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Page 5

by JC Andrijeski

  She sat up, then stood slowly, looking down at him.

  “Spread your legs,” he said. “Sit astride me. I want to feel how wet you are.”

  Another ripple of arousal went through her, even as she obeyed.

  Spreading her legs, she slid onto his lap, and the dress rode up to cling to the edges of her ass. He slid a hand between her thighs, caressing her skin gently before inserting a single finger into her. He added another finger a few seconds later… then another.

  He stroked her sensually, his eyes closed, caressing her inner thigh with his other hand from behind.

  “Oh, that’s nice,” he murmured, his eyes still closed. “You’ve got juice running down your legs, little one. I think I might have to decorate you with more of that before we arrive in Los Angeles.”

  Still flushing all over, and now biting her lip to keep from asking him for sex, she slid off his lap reluctantly when he pushed gently on her hips.

  “We’d better go,” he said, winking at her. “I have those other presents I must attend to, and I suspect it would be far too easy to miss our flight as it is.”

  She leaned down to pick up her underwear and her bra. She started to step into the underwear first to pull it up under the dress, but Loki, stopped her, shaking his finger and his head at her.

  “No, no, no, my little elf. You weren’t listening. I insist on full access. At all times. You will leave the underwear here.”

  She stared at him.

  Looking at herself in the mirror with the dress, it barely seemed to cover her. The hem hung down only an inch or two to cover the tops of her thighs. Her nipples pressed up against the thin material and the tight fabric outlined every part of her breasts.

  If she reached up, or bent down, the fabric would ride up and she’d more or less flash her ass and privates to the whole world.

  She started to stuff the underwear in her satchel, thinking she might be able to put it on later, at least, when they arrived in Los Angeles, but Loki took them from her hand, and threw them over the wall of the dressing room.

  Staring at the wall between the two dressing stalls, Lia bit her lip. She looked at Loki, taking in that lazy half-smile, seeing the heat in his eyes as he waited to see if she would go after them, or yell at him, or simply insist on wearing something besides that liquid-thin dress.

  As if hearing her thoughts, Loki shrugged.

  “You can go get them, of course,” he said mildly. “You can buy ten more pairs if you wish, my love. You can put on your jeans. You can wrap the coat around yourself. You can wear or do anything you wish. But I can’t promise there won’t be repercussions, my sweet, hot, wet little elf… so it really depends on how badly you want my cock on the flight to L.A.”

  Lia felt a shiver of heat run through her as she remembered the list of things he’d threatened her with once they got on the plane. The idea of watching him have sex with someone else, right in front of her, brought a dense pool of anger to her gut.

  At the same time, the idea of giving some random guy head, some total stranger on the plane, just to please him, maybe even to make him jealous, made her thighs squeeze together, even as she averted her gaze from his.

  Jesus, Lia, she scolded inside her head. Get a grip on yourself. You’re acting like this guy’s personal sex slave.

  Loki let out a delighted laugh.

  “Oh, I hope so, lover,” he said to her fondly, leaning down to kiss her temple as he squeezed her ass through the thin material of the dress. “I can’t tell you how much I hope that’s what you want… because I will treat you so very, very well, if you do.”

  Lia swallowed, staring at those catlike green eyes, even as Loki reached out with his other hand, tracing her nipple through the thin, white material.

  Her back arched involuntarily, and his smile widened, right before he kissed her mouth.

  He lingered there, still tugging at her nipple as he ran his tongue lightly over her lips.

  He breathed her in, tasting her tongue, and she shivered.

  Taking his hand, she tried to bring it down between her legs, but he waggled his finger at her teasingly, grinning as he pulled at her nipple, making the skin crinkle and harden painfully.

  She could feel the part of herself responding to everything he did, everything he said to her, even as she told herself she was just going along with this to get her sister free, to deal with the thing with Gregor, to keep herself safe from Loki himself.

  Strangely, even in thinking it, she knew it was a lie.

  As pushy and odd and bizarrely blunt Loki was, she didn’t feel afraid of him.

  Something about even his pushiness struck her as strangely hands-off.

  Almost like a question lived behind every line he crossed.

  Honestly, maybe she was crazy for thinking so, but she one hundred percent believed that Loki would leave her alone entirely if she asked. He might fuck someone else in front of her, like he’d threatened, but he wouldn’t touch her if she told him no.

  She didn’t want to tell him no, though.

  She couldn’t explain that to herself, either, and honestly, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to try. She wanted to get Maia away from Gregor. Maybe Loki could help with that, like he said, or maybe it was all just a scam to do with sex and the ring and whatever waited for them on the other side of the ocean.

  She had a few more hours to think about that.

  She had a few more hours with Loki before she had to come to any sort of conclusion, much less make any kind of decision.

  She was more than willing to spend that time playing this particular game.

  In fact, the idea of those hours of flight stretched out before them, given how Loki said he intended to pass the time, already had her breathing in short pants, even as she tried to hide it from those intense green eyes staring at her.

  She bent down to pick up her bra––

  Loki took that out of hand, too.

  Instead of throwing it over the wall, he tossed it down on the bench behind him, watching her eyes, his eyebrow quirked in a silent question as he massaged her breast, as he waited to see if she would grab it, or try to cover herself again.

  When she only stuffed her jeans, belt and T-shirt into her satchel, and picked up her leather coat, folding it over her arm, Loki smiled.

  Seconds later, she walked out of the dressing room with him, her satchel slung over her shoulder, Loki’s arm coiled possessively around her waist.



  He’d somehow arranged for them to have their own row again, even though the flight between Bangkok and Los Angeles was more or less full.

  Before they’d even gotten on the plane, he’d had his hand under her dress more often than not. He’d pulled the dress up in the middle of a store to insert a small, metal vibrator inside her, turning it on and insisting she hold it there without coming or he’d spank her in the middle of the airport.

  He said he might even do it without using what he called a “glamour” to keep others from seeing him do it.

  The vibrator was one of the “gifts” he’d mentioned in the dressing room.

  Others included nipple clamps, several types of lubricant, a blindfold, scarves to use on her wrists, a larger vibrator, and a collar.

  While they were at the desk getting new boarding passes, he fingered her in front of the airline steward, talking to the man standing behind the counter in a cheerful voice while he pulsed the small metal vibrator deeper inside her, gripping and massaged her breasts and her ass with his other hand.

  When she came abruptly against the ticketing counter, unable to stop it, Loki grinned at her wickedly, then informed her she would have to be spanked before they boarded the plane.

  Unlike what he’d threatened, he must have kept the “glamour” in place, however, since no one so much as looked at them when he spread her over his lap and yanked up her dress. He spanked her until her ass cheeks stung, until she was panting, nearly coming again.
/>   All the while, her face hung halfway in the lap of the guy sitting next to them in the boarding area, who was reading on his tablet and drinking a gourmet coffee.

  She noticed the guy shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

  Loki noticed too, and laughed, telling her that “the human” was responding to his “little nympho fuck-toy,” even if the man couldn’t see her.

  When Loki noticed the man sported a hard-on that strained his gray suit pants, he informed Lia that the erection was her fault, and that she really should address it.

  Lia got down in front of the guy, unfastening the pants.

  She stroked him off, embarrassed at first, then getting increasingly turned on when the man responded, all the while Loki looked on, his hand gripping her hair as he kissed her mouth, sucking on her tongue while her hand massaged the man’s cock.

  The man blushed uncontrollably the whole time, looking around nervously every few seconds as he bucked gently against her palm, trying in vain to hide his arousal and then his orgasm behind his computer tablet as she finished him off.

  She wondered what he told himself was happening.

  She had a flush of guilt then, wondering if he was married or had a girlfriend––or a boyfriend––or if she’d just molested a total stranger regardless, and Loki laughed again.

  “No, sweetness. Even the gods have to answer to karma. I know you won’t believe me, but I asked him, and he gave me an enthusiastic yes.”

  Strangely, that made Lia feel a lot better about the whole thing.

  Even more strangely, she did believe him.

  She didn’t believe Loki to be trustworthy, exactly, but she also never got the impression he was lying to her. She fully believed him capable of lying when it suited him, even creating elaborate storylines to deceive entire groups of people, if he could justify it according to his own twisted moral code and if it aided him in achieving his ultimate goals… but somehow, this didn’t strike her as an area where he was deceptive.

  If anything, Loki was brutally honest in this, and everything this-related.

  She tried to decide if her conclusions in that regard were wishful thinking.

  They didn’t feel like wishful-thinking.

  Lia usually had a really good radar when it came to whether she could believe someone. It was one of the things that made her a good thief. Her mom had called it “uncanny” when Lia was a kid, and even Maia called her “spooky” at times.

  Also, Lia trusted her gut on this because she would have welcomed any excuse to dismiss everything about Loki as a depraved, immoral, reckless, disrespectful, and untrustworthy. She would have loved any excuse to convince herself he was a liar, a snake, a manipulator, someone who lacked any redeeming value as either a sexual partner or a human being.

  She didn’t really believe that, though.

  Some part of Lia wanted to believe that, but she couldn’t quite convince herself, and not only because just about everything about him turned her on.

  As for Loki himself, that whole scene in the boarding area only seemed to jack him up even more.

  They boarded the plane not long after, and before the flight had even taken off, he’d pulled her into his lap. After teasing her with his fingers and tongue, sucking on her breasts and fingering her until the plane was in the air, he finally gave her what she wanted and fucked her thoroughly, after removing the small vibrator and putting it in his pocket.

  He ordered them drinks after they had sex the first time, with her still lying on her back, half-naked and sweating, writhing on the plane seats, fighting to catch her breath… then he turned her over and entered her from behind, yanking down the dress in front so he could fondle her breasts and tug on her nipples while he thrust languidly into her.

  Of course, none of the other passengers saw it.

  Still, something about Lia seeing all of those people there both mortified her and turned her on. Loki clearly felt that, because he brought her closer to other male passengers the next few times, fucking her right against one of them after pressing her into the man’s lap, so that the man’s erection pressed against her ass while Loki entered her from the front.

  When he brought her back to their seats, he insisted she kneel in the space below him, where he fed her from his plate and stroked her hair.

  He informed her that whenever his cock got hard––which was often––that it was her fault, and her responsibility to take care of.

  He came on her breasts, and refused to let her wipe them off.

  He came inside her… multiple times… enough to make her ask him about protection, about pregnancy and diseases… only to have him laugh and inform her he was a “god” and didn’t get diseases, and that he could only impregnate her if he specifically willed a pregnancy into her.

  He said he’d only do that if she asked nicely.

  When she let him have his way in just about everything, he got even more turned on, until he laid her out on both seats again, taking his time while he drove into her for what felt like hours, bringing her to the brink only to ease her off, doing it again and again until she was whimpering and begging him.

  He came inside her for a long time when he finally finished… so long, she found herself spasming against him, turned on to the point where she called out his name, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  She had no idea she could get so turned on by another person.

  She had no idea she could be sore from sex, and still want more, still crave more, to the point of sitting on his lap and thrusting her breasts in his face, asking him for it.

  She’d never behaved like this in her life.

  She began to wonder if he’d actually drugged her… if she was on some kind of insane, experimental aphrodisiac that turned her into an honest-to-gods nymphomaniac.

  When he started fondling her again, stroking her insides with his fingers while he pinched and pulled at the clamps he put on her nipples, spreading her legs to get her to drip on his cock, she felt like she would have done almost anything he asked, maybe short of murder, if it meant he would bring her to another orgasm with his cock inside her.

  Her whole body ached for him, for that magnificent cock, his dexterous fingers, his soft mouth, that freakishly sensitive tongue.

  When she finally managed to doze off, about three-fourths of the way through the flight, when most of the cabin was sleeping and they’d lowered the lights, closing the shades over all the view ports, Loki woke her up an hour later with his tongue inside her again.

  Again, he spent what felt like an hour on her, giving her head, kneading and massaging and stroking her all over, torturing her with his tongue and lips and teeth, until finally he raised himself up and thrust an enormous erection inside her, all the way to the root.

  She nearly came right then.

  She let out a weak moan as her cunt practically pulled him inside of her, and she groaned louder, clutching at him and begging him as he fucked her slowly, excruciatingly slowly, to an orgasm that nearly made her black out.

  Instead of satisfying her, it just made that ache in her throb more.

  She found herself whimpering in his ear, tugging on him before she turned around, bending over and thrusting her ass in his face.

  He took her again, harder that time, and when he came, he yelled out her name.

  He didn’t call her “little elf” that time.

  He called out her actual name.

  His voice came out deep, guttural, with a power that made her buck against him.

  He gripped her shoulder tightly in one hand, grinding and slamming into her as he lost control, his jaw clenched, growling with each thrust.

  Something about that seemed to shift something between them.

  She caught him staring at her after that, a dense probing in his eyes, mixed with a harder, hotter, more intense look that was difficult to look at without flushing and turning away.

  He stared at her like that for a few minutes.

  She told herself it
meant nothing.

  He continued to study her face until she was massaging the top of his chest, exploring his muscles, skin and bones with her fingers, tracing his gold and black tattoos, noting where his shirt stuck to him with sweat.

  When he spoke, his voice was as deadly serious as his eyes.

  “Don’t play with me, Lia Winchester,” he said.

  She looked up, blinking at him in surprise. “Me?” She smiled. “I thought we were playing, Loki, God of Mischief. I thought that was the whole point.”

  He was already shaking his head.

  His voice grew almost stern.

  “If you don’t intend to stay with me, if you plan to break and run as soon as I’ve finished delivering your sister to you, or as soon as I’ve freed you from this lecherous ‘Gregor’ and retrieved my ring… you’d better tell me now. If you don’t, I will be most vexed. Most, most vexed. I will feel quite bothered, you see.”

  He paused, still staring at her eyes.

  He seemed to be expecting an answer.

  When she didn’t give one, his green eyes darkened.

  “I might be more than vexed,” he added.

  She blinked at him a second time, then half-smiled, thinking he must be teasing her.

  This couldn’t possibly be anything to him.

  They’d barely spoken. He knew nothing about her.

  He knew nothing about her life.

  She knew nothing about his.

  This simply was what it was: a freaky, perverted, sexual free-for-all between two relative strangers who had literally nothing else in common.

  “That’s not entirely true,” he murmured, caressing the blond hair out of her face, leaning up to kiss her cheek.

  “The ring?” she said, lifting an eyebrow and wrapping her arms around his neck. “I figured you must’ve taken that from me by now.”

  “Not yet, my precious.” He drew a line along her jaw with one finger. “And that is not what I meant.”

  “Then what did you mean?” she said, her voice still teasing.

  He pushed her back slightly, giving her a harder look.

  “I mean, you and I, little elf… and what you seem intent on refusing to see. We may be human and god, but we are far more alike than you seem willing to acknowledge. I would like to propose a partnership. I am realizing I could use help, now that my brother is bound and determined to stake out Earth and prevent me from enjoying this world.”


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