’s seed had dampened for a while, had now come back with a vengeance. Even worse, it now appeared to have side effects. The side effects being the fact that her outer pussy lips were swollen and puffy and no matter how Lilli tried to keep them closed, they seemed to keep opening on their own to show her equally swollen clit.

  I look like I’ve been playing with myself for hours! Lilli thought, staring down at the revealing panties in dismay. Rubbing myself exactly where the Sisters at the convent told us we must never touch. Goddess, this is terrible! What will everyone think if I have to wear these out in public?

  “Mistress?” Karn called, breaking into her mortified thoughts. “Are you ready to come out of the closet and show me yet?”

  Lilli bit her lip. Should she let her bodyslave see her in such an embarrassing state? Then again, how could she help it? He and everyone else was going to see her in a few hours when her mother came to take them to the awards ceremony.

  Lilli wondered if she could make some excuse not to go. But no—she and Karn had a mystery to solve. She couldn’t refuse to go because then he couldn’t go either.

  “Lilli?” Karn asked again and she knew she couldn’t stall any longer. She would have to go out and face him.

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the large walk-in closet and into her bedroom where the big Kindred was waiting, sitting on her bed.

  “Well?” she asked, biting her lip. “What do you think?”

  Karn’s mismatched eyes scanned her from head to toe, taking in the floating, feathery dress made of u-liss plumes dyed deep purple which dipped low enough to show her nipples at the top and was cut high enough to show the formal panties at the bottom. There were feather nipple drops to go with it, dyed gold to match the panties of course. They set off her pink points to perfection but it was between her legs that his gaze inevitably settled.

  “Goddess, little Mistress,” he growled softly. “You look fucking gorgeous but what’s wrong with your little pussy? You’re all slippery and wet and open.”

  “I can’t seem to help it,” Lilli admitted. She pressed her legs together but even that didn’t make her pussy lips close enough to hide the pink button of her clit. It was standing out prominently and the awful pins and needles tingling had returned with a vengeance.

  “What do you think is causing it?” Karn murmured. “You weren’t like this earlier today when we took a shower together.”

  “I don’t know,” Lilli said desperately. “All I know is that when I woke up today, I was tingling in the place where they injected me with the quick-grow shot last night. And then the tingling seemed to move up to my…well, to my nipples and pussy,” she finished in a low voice.

  She thought about telling him that his seed made her feel better, but she felt shy about that. What if he thought she was asking him to come on her pussy again?

  It had been one thing to make him spend in the shower when she was cleaning him—he was her bodyslave and she had to take care of him. But to ask him to pull out his shaft and come on her bare pussy for no other reason than because she wanted him to seemed wrong.

  Plus, wouldn’t his seed ruin her panties? At the very least it would be extremely visible and there was no way she could explain it. No, Lilli decided, she would have to keep the fact that his cream eased the tingling to herself.

  “You say it started in the spot where they injected you.” Karn’s voice dropped to an angry growl. “I wish I’d been there with you last night, little Mistress. I wouldn’t have let anyone stick you with hormones you didn’t want!”

  “I know you wouldn’t, Karn.” Lilli reached out and put a hand on his broad shoulder. “Which is probably why it’s a good thing you weren’t there. If you had interfered on my behalf, you might be on your way to the Diluthian mines right now.”

  “You might be right but I still would have stopped them.” He looked her in the eyes. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, Lilli—I swear it.”

  “Thank you, Karn.” She stroked his cheek. She liked this, she thought—him sitting on the bed so they were closer to being face-to-face. He was so tall it was hard to reach him otherwise.

  “You’re welcome, baby.” Turning his head, he pressed a soft kiss to her palm. “Now, do you think maybe this problem has to do with those hormones they injected you with?” he asked. “Your mother did say she was going to leave you some, uh, toys to help.”

  “I know.” Lilli felt her cheeks get hot. Goddess, how embarrassing! “I…I don’t want any toys,” she told Karn in a low voice.

  “You don’t?” He frowned. “Why not, baby?”

  “I…tried one. Once at the convent,” Lilli confessed, her cheeks flaming now. “A friend of mine brought in a bunch of tiny little pleasure-button buzzers and gave them out.”

  Karn frowned. “This wouldn’t happen to be the same friend who brought in the porno vid, would it?”

  Lilli nodded.

  “Uh-huh. Anyway, she brought them in and we all tried them but they were way too harsh for me. They hurt.”

  “Hmm…” Karn nodded. “I see. You do seem to have a very delicate pussy. I was barely touching you this morning and you were twisting your hips all over the place.”

  “I don’t know if you touching me again will help this,” Lilli said. “I…I’m afraid it already looks like I’ve been touching myself for hours. Goddess, this is so embarrassing!”

  “Don’t worry about it, baby,” Karn urged her. “I’m betting with all the high-class Mistresses is there, everybody is going to be more focused on their own appearance—not yours.”

  Lilli sighed.

  “I hope you’re right but all it takes is for one person to start talking about you…” She thought of Priss, who was terrible about starting rumors.

  “Look, the only time anyone is going to be focusing their attention between your legs is when you get presented at the door and I kiss your panties,” Karn said reasonably. “And I’ll be sure nobody can see anything at that time because I’ll hide you while I kiss you.”

  “You will?” Lilli looked at the big Kindred gratefully. “Thank you, Karn.”

  “You’re more than welcome, little Mistress,” he rumbled. “Do you think we should practice it now?”

  “N-now?” Lilli stuttered. Suddenly her heart was bumping against her ribs. “I…I don’t know, Karn.”

  “Have to practice sometime,” he pointed out, his eyes half-lidded as he looked again at her barely-covered pussy. “And it’s better to do it now than wait until everyone in a huge crowded ballroom is watching.”

  Well, he had a point there, Lilli thought. And hadn’t they planned to let him practice kissing her panties anyway? It was just that she hadn’t known how very small and revealing the formal panties would be when she’d made that plan. Still, Karn was right—it was better to be ready for tonight.

  “All right,” she whispered at last. “You…you can practice kissing my panties, Karn. But just my panties,” she added, feeling that it wouldn’t be right to let him kiss any other part of her. She had already gone much further with him than any Mistress ought to go with her bodyslave—it was time to rein things in.

  If she could.

  The words were scarcely out of her mouth before Karn was sliding off the bed to kneel at her feet. He slipped his big hands into the high front slit of her dress and stroked the backs of her thighs.

  “Oh…” Lilli whispered, loving the touch of his big, warm hands.

  “Little Mistress,” Karn murmured, sliding his hands up to cup the full globes of her ass. He looked
up into her eyes. “Just relax now and let me kiss your panties.”

  “Yes, all…all right.” Lilli wished her voice didn’t sound quite so breathless, but she couldn’t seem to help it. Karn was so big and solid and muscular, kneeling before her as he was. He smelled so damn good too—that same spicy scent that seemed to draw her to him. Lilli was afraid if she wasn’t careful, she would go way too far with him.

  “Just relax,” Karn repeated, leaning forward to rub his cheek gently against her inner thigh. “And open for me, little Mistress. Open and let me kiss you.”

  Lilli noticed that he didn’t say he was going to kiss her panties this time—he’d just said her was going to kiss her. Nevertheless, she did as he asked and spread her thighs, presenting him with both the tiny golden V of her panties and her throbbing pussy with her clit on full display.

  With a soft growl, Karn pulled her forward and placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss on the center of her panties. Lilli gasped when she felt the heat of his mouth bathing her clit but since he didn’t actually kiss her there, she didn’t feel she could say anything.

  “There.” Karn pulled back and looked up at her. “Did I do it correctly, Mistress?”

  “I…I guess so.” Lilli shifted her hips. Her clit was tingling and throbbing worse than ever. It was like that part of her body sensed what had almost happened and was longing for it now.

  Karn frowned.

  “But I’m not sure I did,” he said. “I felt like maybe my kiss was off center—a little too low. Did you think so, little Mistress?”

  Lilli nibbled her lower lip.

  “I, um…maybe,” she said at last. “I mean, maybe you could kiss just a little higher.”

  “I think you’re right. Let me try again,” Karn rumbled. Cupping her ass in his big hands, he pulled her close again.

  This time his kiss landed squarely on her throbbing clit. Lilli gasped but didn’t try to stop him as the hot, wet, warmth surrounded her aching little bud. Karn didn’t try to lick her but she did feel just the tip of his tongue press lightly against her sensitive flesh. The sensation shot sparks of pleasure through her and made her hips buck in response.


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