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Sarah's Private Dick

Page 6

by Golden Angel

  Sarah tried to assimilate this information. She'd always thought of Martin as being the father of this little family, but it sounded like he'd been protecting the pervy uncle, not the young women in his car. Then again, if Vincent hadn't actually done anything... but he had done enough to make them uncomfortable. That should have been enough right? Toeing the line wasn't okay. Not with her anyway.

  "Why isn't Gloria over here complaining too?" she asked, for lack of anything else to say.

  "Martin wouldn't let Vincent anywhere near her," Angela said. "He still stays away."

  Well that was interesting. Gloria had started working for them when she was fifteen. Sarah felt a surge of fury that Martin had known about Vincent, enough that he'd taken steps to protect the underage girl. Why not the rest of them? Well no, Angela had said that he'd protected them somewhat. But it wasn't enough. Why hadn't Martin ever told her these things about Vincent? Maybe because she already didn't like him. Hearing this wouldn't have helped. And she wouldn't have wanted him anywhere near the restaurant.

  Didn't want him anywhere near the restaurant now.

  "Okay," said Sarah. "Okay." She looked directly at both girls. "I don't know what I can do yet, but I will find out. I can promise you I'm not going to sell him my share." Both of the women immediately relaxed, and Angela grinned at her. "I'll talk to the managers and see what we can do about keeping him out of the restaurant as much as possible, and tell all the women to try and make sure they aren't ever caught alone with him."

  "We already do that," said Brandy softly. "I was just running late this morning and he caught me after I had put my purse in my locker."

  Sarah sighed, feeling unworthy of the trust that was in this young woman's eyes. Looking at her to make it right. Unfortunately Sarah had no idea what to do or what her legal options were. But she would find out. Her chin lifted as she made that promise to herself, and to Brandy and Angela and all the other women in the restaurant.

  The two women hurried back to work, since the restaurant was going to be opening in a few minutes, sitting down for line-up with Rick, the day time manager, and getting information about the daily specials and any announcements. Feeling incredibly weary, Sarah just stayed in her seat and listened. Mmmm. Chicken and artichoke risotto with parmesan cheese. That sounded delicious.

  When line-up finished and the servers scattered, Sarah got up from her seat. Just as she was turning to head back into the kitchen, the door opened and Cara led Derrick out into the restaurant. Why did seeing him always pack such a visceral punch? Her body tingled, her nipples tightened, and she had to fight the urge to blatantly stare at him. Cara's gaze swept around the room, landing on Sarah.

  “You two are staying for lunch," she announced, and then grinned up at Derrick fondly. The chef was just barely taller than Sarah, and she could see how incredibly tiny she must look next to his tall and muscular body. So tiny. So vulnerable. Why was that so sexy?

  "But-" Sarah started to protest, and Cara's hand waved, immediately cutting her off.

  "I made today's special with you in mind," she said, giving Sarah a sharp look. Yes, Cara knew exactly how much of a weakness Sarah had for artichokes. And risotto. And cheese. "And this delightful young man must try some of my actual dishes so that he can compliment me some more."

  Derrick grinned down at her, amused at being called a young man. Thirty five didn't feel that young. But then again it didn't feel that old either. Cara was a small force of nature. She'd taken him around the entire kitchen, introduced him to everyone, and had him tasting sauces and tidbits until his tongue was exploding with flavors. When she'd heard his stomach rumble hungrily that had been the final straw. Although part of him knew it was a bad idea, his stomach and his dick had outvoted his brain. He was having lunch with Sarah.

  It was obvious when she caved too, her soft brown eyes giving in to her friend's demand.

  The redheaded server she'd been talking to when he first came in immediately took charge of them, leading them to a small corner booth in her section. After giving Sarah a rather enigmatic look, she poured the water as she rattled off the specials, and then retreated. Leaving her alone with Derrick, quite obviously intentionally.

  If she hadn’t been so distracted by keeping her leg away from him underneath the table, which was really meant for cuddling couples, she’d have been fuming at the staff’s assumptions. Did they really think she’d just abandon all common decency and dishonor Martin’s memory like that? She should be in mourning for… well, she didn’t know how long, but more than a month surely, before it would be all right for her to even indicate interest in another man.

  Or was she just reading too much into it because that’s what her secret, deep, dark desires wanted?

  As their legs brushed, once again, underneath the table, Sarah felt the heat rise in her face and she studiously looked over the menu, which she already had memorized, and pretending to be trying to find something to eat, when she already knew that she was getting the special.

  “So what’s good?” Derrick asked, finally, breaking the ice. He couldn’t just sit in silence anymore, tormenting himself with the light touches their calves occasionally made as they shifted in their seats. The staff was all very friendly with him, but they seemed a little intimidated by Sarah. Their server had given them the fastest rundown of specials he’d ever heard and then fled, leaving him alone with this gorgeous woman who starred in all sorts of unwarranted fantasies in his head.

  If he had to sit next to her then they needed to get a conversation flowing or he’d never be able to stop thinking about how much he wanted to do so much more then let their legs touch.

  “Oh um… pretty much everything. Sarah’s a really fantastic cook. If you liked the sausage she gave you then you’d probably like the meat and ziti platter that she does, it has a couple different kinds of meat that she makes with a side of the most incredible baked ziti.”

  “That does sound good,” he said, grinning at her and leaning back. She tried not to let her eyes follow the play of muscles, just barely visible under the thin fabric of his shirt. He really had the most incredible shoulders. “I’m determined to figure out what she puts in those sausages.”

  “You seemed to know your way around her flavors,” Sarah said, trying not to jump as their legs brushed again. Also trying not to think about double entendres involving him having a talented tongue. “That was pretty impressive. If you figure out the secret ingredient, you’d better share it with me.”

  “Of course.” He flashed her another one of those stunning grins that set her heart pumping, the gleaming blaze of his white teeth so startling in that handsome dark face.

  “So how do you know so much about spices anyway?”

  “Well, with Italian cooking there’s a lot of basics,” he said, smiling at her again as she realized that he was pointing out the obvious. But then he started to tell her about the cooking lessons that his mother had given him growing up and how much he’d enjoyed experimenting with the food. And some of the truly awful dishes he’d served his unsuspecting family. Getting him to talk had been a mistake, she wished that they’d just sat there in silence so that she could concentrate on not letting their legs touch and keeping her wayward libido under control.

  Right now, listening to the sexy rumble of his voice, it was all she could do to keep her thighs tightly together, squeezing her insides tightly to relieve some of the throbbing in her aching vagina. Even worse, listening to his story of how he’d accidentally mixed up the salt with the sugar while making a cake, and then describing the way his family members’ horrified expressions had broken his heart, until he’d taken his own bite. Self-effacing humor, utterly gorgeous, and knew his way around a kitchen (at least, now he did). Could the man get any more perfect?

  Sarah suddenly realized that they’d been sitting there for at least fifteen minutes and Gloria hadn’t even been by to get their drink order. With a quick glance around the room she caught the redhead’s eye an
d gave her a stern look. The mischievous smile that she got in return did nothing to quell her inner turmoil.

  When Gloria finally came over she took their order quickly and efficiently, gamely ignoring the gimlet stare that Sarah was giving her. When she turned to go she even winked!

  Good grief.

  And yet that wink made some of Sarah’s anxieties unwind. Was it possible that people might not judge her for being attracted to someone else?

  The thought lingered in the back of her mind for about five minutes, until Derrick asked her about her own upbringing, and they fell into a comparison of family dynamics. His sounded wonderful, he had a bundle of nieces and nephews and it was a close-knit clan. Sarah had been an only child - part of why she had wanted a lot of children of her own - and although she loved her parents very much, they lived several hours away so she only saw them on weekends. It sounded like Derrick had a fair amount of family in the area and just as much out of it.

  When the food arrived they both tucked in with gusto, but it didn’t derail the conversation at all as they compared interests in books and movies, flowing easily from one topic to the next. And, of course, the requisite amount of time spent gushing over the food. Although Derrick still couldn’t place the secret ingredient.

  At the end of the lunch Sarah was shocked to realize that it was the most fun she’d had with a man during a meal in years. Eating with Patricia was this much fun, but she and Martin had never had even a dinner conversation that flowed so easily or covered so many interesting subjects. In fact, she’d been so involved in the conversation that she hadn’t thought of Martin once, or noticed that Derrick’s calf was now pressing against hers.

  Suddenly aware of the impropriety she jerked her leg away and turned to her purse, rooting around for a ten dollar bill to leave as a tip for Gloria, using the movements to cover the blush on her face.

  Derrick was perturbed to find that he was sad the meal was over. Sarah was truly an interesting and engaging woman, not just beautiful but easy to talk to, and she had a wonderful laugh. He’d told story after embarrassing story just to hear that husky laugh and the little giggles that she made. What was personal humiliation compared to that?

  “So ah,” he said, suddenly uncomfortable for the first time since he’d started the conversation, as she laid the tip down on the table. “I guess we should go to your place so I can check out the office again?”

  “Yes that’s fine,” said Sarah, not meeting his eyes. Quickly she stood up, trying not to watch as he eased himself along the seat and out of the booth. Despite the tight fit of his muscular body between the table and booth, he moved with the easy grace of a cat. More like a panther. She pulled her car keys out and fiddled with them nervously. “I’ll meet you there?”

  “Yes. Thank you for a wonderful lunch.”

  Smiling, she said her own thank you as she automatically looked up into his eyes. Her voice caught in her throat again. He was standing so close, looming over her and making her feel so small and delicate. Something stirred in his eyes, the way a man looked when he found himself next to an attractive woman, and she felt an answering wave of lust roll through her. Definitely time to back away. She was already hyperaware of him as it was, if he looked at her like that again she’d be a goner.

  They both went through the kitchen to thank Cara for the wonderful lunch. In the middle of the busy rush, she smiled at them beatifically as she called tickets and put the final garnishes on the dishes in front of her before handing them off to the runners. Obviously she couldn’t talk though, so Sarah just gave her a quick hug and then she and Derrick were off.

  When she got in the car she let her head fall onto the steering wheel with a thud. He was going to be back in her house again. She tried to tell herself that it wasn’t a big deal, but the truth was her body was humming with anticipation. Down girl. No reason to get excited. Because she was so not going to go there.

  Chapter 4

  Derrick beat Sarah to her house by about five minutes. It was possible that he’d been going a little faster than normal, feeling a little too excited to be there. Staring at the garden in front, which was just as immaculate as the last time, he wondered again if she was the one who took care of it. From what she’d said over lunch about being a housewife, he thought that was probably the case.

  Keeping her at home was a crime, as far as he was concerned. She obviously knew a lot about the restaurant, but instead of utilizing her, her husband had just bottled her up in the house and gotten ideas from her in private then implemented them in public. Probably without giving her any of the credit. From everything he was learning, Martin didn’t seem much better than Vincent, other than the fact that he hadn’t been preying upon the young women who worked at Polenta.

  Not a great guy in his opinion. Not that anyone had asked.

  Fortunately he had a lot of practice at keeping a poker face and not letting anyone know his true feelings. Investigators always garnered a lot of experience at play devil’s advocate and pretending not to judge anyone.

  When Sarah pulled up to the house he didn’t know whether to be relieved or anxious. Being next to her in the restaurant had been hard enough. Their conversation had been almost too easy. The second he saw her it was like the starting bell of a race; his heart rate picked up, his adrenaline started pumping and he was hyperaware of every single one of her movements. His mind made every single one of them into sensuous, sinuous beauty. Probably would have helped if he hadn’t let her precede him up to the house, not that walking side by side with her would have been any better really but at least he wouldn’t have had to watch that perfect ass twitch inside of her jeans.

  Sarah actually felt herself trembling as she unlocked the door to the house, feeling the looming presence of the far-too-attractive man behind her. How could she not be aware of him? He was huge, and somehow his personality seemed to exude beyond the physical space that he actually filled.

  “So ah, do you need me to show you the way to the office again?” she asked.

  “No, I think I can find it, as long as you trust me not to rob you blind,” he said, joking. Sarah giggled, but as soon as she looked up at him, meeting that dark gaze, she lost the urge to laugh. The expression on his face made her blood feel like it was boiling, it was humming so fast through her veins. It was an expression that she’d seen before, on other men’s faces as they looked at their girlfriends or wives and she‘d felt envy. She’d even seen it on Vincent’s face, but all it had roused was disgust. Seeing Derrick looking at her like that now made her want to fall to her knees. Or back. Yes, on her back so that he could - STOP IT.

  “Of c-c-c-c-course,” she stuttered, tearing her eyes away before she completely lost control over her body. “Um, I’ll get you a glass of water.”

  She fled, stepping so quickly down the hall that he didn’t even have a chance to respond. Dammit, why had she done that? Avoid! Avoid! But now she’d promised him a glass of water. Which he might not even want. Sarah gripped the eddied marble of her countertop next to the sink, leaning forward and pressing her stomach against the cool, hard surface.

  Get a grip woman!

  Okay, so she’d been surprised to see that look on his face. The look that said he found her just as attractive as she’d found him. This was probably the first time in her life that she’d been this attracted to a man and so of course realizing that he returned the attraction was going to affect her deeply. But it didn’t mean anything. People were attracted to each other all the time. Now that she knew what to expect she could face him and it wouldn’t be so bad.

  Mostly convinced, Sarah let go of the counter and got herself a glass of water, drinking the entire thing and cooling down her insides. The time that she took to calm herself down and drink the water helped a lot. She was feeling much less shaky by the time she filled a glass of water for Derrick and took it up to the home office.

  Then she lost all that shakiness when their fingers touched as she handed him the glass,
shooting electric awareness through her body and straight to her loins. So she did the only sensible thing and fled again.


  An hour and a half later Derrick was extremely frustrated. And not just because of the sexy woman who he could occasionally hear moving around the house. Although every time he heard her, he immediately started imagining what she might be doing and then his dick started to stir.

  But mostly he was frustrated because he’d been over the entire office for a second time and he couldn’t figure out what Vincent had been so worried about. Unless he’d completely read the man wrong, there was something in this office that Vincent didn’t want them to find. Hm. Maybe Martin didn’t want anyone to find it either. Derrick looked back at the heavy monstrosity of a desk.

  After pulling out all of the drawers he finally found it, tucked away behind the shallow drawer over the leg space of the desk. Only he couldn’t get it out.

  He didn’t want to damage the desk if he didn’t have to, so he went looking for Sarah. The house was completely silent and he wondered if maybe she’d gone out, but that didn’t seem right.

  “Mrs. Brown? I mean, Sarah?” Using her first name seemed wrongly intimate. Maybe because he couldn’t say it without thinking of her in an intimate setting.

  “Back here, hold on, I‘ll be right out!”

  Her voice was coming from a room on the main floor, just on the other side of the kitchen. The door was open so he figured it probably wasn’t a bathroom and he walked over, curious to see what she was doing. The room wasn’t exactly furnished, it was filled with bin-shelves from the container store and in the center of the room was a table where Sarah was sitting and on the table next to her were a bunch of the bins that had been pulled out, filled with colorful, sparkly things. As he walked closer he could see that she was bending some wire, making what looked like a choker made out of chain mail and decorated with sparkling gems.

  “That’s pretty,” he said, and she jumped.


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