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Saved (A Standalone Romance) (A Savery Brother Book)

Page 37

by Naomi Niles

  “What is it, Johnathan? I have nothing to say to you.”

  Moments later, he called. I didn’t want to answer the phone, but for some reason, I picked up the call. “What is it?”

  “Listen.” He took a deep breath. “I just want to apologize for all the things I said to you a while ago. And also, I want to apologize for what I spread at ASU. I was just hurt by everything, and all I wanted you to do was be up-front with me. When you didn’t, I took things too far. I am sorry. I know that won’t make up for everything, but I just wanted you to know that. I did what I could to clear up the rumors, and unfortunately, some people didn’t believe me. But for the most part, your name is pretty clear. Again, I am sorry.”

  I felt the sincerity in his voice, and it brought the compassionate side out of me. “I am sorry too, Johnathan. I should have told you in the beginning instead of leading you on the way I did, so as much as I was mad at you, I knew a part of it was my fault, too. So, will you forgive me as well?”

  “Absolutely.” There was a pause of silence between us before he spoke again. “Well, that was all I wanted. So, you um, you enjoy the rest of your night, alright?”

  “Alright. You as well.”

  I hung up the phone with a smile on my face. I guessed that was just more confirmation that I was headed in the right direction with Harrison.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I opened the door to find Caroline standing on the other side. She wore sweats and a T-shirt. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail. Even though she was dressed down, she still managed to look more alluring each time I saw her. I leaned down and gave her a kiss as she stepped inside. “It smells good in here. Steak?”

  I closed the door behind her. “Filet Mignon. I’m not much of a chef, but I learned a few things throughout my lifetime. Medium rare, right?”

  “Yes. There is no other way.”

  I smiled and led her into the front room. “Make yourself at home. I will be in the kitchen finishing up our meal.”


  I left her to herself as I walked back into the kitchen. The steaks sizzled on the skillet as I seasoned them to perfection. I was happy with the way things were going between us. I didn’t like her living in that apartment just as much as she didn’t like it, but I felt it was too soon to ask her to move in with me. That definitely would not be taking things slow, so I used a little discretion before I jumped the gun. Fifteen minutes had passed before I heard the doorbell ring. I had just finished the steaks, and I slid them onto our plates. “Caroline, would you mind grabbing that for me?”

  “No problem.”

  Just as I put our food on the table, Caroline stepped into the kitchen with a befuddled look. “Um,” she said, cautiously, “there is a woman here to see you. She said that she is… she is Sarah’s mom.”

  I exhaled, then tossed one of the dish towels onto the table. “I can’t believe this shit.” I stormed past Caroline and headed straight to the front door. She stood on the other side with another expensive, designer purse on her arm. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. “What the fuck did I tell you, Susan? Stay the fuck away from my home!”

  “Who was that, Harrison?”

  “None of your damned business! What is wrong with you? Why do you keep coming back here?!”

  “Because we have unfinished business.”

  “I don’t have any business with you.”

  She grabbed a pack of cigarettes from her purse and lit the end of a stick. The inhaled the smoke as the embers glowed in front of me. In a cloud, she blew the smoke from her mouth. It had fluttered in the air before it disappeared. “I want to give us another shot.”

  I laughed out loud in disbelief. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. Is this a joke? Please tell me this is a fucking joke! You… no way. No. I refuse to believe you are serious.”

  “I’ve just been thinking about things, Harrison, and I know we were right for each other, it was just the wrong time. I mean, I was young. We were both young, so what did you expect? For things to be perfect?”

  “No, but I didn’t expect you to vanish like a fucking ghost and leave me alone to raise our daughter.”

  “Our daughter,” she said, smiling as she looked to the side. It seemed as though she was recollecting memories of Sarah. I wanted to snatch them out of her head with my bare hands. She fixed her attention back on me. “Do you have any pictures of her or anything? I would love to see how she looked.”

  “Then maybe you should have brought your ass around before now. Listen, I don’t know why I am even wasting my time talking to you. You came back over here to start over, and now you are talking about MY daughter? Seriously. You need to go.”

  “Wait,” she said, reaching for me as I stepped into the house.

  I jerked my arm away from her. “No! I know I have told you before, but if you bring your ass around here one more time, I will call the police and report you as a trespasser. If that doesn’t get through to you, then I have a Mossberg that does not have a problem speaking to intruders when I can’t seem to find the words to say to them. Get the fuck off my property, Susan.”

  I slammed the door in her face and walked back into the kitchen. Caroline nervously sat at the table as I charged into the room. I grabbed the skillet off the stove and threw it into the sink. It clanged into the dirty dishes and broke a plate before it settled down at the bottom of the sink. I pressed my hands against the edge, gripping onto it like it was Susan’s throat. Before long, Caroline approached me from behind. I felt her hand on my back before she spoke. “Harrison?”

  I quickly turned around. “She has some FUCKING nerve! After all these years. All these years!? Sarah is fucking dead, and she wants to come back now?! I should’ve killed her right there! I should’ve strangled her right there on the porch! I guarantee you there is not a judge or jury that would’ve convicted me!” I was steaming and through it all, Caroline remained silent. She scooted closer to me and placed her hand on my stomach. I cried tears of anger as she tried to calm me down. “This is fucking ridiculous! You know what?” I stepped away from her and marched back to the front door, hoping she was still there.

  Caroline trailed behind me, but when I opened the door, she was gone. “Don’t fucking come back!” I yelled. My voice had echoed throughout the neighborhood moments before I slammed the door shut.

  “Baby,” Caroline said softly, “so that was her? Wow. I mean, Sarah told me so little about her. She said that she hated her for leaving, but at one point, she still wanted to see her because she never got the chance. It is kind of eerie that I got to see her mother and she never did. She looked just like Sarah though. Just a much older version.”

  “Fuck her,” I said as I walked briskly back to the kitchen. Caroline followed me as she had been doing the whole time. “Fuck her. Fuck everything about her. Everything!” I said, slamming my fist into the table. Caroline sat beside me, staring off into the distance as I spewed out hateful words towards Susan. Before long, I simmered down and focused on Caroline. “I’m sorry, babe,” I said, reaching my hand to hers. “I’m sorry. I just kind of lost it when she came here. This was the second time, and I thought she would get the picture the first time I told her to leave, but she didn’t. I’m sorry you had to see that, and I am sorry for scaring you if I did.”

  “No,” she said with a glazed look in her eyes, “you don’t have to apologize. I mean, I found myself getting angry at her just listening to you. I can’t imagine what I would’ve done if one of my parents just decided to walk out of my life because they wanted to. I needed both of them growing up and that… that just wasn’t fair to Sarah. She deserved a mother and a father.”

  “Yeah,” I said with a deep sigh. “Yeah, she did. I did the best I could do as her father and–”

  “And you did a fucking great job, Harrison. You did better than great. You raised Sarah alone, got her through college and provided for her by starting a million-dollar busine
ss. You have done a great fucking job. Nothing else.”

  I appreciated her. She was always there to calm me down, and she was proving to be the perfect balance to my life. “Thank you, Caroline. Truly. I don’t know where I would be without you right now. I think I would be a complete mess, especially with what happened to Sarah. I would be a complete mess.”

  “Well, I would have, too. Sarah was the only family that I had, and when she left, I thought my world was going to fall apart. I mean, it did to some extent, but for the most part, you were there to help me put the pieces back together. We were there for each other.”

  I focused on her. A few strands of hair were out of place and dangled over her forehead. Her soft eyes looked back at me, patiently waiting for me to say anything else about us, but I couldn’t. There weren’t any words that could explain what she meant to me or how she made me feel. I looked down at my plate of food. “So, I guess we should probably eat now.”

  She smiled. “Yes, I agree. I can’t wait to taste what my chef came up with.”

  We dug into our meal. When we finished, we walked to the front room and crashed on the couch. “That was amazing, Harrison. Are you sure you aren’t a chef? Seriously?”

  I laughed. “Flattery will get you nowhere, Caroline. However, I appreciate it.”

  She kissed me on the cheek, then nestled onto my shoulder. “You know, I was thinking about something I promised you a while ago that I never got to do.”


  “Helping you clean out Sarah’s room. Did you take care of that already?”

  “Um, no, I didn’t. I just um… I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. But, I will one of these days. It’s nothing big.”

  She laughed. “I remember a time when I was sleeping over with Sarah in her room. I think we were like 15 or 16 years old and you came into the room with a small T-shirt on. I know you probably don’t remember, but I do. Anyways, I was staring at you the whole time Sarah was talking to you, and I was just thinking how sexy you were back then. I was just like, ‘Oh my God, why is this old man so cute?’ So, when you left the room, Sarah turned around and asked me why I didn’t say anything to you when you said goodnight. I just told her that I didn’t notice that you said anything because I was too busy undressing you with my eyes.”

  I laughed out loud as she continued. “She was so mad at me that night, but she had to understand because all the girls in our school had googly eyes when they looked at you. You were like… I don’t know; you looked better than most of the boys in our school. It seems crazy that I ended up with you down the road, you know? Like, if I contacted some of the girls I went to school with and told them that we were seeing each other, I wonder what they would think?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, smiling. “I would like to say that I thought you were cute back then, but I feel weird saying that since you were underage back then. But, you were a cutie, and you turned into an absolutely stunning young woman.”

  She blushed as I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. She slowly moved her lips onto mine as my hand shifted to her thigh. I gripped them tightly as I climbed on top of her. “Remember where we left off when you came to my apartment,” she asked with her lips moments away from mine, “I think this is a good time to pick up at that spot.”

  “This is a perfect time.” I ran my hand through her hair and connected my lips with hers again. I had a lot to give her and tonight was the night for it all.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I guided his lips back onto mine as he moved his tongue around delicately inside my mouth. I felt the firmness of his dick pressing against my thigh as I tilted my head back and exhaled passionate moans while he slid his tongue down the side of my neck. He didn’t stop until he inched across my collarbone and kissed the top of my breasts under the moonlight. I gripped the back of his head and guided him towards my breasts as my nipples firmed up. I just wanted him to caress them with his tongue. It had felt like ages since I’d felt his lips on me and pussy was drenched just by the thoughts of it happening.

  He wrestled my breasts free from my shirt and then unsnapped my bra. Harrison licked around my nipples slowly before he put them into his mouth, sucking on them and then blowing softly onto their firmness. My breathing picked up as he unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the ground. His dick was completely erect, and once she pulled his underwear off, I reached for it, stroking it gently as my pussy dripped from the moisture. He licked his lips and parted my legs as he slid between them, brushing the tip of his penis against the lips of my vagina, teasing me slowly until I begged him to put it in.

  “Please, Harrison, put it inside of me. Please,” I said as I licked my lips and put my own tit in my mouth. Harrison stuck his finger inside of me slowly and moved it in and out to get me ready. My wetness dripped from his fingertips as he placed it inside of his mouth and then slid it inside of mine. “Please, Harrison,” I said after I sucked my juices off his finger. My pussy throbbed, silently pleading for his dick to enter into me, and finally, he gave me what I wanted. He slid into my vagina slowly as my walls contracted around his dick. Harrison’s eyes went back into his head from the tightness.

  I gripped his waist and pushed him inside of me and just as I was about to scream, he kissed me passionately, swirling his tongue around in my mouth as he moved his dick back and forth into my vagina. My thighs were spread apart as far as they could go as we had sex under the moonlight that shot through his living room window. Harrison slowed down when as I felt him nearing his climax and right before he came, he pulled himself out to control it and quickly inserted his tongue where his dick left off. He licked my stiff clitoris softly, causing my legs to jerk with each stroke. I grabbed his head and held it close to my pussy as he licked my vagina lips with the flatness of his tongue. “Yes, right there, right there,” I whispered in a barely audible voice. Harrison pushed his face deep into my vagina, pushing his tongue as deep inside as he could go. “I’m about to cum,” I said, “keep it right there. Keep it right there; I’m about to cum. I’m about to–”

  And just like that, I squeezed my legs around his head, gripping onto him like a python as ecstasy shot forth out of my vagina and right onto his tongue. He continued licking as my body convulsed with each stroke of his tongue. My tits bounced as he reached up and grabbed a handful, twirling my nipple around with his finger. As I relaxed, he climbed back on top of me and slid his dick inside so he could finish himself off. He pinned my legs back as far as they could go, and from there, he pushed his dick so deep inside my vagina that I could feel it inside of my stomach. My mouth hung open from the incredible pleasure I felt through the pain. Sweat dripped down from his forehead and onto my breast, and just as he was about to cum, he pulled his dick out and stroked it until he shot cum all over my chest. I smiled as he slowly covered my breast with his cum as I smiled, licking my lips with each warm drop onto my body.

  Afterward, he sat down at the end of the couch as he propped my feet onto his leg and began massaging them. I leaned my head back onto the armrest as my titties glistened from sweat and cum. “Harrison, you were an animal.”

  “I’ve been holding on to that for a few days now.”

  He pressed his thumbs into the arch of my foot, pressing firmly as he increased the satisfaction of our sexual episode. I watched him sit at the end of the couch, his bare chest glistening with sweat as he sent me into a state of relaxation. I thought about what life would be like for us in the future. It was weird enough that I was with my best friend’s father, but I had no idea what he felt about having more children in the future at his age. It was one of the things that worried me a bit when considering our life together, but I figured that since everything else worked out, that this issue would work itself out as well.

  “What do you have planned for tomorrow?” he asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

  “Well, it will be Sunday, so I don’t have anything special planned. Why? What’s u

  “I was thinking we could just hang out for the day. Lounge around the house and watch movies or something like that. I just want to enjoy you without any outside interruptions. What do you think?”

  “I think that is an excellent idea, Harrison.”

  I woke up a few hours later on the couch. Harrison was still asleep in the same spot at the other end with my feet on his lap. I grabbed my phone from the table and checked the time. It was 1 in the morning. I eased my feet off his naked body and grabbed a blanket to cover him up. Afterward, I got dressed and went into the kitchen to clean up our mess from dinner. As I grabbed plates and loaded them into the sink, I felt another presence around me. It was an eerie, yet, comfortable feeling. One I had whenever I felt that Sarah was nearby. I spoke to her as if she was standing right beside me. I felt that I knew her enough to know exactly how she would respond.

  “Yeah, I didn’t know it would go this far with your dad, Sarah. This caught me by surprise. Completely.”

  I imagined her sitting on the sink beside me, watching me wash dishes. It was the same thing she did whenever I would spend the night at her house in our teens. I would end up being the one to clean up the mess while she watched and pretended like she was doing something. “Yeah. My best friend is screwing my dad. I mean, I thought one of my friends would, but I never expected it to be you.”

  I grabbed a plate and dipped it into the hot, soapy water. “Yeah, neither did I. Everything happened so suddenly, you know? I mean, one minute, you were here and the next you were gone.”

  “And then the VERY next, you were screwing my father.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Shut up, Sarah, it did not happen like that. Well, it did, kind of, but that’s not the way I planned it out!”

  I imagined her sweet laughter floating into my ears, “Yeah, I know. I’m just giving you a hard time. But honestly, it seems like you guys are a perfect fit. The yin to his yang. Wait, is that the term?”


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