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Guarding His Fortune

Page 17

by Stella Bagwell

  “Savannah!” All smiles, Schuyler promptly jumped to her feet and gave Savannah a tight hug. “I’m so happy to see you again!”

  “It’s nice to see you again, too,” Savannah said with genuine affection. Although she’d only met her a few months ago, Savannah could see her Fortune cousin was a truly sincere person. Like Chaz had said, Schuyler wanted everyone to be happy. “I’m glad we could finally meet for dinner tonight.”

  After Carlo greeted her with a handshake, Chaz helped her into the chair directly across from Schuyler’s, while he sat across from his brother.

  Once the waiter served them a bottle of Mendoza wine and a tray of hors d’oeuvres, Carlo and Schuyler began to ply them with questions about the apartment break-in.

  “This is really so embarrassing,” Schuyler said to Savannah. “On the first trip you make to Austin, Charlotte Robinson torches the Robinson estate and nearly kills her own son, who just happens to be your cousin and mine. Now, you come back to Austin and barely have time to get settled when you’re personally terrorized by Charlotte. You must be having all kinds of awful thoughts about this branch of Fortunes.”

  Savannah gave her a wan smile. “Not really. None of Gerald’s children can help what their mother does.”

  Carlo cast his wife an indulgent look. “Schuyler, you’re putting the cart before the horse. We’re not sure yet if Charlotte was behind the apartment break-in.”

  “Well, of course she was,” Schuyler argued. “A twelve-year-old could figure that out.”

  Carlo looked at Chaz. “Is that your deduction?”

  Chaz shrugged. “There isn’t definite proof yet. But there should be soon. Savannah and I got word this afternoon that they caught the two men who vandalized the apartment. Connor Fortunado is busy trying to connect the dots and trace them back to her.”

  “They’re not talking?” Carlo asked, his gaze vacillating between Chaz and Savannah.

  “Not yet,” Chaz answered. “But if they’re squeezed hard enough, they’ll spill something. And Connor has other ways of uncovering the information.”

  Schuyler looked over at Savannah. “I don’t know about you, Savannah, but knowing Charlotte is out there plotting and planning against the Fortunes makes me uneasy. Considering the fact that she’s already come after you, you must be downright frightened.”

  The only thing that frightened Savannah now was the reality of Chaz not being in her life. “I’ll be honest, the sight of my apartment shook me to the core. But I’ve gotten over the scare. And I have Chaz to protect me.”

  Across the table, Carlo and Schuyler exchanged sly glances.

  Chaz swigged down a portion of his wine, then cleared his throat. “Savannah has a problem,” he said wryly. “She believes I’m some sort of caped crusader who can stop a bullet with his bare hands.”

  Carlo grinned at Schuyler and from her spot across the table, Savannah could see his eyes twinkling with affection for his lovely wife. If only Chaz could look at her that way.

  “Is that how you think of me, honey?”

  With a coy laugh, Schuyler placed a hand on her husband’s arm. “Always,” she said to him, then glanced curiously at Savannah and Chaz. “So how are you two getting along?”

  “Schuyler!” Carlo scolded. “You’re being way too nosey. I thought you wanted to make a good impression on your cousin.”

  Before Savannah could say a word, Chaz spoke up in a cool tone. “Savannah and I are getting along just fine. I’ve drawn a line down the middle of the apartment. She stays on her side and I stay on mine.”

  His long fingers were casually toying with the stem of his wineglass and to anyone else he might have appeared relaxed, but Savannah was learning there was always something going on behind those dark eyes of his.

  “You’re really awful, Chaz,” Schuyler told him. “I hope you gave Savannah the best part of the bathroom.”

  “And which part is that?” Chaz asked.

  Chuckling, Schuyler glanced knowingly at Savannah. “Forgive my brother-in-law. He’s a bachelor. You’re going to have to teach him a few things,” she said, then leveled a pointed look at Chaz. “The woman has to have the side with the mirror, Chaz!”

  Chaz poured more wine into his glass. “Carlo, don’t you think it’s time you called the waiter over so we can order? I’m starving.”

  * * *

  Later that night as Chaz drove the two of them back to his apartment, he noticed that Savannah had gone unusually quiet. Which was puzzling since she’d been very chatty throughout dinner.

  “Are you angry with me about something?”

  From the corner of his eye, he could see her staring at him.

  “No. Why should I be? Dinner was lovely. The food was delicious and the company enjoyable. And the Mendoza wine has me feeling—” she stretched her upper body like a lazy cat and leaned back in the seat “—very warm and relaxed. It’s no wonder the winery is running out of merlot.”

  With a silent groan, Chaz purposely fixed his eyes on the highway, but the dark asphalt and oncoming headlights couldn’t wipe her beautiful image from his mind. Tonight, she’d somehow managed to look even more gorgeous than usual and all through the evening, he’d found it nigh impossible to keep his eyes off her.

  He knew very little about women’s clothing, but he’d bet the dress she was wearing cost several months of his salary. The skirt was splashed with pink and yellow roses and made a swishing sound each time she moved. The top part was the same yellow as the roses and it draped over her breasts like a soft cloud. Even in the dim lighting of the car interior, the chunks of diamonds in her ears glittered provocatively with each slight movement of her head. Her hair, which was pinned to the back of her head, was just messy enough to have a man thinking of long hot kisses and sweaty sheets.

  “If you found dinner enjoyable, then why aren’t you talking about it?”

  She sighed. “I suppose because I’m too busy trying to figure what’s wrong with me. Or if there’s something wrong with you.”

  His heart jerked, then jumped into overdrive. For the past three days since they’d moved into his apartment, he’d been aware of her subtle taunts. Like wearing shorts that showed more leg than the law should allow and wearing T-shirts without a bra. Oh, yes, he’d noticed. He was surprised he’d not already ground his teeth down to the gums and frozen his skin with all the cold showers he’d taken. But he was determined not to succumb to her seduction. Making love to Savannah would be wrong. It would be inappropriate. But it would also be downright delicious.

  “Maybe you should explain.”

  “As a woman, I’m wondering what I’m lacking. I’m asking myself just what I need to do to get you to take me to bed.”

  He sucked in a deep breath and gripped the steering wheel. “You’re already sleeping in my bed.”

  “Because it’s the only bed in your apartment, that’s why. As far as I’m concerned, we should be sharing it instead of you sleeping on the pullout sofa.”

  He took his eyes off the road long enough to look at her. Which was a mistake. She was smiling at him, a crooked little smile that melted his bones.

  He’d already made love to her hundreds of times in his mind. And on the couch that day of the vandalism... Those reckless moments with her were burned into his brain. The way she’d looked. The way she’d smelled and tasted. She’d turned into a wild, little kitten in his arms. Now the endless thinking, and wanting, and resisting was beginning to exhaust him.

  He said, “You think that’s what you want.”

  “It’s what you want, too, Chaz,” she said, her voice soft and inviting.

  He didn’t bother to deny it.

  * * *

  By the time they reached Chaz’s apartment, the tension between them had grown to the point where one touch would be like lighting a fire beneath an oil derrick. Still, Savannah wasn’t
sure that one touch would happen. The man had the resistance of a saint. For the past three days, he’d kept his distance in spite of her efforts to entice him. There was no reason she should think tonight would be any different.

  Until they stepped inside the apartment.

  As soon as he locked the door behind him, his hand reached out and snared her shoulder.

  The next thing she knew, his arms were crushing her to his chest and his lips were fastened over hers in a kiss that ravaged her senses.

  The floor beneath her feet began to tilt wildly and, seeking an anchor, she grasped his shoulders. Her fingers clung to the hard warmth while her lips opened wider, inviting him to deepen the kiss even more.

  When his tongue slipped inside and tangled with hers, she was certain every bone, every cell in her body was incinerating into ashes. She promptly forgot to breathe and as her knees turned to jelly, she wilted like a flower in the desert sun.

  Bending, Chaz swept her up in his arms and carried her through the dark apartment until he reached the bedroom where she’d left a tiny night lamp burning. At the side of the bed, he paused long enough to plant a swift kiss on her lips, before he gently eased her onto the queen-sized mattress.

  As soon as he joined her on the bed, Savannah rolled toward him and linked her arm around his rib cage. With her lips against his, she murmured, “This is where you belong, Chaz. Right here with me.”

  “This is crazy,” he argued. “It shouldn’t be happening. But I don’t want to stop it. I don’t want to stop this.”

  He kissed her lips, his hands delving into her hair, his tongue exploring the sharp edges of her teeth. Savannah instinctively drew herself closer until her body was perfectly aligned with his.

  “You have way too many clothes on.”

  His hoarse voice was enough to cause her toes to curl inside the delicate high heels encasing her feet.

  “So do you. Far too many,” she whispered. “Don’t you think we should do something about it?”

  His hands came around to the middle of her back where a zipper fastened her dress. He tugged the zipper pull until the fabric was gaping, allowing him to touch her smooth flesh.

  The track of his fingers was like a torch, slowly burning a trail, branding her wherever they went. Savannah endured the sensation for a few seconds before she frantically needed to give him more and take everything he was willing to give her.

  Slipping out of his arms, she stood long enough for her dress to slide to the floor. By the time she stepped away from the pool of fabric, Chaz was standing next to her, his hands skimming over the curves and angles of her body.

  Before she knew it, her lacy undergarments had joined the dress and she was standing naked before him. In the shadowy light, she could see his eyes devouring her and the hunger in his gaze was as potent as the touch of his hands.

  She whispered his name as his head bent and he took one pink nipple into his mouth. Pleasure rippled through her, but it was hardly enough to ease the ache that was building within her.

  Awkwardly, she contorted her arms around his head so that her fingers could reach the buttons on his shirt. She’d managed to unfasten two of them when he finally eased back and brushed her hands aside.

  “Let me,” he said thickly. “It’ll be faster.”

  Once his clothes were out of the way, Savannah was eager to wrap her arms around him and feel his bare skin next to hers. But he detoured the pleasure by easing her onto the bed, then turning his back to her.

  “I’m sure you don’t have protection with you,” he said as he fished through a drawer on the nightstand.

  A blush stung her cheeks. “That’s not something I normally need.”

  He glanced over his shoulder at her. “No. I don’t expect you do. I’ll take care of it.”

  Only a moment or two passed before he rejoined her on the bed, but to Savannah it felt like forever. She eagerly opened her arms to him and sighed when his bare skin was finally pressed to hers.

  When her lips found his, he kissed her tenderly, passionately, drawing emotions from somewhere deep inside her. She recognized that nothing would be right without this man at her side. Loving her like this. Forever.

  They were both breathless when he finally eased his lips away from hers. Savannah was still gulping for air, when his head descended to her breasts and his tongue made tantalizing circles around each nipple before drawing one and then the other into his mouth.

  She thrust her fingers into his hair and cradled his head with her hands until he got his fill. By then she was on fire for him and the ache between her legs had grown to an unbearable peak.

  “I need you now, Chaz! Please—I’ve waited so long.”

  His brown eyes glittered down at her. “We’ve both waited too long,” he said, his voice rough with desire.

  Bracing his hands near her shoulders, he positioned himself over her. Savannah parted her legs and welcomed him inside.

  His entry was swift, and complete, and literally tore the breath from her lungs. A groan lodged in her throat as she gripped his upper arms and waited for the stars inside her head to settle.

  “Savannah? Are you okay?”

  The whispered question caused her eyelids to flutter open and she looked up at him. The expression in his eyes and on his face was like nothing she’d seen on him before. It was naked, and stark, and so real that tears pooled in her eyes.

  He cared. Oh, yes, he truly cared. She couldn’t be wrong about that.

  “I’m wonderful. I’m incredibly happy.”

  “That’s all I want.”

  Lowering his head down to hers, he kissed her slowly, tenderly, while at the same time he began to move inside her with the same gentle rhythm.

  All at once, a mixture of desire and sweet emotion swirled through her and with a helpless moan, she arched upward, drawing him completely inside of her.

  The movement caused his head to snap back and a guttural sound rushed past his lips. Instantly, his strokes quickened and she met each one hungrily, frantically.

  On and on they went, locked in a love dance. Until the shadowy room was nothing but a blur, and the only sounds she could hear were the harsh intake of his breaths and the wild drum of blood beating in her ears.

  His hands were everywhere, sliding along her sweat-damp skin, driving her desire to the breaking point. And then, just when she thought her whole body was going to burst into tiny pieces, she could feel herself nearing the end of a glittering rainbow. If only she could reach it...

  In the back of her mind, she felt her fingers aching and realized she had a death grip on his shoulders. Yet, she couldn’t let go. If she did, she would surely float away.

  Relief suddenly exploded inside her as wave after wave of incredible sensations washed through her body. At the same time, she felt Chaz’s hands gripping her buttocks, lifting her toward his final thrust. And then he was crying her name and burying his face between her breasts.

  Several moments passed before he moved his weight off her and by then Savannah had regained enough strength to roll toward him and snuggle her body next to his.

  Beneath her palm, his chest was damp and hot, his heart was thumping madly. As she touched him, she realized she loved the sensation of his skin against her fingertips, the scent of him filling her head. He made her drunk with desire. He made her feel as though she could conquer the world. That with him at her side, her life would be complete.

  And that was because she loved him. Loved him with every fiber of her heart. Nothing had ever been as clear in her mind as her feelings were at that moment.

  “It’s my turn to ask if you’re okay,” she asked huskily.

  His head turned slightly toward her and though one corner of his mouth lifted with amusement, she could see the expression in his eyes was serious.

  “I’ve never been this okay, Savannah.�
�� He turned onto his side and pushed a hand into her tangled hair. As he swept the strands away from her face, he swallowed and closed his eyes. “I’m not sure what it means. Except that we have something special together. Very special. And I don’t want to give it up.”

  Tears of joy spilled onto her cheeks. “We are meant to be together, Chaz. Now and always.”

  He opened his eyes and looked into hers. “If your father finds out about this, it could be very bad. For both of us.”

  “He’s not going to find out. How could he? We’re not going to tell him, or anyone else. Not until we’re ready.” She reached over and traced a fingertip down one side of his mustache and on to the corner of his lips. “We’re grown adults, Chaz. This is nobody’s business but ours.”

  Groaning, he rested his cheek against hers. “And that’s the way we’re going to keep this relationship. Just between you and your bodyguard.”

  Chapter Twelve

  By the middle of the next week, Savannah felt like she was waltzing on the top of the world and her happiness must have shown. Marva was eyeing her with a speculative grin, while Arnold wanted to know what she’d been eating to put such a glow on her face.

  As Savannah and her two college friends sat eating their lunch in an atrium connected to the science building, Marva said, “For a woman who had her apartment vandalized and half her things destroyed, you sure have bounced back quickly.”

  With a good-natured smile, Savannah shrugged. “I’m not one to let troubles get me down. My parents always taught us kids that adversity makes a person stronger.”

  And it helped to have the man you love with you through every step, good or bad, Savannah thought. But her feelings about Chaz were something she couldn’t reveal to anyone. These past few days, he’d continually warned her that Charlotte’s spies could be anywhere among them and for her not to speak to anyone about their relationship. Not because he was ashamed of the fact that they were lovers, but because he feared the information might be picked up and passed on to the wrong person. Particularly, her father.


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