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Laura's Secrets

Page 15

by Augusta Wright

  “I had not felt desire for a long time. I came on a vision quest for my people to find buffalo and instead found you. I was not sure if you were human or spirit but you kept drawing me back. I have watched and waited to see if you had a man to love you and take care of you. I have not seen any man. Do you have a warrior who has spoken for you?”

  She pushed herself up to a sitting position so she could look into his eyes. “Many years ago I was forced to marry a man who took me away from my family and brought me to this wilderness. He died earlier in the summer, leaving me with child. I don’t have a man, but I don’t need one. I can take care of myself.”

  “I know you can. I have watched you trying to ready yourself and your unborn child for the winter that is to come, but maybe you will help me find something I can do for you,” he reached up to softly touch her face and her lips. She leaned into his hand at the gentle touch.

  “Will you let me see you as you were at the spring?”

  She stood above him and released her hair from its braids allowing it to flow around her. Never taking her eyes from his, she unbuttoned her work shirt. As she dropped her clothing, she liked the lusty looks he gave her, knowing he was enjoying all he was seeing.

  When she stood before him naked, she could feel his eyes burning into her flesh. She stared back at him thinking about what would happen next.

  He drew back the furs covering his lower body. Her eyes feasted upon his manhood long and thick as it leaned forward, slapping his stomach in jerking motions.

  Offering her his hand, he guided her to straddle him.

  Touching one breast and then the other, he pulled her forward to him so he could fondle and lick each one in turn as she moaned her pleasure and arched her back at his actions.

  Inching backward, she encountered the tip of his engorged manhood and pushed it into her hot wetness. She moaned her pleasure at his touch.

  Her continued motion helped her to impale herself on him. His moans told her he liked what she was doing to his rigid member. Because of his length, she took her time mounting him. She had learned from Jim and Rowdy what to do, but neither of them had been this size.

  At a mounting rush of passion, she called out, “Yes, yes, oh yes,” as she worked faster up and down on him. He held her tightly as she writhed in her climax.

  Regaining her direction, she pumped up and down on him again, “You please me very much.” He liked what she said as he pushed even deeper.

  She breathed softly into his ear, brushed her breasts across his chest, and continued in a smooth rhythm with him, “I never thought I would be able to take all of you. You feel wonderful, my strong warrior.”

  Talon grabbed her buttocks as he pushed into her. She took the initiative and rode him faster, hoping he would not be harmed because of his head injury. She rode him hard. She was his Spirit Woman and he was her Warrior.

  She whispered encouraging words to him and he whispered Ute words to her. She told him, “Do you like what I’m doing to you?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, come on then show me how well you like me,” She increased her actions and he followed her lead, giving as much as he had. As their intense climaxes consumed them, it seemed the tepee went up in flaming fire and smoke.

  Talon held her against his chest. “Do not leave me, Spirit Woman. I like this feeling of being one with you. I have longed for you from the beginning,” he whispered into her hair.

  Minutes passed as he soon regained his desire moving in and out of her again, as he held onto her tightly. She felt him growing hard again deep inside her.

  Talon hushed her. “Be quiet and let me love you gently,” He continued to slowly push in and out of her.

  “We didn’t kiss each other,” she said with wonder as she softly touched his handsome face.

  “What is a kiss?” he asked.

  “Let me show you.” She placed light kisses on his face until she reached his mouth. She moved her lips on his. When he opened his mouth, she slipped her tongue inside. She knew he liked the feeling because when she circled her tongue around in his mouth, she felt a response between her legs. It seemed impossible, but it encouraged him to give her more. She matched her rhythm to his, letting him set the pace this time. Whispered encouragements mingled with increased breathing as their passion reached to the heavens. With a loud scream of pleasure from Laura, Talon released his seed deep within her as they both frightened the wildlife in the forest with their yells of wild abandon and passion.

  As they lay together, happy and sated, she asked, “Why are you here alone?”

  “My people are Ute. I am their medicine man and spirit leader as is my mother. I have been on a vision quest,” he said turning her over on her right side as he pulled her left leg over his hip. He refused to release her.

  “Oh, what is happening to me?” as he turned a pale green and grabbed his head.

  “You shouldn’t have raised your head because you have a bad head wound. You were injured by a fall from your horse about five days ago. Please lie back down and you’ll feel better. I will get you a cool cloth.” She rose to fetch cool water and a cloth.

  “I did not fall from my horse. I am a great warrior,” he mumbled proudly when she returned to his side.

  “You may be a great warrior, but you still fell from your horse when you hit a low limb.” She smiled at his angry expression. “I feel bad now for making love to you when you’re still so ill. Please don’t die because of it.”

  “I will not die now. I will grow stronger because of it. I will help you do whatever it is you need done when I recover.”

  “I’ve been working the ranch myself, trying to keep it together and winter is coming. We will be fine. We don’t need any help from you or anyone.”

  He said no more on the subject as he drifted off to sleep again. His last thought was, “We shall see what you need from me.”

  Talon quickly recovered from his head injuries. Laura fussed over him, making him rest often.

  After the first encounter of sleeping with him, she went willingly to his bed. He seemed to thrive from her loving him. He was a strong powerful man and a lusty lover. What he did not know, he was willing to learn. He showed her new tricks, and she showed him some new ones, too. He seemed to like the kissing aspect, wanting to practice on her all the time and all over her body. She was ready and willing.

  She was not lazy. She worked hard every day. His eyes were constantly on her and she watched him as well. If they touched at any time, it wasn’t long before they were entangled in passion. As Talon improved, Laura spent more time in her cabin. He was quick to join her there.

  As she grew larger, her pants were not fitting in the waist. She tied them up with a small rope because she could no longer button them. The baby now was active at night; when she lay down to rest, the child would not be still. She always thought of the baby as he. She hoped it would be a boy, someone to leave the ranch to someday. She had many plans for herself, her child, and the ranch. The first time Talon felt the baby move, his eyes widened in amazement. After that he often laid his hand on her stomach.

  One day while tending to her cabin, Laura opened the cabin door, startled to see Talon standing there with a large buck thrown over his shoulder. He said in an irritated voice, “Where is my horse? I had to hunt without him.”

  She said sweetly, “I put him in a stall to feed him grain. He’s been so hungry.”

  In a strangled voice he yelled, “You have been feeding my warhorse. No one feeds or cares for my horse, but me. What have you done to him?” He dropped the deer on the porch and headed for the barn, Laura on his heels.

  Leading the horse out of the barn, he said to Laura in a tone that should have frightened her but did not, “Do not touch my horse! He is bad medicine for you. He will hurt you. Do you understand?”

  “I put him in there to keep him out of my way while I work.”

  “Out of your way? Woman, what are you talking about? This is a warhorse and h
e does not get in your way,” he roared.

  She stood, looking up at him in defiance. “Yes, he does. Turn him loose and you’ll see he follows me everywhere.”

  Talon released the horse. Laura turned her back on both of them heading for the cabin. She peeked over her shoulder. The horse followed her. When she stopped, he stopped. When she moved, he moved. If she bent over to pick up a bucket, he leaned over her to see what she was doing. Laura turned to Talon and said, “Do you see why I put him in the barn? He’s a pest when I am working. Oh, are you going to skin that deer?” She hurried to the cabin before she laughed aloud at his confusion over her changing the subject.

  A woman and a horse had outsmarted Talon. For the first time in a long time, he grinned. Then he started to laugh until he had tears in his eyes. His amazing woman had conquered his warhorse, and she had conquered the warrior as well.

  Picking up the deer, he began the skinning process. Laura would prepare a wonderful meal for them to enjoy together with the fresh meat. She would be sad when he broke the news he had to leave. His people needed him now, but he knew she needed him as well. As he worked, he prayed to the Great Spirit to help him do the right thing for Laura and his people.

  After skinning, cleaning, and cutting up the deer in sizes Laura would be able to handle, he waited for her to go to the barn to close up the animals for the night. He caught her, pulling her into an empty stall where he had put fresh hay earlier. Pushing her up against the feed trough, he kissed and fondled her. Putting pressure on her shoulders, he eased her down to her knees before him and pulled his loincloth aside.

  Taking him in both hands, she fondled him as she sinuously kissed him along his long length working toward his sensitive area. When she reached it, he was rock hard. She slipped him into her hot mouth and began to suck loudly on him. Standing with both legs apart, he twisted his hands in her long hair, holding on for the ride.

  Gasping, he said, “Pull your pants down, woman. I need you now!”

  Not releasing him with her mouth, she stood up enough to slip her pants down and wiggled out of them. Spreading the pants behind her on the hay to lay on, she tugged on him to bring him to his knees as she continued to kiss and suck.

  Her mouth released him and as she lay back, he put his long finger into her to see if she was wet for him.

  “I’m always ready for you, my lusty lover,” she said.

  He pushed into her waiting hotness as she spread her legs and wrapped them around him, not wanting to let him go.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Talon left at first light. He had packed his belongings before going hunting the day before. He told Laura after they had eaten supper in her cabin that he would be leaving to tend to his tribe. He explained he had to return to his people because winter was approaching and they needed to find a place with protection and food.

  “Where will they go?” she said concerned for his people.

  “Right now they are camped on the outer plains, but when the cold wind blows they must have warm shelter and food. We have searched many moons for the buffalo but they are gone. My people have not had a chance to prepare for winter,” he told her sadly as he explained the problems and his disappointment in himself as their medicine man.

  “I know of a small hidden valley on my land where your people could live and be safe for the winter. I have food I will share with them,” she said.

  He stared at her in awe, “You are offering my people shelter and food? Why?”

  “They are your people and I know how you worry about their welfare. You have a responsibility to keep your tribe safe. You’ve helped me, please let me help you,” she answered.

  Unable to control their passion for each other, they shed their clothes and begin to explore each other’s bodies before the warmth of the fireplace. He knelt before her and kissed a fiery path down to the apex between her legs.

  He spread her lower lips with his thumbs and placed tender kisses on her throbbing essence. She grasped his head pulling him closer to herself moaning, “Yes, yes!” His long tongue darted in and out as she encouraged him with her cries and the movement of her hips.

  Carrying her to the bed, he placed her on the quilt her mother had made her. He knelt between her legs as if before her throne to worship her. Continuing to pleasure her with his tongue, he suckled her until she was weeping and crying from the pure pleasure he was giving her.

  When she shouted her release, he lay down beside her as he began to worship her body with his hands and lips. She sighed as he drew heartily on one of her breasts, playing with the other with his thumb and forefinger. His hand passed over her swollen tummy and she gasped.

  “Have I hurt you?” he asked concern in his voice.

  “No. I will be much bigger when you return. Will you still want me like this?” she asked thinking she might lose him.

  “I claim the fruit of your womb as mine. Why would I not want you as well as the baby? Do not worry because it will not matter to me. Now love me like a woman loves her husband who is going away for a while,” he said passionately to her.

  She heard the word husband and wondered if he was thinking they would marry someday. She knew she would never marry again, but now was not the time to address the issue. She wanted him and he wanted her. That was the most important thought at the moment.

  He continued to kiss his way down past her rounding belly, lavishing attention again on her private parts.

  She loved what he did to her and it did not take him long to bring her to fulfillment again with sighs and moans of pleasure coming from her as she thrashed on the bed. He was pleased at how she readily responded to him.

  When she came back down, he was still kneeling between her legs appearing pleased with himself. Reaching up and taking him into her hand, she guided him toward the place his lips had been. He watched as she spread her legs wider to accommodate him as his tip touched the mouth of her waiting wetness. He began to lower himself into her. She was soft, hot, and waiting as he inched his way into her. She sighed her displeasure anytime he withdrew from her which made him smile warmly. She wanted more of him and he was happy to give it to her.

  He eased into her again, ever mindful of the baby growing in her. Supporting most of his weight on his arms, he continued to push into her. She thrashed and moaned, “Don’t stop! Harder now,” as he pushed in and out of her. When her thrashings ended, she opened her eyes and looked at him. “Oh, my darling, it was wonderful,” she told him breathlessly.

  He continued to move back and forward, “You will give me much pleasure before this night is done.” His movements soon began to build, and he rode her harder and faster. She abandoned all control as she helped him. He was bellowing at the top of his lungs and she was screaming for him not to stop when the world around them seemed to shatter like millions of falling stars.

  After a few minutes, he rolled to his side, taking her with him as he pulled her leg over his. He kissed her lips and whispered words to her in his language from his heart. She did not understand the words but she sensed the feelings.

  He switched back to English as he told her how much she pleased him and what a wonderful lover she was. He hoped he had pleased her too. She nodded her head. She had been loved to perfection and the night was still young. What a night of pleasure it turned out to be!

  Talon left quietly before the sun was up. Laura slept so peacefully he did not have the heart to wake her. He did not want a tearful goodbye either. He wanted her to remember the hours they had spent loving each other. His heart was joyful as he took one last look at her sweet angelic face asleep on the pillow and remembered her continued passion for him during the night. He placed logs on the dying coals so she would wake to a warm cabin. Silently he said to her, “I will return as soon as I can. Be brave and be safe, my love.” Then he was gone.

  He traveled fast and late into the evening before finding a rock shelter from the high wind that had begun to blow cold during the afternoon. Building a fire,
he roasted a grouse he shot with his bow and arrow earlier. His head was hurting again so he prepared a mixture of herbs and willow bark to ease the pain. He hobbled Spotted Horse, allowing him to graze during the night and keep watch for wolves and bears.

  After he had eaten and taken his medicine, he began to feel better. Wrapping his blanket around himself, he lay down near the fire to sleep. As the fire died down, a pair of blue eyes watched him from the forest. The wolf did not attack the sleeping man, only guarded him as he slept as Laura had asked him to.

  Talon dreamed. His people were crying, talking, and moving. He could not see where they were going. In his dream, they moved the village; but why and where? Buffalo were on the plains grazing as if they waited for the hunters, but his people moved in the opposite direction from them. Laura’s long blonde hair blew in the wind toward the buffalo, they thundered toward her. He jerked awake!

  It was almost dawn. He was sore from the cold hard ground and shivered from the cold north wind whistling through the trees. His fire was almost out. It took him a while to bring the coals back to life and get warmth from the burning wood. He noticed Spotted Horse had moved closer to him during the night and had lain down nearby. It was unusual for him to do so and Talon wondered why.

  Perhaps he sensed danger in the tall pines or a change in the weather or maybe both. Talon munched on roasted corn. Spotted Horse heard him eating the corn and rose to come over to him. He shared the corn with the horse knowing he would need the strength to get them home. They soon broke camp to continue their trek before the sun rose. All day Talon thought of his dream, wondering what it meant and how Laura played a part in it. He would talk with his mother when he got to their camp.

  But as he approached the campsite there was no sign of his people. What had happened to cause them to move? Where had they gone? Worried, he searched the surrounding area for signs of the direction they had gone in. When he realized the tribe had divided itself, it caused him fear. It was something that should not have happened. What could have caused it?


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