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Sarah's Private Dick

Page 9

by Golden Angel

  “Tell you what, do you trust me in your kitchen?” She nodded immediately. Of course she did. The woman had let him into her home, asked him to investigate her most private affairs, turned to him when she was feeling undesirable, and believed him when he said he was clean after he’d just rode her bareback. “You go take a nice relaxing bath and I’ll whip up something for us.”

  “Oh you don’t have to do that,” she said, but her eyes were big and wistful, like it was the nicest thing anyone had ever offered to do for her.

  “I like cooking. You go. Bath.” He sat up and helped her off the bed, feeling way too pleased about the way his cum looked coating her skin and making her inner thighs all nice and shiny. Taking a few tissues he cleaned himself off quickly enough and then pulled on his jeans and shirt again before urging Sarah towards the bathroom. She seemed rather reluctant to go, but he insisted.

  And on his way to the kitchen he’d take care of a little clean-up in the office

  Chapter 5

  Sarah sank into her cherry blossom scented bubble bath with the strangest mix of emotions.

  Satisfaction: she'd just had the most arousing and fulfilling sexual experience of her life.

  Guilt: Martin had barely been dead for a month and she'd already slept with someone.

  Anger: Martin had cheated on her, with some of his employees as well as prostitutes and put her at risk for who knew what diseases. Also anger at herself for feeling guilty when he obviously didn't deserve that emotion from her.

  Trepidation: What was Derrick thinking right now? Sarah had no experience with this kind of thing. Especially when she'd told him that she wasn't on birth control, the most fierce expression had crossed his face. The most anxiety-inducing part was that she realized she didn't particularly mind the idea of having his children, specifically his, but she wasn't going to put that on him. Some men might not care if they had children out there in the world, from the way Derrick had talked about his family she knew that he wouldn't be that kind of man.

  Fear: What if Martin had given her something? The reminder that she got a yearly physical, with blood work, had helped alleviate some of her fear about that. Especially since she and Martin hadn't had sex in the past couple of years anyway. Now she knew why.

  Anger rose up in her again, along with shame that she hadn't been able to keep her husband sexually satisfied. But why should she feel ashamed? It wasn't as if she wouldn't have been willing. Just because she hadn't felt a major chemical spark with him didn't mean she wouldn't have done her duty. But maybe he didn't want someone who would do her duty, maybe he wanted someone who would set him on fire. The way Derrick had made her body blaze up with lust and passion. Okay, she could understand that, especially now, but why did he hang onto her? Why hadn't he just asked for a divorce instead of cheating on her?

  Tears dripped down her face and into her bath. It wasn't like she'd been one hundred percent happy with their marriage either, but it had never even occurred to her to look for the missing parts elsewhere. Even now, if she hadn't seen the proof of Martin's betrayal, if she hadn't been so shocked and needy of some kind of positive attention and so attracted to Derrick, she'd still be faithful to Martin's memory.

  Hell maybe she owed him. Would she have ever had the courage to even consider letting loose with her attraction to Derrick, without the shock and shame of Martin's betrayal? To throw herself at the gorgeous black man like she had? Probably not.

  When the bubbles were almost gone in her bath Sarah reluctantly got out. Baths were so soothing for her and she loved the way the cherry blossom scent clung to her skin. Lightly fragrant. Now she had to go and face the reality and the man in her kitchen. Wrapping herself in her favorite soft sea green colored robe, she decided to skip getting all the way dressed. Not like he hadn't seen it anyway. The soft fluffy material comforted her and she could use a little bit of that right now, especially if he'd taken the opportunity to run while she'd be in the bath. She wouldn't blame him if he had.

  Glancing in Martin's office on the way down, thinking to look through the pictures again now that she was less emotional and see if there were any other employees - especially current ones, she saw that at the very least Derrick had cleared those away. Where had he put them?

  As soon as she hit the stairs it became obvious that Derrick had definitely not run and whatever he was doing in the kitchen smelled fabulous. The sounds of pans gently clanking became audible as she approached the kitchen. Tightening the belt around her robe she suddenly felt like running back upstairs and putting on some more clothing. What had she been thinking coming down here in nothing but a robe? Apparently she hadn't been thinking at all?

  "Sarah?" Before she had a chance to turn and run Derrick was in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room, his eyes sweeping over her appreciatively. She looked calmer, although her eyes were still a little red rimmed, probably due to her fair skin, and the soft green robe looked wonderful against the darkness of her wet hair as it made little wet curls on her shoulders and chest. The temptation to rub his hands over the fuzziness of her robe was too much to bear and he strode forward and swept her up into his arms, pulling her against him for a kiss.

  It didn't occur to him until his mouth was on hers that maybe she wouldn't still feel the same way about him now that the shock of her husband's infidelity had died, but after a moment she pressed back against him, opening her lips to his tongue, her small hands curling around the front collar of his shirt. Feeling her response to him just got his dick going again and he had to pull away before he tore the robe from her sweet body and took her all over again.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to jump on you the second you walked in here," he said, not feeling sorry at all. He winked at her. "I like your robe."

  Sarah blushed, feeling wet and horny all over again, and also incredibly pleased. Everything about Derrick turned her on right now. The way he looked at her appreciatively, the feeling of his hands rubbing her through the robe, and especially the smells coming from the kitchen. Had Martin ever cooked for her? Not that she could remember. That had always been her 'job,' as far as he was concerned.

  "Thank you. Something smells delicious. I'm glad I trusted you in the kitchen."

  Grinning at her, Derrick took her hand and pulled her into the kitchen behind him. She was so tiny next to him, like a curvy little pixie. That robe made him think of Tinker Bell, except that Sarah was all woman, and the hints of red were already starting to glint in her hair as it dried.

  "Turkey breasts with marsala sauce and an artichoke and potato hash. Salad."

  The turkey breasts were lightly breaded with egg and Panko bread crumbs before he'd cooked them in oil on the stove top and then made the marsala sauce in the same pan with some chopped onions and marsala cooking wine. The artichoke and potato has was even easier; just regular potatoes in the oven and he'd eventually added some artichoke hearts to them, seasoning it all with salt, lemon pepper, garlic and thyme. It hadn't escaped his notice how much Sarah loved artichokes. Even if he hadn't noticed at the restaurant when she'd ordered the risotto and happily exclaimed over the large chunks of it, the four jars of bulk size hearts in her cupboard were a pretty big clue, along with the half empty open jar in the fridge. She was an artichoke fiend apparently. The salad he'd found in the fridge, apparently she liked the ready-made bags. That was fine.

  Seeing the food made Sarah's eyes light up. Plenty of protein and carbs to replenish her energy and enough veggies to make her feel good and healthy. Plus even the breading on the turkey breasts looked light. It was the perfect meal, and she was astounded that he'd managed to make all of this just by scrounging around her kitchen. She cooked plenty often but she wouldn't have thought to make anything like this. Who put potatoes and artichokes together? But it was perfect. Delicious. The textures worked well and complimented the turkey and tangy marsala sauce.

  During dinner they found it just as easy to converse as before. Derrick asked her about her jewelry maki
ng and showed genuine interest, which she flowered under. While Martin had thought it an appropriate hobby for her and had supported her, praised her for the sales she made on Etsy, he had never really asked much about what she was doing. Now she was able to share her happiness with finding just the right kind of beads, talk about the inspiration she had in her mind - she liked to make pieces that reminded her of something, whether it was a plant, the ocean, an animal, a feeling, whatever. And not only did Derrick appear to be paying attention, he asked leading questions that proved he was listening.

  In turn she questioned him about his own work, wanting to know what it was like to be a private investigator. Apparently she'd romanticized the job quite a bit in her head, because it sounded like it was mostly cheating spouses and following lies. Her stomach knotted with anxiety for a moment before she made herself relax again. Derrick was incredibly observant, she found. Immediately recognizing the tension she gained when he talked about cheating spouses, he changed topic slightly and started telling her about one of his successful hunts for a kid, eventually returning him to his mother after his father had taken him.

  He told her that he wanted to start trying to do something new, which would have surprised her if she hadn't just listened to all the pains of the job. When he confessed that he didn't know what he wanted to do next she found herself feeling even more of an affinity for him. Nice to know that she wasn't the only one in the world feeling like that. Also seeing him open up, admit that he didn't know what to do or where to go next, showed a little bit of his personal vulnerability and she was touched by that. Martin never admitted any kind of vulnerability, not during the entire time she'd known him.

  The meal passed all too quickly and Sarah found herself disappointed, knowing that he was going to leave soon. To her surprise he helped her clear off the table and do the dishes. Although he let her wash them he insisted on drying. Every time their fingers touched as she handed a dish over to him she felt another fission of lust go through her. It made her feel both horny and guilty - what kind of woman was she that she got so turned on again so quickly? Her body had never reacted like this before and she didn't know how to handle the physical sensations or the emotions that went with them.

  "So," said Derrick, leaning against the damp counter as she wiped the sink area down with a sponge. "How about dessert?"

  "Dessert?" Sarah was so full that she was sure she couldn't eat another bite, the dinner had been so delicious, but he actually looked rather cute looking at her with those expectant eyes. How did such a large and muscular man manage to pull off cute? But the gleam in his eyes was almost boyish and she had to giggle as she looked at him. "Okay."

  She wanted him to stay longer. She couldn't deny that. So might as well do dessert.

  "Good, because I already know what I want."

  To her surprise he grasped her around the waist, lifting her effortlessly to the counter. The movement undid the knot on her robe and it fell open as he set her down. "Derrick!"

  "Mmmm," he said as he wrapped his lips around one of her nipples. His tongue flicked against it as it hardened in his mouth and Sarah groaned, her resistance melting away. The gentle suckling on her nipple was so incredibly erotic, especially as she looked down at him, the dark, masculine planes of his face against the creamy whiteness of her skin. When he released her nipple and gave it a final lick, both his tongue and the tiny bud were a shocking pink next to the black marble of his skin.

  Transferring his attentions to her other breast, Derrick sucked hard. Seeing Sarah in this sexy robe while she made little happy moans over his food had been far too much for his eager dick. It had been hard from the moment he'd seen her standing in her living room and had only gotten harder. He was tall enough that as he kissed down her stomach, spreading her thighs with his hands, that kneeling on the floor put him at the perfect height to lick at her pretty pink pussy.

  Sarah moaned, her fingers pressing against his scalp as he licked all around her outer pussy. The touch of her hands on his head was surprisingly erotic, or maybe it was just the way she was humping her hips against him as much as she possibly could. Stroking one dark finger down the center of her pussy, he marveled at how sexy her pink lips looked against his finger. Easing it inside of her, he licked around the digit, teasing her with his tongue.

  The sweet taste of her cream as he lapped at her was better than any dessert he could have made for her. The sheer level of attraction hadn't lessened any once he'd had her once, in fact it had only made him want her again. And again. Dinner had been far too comfortable in a lot of ways, it was easy to imagine sitting down with her every night and talking. He had to remember that he barely knew this woman.

  And yet, at the same time he did.

  Her unfeigned responses showed him a slice of her heart and soul. That gorgeous face and body was wonderfully expressive. Their conversations showed him a fascinating woman of substance, someone who had lived and loved and lost. Someone who wouldn't back down or let life kick her down, not without getting back up again. Everything he learned about her only drew him to her more. But he wasn't sure that she felt the same way or that she'd let herself go like this again, so he was going to press his advantage now, tonight. Give her a night that she could never forget and keep her coming back for me. It shouldn't be that hard. He'd seen the look of surprise and awe after the orgasms he'd given her upstairs.

  Pulling her butt forward, his hands gripped her butt, keeping her in place. Sarah leaned back onto her hands, having to let his head go in order to stay upright as she opened her body more fully to him. Never had she ever done anything sexual in her kitchen. Now she was sitting on her counter, leaning back with her legs spread wide so that the sexiest man she'd ever met, dark as knight, was kneeling on her floor with his face and fingers between her legs. Just the imagined visual made her hot. It was so much better than any fantasy she could have ever created for herself, because she couldn't have imagined ever doing something like this before.

  His finger inside of her wiggled and rubbed against a spot that made her entire body tighten as his tongue lashed against the soft folds of her pussy, stroking the flames of her pleasure higher and higher. The broadness of his shoulders kept her legs spread wide, forcing her to take everything that he was giving her, making her wild with passion as he took control of her body.

  "Derrick!" She cried out his name as he withdrew his finger from her body and rubbed it against her anus. No one had ever touched her there before and she was both frightened and aroused by the stroking of her crinkled bud. Ignoring her protest, he rubbed his finger in a circle around the tiny hole, continuing to suck on her pussy. Slowly she relaxed as he did nothing but tease the nerves there, making them flare with new and strange sensations. It was so perverse, so wanton, that it made her feel even more brazen.

  Leaning back onto her elbows, she was just barely petite enough to fit her body on the counter, she opened herself to him completely, bending her knees and settling her feet on his shoulders, she gave herself over to him completely. Another finger pushed into her pussy, then a second, as he continued to tease her asshole with his other finger. Pressing gently against the sensitive whirl, finger lubricated with her juices, he played with the amount of pressure against her tightest hole, teasing her as he licked and touched her in more conventional ways. She'd never had attention paid to her like this before and she drank it in, her body responding with increasing tension as her orgasm wound up, building to the crest.

  When the tip of his finger eased inside of her asshole, Sarah's entire body tightened down and she cried out with ecstasy, losing control of her body as it shuddered. Derrick sucked hard on her clit, flicking it with his tongue to increase the sensations running through her quivering body as she broke apart for him. Juices flooded his mouth, and he lapped at her, drinking in the sweet reward of his work as she gasped and moaned. God she was beautiful. While she got herself back together he stood, pulling his fingers from her pussy and the tip of his fing
er from her ass. Her response to the anal teasing had told him she was inexperienced, but she hadn't made him stopped. She'd liked it.

  Damn she was gorgeous like this, face and chest flushed, nipples slowly softening in the aftermath of her orgasm. The spread of her thighs showed off her glistening pussy, swollen with satisfaction. The hazy, half-lidded look of her eyes made him even harder. Exactly how a woman should look when she was being pleasured.

  Scooping her up in his arms he headed for the stairs. Sarah stirred in his arms as she realized they were moving.


  "Back up to the bedroom, beautiful," Derrick said, lifting his left arm to bring her face closer to his. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and kissed her thoroughly, leaving her breathless as he pulled away. "Unless you tell me no."

  Good grief... more? Could she take more? Her body was flush with satisfaction, but as his hand stroked the outside of her thigh and she looked at the lustful and hungry expression on his face, she didn't want to deny him. One night of impossible bliss, one night of fantasies and dreams come true. Sarah didn't fool herself that a man like this would want more than that from her, but she was more than willing to take whatever he was willing to give. She'd be a fool not to, considering the way he made her feel, the way he skillfully played her body.

  Unable to speak, too shy or too anxious, Sarah nodded her head and Derrick bounded up the stairs. The ease with which he carried her made her feel absolutely tiny and vulnerable. It was amazing that this huge man would considered himself stymied by mere words if she denied him. Curious to see if she could still affect him, worried he was indulging her out of pity, Sarah lifted a hand and pressed it against his neck. The look of pure lust that Derrick gave her reassured her immensely. He wanted her. For some reason. But she wasn't going to question that, not right now.

  Tossing her on the bed Derrick stripped down quickly, peeling his shirt and jeans off of his dark muscular body. Sarah shimmied out of her robe as she watched him, marveling at the rippling play of his muscles as he moved, reminding her of the controlled force of a jaguar on a hunt. Even though she'd been more sexually satisfied today than ever before in her life, her loins were already throbbing again, wanting him inside of her.


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