Just A Man (The Porter Trilogy Book 1)

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Just A Man (The Porter Trilogy Book 1) Page 5

by Shannon Youngblood

  Even though her aggression shocked me to my core, it didn’t compare to hearing Mr. Porter growl low in his throat and whisper a warning threat. “Don’t you ever insult my assistants again, Sarah. Back off, or get the hell out of my office.”

  I backed out before he could direct his rage at me, but not before I heard blondie saunter over to his desk and say, “Oh darling, don’t be angry with me. You know I can’t stand to share you…”

  The door shut, thankfully, before I could hear the rest of her words. I covered my ears because she began to speak a little louder, probably hoping I would hear her. I grabbed my purse out of my desk and marched over to the elevators, punching the down button and tapping my foot furiously to demand it to hurry up. When it finally opened, I stepped in and the door closed behind me. I breathed a sigh of relief as I glided down to the bottom floor. The nerve of that bitch had me reeling, but in the back of my mind, Alex’s response gave me butterflies. He defended me, and, for that, I was grateful.

  When the doors opened, I came face to face with Jerry. My mood instantly lifted when he looked up, saw my face, and gave me his famous perfect smile. Jerry was such a good guy and I really hoped I could get him and Danny to meet at least once. I prided myself on my matchmaking abilities, and knew it would only take one meeting.

  “I’m going to get coffee for Mr. Porter and Blondie, Wanna come?” I hoped he would. I could use the distraction, and maybe get some intel on the nasty attitude blonde upstairs.

  “Blondie? Oh you mean Sarah Mansfield?” He gave a nice hearty laugh and then informed me that around the office she was referred to as BBB, or Triple B, which meant ‘Big Boobed Bitch’.

  “Is she a client?” I asked, as Jerry grabbed my arm and lead me out onto the street, taking a right to head towards Starbucks.

  “HA! That lady is about as dumb as a box of rocks. She wouldn’t know the first thing about technology. No, as far as I have gathered, she is a friend of Porter’s. Her mom is in the tech field as well. I’m pretty sure she’s in love with him,” he said on a sneer. He clearly wasn’t a fan of hers either, which made me happier than it should have.

  The mention of love had my heart constricting. God, what was wrong with me? Not only did I think about sex every time I saw the man, but now love? Maybe for lunch I should check myself into Kaiser Hospital’s Loony Ward. I repeated my mantra again, ‘He’s just a man’.

  I guess Jerry saw the look on my face as something other than intrigue, because he immediately asked me what was wrong. The fact that he could read me that well after only knowing me for a few short days worried me a little. Was I easy for most people to read? God, could Alex read me? I prayed that Jerry was just really good at it.

  “Not a thing, Jerry.” Even to me, my reply sounded weak and unconvincing, but Jerry shrugged it off and we kept walking. Thankful for the reprieve in conversation about Porter, I gripped Jerry’s arm and told him about Danny. He seemed to be receptive to meeting my best friend, and even grateful, stating his last boyfriend had cheated on him two years ago and he hadn’t found anyone even remotely interesting since.

  I slipped into daydream land while we waited for our coffee. I paid for Mr. Porter’s and Triple B’s no foam Americano with the company card and decided I deserved my own, treating myself to a Vanilla Bean Frap with Java Chips. Cookies and cream always made me feel better. Jerry was talking about his day, and as much as I tried to focus on what he was saying, I couldn’t decipher a single word. I guess I made the appropriate retorts because he didn’t call me out on it.

  Who was Sarah Mansfield? A family friend as Jerry had said? A lover? Sister, maybe? I had already deciphered that Porter was secretive and kept his personal life to himself, but, if that was his girlfriend, you would think he would have mentioned her when I said she was coming in. Why would his girlfriend need an appointment? Also, wouldn’t there be at least one picture of the two of them together? Danny and I specifically noted that there were no pictures of him with any woman on our Google hunt the other day and there were no pictures of her in his office that I could see.

  My thoughts scattered when the barista called my name and handed me a cup holder with all of our drinks. Looking up, Jerry motioned for us to leave and guided me out. I really didn’t want to think about BBB anymore. Maybe she wouldn’t be there when I got back? Maybe he had kicked her out on her perfect ass while I had been gone? Wishful thinking I’m sure.

  All too soon I found myself back at my desk, hitting the intercom button to Mr. Porter’s office.


  “I have your coffee sir.”

  “Bring it in, Miss Hightower.” Click.

  That man has a way with words doesn’t he? I thought. Reaching out I pushed into his office looking towards the desk. He looked slightly disheveled. His suit coat was off and he was in the process on tucking his shirt back into his pants. I walked over and set his coffee on the desk. Blondie was propped on the opposing couch applying nude lipstick to her lips and fixing her hair. I set her coffee on the table and, before she could make a snappy retort, I said, “No foam” before I stomped back out to my desk.

  When I plopped down in my seat, I put my head in my hands, but immediately sat upright, remembering the cameras pointed at me. I didn’t need Porter thinking that what I just witnessed had any affect on me. Of course he had asked me for another coffee so soon after I’d given him his morning cup. He needed a way to get me out of his office so he could have a quicky with that vile trollup. I could feel the bile churning in my stomach and I took a quick sip of my own java heaven to choke it back down.

  I didn’t care. That was that. He could sleep with whomever he wanted. It played no part in my life, and I was glad he sent me for the coffee. There was no way I would have ever wanted to hear those sounds coming from that office. The problem was, I did care. I didn’t know why, but I did. Taking a sip of my delicious drink I got to work on a new app document that needed to be transcribed into the system. I immersed myself in the task so I wouldn’t have to think about what inevitably happened in that office while I was gone.

  Half an hour later, Triple B appeared at the door of his office looking positively smug as she glanced down at me. Porter followed her out, guiding her with his hand perched on her lower back. I looked at his hand, remembering the feel of it on the day of my interview. They got to the elevator and, while waiting for the car to make it to the top, she made a showing of placing her hand on his chest and purring softly in his ear.

  “I can’t wait to spend the next few days with you, darling, it will be wonderful.” When the elevator opened, she pulled him in for a kiss. He didn’t turn her away, but he did look bored, which thrilled me immensely. She looked back at me and gave me a wink that said, “he’s mine, you can’t have him.” I gave her a smirk back that said, “I don’t want him, go for it,” but even I knew that was a lie, so I was sure she knew it as well.

  She stepped into the elevator, turned gracefully around, gave my boss a wink, and blew him a kiss. I couldn’t see his face because he was facing the elevator, but I saw his shoulders tense slightly before the doors shut and he stormed back towards my desk.

  “My office, now, Miss Hightower,” he growled, marching to his office door, not waiting to see if I followed his command.

  I took in a lungful of air, grabbed my notebook, and followed my very angry boss back into his office. I didn’t know what he wanted, but I knew without a shadow of a doubt I hadn’t done anything wrong. At least, I was pretty sure. Damn, now I wasn’t so sure. My head instantly pounded as I reached for the handle of the rapidly closing office doow. Dear Lord, this job might give me a heart attack, and I was way too young for that.

  Chapter 6

  He motioned for me to sit in one of his posh office chairs next to his desk, which I did, because the scowl on his face was making my knees slightly wobbly. I watched as he sat down, unbuttoned his suit jacket, and looked up at me. I wasn’t sure if I should, let alone could, say anything,
so I just opted on keeping my mouth shut until he asked me something. I didn’t want to be on the wrong end of this conversation and I certainly didn’t know what I did wrong to warrant his harsh words, but I’d bet anything I was about to find out.

  He stared at me for a long while. His gaze no longer scowling, but pensive looking. I finally broke the eye contact because it became too overwhelming to stare into the shallow pools of yellow. Even with these feelings, I felt a little hum around my body. I was starting to notice that it grew anytime he was near. It felt like, if it had a sound, it would be one of those bright light fly traps.

  “Daydreaming again, Miss Hightower?” he said, standing up and walking around the desk to my side. “I believed I have warned you of that several times in the past two days.” He perched on the edge of his desk, right in front of me with my eyes at the same level with the zipper of his expensively clad pants. I gulped and looked up to meet his gaze. I didn’t need him thinking I was wondering about what he wore underneath those perfectly pressed pants, even though that’s exactly what I was doing.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Porter, I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen again. It’s a bad habit that I’m trying to break.” He caught me off guard with his grin and, again, I was thrown for a loop. Previously, every time he caught me daydreaming, he reprimanded me, and now he was grinning at me. I was so out of my comfort zone on this one. “Is there anything I can do for you, sir?” I asked, trying to speed the conversation along and get back to my own desk, away from his proximity.

  I knew I didn’t imagine his eyebrows rising and his grin getting wider as he turned around to go back to his chair, but when he sat back down, his face was once again impassive. This man was seriously making me dizzy. I was so confused at my body and mind reaction to this creature in front of me.

  “I need you to schedule a flight for Ms. Mansfield and myself to New York in the morning. First class, no stops, also, we will need two hotel rooms, next to each other, at the Plaza.” I took out my notepad and scribbled his instructions. “Make sure Ms. Mansfield’s room has an assortment of fresh fruit waiting in her room when we arrive, along with 6 bottles of fresh mountain spring water, and a bucket of champagne chilled to 35 degrees. Did you get all that?” he asked impatiently.

  Nodding my head I finished writing his list. “Is there anything special you would like specifically in your room, Mr. Porter?” I didn’t look up, waiting for his response so I could write it down as well.

  “You.” Was all he said.

  My head snapped up and I gazed into those delectable eyes watching me, gauging my reaction. A million thoughts came into my brain but it took multiple tries at voicing them before my mouth formed my next statement. My thoughts were moving at light speed.

  “I’m sorry, sir?” Maybe I had misheard him? But his face told me I hadn’t.

  “I’d like you waiting for me in my room.” He continued staring, waiting for my reply.

  Was he joking? He wanted me in his hotel room, which was right next door to the woman he had just screwed in his office. What did he take me for? A floozy? Did I give off the vibe of being easy? I was starting to get really irritated. Actually, scratch that, I was mad. Twice in two days, I’ve been angry. It’s not a pretty emotion and I stay away from it as often as I can. I had been angry enough as a teenager. My flip flop of emotions threatened to sway me in my seat as my eyes narrowed to the corner of his desk to balance myself.

  “Earth to Miss Hightower?” he said, pulling me from yet another drift off.

  “I apologize, sir.” Deciding to purposely ignore his comments about me in his hotel room, and concentrate on my anger, I snidely asked, “And when would you like those return flights to be?” Glancing back down at my notebook, I tried my best to avoid his expression.

  “One way, Miss Hightower, I don’t know how long I’ll be gone,” he said on a sigh, before dismissing me from his office with a wave of his hand. Standing was quite difficult for me. My legs felt like they had lead in them, but, stand I did, and with my head held high, anger coursing through me, I marched out into the receptionist area.

  I made my way back to my desk and crumpled into my chair, before remembering the cameras and righting myself, trying to act as if our encounter had no affect on me. I knew that he was probably watching me on his peeping tom cameras and I didn’t want to be caught daydreaming again. I needed to stay away from him, at least for a little while to cool my nerves and my anger, and figure out this confusing hunk of a man. Sitting up, I cleared the screensaver and got to work making reservations as requested.

  The flight I was able to book online and charged to the company card. The hotel was not quite so simple. I ended up talking to four different people to reserve the rooms and the required specifics for Blondie. I was starting to get exasperated with the last lady until I mentioned Porter’s name.

  “You’re his new assistant?” she asked, obviously knowing who Alex was.

  “Yes, ma’am, and I would be most grateful if you could fulfill these requests he has. Is it possible?” I hoped, crossing my fingers. I would rather fly out to New York myself and set up the fruit and water than have to go back to Porter and tell him I couldn’t do it.

  “Of course, ma’am. That’s not a problem at all. When will his flight be in? We here at the Plaza would like to make sure that the fruit is delivered as fresh as possible for Mr. Porter.” I rolled my eyes at her obvious attempt to butter me up for the hassle I went through, but inside I did a little dance. No surprise New York trips for me today.

  As soon as the hotel was booked, I emailed the flight itinerary and the hotel check in to my boss. Glancing down I noticed it was just about lunch time. Tapping the intercom, I waited for his voice to ask about going to lunch.

  “Miss Hightower?”

  “I’m going to lunch now, Mr. Porter, is there anything I can get for you?”

  “No thank you, Charlotte,” I shivered when he said my name, “ I will be leaving in just a few moments for the rest of the day. When you return, please make sure that my schedule is cleared for the rest of the week. Also, I realize this may be an inconvenience for you, but my dry cleaning will need to be picked up on Saturday and taken to my penthouse. The key and the address is in the envelope in your top desk drawer. Just place them in the inside closet when you get in.” Click.

  Why does this man feel the need to hang up on me so often? Isn’t it customary to wait for a response, maybe say goodbye? On a shrug, I grabbed my purse and headed for the elevator. Stepping in, and pushing the button for the first floor, I fell back against the railing and shut my eyes, waiting for the doors to close and to begin my descent.

  Suddenly, and without warning, I felt that familiar tingle prompting me to open my eyes and look up.There stood my boss, in the doorway of his office in all his glory, staring at me. Our gazes locked until the elevator doors shutting between us broke the contact. I took in a shaky breath. As all of the encounters with him had been, this was just as intense. I gave myself a mental slap. He’s just a man, for God’s sake.

  Stepping off onto the first floor, I scanned the ceiling for cameras. I knew he was watching me. I don’t know how I knew, but I did. I was locked in on one specific camera when Jerry and Brigitte stepped into my focus, pulling me from staring at the black bubble protruding from the ceiling.

  “Let’s do lunch!” Brigitte said, “My treat!”

  I tore my eyes away from the camera and gave her a smile, “Sure!” This was exactly what I needed to get my mind off of the man that mesmerized me sitting upstairs. I mentally thanks the Gods he would be out for the remainder of the week. Maybe I would feel somewhat normal for a few days.

  Jerry put his arm around both mine and Brigitte’s shoulders as we exited the building. I took one last glance at the offending cameras and turned my head on the office. I wouldn’t have to deal with him for at least a few days,minus the occasional phone call. I would enjoy it while I could, starting now. Once out in the open
, I took a deep breath and felt the fog around my brain begin to subside.

  We decided on In-n-Out, the best burger joint on the planet. Jerry hailed us a cab and opened the door for us to scoot in. During the ride, Brigitte and Jerry chatted about work and I stared out the window enjoying the view of the passing city. Los Angeles was huge with towering buildings, and I really never fully appreciated the view until now. There was only one huge towering item in my world now and his name was Alex Porter.

  Once we were there and had ordered our food, Brigitte let out a little squeal that pulled me from my daydreams. I mentally scolded myself for not being present in the conversation again. My daydreaming had never caused me this much grief when I was jobless. I needed to work on it, partially to save myself the stress with my new boss.

  “Guys, I have to tell you something. I had a date last night. His name is Steve and he is scrumptious! He was such a gentleman! We have a second date tonight!” she announced, almost hopping in and out of her seat.

  She was so excited, and her happiness filled me up and popped the droopy bubble I had been sitting in since leaving the office. “Oh my God! That’s awesome Brigitte!” I said sincerely, leaning in to initiate more conversation.

  “Oooh girl, describe!” Jerry instructed, clearly interested in the hot guy taking out the hot girl. I could hear the jealousy in his voice, but it wasn’t malicious, and I made a plan in my head to introduce him and Danny, sooner rather than later.

  We oohed and awwed at all the right places as she described Steve to us and told us all about her date. He sounded like a pretty cool guy, and her buoyancy prompted my next thought. What I needed was a date. Maybe it would take my mind off of my too-sexy-for-his-own-good boss.


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