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Laura's Secrets

Page 7

by Augusta Wright

  As he pushed her to her back, she waited to see what would happen next. Laura could hear his rapid breaths or was that hers? Rowdy rose up spreading her legs with his knees as he lowered himself toward her welcoming body. As he did so, Jim slipped out of the cabin, allowing them their privacy as Rowdy had done.

  Rowdy whispered, “I will be gentle,” then continued to kiss her sweet lips and ease himself into her. She moaned her pleasure as she welcomed him in, moving as Jim had shown her.

  Jim’s penis was long and hard but Rowdy’s was thicker and more muscular. It did not ease into her as Jim’s had. But he taught her how to enjoy a new experience as she worked him in. Because of his thickness, it required more effort on her part, and she was a most willing helper.

  She heard him moan his pleasure at her actions because she wanted him. She helped him gain entrance as they both fought for control. He continued to sink into her, as he whispered, “Does it feel as good to you as it does to me?”

  Nodding, she pushed her hips upward, “Am I doing this right?”

  “Oh baby, you are,” he groaned. “I can die happy now.” He continued his rocking motions slowly at first.

  For a time, their lovemaking was steady and unhurried. His breathing accelerated. He cried out in his passion, “Come on, baby! Move your sweet ass and love me with all you got,” as his pace sped up and he rode her harder. Frantic for her own release, she matched her hip actions with his.

  Laura reached for the exploding stars then floated on clouds and drifted back to earth. Rowdy cried out in the throes of passion as his release filled her. They lay joined, breathing hard. Laura could not believe the emotions these two wonderful men had created in her. Knowing now what she had been missing made it even harder to think about them leaving.

  When Jim returned, the three sat on the mattress talking. Laura surprised them with a special cake she had made for the occasion. As they drank coffee and ate the scrumptious dessert, she was embarrassed at first to sit naked before the men. But she realized after what they had shared it should not matter. Rowdy took icing from his slice of the cake, spreading it on one of her nipples. Laura giggled as he leaned over to lick it off with his hot tongue. Wanton for more, she stretched forward so he could easily reach her and enjoyed the love play.

  Jim bent close and they licked and fondled her breasts with their tongues as they spread more icing on her.

  Rowdy asked her in a lusty tone, “Do you like it?”

  Blushing from head to toe, she said, “Oh, yes.”

  Their laughter filled the cabin, as the men returned to eating their cake, gazing at her as if she was next on the menu. They would leave soon, but they had taught her how to love.

  When they finished their refreshments, they lay back down on the mattress looking at her. “Aren’t we through?”

  Dragging her hungrily down between them, Rowdy said, “Not by a long shot!”

  “You mean there is more we can do?”

  Rowdy chuckled. “Honey, we are going to teach you many ways of loving before the sun comes up tomorrow. Are you ready for lesson two?”

  She looked from one naked man to the other as she began to stroke each hardening penis. “What’s next?”

  Short naps and more lovemaking continued throughout the night. The men showed her what it meant to be loved. She learned different positions, even how to make love to two men at the same time. But most importantly, they showed her how to enjoy pleasure and to give it, which was something she had never known.

  The crowing of the rooster woke them. The naked men jumped up, hurrying to the door to retrieve their clothes and boots before leaving the cabin. Laura sat up watching them with amusement, no longer embarrassed by the sight of nudity. Their bodies were beautiful to her. But Jim and Rowdy behaved as if they had been caught doing something naughty. She did not feel the least bit guilty about what she had done. She had needs just as a man did. They had awakened her from her virginal sleep. She stretched and yawned like a cat as she began to warm water for a quick bath before starting breakfast.

  What would they do, if I served breakfast in the nude? She giggled at her daring idea. They would not be back until she rang the breakfast bell. She warmed water and sponged her skin clean of the night’s sweat, knowing the farewells were coming.

  Chapter Eleven

  Earlier today, Rowdy and Jim had saddled their horses and tied on their bedrolls and the provisions she had prepared for them. She hated good-byes, especially one as emotional as this.

  Jim took her in his arms, giving her a letter proclaiming his love for her and telling her where she could find him in Texas if she ever needed him. Refusing to cry, she kissed him passionately. He clung to her before he released her, mounted his horse, riding a short distance away.

  Rowdy had prepared a letter for her as well. He handed it to her and pulled her into his arms. “Please let me stay and be your husband and lover,” he pleaded as he kissed her face before settling on her quivering lips.

  “I can’t, Rowdy. Maybe someday, but not now. I don’t want to choose between you. Please try to understand,” she whispered, hugging him for the last time.

  Rowdy claimed her lips as if he were a dying man, kissing her with memories of last night. “At least my kiss will be the last on your lips today,” he said swinging up onto his horse.

  When they reached the top of the trail, on the other side of the valley, they waved back at her before disappearing from sight.

  Laura sat on her bench near the cabin, overlooking her river valley. Unknown to her, Jim had secretly carved letters into her log bench. The letters formed the word “Forever” surrounded by a heart. She knew she would never forget the two angel men that had ridden into and out of her life. She would daydream about them “Forever.” The large rise to the right of the cabin gave her a spectacular view of her ranch. Sitting here now, she thought of all that had happened to her since she came to live in the mountains. And she grew sad and fearful now that she was alone. Why did she force them to leave? She knew why, but still it gave her little comfort to know she loved two men who she forced to leave because she would not marry again. She wanted to choose her own destiny. Even if it meant she was alone.

  She drew her knees up, wrapped her arms around them, and cried as she had never cried before. Terrible sadness came pouring out. She cried for all the wrongs done to her. She cried because she missed her family. She cried because she was isolated and alone. She cried because she was frightened of the unknown. She cried because she did not know what to do next since she had no money and no way of getting any. Her tears and sobs were deep wounds of grief, sadness, and even terror. Her sobs finally began to subside to silent tears and an occasional whimper.

  Something warm brushed her arm. She was terrified. She had left her guns in the cabin and she had no protection. She could not breathe, knowing a wild animal had come to her. Whatever it was came to the sound she had been making. But the sound the intruder heard was her sadness pouring out. The animal rubbed her arm again with its fur and whimpered low.

  Raising her head, she cried out when she saw the wolf, “Silver! You scared me to death!” She was thankful it was him. “We have a special bond, don’t we?”

  The large silver-colored timber wolf sat on his haunches, staring at Laura with his blue eyes. Small black markings around his head and eyes gave him a fearsome appearance, but now he was caring and docile with Laura. A reassuring sensation came from him that all would be well for her. He rose and came toward her, stopping to sniff and nudge her hand. She raised it, and petted his smooth soft fur before he turned and disappeared into the forest.

  Her self-indulgence at an end, she took a deep breath, and set her mind on what she had to do to survive. Standing up she went into the cabin, strapped on her gun and holster before she went to the barn to begin her daily chores.

  Seven nights after the men had left, a violent spring thunderstorm swept down from the mountains laden with heavy rain, booming thunder, an
d high winds. It continued through most of the night, lightning streaking across the sky for hours. The cabin shook when it thundered. She covered her head with the bed covers as if they would protect her if the roof caved in on her in the deluge.

  Nevertheless, she survived until morning. Daylight revealed broken limbs and several large trees down. The small stream from the spring on the mountain ridge high above her grassy meadow flowed stronger and faster now. She needed to check it out when she could get up there. She would have to wait until the sun dried the trail enough to make the hike. Heavy flooding had caused the river to rise dangerously close to the barn, but the cabin was not in danger.

  Days later, while pulling weeds and gathering some of the early vegetables, the odor of her sweaty body became overwhelming. She could use a bath. She did not want to haul several buckets of water and then wait for it to heat. What else could she do? Why not bathe in the spring? She needed to check it out anyway. She returned to the cabin for clean clothes, soap, and a cotton cloth to dry off with. Since the thunderstorm and heavy rain several days ago, the weather had become hot and humid. A bath in the cold spring would be invigorating.

  Laura followed the stream across the large grassy meadow. She liked the protection the edge offered high above her, dotted with tall green pines and beautiful aspens with white bark and black knots.

  When she reached the waterfall near the top of the rim, she discovered the storm had reshaped and deepened the small pool enough so she now could stand under the waterfall to wash her hair.

  After removing her clothes, she stepped into the cold spring, enjoying the sensation of being nude in the great outdoors. Moving under the overhang, she felt the icy tentacles wrap around her warm body as it circled her like a giant spider web. At the first touch of the freezing water, she sucked in her breath and held it, then released it with a pleasure filled giggle. Why had she waited so long to enjoy such a simple pleasure?. Her nipples perked, reddening from the sensation of the cool water. As she stood there, washing her hair, something hard hit the top of her head. She yelped with pain as the offending object splashed into the water at her feet. Bending over, she picked up a large, shiny golden rock and turned it over in her hand. What could it be? Some of the sides were shiny and flat, and others were sharp and uneven. Could this be a gold nugget, something she had heard so much about but had never seen before?

  She searched in the pool for more. Sure enough, she found another one. Picking it up, she followed the stream. The late afternoon sun threw slanting light across the grassy meadow.

  Laura walked along, picking up golden rocks. Finally, she held all she could manage. She laid the sparkling stones down near her clothes, stepped back into the icy water to finish bathing. Picking up her clothes and the rocks, she walked nude down the path to the cabin. There is nothing like the freedom without clothes, she thought as she strolled down the path. Suddenly hearing a sound high above her, she stopped to stare up into the mountains. She whistled for Silver thinking it may have been him. Sensing eyes on her nude body, she turned hurrying with Silver to the cabin.

  Eagle Talon, a Southern Ute medicine man, nudged his beautiful stud, Spotted Horse, deeper into the aspen trees, staring at the water spirit in the spring. Her glowing white body glistened as water droplets ran down her shapely nude back. Her long, straw-colored hair waved in the soft breeze as if beckoning to him. Could this be a mystical spirit he happened upon to help him with his buffalo quest? Or was it an evil spirit sent to lead him away from his search? He was unsure which as he continued to stare at the beautiful woman’s nude body, afraid to stay and afraid to go.

  Spotted Horse whinnied as the spirit walked away. She stopped, turning to stare in the direction of the sound. Eagle Talon gasped when the spirit turned its nude body toward him. Clutching clothes in her right arm, the large right breast was concealed, but the other stood out, pointed and exposed to his view. His eyes traveled the full length of the spirit’s body, unfamiliar with the straw colored thatch of hair between her legs. Indian women were dark haired and dark skinned. Comparing the differences, he was intrigued to find out more about this spirit if he could.

  The horse and rider blended into the forest. They did not move. The only sounds heard were those of the small cascading waterfall and the forest leaves quaking in the soft breeze.

  As he watched, the spirit gave a loud whistle and waited. From the edge of the forest above where the water spirit had been bathing, a large silver wolf appeared and made his way down to her side. The vision stroked his fur and said something to him. Then the spirit and wolf turned, going down the path to the cabin and disappearing from view into the line of trees.

  After the water spirit and wolf disappeared from view, Eagle Talon continued to think about what he had witnessed. The horse stomped his impatience to go, but still the medicine man did not give the horse the signal. He replayed the vision in his mind. He was more afraid now because the being had called to a timber wolf, which had obeyed its command. Now he wondered if it was a “Wolf Woman” or “She Who Speaks to Wolves.” It had called to his spirit as well as the animals that responded to her. He would have to be careful and watch this spirit.

  When he touched Spotted Horse with his knees to go, he realized his body had responded with desire to the vision. Did he desire a Spirit Woman? What would happen to him if he touched her? What had the Spirit Woman done to him? He would seek counsel from his spirit guides to know if it was a good spirit or an evil one.

  Laura hid the rocks in a basket in the cellar. Taking a bucket the next morning, she climbed to the top of the rim above the spring. She wanted to discover the source of the nuggets. The savage storm had uprooted a large pine tree growing on the edge of the stream. Golden rocks like decorations on a Christmas tree clung to the root ball. What she’d found before was nothing compared to the potential wealth to be picked up. But was it gold or the notorious fool’s gold Abner told her had tricked many a miner?

  As she gathered the nuggets, she whispered prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord for again taking care of her needs. If these were gold nuggets, she would have enough money to secure her land, and perhaps enough to live on. She made a number of trips to the cabin to hide the buckets of nuggets before she settled her nerves enough to do her chores for the day.

  How could she find out if they were real without causing an uproar? She had heard stories while on the wagon train of how men went crazy during gold strikes. When she crawled into bed that night, sore from carrying heavy buckets and climbing up and down the rocky trail, a plan began to emerge she hoped would work.

  Chapter Twelve

  Laura settled into the saddle, shivering, as the sun peeked over the mountains. Even in late May, it would be hours before the day’s warmth pushed aside the high-altitude chill. She tugged on the packhorse’s rope, anxious to get to Cora’s with her gifts of eggs and butter. She had packed the baskets with straw to protect the eggs from breaking, putting the crocks of butter into a separate basket. She had brought extra to trade with Tuffy to cover her real reason for riding into town. She had to find out if the nuggets were real.

  By mid-morning, she had reached the creek a half mile from the settlement. While the horses drank their fill, she waded in the creek several times bending to pick up rocks to examine. None held the sparkling yellow metal of those in her spring. She put several rocks from the creek bed into her pocket. Then scattering small golden nuggets into the spring, she put her plan into action.

  It was still too early for Cora and the girls to be up, but Laura pounded on the door until Cora welcomed her, wearing a flimsy robe in a floral pattern. “I am so glad to see you,” Cora said, throwing her arms around Laura. “Are you coming back to work for me? We miss your cooking.”

  “I brought you fresh eggs and butter for your biscuits. And I need your help. Will you send Hank out to get the baskets?”

  Cora yelled for Hank before turning back to Laura. “What do you want me to do? I’m happy to help you.
” She ushered her into the kitchen to pour Laura some coffee.

  “I need supplies. I brought eggs and butter to trade with Tuffy, if he will do it. However, I am afraid to go in there alone. I hoped you and the girls would accompany me to the trading post when I confront him. Also, I have found something—I am not sure what it is.” Laura laid out two small gold nuggets on the table before Cora. “Do you know what these are?” she asked innocently.

  Cora picked the nuggets up, staring at them, then at Laura. “Girl, these look like pure gold. Where did you find them?”

  “I stopped down at the stream to water the horses before I got to town. I saw something gleaming in the water and picked these up. Do you think they are gold? Is it that easy to find gold?”

  Cora sputtered. “They look like the real thing, but Tuffy will know if they are. We will get dressed and come with you. I understand why you would be afraid to go in the lion’s den without us.”

  Laura sipped coffee and tried to steady her nerves while she waited until the ladies were dressed. Cora brought Hank with them as well. They strolled down the street toward the trading post, with Laura nervously leading her horses behind them. She was afraid, but had no other way to find out about the gold. And with Cora and the girls at her side, perhaps she would be safe. When they reached the trading post, Hank carried the remaining baskets inside.

  As Laura entered, Tuffy begin to spew his venom at her. “Well, if it’s not Mrs. Brown and the rest of the whores. Come to beg me for more supplies? Or do you need a real man yet?”

  “Good day to you, Mr. Sawyer,” Laura replied. “I brought fresh eggs and butter to barter with you today for some supplies. Are you willing to do that?” She glanced about the post to see how many were in there to witness what was about to take place.


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