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Peccatum in Carne: Sins of the Flesh (The Three Sins of Mallory Moore Book 1)

Page 3

by Coco Mingolelli

  “All right, then. The first parking lot has a slightly worse for wear ’90 Jag convertible. Duck down and throw yourself in the back. I should have an emergency fleece back there, so throw it over yourself and hide,” Mallory set the plan. “I’ll walk slowly to the car and get in, so I don’t draw attention. I will let you know when you can come out from under the blanket.”

  “Okay!” Dawn grinned excitedly and took off through the trees.

  Mallory followed just behind her for now, and stopped at the edge of the trees to wait.

  Once Dawn reached the lot, she ducked down as instructed and located the blue XLS with the rusty bumper. Tossing herself over the side of a door with an oomph, she bit her lip to keep from crying out. She scrambled for the tartan plaid fleece and hefted it over herself, lying down like she was part of the scenery.

  When Mallory reached the car after a leisurely stroll, she heard Dawn snuffling around. She cracked a grin because of what the blanket must have smelled like to the girl; her perfume. The action showed a modicum of evidence and gave further credence to a certain theory of Mallory's when after sniffing and inhaling deeply again, Dawn burrowed even further.

  Opening the driver’s side door, Mallory then slid herself into the seat near Dawn’s head, and buckled herself. “Stop wiggling, you little beast,” she teased when there was more movement from behind her. “Someone is bound to see you.”

  Dawn giggled underneath the blanket, “Aren’t victims of kidnapping supposed to wiggle around and make noise?”

  Mallory scoffed and feigned offense, “I hardly think this kidnapping, young lady. You waltzed right into my vehicle, and I am just in too much of a hurry to stop my car.” Her voice had taken on a dark quality to it, and she shifted the Jag hard to reverse into a three-point-turn, and then forward.

  Once she’d reached the main road, she yelled back to the lump beneath the fleece in the back seat. “You can come out now! Ready to fly?” It was quite a ways to town, and Mallory loved to zip the little car along these countryside twists and turns. Her home was even farther, beyond town and then some.

  “I guess!” Dawn yelped, poking her head above the backseat. Her golden curls blew in the wind, and her eyes began to water. “This. Is. Awesome!”

  A sideways smirk came to Mallory’s lips, and she floored the accelerator. The noise from the mufflers was deafening, and Dawn squealed as she tumbled back from the force.


  Trying not to think of the hell that would break loose if she were discovered at her Latin teacher’s cottage, Dawn followed the instructions Mallory had given her upon their arrival.

  First on the list was a bath to rid herself of the quote unquote “rank” sweat and dirt from the forest rave. Taking the last of her clothes off, she wrapped the large cream towel around her naked form before inching the bathroom door open. Her dirty clothes she shoved outside the door, hoping that Mallory would make good on her offer to wash them.

  Dawn closed the door again, but her fingers hovered over the lock. Aroused from the unanticipated events and bodily contact with Mallory earlier that night, Dawn's mind began to run away with her.

  ‘Did she bring me here for a reason other than to get me away from Father? Maybe she wants me to leave the door unlocked,’ she pondered. 'You know... to talk. Riiiiight, talk.'

  The thought that it might be Mallory’s intention to creep in while she was naked in the bath left her trembling again. Holding onto the cold enamel sink, Dawn took a few shallow breaths. Mallory was not like that, and Dawn knew it. She knew it like the deepest truth etched in her heart.

  “I’ve put your clothes in the laundry,” Mallory’s voice echoed the bathroom, but she remained outside the door.

  Dawn startled, and took a few more breaths in quick succession to fight her unrelenting urges. ‘If I open the door…’

  “In the meantime, I’ve left a spare dressing gown out here for you,” the benevolent voice continued.

  She didn’t answer. Her body tingled with desire, and her mind was driving her into a dangerous place. Already, the surrealism of the night had warped her. What was one more insane act?

  Reaching for the handle, Dawn turned it and slowly pulled the door open. The adrenaline rush of her daring instantly plummeted as she was met with a deserted hallway, and a navy gown folded neatly on the floor.

  Cursing her luck, she knelt down to pick up the garment and practically slammed the bathroom door shut. Neglecting the lock in her temper, Dawn dropped her towel and climbed into the tub. Tears of frustration slid down her face as she curled up, allowing the luxurious bubble bath and hot water to wash over her skin.

  She felt ridiculous for thinking only moments ago that Mallory brought her here under any other pretense except to protect her. 'Like she always has,' Dawn mused.

  Unfortunately, the toiletry bore the same scent as Mallory’s perfume. It didn't help her thoughts in remaining coherent, and Dawn found herself going crazy as the smell emanated from the clouds of steam enveloping her.

  The water eventually grew cold, which dampened her excitement a little bit. She quickly toweled herself dry, and threw the robe on before opening the bathroom door.

  “In the parlor,” Mallory's rich voice called from down the stairs.

  With those three innocuous words, Dawn's heart began to race once more. She shook her head, and rolled her eyes at her body's reaction. ‘What the fuck do I think is going to happen?’ her inner critic demanded as she walked down and towards the living room. 'That she’s going to throw me on the floor and… then what?’

  Dawn pushed the thought from her mind to avoid her face belying her emotions as she entered the living room.

  Mallory sat in an armchair by a blazing fire ,and gestured for her to sit in another. “Happy Birthday, dear," she said softly, a smile edging her lips.

  To her right, Dawn spotted a small table. Her stare had been caught by a flickering light, which belonged to one lit birthday candle on top of a chocolate cupcake. The flame wavered in the slight draft running through the cottage.

  That finished her. Breaking down in sobs at such goodness existing in a person, Dawn again found herself held securely in the arms of Mallory, who moved them both to the armchair intended for her. Utterly overwhelmed, she could not stop the tears.

  "Now I am glad to have forgotten it here,” Mallory joked nervously, petting her hands over Dawn's damp hair. “Please let me help. It’s breaking your heart, and I can't help unless you ask me to,” she urged.

  Eventually the sobs subsided, and Mallory sat back to gently break their contact. She looked Dawn in her tear stained face, and tried to look equally stern and understanding. “You must take legal action against your Father. You cannot allow him to do this to you. I will not allow him to do this to you.”

  The last shred of sanity Dawn had left in that moment was all that prevented her from kissing Mallory. Instead, she cried again.

  “Come here,” Mallory cooed, and folded Dawn back into her arms. That noise... it sounded exactly as Dawn had dreamed.

  Holding on to her unexpected saviour, Dawn cuddled drowsily into her, no longer finding it within her heart to care if it meant nothing other than comfort. She didn’t remember falling asleep in Mallory’s arms, or being carried and laid down in a bed. She did feel a warm duvet being tucked lovingly over her, and the hand tenderly caressing her face, but was too tired to open her eyes. She slept on.

  In the middle of the night, she found it hard to wake from a most pleasant dream.

  Confused and yearning for the comfort she'd remembered, Dawn’s thirst for and longing to be held by Mallory became one. Unaware of her present surroundings, her hand impatiently pushed aside the gown she wore, and her fingers desperately sought the skin beneath. Moaning lightly, Dawn touched herself. Her words came, heavy with sleep but unmistakable: “Mallory, please. W-want you. Inside me…”


wnstairs, Dawn’s tossing and turning woke Mallory. Stretching out across the couch that she had taken to maintain a semblance of dignity, she winced and bit back a curse at a crick in her neck. Her bleary eyes looked at the clock on the wall, and she stumbled off of the couch to stand up and stretch some more before groaning at the time. 4:07AM.

  “Mallory…inside,” Dawn called out plaintively from upstairs. Was she having a nightmare?

  Ambling back up the stairs, Mallory rubbed her eyes and yawned. With all the racket, she would never get back to sleep, and she was worried about the guest resting in her bed.

  She knocked on the door, and croaked her sleep-weary inquiry. “Dawn? Dawn… are you awake?”

  The only response from inside the room was the thump of the bed as Dawn probably rolled over again, along with the whisper of sheets. Then, a pained moan echoed the hallway. Mallory winced at its force.

  Desperate to stop the horrible nightmare, she forewent politeness in favor of barreling into the bedroom to stand at the end of the bed. Her eyes lit up in shock at what she found.

  Instead of finding Dawn curled up in pain, she was spread wide on the bed, tangled in sheets. Dawn's hair fell in a tangled aura around her head, and her eyes were screwed shut. The robe Mallory had let Dawn borrow had fallen away from pert breasts capped in peaks of soft rose, and one hand was currently massaging the left into an aroused pebbling. The other hand was deep in girlishly cute underwear. Dawn rolled her hips upward.

  “Dear God…” Mallory whispered, a hand clenching on the door frame as she realized what was really happening. She firmed her resolve to wake the girl, no matter the embarrassment. Hiding what she’d seen would only lead to further humiliation for Dawn down the line, once she found out. “Ehm – Dawn? Wake up, Dawn.”

  Still, the young woman continued her ministrations. Fumbling at herself, her pink lips loosed another whimper. “Mallory, please,” Dawn begged.

  Unable to deny the request, Mallory's body moved of its own accord. Scrambling to the edge of the bed, she reached out to touch a naked shoulder. She meant to shake Dawn awake, but was sorely mistaken in her plan. Without warning, a small hand came from a breast to grasp tightly against her wrist, and yank down. Off balance from lack of sleep, Mallory toppled on top of Dawn with a yelp.

  “Best dream ever,” Dawn yawned, before she leaned her face up to capture Mallory’s lips in a kiss. She mumbled questions aloud then, about why dream-Mallory was so stiff and cold as she wrapped both of her arms tightly around the body above hers. Kissing Mallory full on, Dawn then pecked the expanse of her neck, soft as a feather. Upon reaching her collarbone, the girl nipped.

  “Fuck,” Mallory muttered, bringing a hand to Dawn's curls and running her fingers through them. Sucking in a breath, she couldn’t help but be aroused, no matter the awkward situation. “Wake up, you minx,” she growled.

  “Mmmmm,” Dawn pulled back, finally opening her eyes completely. “You taste even better than you smell.”

  At loss for what else to say, Mallory responded, “I... do?” Her eyes squinted in annoyance. She didn't like being compared to food, something to be consumed.

  The awkward response was most definitely not in Dawn's fantasy of her. Reality came crashing down on Dawn’s consciousness as the weight atop her became both claustrophobic and Mallory thought, scandalous. Her flushed lips fell into an ‘oh!’ as she realized that her teacher was really and truly on top of her, and that they had just kissed. “Oh, fuck me,” she stammered nervously.

  A graceful eyebrow rose on Mallory’s face, and she couldn't help but smirk. She'd never heard Dawn curse before, and it made the girl beneath her seem that much more real, rather than simply an idea, or the star of Mallory's train of thought most days. “Fuck you?”

  Dawn squeaked when she heard the curse word, and rambled her response. "Yes! I mean… No! Yes! But, you're here in my… your bed! With me."

  Mallory was sure she’d understood what Dawn had been dreaming now. “Is that the problem, now?” she chortled. “I merely came upstairs to wake you from a nightmare, and you pulled me in. I can leave, if you wish me to.”

  “N-No! Don’t leave. Stay,” Dawn pleaded.

  Intuition was telling her to take this moment and accept what had been given by fate, for it might not ever come again. Mallory knew that, or at least could appreciate the shared, serendipitous emotion. On the other hand, this could end extremely badly for both her, and Dawn.

  While she considered that, Dawn's hand reached forward and grasped at the front of her nightshirt, fisting it tightly to draw her closer again. The grip was too much for the delicate buttons, and they popped and scattered, leaving the shirt to drift open.

  Mallory’s eyes wandered down at the sensation of cool air meeting her chest, and wondered at what the mischievous blonde would do next. She refused to push forward unless Dawn made the first move. Fortunately, her patience was rewarded. A dainty hand reached forward to brush at her right breast tentatively, and it made her gasp.

  As Dawn gazed up questioningly to her would-be lover, she looked nearly bowled over at the fierce heat that had taken residence in Mallory's eyes before explaining herself.

  “I wasn’t having a nightmare,” she whispered. “Um, I was dreaming of you; that you were making love to me.” Biting her lip at the confession, Dawn winced inwardly for a rebuff that she looked sure to come.

  Honesty was something of value - a trait that a teacher ought never scold for - and intensely attractive to Mallory. Trying to maintain her cool in the face of such innocence beneath her, Mallory felt her lips curl back anyway at the admission. She felt wicked for the expression, but at four o'something in the morning, her mouth seemed to have a mind of its own. The words that she thought came instantly to her tongue, and she found no use in stopping now.

  “The Latin verb ‘to fuck’ is quite useful in many situations. It can be futuere or futuo, but for our more base purposes it would be said pedicare. It seems I have been remiss in teaching you,” she began the lesson. Darting forward, she captured Dawn’s lips in a scorching kiss before her hands began to roam. Her voice became exceptionally hoarse with need, even to her own ears. “Say it with me: Pedicabo. Fuck me.”

  Chapter 3: Dimitte (Let Go)

  Mallory looked down upon Dawn, straightening slightly to hold her own body just out of reach. "Say it," she directed.

  Emboldened by the words spilling forth from the lush lips, Dawn's eyes sparked with cunning. "Tace, et fac me venturus est," she insisted instead. Shut up and make me come a lot. It was probably the incorrect verbiage to be using at the moment, but she couldn't bother to care.

  Another gasp caught in Mallory's throat at her mischievousness, and she pulled at the robe loosely hanging from Dawn's form. Taking the belt from the garment, she then tossed the robe towards the corner of the room. "Naughty," she tsked, and wrapped a hand gently around one of Dawn's wrists. "Shall I show you what is done to naughty girls?"

  The question made the hair stand up on Dawn's neck. This side of Mallory was completely at odds with the protector she had come to know and love, but was also very much the woman she fantasized about at night. It made her stomach flutter with a kind of foreboding, but she managed to nod vigorously, and clasped her hands together prayer style atop her breasts.

  Watching intently, she was intrigued when Mallory wrapped the fabric around her wrists in an intricate fashion. Dawn giggled at the tie and its pretty knots, and wiggled her fingers. Pleased that she hadn't been bound too tightly, the act itself became exhilarating and erotic rather than frightening. She pushed her body upwards, more desperate for contact with the gorgeous woman than the air she breathed at that moment. "I never would have thought you to be quite this, um... kinky."

  In response, Mallory straddled her and slid her torn shirt off, revealing the body she had only dreamed of seeing. Placing both hands on either side of Dawn's head, she leaned down, holding her mouth millimetres away from Dawn's own.

  What cam
e next was shocking. Nudging Dawn's flushed face to the side, Mallory slowly dragged her tongue up a heated cheek. It elicited a stifled moan from Dawn's throat at the primal act, and sent a shiver of satisfaction down her body. Sensing the power and experience of the woman that she was at the mercy of, Dawn's body flushed all the more with excitement. She strained at the silk around her wrists as Mallory's mouth found hers, catching her in an intensely passionate kiss. A hand moved down her body to stop her struggling.

  Turning her head away, Dawn drew breath. "Untie me," she pouted, her hands itching to touch the skin on display.

  Mallory resumed their kiss for a moment before moving down Dawn's neck. "Hmm, I don't think you really mean that," she chuckled into the shell of her ear.


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