Just A Man (The Porter Trilogy Book 1)

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Just A Man (The Porter Trilogy Book 1) Page 6

by Shannon Youngblood

  “Charlie! We should all go to the club on Friday night! There’s a new one opening up in Fullerton and it’s supposed to be off the chain! I’ll bring Steve so you can all meet him!” Now she was, indeed, bouncing out of her chair as she continued to lighten my mood.

  “That’s sounds perfect, Brigitte,” I said. “I can bring Danny with me!” I immediately glanced over at Jerry to see his reaction to my comment. He looked ecstatic. My only hope was that Danny would be just as excited with the news. I knew he’d be willing to go out, but I knew blind dates weren’t his thing.

  After we finished eating, we set up the plans for Friday and headed back to the office. It was a beautiful day out and I would have loved to just lay in my lounger and get some sun, but I was a working woman now and needed the money.

  I said goodbye to Brigitte and Jerry at the elevator and headed back up to the office. I wondered if he had left yet for his afternoon or if he’d still be in the office. He said he wouldn’t be here when I returned, so I mentally relaxed a little. When I got back to my desk, there was a hefty box resting on my chair and a note from Mr. Porter:


  This box of paperwork needs to be transcribed in the Porter system with zero errors.

  No daydreaming!


  I huffed out a deep breath, removed the box from my chair, and got to work on the impossible man’s request. The sooner I got to work, the sooner I could go home. And, after a day like today, I needed to print a picture of the sexy Sarah Mansfield, attach it to Danny’s dartboard on the back of his bedroom door for target practice, and have a nice glass of something alcoholic.

  Chapter 7

  When I got home, Danny was already in full kitchen mode. I really loved him for that. He knew I hated cooking, and he knew I sucked at it. The first few weeks living together, he demanded we share equal time in the kitchen. After a few burned meals, he quickly decided against that. He even, at one point, tried to teach me, but I’m a terrible student and ended up almost burning off Danny’s eyelashes trying to make Mac n Cheese. He officially declared me a flunk and figuratively kicked my ass out of the kitchen.

  Tonight smelled like tacos and my stomach rumbled with anticipation. I loved tacos and, even more, I loved the way Danny made them.

  “Lucy, I’m home!” I yelled over to the kitchen, practicing my Desi Arnez impersonation, while I toed off my shoes. The sigh of relief was audible in my voice. I loved my shoes, but I loved taking them off just as much.

  Danny ran in and gave me a double cheek kiss, like in Europe, and scurried off to the kitchen to continue his meal. The flour on his cheek didn’t go unnoticed, and my anticipation for dinner grew ten-fold. Danny was making his own tortillas, and I would kill anyone I had to to get to them, they were that good.

  I ran up to my room and changed into shorts and a tank top, washed my face, and pulled my unruly hair into a ponytail. When I sauntered back into the living area, the sour cream, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes were already on the coffee table and Danny was bringing in plates with a few tacos on each plate.

  “Can I grab anything?” I asked, hoping he’d say no. My feet were screaming at me, and I just needed to sit down.

  “Yeah, grab the beans off the stove and the trivet.” I did as I was asked and poured myself a glass of wine at the same time. Coming back out into the living room, I sat myself down on the floor cross legged, sighed, and reached for the sour cream.

  “How was work, baby girl?” he asked, loading tomatoes onto his tacos.

  “Weird,” I said, biting into the delicious chicken taco.I moaned my satisfaction into my food and gave Danny an I could kiss your feet look. I swallowed my bite quickly so I could change the subject before he pushed. I wasn’t in the mood to talk about my boss tonight. “So, wanna go to that new club opening in Fullerton on Friday?”

  Danny arched his brow at me, “Are you talking about Vogue? And who would be going to this opening Charlie?” He knew what I was getting at, but I wasn’t gonna let him out of this. He and Jerry would look adorable together, and, if Danny could see past the blind date aspect of it, I know he’d really like Jerry.

  “Yes, Vogue, that’s the name, and a bunch of friends from work. Come on, it’ll be fun, and after the last few days I really could use the night out. Please Danny?!” I begged, giving him my pouty face. I’ve mastered that face when it comes to Danny. He can rarely resist it, just as I can’t resist his.

  “Alright, Charlotte, but if I don’t feel sparks, that’s it. Don’t push it, ok?” he said giving me a stern look. I knew he was holding back some excitement. I didn’t know if it was for going to the club, or meeting a new guy, but I was certain there was something hiding behind those eyes.

  “Deal!” We shook hands across the table and continued our eating, watching whatever crap he found on TV to watch. I was glad for the TV reprieve and the fact he didn’t push to talk about my weird day.


  The work week flew by without Mr. Demanding there to slow me down or increase my heart rate. I got the entire box completed by Friday morning and spent the remainder of the day triple checking my work. I wanted no complaints when my boss came back and I was proud of my accomplishments. I had a very good first week, and the thought of going out tonight to celebrate made me giddy. At five on the dot, I was pressing the elevator button, excited to get home and get ready for a great night out filled with booze, dancing and wonderful friends. As soon as the elevator doors closed on my first full week, I felt the tension roll off my shoulders.

  At nine, Danny and I met with Brigitte and Jerry at our designated meeting place half a block from the new club. I introduced everyone and watched to see how Jerry and Danny would hit it off. Thankfully, it wasn’t an awkward meeting, and Jerry was super smooth, They seemed friendly as they chatted while I tried to listen to what Brigitte was telling me.

  “Steve wanted to come, he really did, but he said he had so much work to do and couldn’t afford to take the time. But he told us to have a good time and don’t drink too much.”

  “Uh-huh….” I stammered, watching Jerry and Danny again as they chatted.

  “Earth to Charlie! Come in, Charlie!” Brigitte said, a little irritated.

  “Wait, what? I’m sorry,” I replied sheepishly.

  She gave me a perturbed look before she said, “It’s cool, come on let’s go get in line.” I felt bad for being absent, but I followed her, vowing to use my full attention on her when next she talked about Steve.

  We didn’t have to wait long, thankfully. One of the managers walked out and saw Danny and immediately ushered us in past the bouncers. Danny was my little local celebrity. We made our way to the VIP bar to order our first round of drinks. Normally I’m a wine girl, but tonight I decided on Cranberry and Grape Vodka. It tasted like kool-aid, but one too many of them and you realized it wasn’t at all the kool-aid from your childhood. Brigitte got a cosmo, as did Danny, and Jerry got a Bud Light. At the mention of his drink order, Danny gave me a questioning look. I shrugged it off and headed away to find a table. Danny was into really macho men and I knew he was thinking I told Jerry that, which prompted Jerry to order the beer. My best friend was such a cynic.

  After two drinks, I was feeling great and decided on a shot to toast the night. I walked to the bar in my blazing red five inch pumps and ordered four Jager bombs. Carrying them back to the table, we each issued our own salute and dumped our Jager into the glass of Red Bull and tilted it back. It went down smooth as I felt the last of my worries from the week drift away.I was definitely feeling good!

  “Let’s dance!” I shouted over the loud music. Everyone agreed and we headed out onto the busy dance floor, new drinks in hand. The DJ was playing some Justin Timberlake song as we all stepped into, and formed a small circle. We danced with every song for the better part of an hour, refilling our drinks as needed. I felt amazing dancing and letting out every bit of stress. My mind drifted to Alex a few times, wondering what
he was doing, but I pushed away those thoughts and concentrated on my new friends, Danny and the way my hips swayed.

  Everything was going so well until I felt a hot breath on my neck.

  “Hey baby, you wanna dance with me tonight? I’ll show you a real good time,” a grainy voice slithered into my ear as some guy grabbed my hips and ground against me.

  As much as I wanted to slap him, my manners kicked in stopping me from doing something stupid. “No thanks,” was my retort as I struggled to move away, disengaging myself from his touch.

  “Come on, baby, you know you want me. You’ve been eyeballing me all night.” his smelly breath teased my senses, making me gag.

  “I most certainly have not, get your hands off my waist.” I tried breaking away from him, but his grip on my hips was too strong.

  Danny came up to me to see if I was ok and gave the guy a look. He turned around and stormed away, muttering something about a “cocktease” on his way.

  “You ok, baby girl?” Danny asked, putting his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. I was used to fending off drunk guys when Danny I went out, it didn’t bother me anymore.

  “I’m great, Danny, I just need to hit the restroom. I’ll be right back!” I yelled over the loud music.

  Even though I knew I was on the verge of drunkenness, I walked without stumbling to the bathroom. Once I got through the line and closed myself in a stall, I pulled out my phone to check the time. When my screen popped up showing a message from Mr. Porter, I knew I had to check it. What would Porter think of me if he could see me like this? Too bad he couldn’t, I thought with a chuckle. Pressing the open button, I looked down to see what he said.

  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  Don’t forget my dry cleaning.

  No daydreaming!


  What an arrogant ass, I giggled again. I really should just put my phone away and forget his message altogether, but my alcohol induced brain was having none of it. Hitting ‘reply’, I typed out a quick note, and smugly hit send.

  To- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  I’m off the clock, so I can daydream as much as I want! :P


  I snapped my phone shut and finished up in the stall. While I was washing my hands, I received a notification from my phone. It was too quick, and I felt my heart rate speed up with knowing who it was. Three thousand miles away and three hours ahead of me and he still made me tingle from the inside out.

  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  Are you sticking your tongue out at me, Charlotte? I wouldn’t do that unless you’re prepared to use it as I see fit.


  I sucked in a deep breath as I felt a pressure building between my legs and my mouth was suddenly very dry. Prepared to use it as he saw fit? What in the hell did that mean? I looked down and read the message again and again. What was I going to say to that. I should say nothing, keep my mouth shut, but I just couldn’t let that comment go. I replied, purposely egging him on. I was going to regret this when I was sober in the morning, but I couldn’t stop my fingers from typing out my reply.

  To- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  As you see fit? I’m not sure I understand your meaning Mr. Porter? Can you please enlighten me? ;)


  I found a lovely leopard print couch in the ladies bathroom and sat down staring at my phone waiting for the notification ding. I wasn’t disappointed.

  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  Don’t play coy, Miss Hightower, You know exactly what I mean. You’re pushing my buttons.


  I was pushing his buttons? Well, he was pushing mine! I needed to get back out on the dance floor and forget about this conversation. I was here in this club to forget him, not to have playful text banter.

  To- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  I can’t talk right now. I’m intoxicated and find your words disturbing. I’m going to go find something else to do with my tongue, or maybe someone else. Good Night, Mr. Porter.


  I clicked my phone off and headed back towards the bar, picking up another drink on my way. This last drink was probably a mistake, but I didn’t care. The short text message conversation with my boss was all I could think about. What did he want? Just sex? That man could have anyone he wanted. Why on God’s green earth would he want me? I took the straw in my mouth and took a large drink, trying to will my brain to concentrate on dancing and drinking.

  I inwardly shook my head clear of the crazy thoughts, as I descended on my dance group determined to not let another thought of Porter cross my mind. Jerry wasn’t in sight, but Danny and Brigitte were dancing together. I smiled to myself letting my bathroom conversation disappear from my head. I was out to have fun and relax after he wreaked havoc on my week and my mind. He wasn’t about to kill my night out also!

  Chapter 8

  Ugh, what had I done last night? Drank too much, that’s what I’d done. I could hardly recall most of the evening after we started dancing. I vaguely recall a slimeball at some point, right? And I stumbled my way to the bathroom later, and the text mess– OH GOD, I had texted my boss. I jerked upright in bed, sending lightning bolts shooting through my temple. I clutched my head and waited for the pain to subside. Oh please, let those texts me a dream, please oh please. I knew it was a pointless prayer. I knew I had some sort of text communication with Alex, and I was scared to death of what had been said.

  Grabbing my phone off my nightstand, I noted that I had the decent sense to plug it in last night. Though, honestly, right now I wish I had just lost it somewhere. Maybe I could claim it had been stolen and it wasn’t really me texting him. Opening my case and typing in my password, I saw I had 14 missed calls and 8 texts. I couldn’t help the groan that escaped my lips.

  Before I could read the new messages, I looked back over what I had said to him. I was not only mortified at my bluntness, I was also slightly afraid of what I was going to find. Taking a deep breath, I opened the new messages.

  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  Charlotte! Don’t be stupid!


  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  Answer me Charlotte!


  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481




  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481




  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  If you don’t respond right now, you’re out of a job!


  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  God Damn it, Charlotte, Please tell me where you are.


  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  I called Jerry. I’M PISSED!


  From- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  Meeting. Monday 8 am. DON’T be late!


  Oh sweet Jesus, I was in a world of hurt come Monday. I was hungover, upset with myself for being so stupid, and most of all I was perplexed as hell! He went from mad, to really mad, threatening my job, to scared? He even pleaded with me to tell him where I was. Not that it would matter, he was three thousand miles away in New York. Why hadn’t Jerry told me he called? Maybe he did and my alcohol riddled brain forgot? The last message sent a shiver through me. He was going to fire me. I knew it. One week. I lasted one freaking week.

  As much as I didn’t want to, I decided maybe a piece of humble pie might save my job. I didn’t have to apologize to him. He was my boss and I was off company time. But I wanted to keep my job, and if that meant apologizing for an unknown crime, I wou
ld do it in a heartbeat. I wasn’t ready to be unemployed again, and truthfully I wasn’t ready to not see Mr. Porter everyday.

  To- Alex Porter (310) 555-7481


  I’m sorry :(


  I put my phone on the table, noticing the water and 2 ibuprofens next to it. Danny. He must have taken me home, gotten me into my jammies and put me in bed. I grabbed the pills and chugged the water down. Dragging my butt out of bed I headed into my shower and cranked the heat to a zillion. The hot water would soothe my aching head and tight muscles.

  After I had washed and shaved everything, I made quick work of towel drying my hair and putting on some moisturizer. I was still really hung over, but at least I now felt somewhat human. I’d wait until the pills and coffee kicked in before I made my way back out to LA to pick up Porter’s dry cleaning. Thank God he wouldn’t be there when I dropped it off. That would be too much to bear at this point. There was too much embarrassment clouding my thoughts to see him.

  Walking into the kitchen, I saw Danny sitting at the counter with a cup of steaming coffee in his hands. The smell permeated my nose and I walked over to grab my own California Girl cup to fill. Danny looked up at me and I noticed he didn’t look too much better than I felt. He was naked from the waist up and had on his LA Kings pajama pants. His hair was disheveled and his eyes had decent sized bags under them. I smiled internally, taking in his appearance; it wasn’t often that Danny wasn’t completely put together.

  “You ok, Danny?” I asked, sitting at the bar and sipping my coffee.

  “Hmmm? Oh yeah, I’m good. I should be asking you the same question!” he grinned at me, wiggling his eyebrows.

  “I’m ok. Thanks for taking care of me! I can’t believe I drank so much. I don’t even remember getting home!”


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