Live Me

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Live Me Page 4

by Celeste Grande

  Blue. All I could register was the color blue.

  He cocked his head, waiting for my reply.

  Voice, find your voice! “Excuse me?” Shaky as shit. I sounded like an imbecile.

  “I was just wondering if you were actually going to eat any of that food or perhaps you’d rather I give you some salt for the fingers you’re chewing so unmercifully. You gotta let up, girl, before you wind up with nubs instead of those pretty little manicured nails.” He tapped the edge of my fingertips and electricity bolted through me, hitting my toes and shooting straight back up to my chest. “There are starving children in Cambodia, ya know.” His face split into a grin.

  I’m sorry—what? I can’t hear you. Your dimple is in the way.

  I tried to compose myself, but my ears were ringing from the blood that managed to pump straight from my heart into their canal. Well, this is something new.

  It was him—the beautiful stranger with captivating eyes that had some weird hold on me. And he was just as heart stopping as I’d thought. I’d convinced myself I’d made him out to be more perfect than he really was. That it was the heat, or the beer, or temporary vision loss. But it was . . . none of those. His features were striking. Sharp, but friendly and somewhat overpowering. He carried a clean crispness that I wondered what smelled like and I struggled with the beauty of him. It was as if each of his features were fighting to be the most dominate in a battle none of them could win against the others. Each time my eyes fell on a different one, they’d declared it the victor. High cheekbones, soft dark hair, and God that dimple, they all had me fascinated.

  At my lack of words, he continued, “You’re a hard one to tie down, aren’t you?” His eyes were friendly and inviting as he peeked up at me with his chin dipped low.

  “I’m sorry.” With nothing more intelligent to offer, I lowered my gaze.

  “Are you?”

  My head snapped up at his surprising response. I narrowed my eyes. “Should I be?”

  “Well, yeah. A guy could get a complex.” He relaxed back in his chair and the front of his dark hair brushed the corners of his electric blue eyes. Though he tried to keep a straight face, a teasing grin played on his lips.

  The corner of my mouth twitched. This guy was painfully adorable. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name the other day.”

  The edges of his mouth rose, forming the most amazing smile I’d ever seen. Rosy lips that were neither too thin nor too plump framed a set of straight, white teeth. But the best part was his eyes smiled along with them. Those eyes—they were a color I’d never seen before. Icy blue crystallized sapphires that literally sparkled. Like, literally.

  And they were moving closer to me.

  Back up!

  He extended his hand in the short distance that remained between us. “Blake. Nice to meet you . . .” He hung there, his eyebrows raised.

  That’s your cue, dummy!

  “Evangelina,” I blurted out the way you would if you’d just remembered the key answer on a test.

  That is my name, right?

  I cleared my throat and repeated a bit slower, “Evangelina. But my friends call me—”

  “Angel,” he interrupted, matter-of-factly.

  “What?” I frowned.

  “Your name. It’s Angel.” He said it as a statement, like I didn’t have a name all along and he was there to do the honors.

  “That’s one version, yes, but no one calls me that.” Was I just about to tell him to call me by my nickname?

  “You’re saying I’m no one?” His eyes turned sad, and he pouted, making a show of looking like I’d hurt his feelings.

  “What? No, of course not,” I stumbled out. “That’s not what I meant. I mean . . .” His saddened expression bothered me more than I cared to admit. I blew out a puff of air in defeat. “It’s fine. Call me whatever you want.”

  “Angel.” My supposed name rolled off his tongue as though he’d actually tasted it, and I thought maybe he had. He considered it another moment before his gaze slipped down to my lips. “I like that.”

  Flutters ran rampant in my heart, sending warmth to my cheeks. My belly was a mess of knots, forcing an unexplained heat to swell in its pit. One I’d never felt before. Fire knots. There were fire knots in my belly.

  “Um, thanks.” I glanced down at my lap, my white knuckles gripping the edge of the seat, needing something to keep me grounded. Geez, what’s happening to me? I was Evangelina Ricci—heartbreak extraordinaire. I never let anyone get this close.

  Get away from him, Eva! Do your thing and make him go away!

  “So, Angel . . .” He propped his hand under his perfectly squared off chin. “Since we’re properly acquainted now, why don’t you tell me why you keep running away from me? I promise I shower. Sometimes twice a day.” There was that sexy ass grin again.

  And why did he have to mention the shower? My mind immediately flashed to his wet muscular form, beads of water dripping from the tips of his hair, rolling down the curves of his back—

  I need out now!

  “I haven’t been running from you.” Flushed, I pressed the button on the side of my cell phone and glanced at the screen before stuffing it into my bag. “But would you look at the time. I have an English class to get to.” I pushed back from the table and swung my satchel over my shoulder.

  That’s it, girl. Move your ass!

  In one swift motion, Blake was on his feet, beside me. “Oh, really? Me, too. I’ll walk over with you.”

  Sure you will. This boy doesn’t miss a beat.

  “Who’s your professor?” I asked, hopeful I could end the madness and reclaim the use of my lungs. And my legs.


  No such luck.

  “Well, what a coincidence.” I looked up at him out of the corner of my eye, raising a brow.

  His smile widened as he realized he had me for the next hour and fifty minutes.

  Figuring I better buckle in for the ride, I slowed my pace. Mr. Tall, Dark and Delicious wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. He just got exactly what he wanted.

  “Wonderfuckingful,” I muttered under my breath.

  “What?” His eyebrows pulled together.

  “Huh? Oh . . . um, weather’s beautiful.” Way to go, Eva. Who ARE you right now?

  We headed out of the cafeteria, and the unusually warm air enveloped my goose bumped skin. I stopped and tipped my head to the sun, inhaling a deep cleansing breath in an attempt to regain my composure. Soaking in some vitamin D, I searched for my equilibrium.

  Feeling him watching me, I opened one squinting eye. Blake raked a shaky hand through his carefully styled, raven hair.

  “Sorry, you caught me.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground, rocking back on his heels.

  I threw him a bone to lighten the mood. “Caught you what?”

  He looked up and I sent a quick wink his way.

  Oh god, there’s that dimple again. Put that thing away!

  Standing side by side for the first time, I now realized the contrast in our size. He had to be at least a foot taller than me. His broad shoulders and muscular build were so dominating it made me feel even smaller than I already was.

  As if he could read my mind, Blake said, “You’re a tiny little thing, aren’t you?”

  I rolled my eyes. “The only thing tiny about me is my height.”

  His eyes fluttered quickly to my chest, and I realized how bad that sounded. I sucked in a sharp breath. “Um, I mean . . . I was talking about . . . Oh, just forget it. I don’t know what’s gotten into me today!” My personality. I meant my personality! I hung my head in shame.

  He smirked. Thankfully, he threw me back my bone. “Shall we?” Blake extended one hand in front of us, touching the small of my back with the other to inch me along.

  Heat rippled up my spine, that small bit of contact making it seem like September had just turned into July. And there were those fire knots again. I clutched my bel
ly, willing them away.

  “You okay?” Blake took my upper arms in his hands and studied my face. After the other night, he probably thought I was a fainting spell waiting to happen.

  “Me? Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” I waved him off. “Cafeteria food. Bleh.”

  His shoulders relaxed. “Yeah, that stuff’ll kill ya.” Grin. Dimple.

  I forced my eyes down and focused on the burgundy stones lining the walk. He drifted a little closer than I was comfortable with and, although something in me liked it, I nonchalantly took a small side-step to the left. From my periphery, I saw him glance at me out of the corner of his eye. He’d taken note, but didn’t say anything. His hands returned to his pockets, his biceps flexed as if he was using them for restraint.

  “So I don’t know how I’ve never noticed you before. You’re a junior? Did you just transfer in?” He looked confused.

  “Nope, I’m a freshman. Just got here. And don’t you make fun, either.” I nudged his arm.

  “A freshman?” He raised his eyebrows. “How’d you wind up in such an advanced English class?”

  “Yeah, I’m a bit of an English buff. It’s kind of my thing. It’s not my major, but I have a passion for it.”

  Blake’s eyes lit up. “Really? I’m impressed. You’ll have to show me your work one day.” He pulled open the door to the building and gestured inside. “After you, madam.”

  “Why, thank you, sir.” I followed his direction, conscious with every step that he was behind me.

  We walked a short hall and came upon the classroom that would house my discomfort. All sets of eyes were immediately on us, but I wasn’t sure whether they were looking at me or the god beside me.

  Blake leaned over my shoulder, lightly touched my hip, and whispered into my ear, “Follow me. I have VIP seats.” His breath licked at my earlobe and prickles swept across my chest. If he didn’t stop with the sexy, I was going to lose it.

  He walked around me and proceeded up the aisle, leaving me to admire his perfect male form. The way he held himself was so confident, powerful. You could see the muscles in his back gliding beneath his black T-shirt. Peeking out of the back pocket of his jeans was a folded notebook, which only drew more attention to the most perfectly round ass I’d ever seen. Maybe because I’d never looked before, but still, it was unnerving.

  I tried to shake off what he’d somehow just done to me without even doing anything, and on wobbly legs, I did as he said and followed him. He stopped at the back corner of the room and slid into the last seat, furthest away from everyone else. Dropping a long fingered hand onto the desk beside him, he tapped, signaling that was where I should join him.

  I obliged.

  What am I doing? I should have run straight to the registrar’s office and changed my class, not saddled up next to the only person in the world who seemed to have thrown all my guards down with one wink.

  But something about him had me feeling protected and wanting to do whatever he said just to catch another glimpse of that smile.

  A satisfied grin played on his lips. “Now that you can’t run, we can get to know each other better.”

  Oh no you don’t, dimples.

  “Who said I was running?” I picked at the edge of my desk. “And shouldn’t we be paying attention? I told you this is my favorite subject. It’s the only class I don’t mind being in.”

  He leaned over his arm so we were almost nose to nose. “Oh, you were running, sweetheart. You were about to leave me in a cloud of dust again.” His deep laugh was like music as he tugged at a lock of my hair. “And don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours. I’ll be sure it’s still the only class you can’t wait to get to every day.”

  For the first time, he was serious, his eyes lit with sincerity, and it was even sexier than when he was smiling. The insinuation was obvious, and he meant for it to be. His gaze held me hostage, each twinkle in his eye pulling me further into his trance.

  Needing to take back some form of control, I made a point of rolling my eyes, feigning indifference. I inched even closer until the space between us was barely visible, then I stood my ground and went toe-to-toe with him in this staring contest. “You seem so sure of yourself. Better be careful that head of yours doesn’t explode.”

  You want to dance? I’ll dance. I will not back away, I will not back away.

  “I’m not trying to be conceited, Angel. I just have no intention of it being any other way.” Blake had no smirk now. No smile. No hint of sarcasm or sense of banter on his gorgeous features. His gaze was so fierce, I felt myself falling into him. Those hypnotic eyes weren’t sparkling now, they were glowing.

  Breathe, you idiot!

  He held my stare just a second longer. Then, taking note of my paralysis, he tossed the proverbial bone back again. “So what’s your major?” He relaxed back in his chair, and the air between us snapped like a rubber band.

  I sucked in a deep breath, making a desperate attempt to compose myself and use the organ between my ears as I stiffly sunk back in my own chair. “Psychology. Then I’ll move on to med school to get my degree in psychiatry.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Whoa, girl. You don’t do things small, huh? No regular freshman with the undecided liberal arts major for you?” He chuckled.

  I shrugged with a small smile. “I know. I set a hard line for myself, but I refuse to deviate from it.” This fucked up brain of mine decided my career goal should be psychiatry of all things. I couldn’t even help myself, yet I felt I should be helping other people? As if I were capable enough to do that. “It was on the short list of best careers for women, and I plan to be nothing less than the best. Always.”

  Rolling his bottom lip between his fingers, he studied me like I was a puzzle he was trying to decipher. I couldn’t help but stare at that attention-seeking lip, and for a fleeting moment I wondered how it would taste.

  What’s this guy doing to me? Get off the topic of you, damn it!

  I cleared my throat. “How about you? What do you want to be when you grow up?” I laughed at my funny.

  Any amusement in his eyes faded, and was replaced by a forlorn expression.

  My heart might have just broken a little, and I had to restrain myself from reaching out to touch his face and smooth away the lines. Why do you care? You don’t know this guy from Adam. You’re letting him get too close!

  “Er, that’s kinda complicated,” he started. “I’m majoring in criminal justice so I can eventually go to law school just like dear ol’ Dad wants me to, but it’s the last thing I want.” Blake gave a short shrug and looked out the window.

  “So, tell him it’s not what you want for yourself,” I offered like it was the obvious solution. “Welcome to the modern day. Your parents no longer get to decide your future.” Problem solved. I pulled my book from my bag and placed a pen on top of it.

  He let out a sarcastic laugh. “Easier said than done. You’ve never met Judge Turner. Let’s just say if I want to remain in his will and his good graces, I better get very familiar with our judicial system.”

  My mouth hung agape. “He would cut you off? For not wanting to be a lawyer?”

  One simple nod told me all I needed to know.

  I narrowed my eyes, frowning. “Who cares then? Screw his will. Why be miserable for the rest of your life?”

  He noticed my mood change, and appreciation shone in his eyes. “This is all a story for a different day. I’d rather not waste any of my minutes with you talking about my dad and his overbearing tendencies.” He raised his hand mid-sentence, never breaking eye contact with me as he called out to the front of the room, “Here.” Then back to me, his voice discreet, “These are precious minutes.” He licked his lips and his eyes gave a little twinkle.

  Slick. Okay, he was better than I was at roll call. Oh no. Roll call! I missed my name!

  His unrelenting stare went right through me. Unable to take it any longer, I cleared my throat and forced myself to look away. In a quiet voice, I muttere
d, “You know we really should be paying attention.” And I was back to biting my fingers.

  A second later, a packet of salt landed on my desk, and my head snapped up to see his mischievous grin. I couldn’t stop the noise that escaped my nostrils and the back of my throat as I tried desperately to stifle the laugh behind my hand.

  The professor shot a disapproving glare to the back of the room, and the entire class swiveled to see what all the fuss was about. I must have turned one hundred shades of purple as I slouched down in my seat.

  “As I was saying . . .” the professor continued.

  When the focus returned to where it belonged, I whispered out the side of my face, “You did not just throw a packet of salt at me.” My eyes were wide with shock, my smile huge as short laughs snuck through my lips.

  “Uh, yeah I did.” He looked so proud. “I had a feeling you’d go back to chowing down on those fingers.” Blake laughed openly at my still stunned expression.

  “Oh, I gotta say, that was ten points right there. You win that round. Well played.” I found myself relaxing and enjoying the moment.

  “Thank you, thank you.” He patted his own shoulder.

  “Now hush before we get thrown out. I’m not off to a very good start here.” I sent him one last little smirk and focused my attention on the front of the room.

  “Fine, fine. Have it your way,” he said, nudging his seat a couple of inches closer, as if that was his way of getting the last word.

  For the most part, he was compliant for the remainder of the class. Every now and then I’d steal a glance his way and catch him staring. Each time he would play it off casually like he was only trying to copy my notes.

  Knowing I’d have to make a quick getaway, I started packing up my books a couple of minutes early. My knee bounced up and down as I waited for the professor to announce the end of our session, and I jumped up before he could complete his sentence, slinging my bag over my shoulder. “Well, it was nice meeting you officially, Blake. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  He got stuck in his haste, his large form struggling to get out of the seat so quickly, which gave me time to make it to the front of the aisle. When he was finally free and on his feet, he held out his hand as if to stop me and yelled, “Wait! I’ll walk . . .”


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