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Dr. OB (St. Luke's Docuseries Book 1)

Page 15

by Max Monroe

  “Dr. Cummings?” Elise questioned as Will sat down on his rolling stool and started to put on a pair of sterile gloves.


  “It’s Ms. Allen,” she corrected with a wink. “I’m newly divorced.”

  Will just nodded in response and set his focus on setting up his sterile instruments. “So, we’re just here for your yearly pap smear, is that correct, Ms. Allen?”

  “Please, call me Elise, and yes, just a yearly pap smear.”

  “You’re just going to feel a little pressure as I insert the speculum,” he instructed and started the exam. “Now, I’m going to swab your cer—” He paused midsentence with a perplexing look etched on his face. Two seconds later, after grabbing for an instrument that looked a hell of a lot like oversized tweezers, Will pulled a small piece of laminated paper out of the patient’s vagina. He set it down on the metal table and just stared at it, his face equal parts shocked and horrified. He looked so cute, a little wrinkle between his eyes, but I’d never seen him make that face before.

  Morbid curiosity got the best of me, and I moved toward his side to read the wording written across the laminated paper.


  <3 Elise Allen <3

  A gasp left my lips before I could stop it, and Will looked in my direction.

  Not only had the patient dressed up like a hooker and not worn underwear to her appointment, even flashed The Beave to him before the appointment had gotten started, she’d also come to the fucking appointment with her phone number inside of her vagina.

  Inside of her vagina, people.

  What in the ever-loving fuck was this?

  And quite frankly, wouldn’t a piece of laminated paper inside your hoo-hah hurt?

  Elise sat up on her elbows and smiled down at Will. “I’m a huge fan of your show, Dr. Cummings,” she purred, and I had the irrational urge to vomit. “I’d love for you to call me sometime.”

  On top of the irrational urge to vomit, I felt like sprinting out of the exam room. I didn’t want to be anywhere near Elise, or Will for that matter, as jealously turned to alarm.

  Was this the kind of shit I would be dealing with all the time?

  I wasn’t sure if I could handle a relationship like this. Women weren’t just visibly flirting with him during appointments, now they were using their actual vaginas as wingmen to hand out their phone numbers.

  What else was next?

  Holy hell, I didn’t even want to think about that. Women were crafty. And horny women were crafty and determined. I wasn’t sure I could handle all of this. Will wasn’t exactly a normal guy anymore after the show. He wasn’t just a successful physician. He was more than that now. Women all over the country, hell, probably even the world, knew him.

  And they knew him as Dr. Obscene.

  That nickname didn’t exactly discourage vaginas stuffed with phone numbers.

  I couldn’t stop myself from wondering, Is it really a good idea for me to be involved with Will?

  “Will, we need to—”

  Looking both ways for witnesses, I pushed her toward the door to the empty patient room and opened it, ushering her through before she could finish her sentence. She went easily enough, too busy trying to figure out what I was doing or how to say what she wanted to say to fight me. It didn’t really matter to me which it was, as long as she was distracted enough to let me get started.

  From the moment of the inappropriate treasure discovery, it’d felt like the rest of the exam of Ms. Elise Allen had taken forever. Lust rushed over me so powerfully it was blinding, and it had nothing to do with a woman desperate enough to put her number in her vagina.

  Instead, it was the other woman in the room, the one who’d looked on as Elise flirted, drumming up enough self-control not to say anything in response when I wouldn’t have blamed her at all if she had.

  I pushed Melody toward the table with a firm hand to her stomach and laughed internally as her bouncing eyes tried to make sense of it all.

  My lips went to her ear to speak before she could, and when I did, it came out in a raspy whisper. “That little gasp,” I explained, a weakness I couldn’t avoid acting on. “When you figured out what it was, I heard you gasp.”

  All that self-control ruined by one sharp inhale.

  “Will,” she breathed back shakily.

  “I lost my mind when I heard you gasp, and I haven’t been able to think about anything else but making you do it again.”

  “Will,” she murmured again, her heart racing so hard I could feel the vibrations of her chest against mine.

  “I have to be inside of you, Melody.”

  Somehow, I’d managed to put the right words together to explain my teenage-like hormonal response to a simple reactionary noise eloquently enough that she understood—and not only that, but wanted me too.

  “Jump up,” I told her but put my hands to her hips so she didn’t have to do the work all on her own. The paper crinkled beneath her ass as it landed, and for the first time ever, the sound of it fired something erotic inside me.

  Grabbing the fabric at the top of her scrub pants, I bunched it in my hands and yanked it down as she lifted her hips to ease my way. They caught on her shoes, so I took everything off at once and spread her at the knees.

  With practiced efficiency, I pulled the stirrups up and locked them into position. I couldn’t have missed the widening of her eyes.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  I didn’t reply verbally, not at first, instead lifting her feet and placing them pointedly in each position. She eyed me carefully, clenching her knees tightly together in denial.

  But I didn’t even have to think about how to bring her around to my way of thinking. Her skin was soft and alluring and invited me further into her space with every inch my hands skimmed. As I moved up the line of her calves and around to the inside, her knees parted at my push, and her hips jumped at the approach of my touch.

  “I’m serious. About this and you and the fact that you’ll be in a whole lot of trouble if you move your knees even…one…inch…closer together.”

  Her throat bobbed as she swallowed, and I leaned forward to touch my lips to the apex of her thighs as if called.

  “Just relax, Mel,” I whispered there, right against her warm, humming skin.

  Pulling away slowly—and quite painfully—I backed out of the space between her legs and rounded the table to the cabinet. I opened the one with samples and scanned the contents until I found what I was looking for.

  Grabbing one from the box, I shut the door and moved back to Melody, unbuckling my belt and undoing the button of my pants as I did. The color of her face ripened as she realized where I’d gone.

  “Oh my God.”

  I laughed a little and leaned toward her with the condom between my pointer and middle fingers. “What? There are perks to doing this here.”

  Her eyebrows pulled together, and I knew the question without her even having to ask it.

  God, I’m an idiot. I was joking, and she was thinking, Have you ever done this here before?

  “Never,” I answered, even though the question had never been spoken.

  And I hadn’t. Not in my office and not with one of my office staff. The younger version of me didn’t think about things the way I did now, so I couldn’t say hospital hookups hadn’t happened in the past, but Mel was the exception to the rule, not the rule itself. Always. I wanted her to know that, but I didn’t want to spend any more time than necessary talking about it. We’d only have so long before people noticed us missing individually, and then eventually, noticed we were missing as a pair. And that would have a hell of a lot bigger impact on us than any transgressions from my past would.

  “I promise.”

  She nodded, not in agreement but belief. If I said I hadn’t done it, she trusted that. I didn’t think I’d ever had a woman other than my sister have that much faith in me before.

  “Now,” I whispered. “Spread those
legs wide, baby, and keep them there.” I flicked the condom up onto her chest and leaned in closer as she watched it land. “And hold on to that for me. I’m going to need it soon but not until I have a little something to eat.”

  She shivered before my tongue even touched her. As it turns out, words can be foreplay when you’re short on time.

  “Mmm,” I moaned as my lips closed over her pussy and sucked on the already waiting arousal. Her legs started to shake with the effort to keep them open, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease her. “Bet you’re glad for those stirrups now, huh?”

  She smacked my head with a scowl, but when the violence was over, her hand didn’t bounce off of my head and away. Instead, her fingers laced through my hair. She yanked it back, pushing my mouth to her pussy and smiling. “We don’t have a lot of time here, Dr. Cummings.”

  I think my name was meant to knock some sense into me, but all it did was turn me on. “Keep talking like that, and all you’re going to get is my cock, Mel. A meal isn’t meant to be rushed. It’s meant to be enjoyed.”

  “Yeah, well, unless you want the whole office to see you shoot your load in good ole Load-y, you better get your shit together.”

  I laughed, moving up her body to touch my lips to hers and softening my voice to a cajole. “Relax, Mel.”

  She pursed her lips.

  “I locked the door.”

  Her green-gold eyes narrowed, and I fell a little deeper. Into her, into the moment, on my way into in love. “Okay,” I agreed. “I’ll hurry.”

  She smiled then, triumphant.

  “But only until we get to the good parts,” I amended.

  Slowly, she moved her lips over mine, one side to the other and open until I let her tongue inside. Only then did she whisper her approval. “Deal.”

  “Go ahead. Lie back, and we’ll start the exam.”

  “What, are we playing doctor and patient now?”

  “Why not?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Because it’s creepy.”

  I winked. “Good. I’d much rather play doctor and nurse.”

  She smiled and shook her head. “Then get in there, Doctor. They need you.”

  I just bet they did.

  Bending low, I lifted her thighs with a jerk so that her ass left the table, and I settled my hands there. With one long lick, I pulled her taste back into my mouth and savored it. She wasn’t like anyone I’d had before, sweeter in all the ways that counted. And the taste of her pussy was sure as hell one of them.

  She gasped, the same sound she’d made in the other exam room, and my dick pulsed in my pants.

  “Again,” I rasped against her, and her hips jerked. With a quick stroke, I punched my tongue inside her, and only then did she gasp again.

  “Again, Mel,” I ordered. She didn’t listen, not that I expected her to, the difficulty of a genuine gasp on command above even my pay grade. But it was part of the fun, telling her to, and then finding a way to make her.

  Fingers to her ass, I pulled her closer to my face and swirled her clit until she gasped at the final flick.

  She writhed now, close to climax, and I wanted nothing more than to taste it as she flooded my mouth. Up and down, her hips punched the air and guided my face as I ate. “That’s it, Mel,” I encouraged. “Chase it. Make me give it to you.”

  “Will,” she called, closer to a yell than either of us expected.

  “Quick, baby,” I told her. “Before someone finds us.”

  Her eyes widened and then closed in ecstasy, the threat of discovery and the swirl of my tongue combined with three quick pumps of my finger finally enough to push her over the edge.

  She sat up violently at the unexpected knock on the door.

  “Hello?” Marlene called from the other side.

  I smiled at Melody’s sheer panic and scooped up the condom from the center of her chest before leaving a kiss behind in its place.

  “Guess we’re going to have to save this for another time.”

  She shoved my shoulder and mouthed, “Marlene!” angrily.

  I winked. Cleared my throat. And then raised my voice to a yell. “Be out in a sec, Mar. Just needed a minute to collect myself.”

  Melody’s eyes shot to my very hard dick as Marlene grumbled an unsatisfied okay back.

  I laughed softly. “I wish you had time to help me collect myself too.”

  Another slap to my chest.

  “Go!” she mouthed. “She’s outside that door waiting for you.”

  I looked down. “Do I look like I can go now?”

  “Well…think gross thoughts, then. Quickly.”

  “Gross thoughts?”

  She scowled. “To make him go back to normal.”

  “Oh, please,” I said with a chuckle. “Please give me examples.”

  “Susie sucking Frank’s dick.”

  Oh God. The NYC bus tourists. I cringed.

  “Exactly!” she cheered nearly silently, offering another suggestion immediately. “Your mom.”

  “Ew. That’s more twisted than I’d like, thanks.”

  “Hairy knuckles. Bowel obstruction. Applesauce on a mustard sandwich.”

  I pouted as the blood filtered its way back into my head, but she leaned forward and touched her lips to mine to make it better, promising, “Later.”

  God, yes. Later.

  “Now, I’m hard again.” I teased, rubbing my thumb over her perfect, plump bottom lip. “You ruined all of your hard work.”

  “Just go!” she said with a shove.

  I straightened myself, grabbed my coat from the stool, and threw it on before walking to the door and looking back at her.

  “See you soon, Melody Marco.”

  All of her features gave up only a hint of their sternness, but it was enough. “See you soon, Dr. Cummings.”

  Another day, another dollar, and another glorious opportunity to watch Will’s firm ass strut around the break room as he doctored up his coffee—with what I presumed was someone else’s creamer—from the employee fridge, while I stood with a hip to the counter.

  That man, my man, had a fantastic ass. And yeah, maybe he wasn’t exactly strutting, but I had a vivid imagination and could easily insert memories of him where actual strutting had occurred. Particularly the ones where a naked Will had strutted toward me with a magnificently hard cock.

  He’d been doing a lot of naked reassurance in the last few days since Elise Allen had used her genitals as a delivery service. First, here in the office, and several times on a variety of masculine furniture in his apartment. I wasn’t at all opposed.

  Yes. Yes. Those are good memories.

  After he’d poured a healthy amount of creamer into his mug, I caught sight of a familiar name with a familiar masking-tape label.

  Marlene’s Creamer. Drink it and you die.

  Death threats via dairy. That was a new one and only proved that Marlene had no scruples when it came to what was considered within the normal boundaries of appropriate workplace behavior. Lawsuits for harassment be damned, the woman meant business when it came to what she thought was rightfully hers.

  “Looks like someone is in the mood to live dangerously today,” I whispered, and he glanced over his shoulder as he shut the fridge door.

  “You didn’t see anything.”

  “Hmmm…” I squinted my eyes and crinkled my lips at the corners. “I’m not so sure about that…”

  Will stood beside me and rested his back against the counter. “I was never here,” he whispered conspiratorially.

  “I’m pretty sure Mar—” I started to say, but he covered my lips with his hand.

  “I. Was. Never. Here,” he said with serious eyes, and my mouth crested into a grin against his palm. “This isn’t funny.” He affected concern. “This is life or death here.”

  I didn’t take the bait, though. Instead, I just licked his hand like a puppy until he pulled it away, chuckling.

  “How long have you been living on the wild si
de and stealing her creamer?”

  He smirked. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “If she ever finds out, your ass is grass.”

  Will just laughed in response and took a sip from his coffee. After he’d successfully caffeinated up for the last half of the day, he looked at me with a mischievous grin.

  “Feel like playing a little hooky from work?”

  “Always. This place blows,” I teased, and he feigned annoyance. I played it off like it was no big deal, but the thought of heading out on some kind of adventure with Will made my heart jump in my chest. We’d been out on our first date obviously, but since then, if we were together outside of the office, it was probably at his apartment. Sure, we spent a lot of our time naked in a place with a convenient bed, but a little part of me nagged that it wasn’t natural.

  “This place doesn’t blow.”

  “It’s probably the worst job I’ve ever had,” I added, and he reached his hand around my back and pinched my ass. I couldn’t help but squeal out my surprise.

  “Quiet down,” he said and shushed me. “Don’t draw any attention to us or else my plan isn’t going to work.”

  “Don’t pinch my ass, then,” I whispered back. He just chuckled softly.

  “Anyway, how are you going to manage sneaking out before noon? You have five more appointments before the day is through.”

  “Mark has a resident working with him today.”

  “So?” I questioned with a skeptical brow. “Dr. Stewart isn’t exactly known for going the extra mile and taking additional appointments. That man is out the door at five p.m. on the dot.”

  He flashed a wink in my direction. “I might’ve also given him my Mavericks tickets for their game against Pittsburgh.”

  “Ah.” I nodded in realization. “Now, I’m understanding. Low morality bribing at play again. At this rate, you won’t have any tickets left for yourself this season.”

  “Don’t worry, if you’re interested in going one day, I’m sure I’ll be able to scrounge some up. Plus, I think you need the rest of the day off.”


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