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Venom and Song

Page 1

by Wayne Thomas Batson




  Other Books by . . .


  The Berinfell Prophecies

  Curse of the Spider King


  The Door Within Trilogy

  The Door Within

  The Rise of the Wyrm Lord

  The Final Storm

  Pirate Adventures

  Isle of Swords

  Isle of Fire


  The White Lion Chronicles (series)

  Rise of the Dibor

  The Lion Vrie






  © 2010 by Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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  Characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Page design by Mandi Cofer.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Batson, Wayne Thomas, 1968–

  Venom and song / by Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper.

  p. cm. - (The Berinfell prophecies ; bk. 2)

  Summary: Trapped in Allyra by the evil Spider King, seven young Elf lords raised on Earth must learn to control their new-found powers, follow mysterious clues left by the Old Ones, and learn to work together to find the Keystone that might save the Elves and their allies.

  ISBN 978-1-4003-1506-2 (hardcover)

  [1. Fantasy. 2. Christian life—Fiction.] I. Hopper, Christopher,

  1979– II. Title.

  PZ7.B3238Ve 2010



  Mfr: Worldcolor / Fairfield, PA / May 2010—PPO# 106779

  To the One who lifts the chin of the downcast, picks up the downtrodden, repairs the broken, and finds the lost, we bow our knee and offer this novel as a sword in your armory.


  Principal Cast

  Principal Locations

  1. The Dark Veil

  2. Rip Currents

  3. Daladge Falls

  4. The Lordship Ceremony

  5. The High Council

  6. Stirring Convictions

  7. Paying the Price

  8. Safety Above

  9. High Treason

  10. Taking Stock

  11. Seeing in the Dark

  12. The Art of Discipline

  13. Playing with Fire

  14. Leaps and Bounds

  15. The Scarlet Raptor

  16. The Age of Chains

  17. The Prophecies of Berinfell

  18. Invasion of Nightwish

  19. The Taste of Blood

  20. Puddle Jumping

  21. Conflict of Interest

  22. Going It Alone

  23. Fighting with Fire

  24. The Moonchildren

  25. Peculiar Justice

  26. The Verdict

  27. Death in the Abyss

  28. Keeper of the Cistern

  29. Lyrics of Light

  30. Return to Nightwish

  31. Battle of the Heart

  32. Attack on Vesper Crag

  33. Death from Above

  34. The Phantom Army

  35. Ashfall

  36. The Enemy’s Backyard

  37. A Stirring Revolt

  38. Lessons from the Past

  39. A Hard Choice

  40. Strength to Rise

  41. Stalemate

  42. The Rainsong

  43. Backsliding

  44. A New Dawn

  45. Bloodlines


  About the Authors

  The Underground Bonus Scenes

  Principal Cast

  Allyran Elves: All Elves who live in Allyra.

  Ethon Beleron: First Raptor Ward of the Old Ones; of the Nightwing tribe, distant cousin to Jett.

  Alwynn Belkirith: High Cleric of the Tribes of Berinfell.

  Berylinian Elves: A rare race of Elves noted for their bluish skin.

  Asp Bloodthorne: A Drefid commander and messenger for the Spider King.

  Tommy Bowman: Curly-haired seventh grader from Seabrook, Maryland. Known in Allyra as Elven Lord Felheart (Fell-heart), son of Lord Velaril and Tarin Silvertree.

  Autumn Briarman: Petite, blond seventh grader who lives outside Depauville in upstate New York. Known in Allyra as Elven Lord Miarra (Me-air-uh), daughter of Lord Galadhost and Salura Swiftstorm.

  Johnny Briarman: Burly seventh-grade student who lives outside Depauville in upstate New York. Known in Allyra as Elven Lord Albriand (Al-bree-and), son of Elroth and Lord Tisa Ashheart.

  Annelle “Nelly” Brookeheart: Assigned as Johnny and Autumn’s Sentinel.

  Flet Marshall Brynn: Second-highest-ranking Elf military officer.

  Mr. Charlie: Dreadnaught protector of Tommy Bowman, thought dead after the battle at Dalhousie Castle. Known in Allyra as Merrick Evershield, but prefers Charlie. Often uses a deep Southern accent.

  Children of the Light: The ancient name of Allyran Elves.

  Cragons: The monstrous black trees of Vesper Crag.

  Dreadnaughts: Elite warrior Elves who practice Vexbane, a profoundly effective form of combat. Elite Dreadnaughts are assigned to protect the Seven Lords.

  Drefids: The Spider King’s ghoulish assassins. Drefids have four deadly claws that extend from the knuckles of each hand.

  Elves: One of the ancient races of Allyra. Elves are known for their books of prophecy and their woodcraft.

  Anna Rosario Delarosa Espinosa: The Simonson family’s housekeeper, and assigned as Kat’s Dreadnaught.

  Miss Finney: Lochgilphead school’s reading teacher and part-time librarian, and assigned as Jimmy’s Sentinel.

  Sarron Froth: The Drefid assassin who helped the Elves.

  Eldera “Elle” Galdarro: The mysterious librarian at Thurgood Marshall Middle School, and assigned as Tommy’s Sentinel. Known in Allyra as Goldarrow.

  Gnomes: Experts in maps, they wander far and wide, and have a longtime feud with the Elves.

  Jett Green: Seventh grader in Greenville, North Carolina. Rides motocross bikes and plays football. Known in Allyra as Elven Lord Hamandar (Ham-and-ur), son of Lord Vex and Jasmira Nightwing.

  James “Jimmy” Lewis Gresham: Redheaded seventh grader who lives in Ardfern, Scotland. Lived in an orphanage until he was adopted at six years old. Known in Allyra as Elven Lord Thorwin (Thor-win), son of Lord Xanthis and Dreia Valorbrand.

  Guardmaster Olin Grimwarden: Commander of the military forces of the Elves and their allies.

  Gwar: One of the ancient races of Allyra. Gwar are known for their brutish strength and their affinity for spiders.

  Lyrian Elves: A very strong race of Elves. They are dark skinned and have violet-colored eyes.

  Regis McAuliffe: Gresham family friend who works at a local pub, is assigned as Jimmy’s Dreadnaught.

  Migmar: Barrister King of the Gnomes.

  Mobius: The Spider King’s most decorated Drefid assassin, killed in the battle of Dalho
usie Castle.

  Edward Rengfellow: Sentinel posing as the curator of Dalhousie Castle outside of Edinburgh, Scotland.

  Sentinels: Very wise, very traditional Elves who are rumored to still follow the “Old Ways.” Elite Sentinels are assigned to protect the Seven Lords.

  Kat Simonson: Known for her constantly changing hairstyles and alternative music. Known in Allyra as Elven Lord Alreenia (Al-reen-ee-yuh), daughter of Beleg and Lord Kendie Hiddenblade.

  Mr. James Spero: English teacher at Jett’s school in Greenville, North Carolina. He is assigned to protect Jett.

  The Spider King: The ruler of all Gwar, who harbors an ancient grudge against the Elves. Lives in Vesper Crag.

  Sir Travin: Clever warrior for the Elves.

  Mr. Charles Wallace: Kat’s American history teacher who is assigned to protect her.

  Warspiders: Spiders that are so large they can be ridden like horses. Red Warspiders have lethal venom.

  Wisps: Enemies of old. Vapor-beings, shape shifters. Thought extinct. Only Holy Words and a weapon can kill one.

  Kiri Lee Yuen: Child prodigy cellist and violinist from Paris, France, whose adopted parents were killed by Wisps. Known in Allyra as Elven Lord Lothriel (Loth-ree-ell), daughter of Charad and Lord Simona Oakenflower.

  Manaelkin Zoar: Chief of the Elven High Council.

  Principal Locations


  The world where the Elves, Gwar, and Spider King reside.

  Locations on Allyra include:


  The capital of the Elves, who once resided across the many continents of Allyra

  Moon Hollow

  The heavily forested home of the Gnomes in northern Allyra

  Nightwish Caverns

  A vast network of caverns beneath the Thousand-League Forest, used as an emergency home by the Elves of Berinfell

  Terradym Fortress

  Engineered and built by the Gnomes, this fortress holds a relic of great importance to the Elves

  Vesper Crag

  Volcanic home of the Spider King and his minions

  Whitehall Castle

  Ancient training facility for the Elves, far to the northwest of Berinfell





  The Dark Veil

  FROM A rocky perch high on the Dark Veil in Allyra, a pair of narrow green eyes tracked the two lines of creatures racing ever closer. The eyes blinked with deliberate interest, pupils dilating to better ascertain what manner of prey drew near. The first group was far smaller than the second, and they stumbled along slowly. Wounded, perhaps. A shrill screech rang out, and a moment later the eyes were joined by another pair, and another, until the whole ridge of the mountain was aglow with bobbing eyes that flickered hungrily in the murky twilight. . . . There would be no better time. The creature launched itself off the ledge and emitted a shrill screech. It spread its wings and was joined by a cloud of its own kind. The creatures began to spiral down, soundless on the still air.

  Guardmaster Olin Grimwarden stopped and passed back the order. “Hold.” Elf-to-Elf, the command traveled until the entire line came to a halt. Grimwarden, Elle Goldarrow, Flet Marshall Brynn, Regis, Nelly, Miss Finney, Mr. Spero, Anna, and Mr. Wallace silently formed a perimeter around the seven young lords. Edward, from Dalhousie Castle, kept a close watch out behind, covering their retreat.

  Tommy felt a tap on his shoulder and jumped.

  “Sorry, lad,” said Brynn. Tommy couldn’t see her, just a phantom outline. She held something out. “Take these,” she said. “Grimwarden commands that you put them in your ears.”

  Tommy felt something drop into his hand. There were two objects, both small and very spongy. “Earplugs . . . why?” he asked.

  “It is litigen,” she said. “It grows on stumps and dead trees. But earplug is a good name.” Then Brynn was gone.

  Grows on dead trees? thought Tommy. Great. And I have to stick it in my ears?

  Tommy heard Sentinel Goldarrow’s voice, “Grimwarden, you sly fox . . . at last I understand.”

  At least someone understands something, Tommy thought.

  Mr. Wallace strained to see back through the Veil, but his eyes couldn’t penetrate the gloom enough to tell if there was any movement or sign. But his hearing was better than the Elves’, and he heard the faint rustle of many leather boots on stone. The Spider King’s forces were coming . . . not far now. Yes, he thought, staring at Kat’s silhouette, during the melee she will breathe her last . . .

  Kat hated the earplugs. They made her want to jerk them out and scratch her ears. And from the sound of the grumbling thoughts whirling from the Elves around her, she wasn’t the only one. She thought she heard Jimmy: “Feel like I’m puttin’ corks in me head!” Another voice was Johnny’s: “Owww! Might as well stick an ear of corn in each ear. ” But those were the only two clear thoughts. The rest were muddled. “How much” . . . “Veil is” . . . “the Gwar behind” . . . “Yes, during the” . . . “boots are too tight—” but nothing Kat could make sense of. Soon, she gave up trying and just stared out into the murk.

  Kiri Lee was the first to see it. Flickers of green twirled above them, swirling against the night sky like sparklers on the Fourth of July. The effect was more intriguing than startling, and all of the Seven found themselves entranced by the brilliant display of oddly twisting lights. “What—what are they?” she asked aloud.

  “Kyrin,” Goldarrow whispered. “Death callers.”

  “Death callers?” Tommy had overheard. He joined them in looking up at the myriad of tiny green lights, getting closer now. “Um . . .”

  “I’m not sure what you would compare them to,” she said. “Large bats? Maybe something of a raven, too. They are night feeders with sharp beaks and long daggerlike forefingers at midwing, but their scream—that is the most dangerous thing.”

  “Ah, the earplugs!” said Kat.

  “Yes,” Goldarrow explained. “It will not drown out the pull of their wailing completely, but it will muffle the effects. Keep your head. They will be here soon.”

  “Should I ready my bow?” Tommy asked.

  “Yes,” answered Grimwarden. “But not for the Kyrin.”

  Tommy looked back toward the entrance to the Veil in vain.

  “The enemy is coming,” Grimwarden explained. “And they are coming with great stealth.”

  “What are we going to—?” Johnny started to ask.

  “Be silent!” commanded Grimwarden. Then softly said, “Please, lord, remain silent. I need to time this exactly. Lord Jimmy, how close?”

  “Not yet!” Jimmy said. The other lords turned to stare at Jimmy, but he was just one of many shadowy shapes.

  Tommy watched the beady-green eyes descending closer and closer. What is Grimwarden waiting for? The wait was excruciating, the silence maddening until . . .

  They all heard it . . . a high-pitched ringing that rose and fell in increasing swells of volume. As it grew louder, all made sure their earplugs were in place. Tommy felt something odd on his skin, kind of like pressure, kind of like electricity. It rapidly became uncomfortable, and pressure grew in Tommy’s ears.

  “Hold on!” Grimwarden shouted. “Jimmy?!”

  “Almost there!” he cried, clutching his head from the throbbing pain. He wasn’t exactly sure how his gift worked yet, but he prayed it wouldn’t fail him now.

  The Kyrin scream affected all of the young lords. Jett laid Autumn down and covered her ears with his large hands, but that left his ears exposed. He gritted his teeth. Kiri Lee winced as the sound took on more than just a spine-tingling jolt down her neck; within her mind’s eye she saw jagged shards of glass splintering outward, each drawing blood from the skin of a dark sky.

  “Come on!” Grimwarden growled. “Closer! Closer!”

  Jimmy fell to his knees. “Just . . . a . . . few . . . more . . . seconds . . . ahh!”

ss Finney dropped down to his side.

  Lightning streaked overhead, cutting through the Veil with a brief but powerful flash of white light, giving the Seven their first look at the green-eyed beasts circling just overhead.

  Featherless bodies with stretched flaps of black skin along the wing, the Kyrin resembled a bat more than a bird. But their heads were shaped like those of large crows. Luminous green eyes bulged on either side of their thick, razor-sharp beaks. And, with wings extended, their long fingers protruded like thorns on each wing. Their flickering green eyes had a dizzying effect as layer upon layer of the creatures drifted down, the night air now a swirling emerald vortex.

  “Now!!” Jimmy screamed.

  “Archers, FIRE!!” Grimwarden cried out as he began waving a long torch above his head like a madman. Quickly he slammed the torch to the ground again and again until it was extinguished.

  Other fiery lights appeared in the distance. Too many to count. They streaked into the sky high over the Elves. A few struck the Kyrin cloud, but most continued their flight toward the Veil. Suddenly the Kyrins’ deafening wails stopped as a battalion of Elven archers’ flaming arrows found their marks on the approaching Gwar raiders. Then the Kyrin began a strange warble as the entire mass of green-eyed creatures swooped over the Elves and raced away toward the fires lighting the Gwar.

  “The Kyrin are attracted to fire,” said Grimwarden. “Thanks to Jimmy’s timing and my hidden archers, we’ll let the Gwar play with the Kyrin for a bit.” He turned to see just how many Gwar had skirted the Kyrin attack and made for their position now. “Elven host, DRAW—YOUR—BLADES!!”

  At their commander’s summons, all the archers drew their blades and streamed out from their hiding places. Tommy couldn’t believe how many there were. In a flash, they raced by the young lords and engaged the Gwar.

  Grimwarden turned and quickly surveyed the Seven Lords who had journeyed from Earth to Allyra only hours before. The youths had surprised Grimwarden with their endurance, having survived not only the battle in Scotland but also the trip through the portal . . . a grueling ordeal for anyone—especially the first time. The screams of the Kyrin had lost much of their intensity in the maelstrom of clashing Elves and Gwar, and Grimwarden motioned for all to remove their earplugs. “Again we have a temporary advantage, but the Gwar will be on us swiftly. Prepare your weapons . . . your gifts. We may need to fight our way out of the pass. Jett, you have carried Autumn long enough. Let the healer Claris take her ahead of us, where it will be safer. We will need your strength here.”


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