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Collared by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 11)

Page 18

by Hayley Faiman

  I feel my body building higher toward another release, and I try to hold it back. I should be holding it back because he hasn’t given me permission to come yet, but that isn’t the reason, the reason is that I don’t want this to end.

  I want him to stay inside of me for much longer—so much longer. He growls, his mouth pressing against my ear, I can feel his warm breath and it sends shivers down my spine. His pelvis grinds against my clit causing me to whimper.

  “Come, Raisa. Come all over me,” he demands. I do exactly as instructed, not only because it’s my purpose but because I want to, and my desire is to please him.

  My pussy clamps down around his cock, pulsing against him as my second orgasm of the evening rushes through me. Sergei groans against my ear and pumps into me even harder a few more times before he stills, and I feel his release fill my body.

  We stay wrapped in one another’s arms for a while, enjoying the calming sounds of our panting breaths until he eventually releases my thighs and slips from me. Wordlessly, he rearranges me so that I’m lying down, and he does the same with his own body behind me. I feel his hand slide around my waist, pulling my back against his chest, he then slips that hand between my thighs and fills me with two fingers.

  “Tonight, you sleep with me inside of you,” he rasps against my neck.

  “Yes, Master,” I breathe as my eyes slowly close.


  Nikolai gives me a sideways glance when I instruct him to pull into the jeweler’s parking lot. “It’s not a wedding ring,” I grunt. My words only cause him to chuckle, so I lift my hand and flip him off.

  “I know it’s not a wedding ring, Sergei. You think I don’t know a fucking thing about you?” he asks, shifting the car into park. “It’s a collar,” he shrugs.

  Turning to him, I level him with a glare. “It is.”

  “I knew the moment I saw you with her that this is how you two would be together. She is your match,” he says looking far too fucking smug.

  We both exit the vehicle and walk toward the front entrance. Lifting my hand, I press my finger against the buzzer, waiting for the owner to let me in for my appointment.

  “You just want me to admit it, don’t you?” I ask.

  He shrugs, his dancing eyes meeting my own. “I kind of do.”

  “I refuse,” I snort.

  He shakes his head, lifting his hand to wrap around the back of his neck. “I’m going to be a papa,” he says out of the blue.

  Turning my head, it’s my turn to give him a smile, mine isn’t smug, however, it’s genuine. “I am happy for you, brother. You deserve it. You will be a wonderful papa.”

  “Scary to think about,” he mutters.

  I glance through the door, wondering where the fucking jeweler is, before turning to my friend. “It is scary, but these times are much safer than they used to be. It is a blessing, Niko. You two will make good parents,” I offer, speaking nothing but the truth.

  He bobs his head up and down a few times in a nervous nod. “We will, won’t we? Yeah, yeah, we will,” he says. Then it’s his turn to look through the glass. “Where is this fucking jeweler?”

  “Let’s go around the back. It’s dark as fuck in there,” I state.

  Nikolai lifts his hand, wrapping it around my bicep. “This is wrong,” he announces. “This is so wrong.” He takes a step back, tugging me along with him and that’s when it happens.

  We turn to shield ourselves and run as far as we can before our bodies are catapulted in the air and we’re sent flying. It was wrong, Nikolai was right. It was wrong because the fucking building has just blown up.

  Debris falls all around us, and I can’t hear anything aside from ringing in my ears as I attempt to stand from my position on the ground. I’m only able to shift myself around to sitting on my ass, like a fucking idiot. Looking around frantically, I try to find Niko.

  There is a fire. I watch as the jewelry store burns to the ground next to us, but that isn’t my concern, Niko is. I can’t hear anything, so I don’t bother yelling for him, taking my phone out of my pocket I dial one of my most trusted Brigadiers, and shout my location a few times, hoping he’s picked up the phone.

  Slowly, I stand to my feet and go in search for Nikolai. It doesn’t take me long to find him just a few feet away from me. He’s face down, and I roll him over as gently as possible, hoping that he’s still alive. I watch as his eyelids flutter open and I help pull him up to sitting.

  He covers his mouth, most likely in a cough, but I still can’t hear a goddamn thing. Pressing his hands to his ears, I assume he can’t hear for shit either.

  Ten black cars appear before an ambulance and fire truck pull in behind them. I’m glad for all of them. The trained medical emergency technicians take us over to their truck and check us out. Before they’re finished, a bit of our hearing returns and we’re able to talk, well, rather yell at them and answer questions.

  Knowing who we are, the police don’t bother arriving to the scene. The fire is squelched, and slowly everybody, except Bratva leaves the scene.

  “The fuck?” one of my Brigadier asks.

  I shake my head. “Had an appointment, rang the bell, no answer. That’s all I know,” I admit.

  He nods. “Go home, get some rest, boss, we’ll get this figured out,” he offers.

  I let out a bark of laughter. “I don’t fucking think so. We work together, or I do it alone, that’s how this will go,” I announce.

  The men all straighten a bit more at my tone. The boss is fucking back, and if they thought my reign was over, they are sadly fucking mistaken.

  I will get to the bottom of this, my first suspect is Ilya Deripaska, considering I just killed and burned his grandson to ash.



  Ilya Deripaska smirks as I walk toward him. He’s sitting in the back of his favorite restaurant. Though I’ve never really had dealings with him before the situation with his grandson, I make it my business to know the powerful men of my country and their skeletons, for insurance purposes.

  Sitting down in the chair across from him, I lean back and stare into his dark eyes. Niko is outside along with a couple of kryshas and boyeviks. If Ilya is the one who blew up the jewelry store, I’m not taking any fucking chances.

  “May I be of service to you, Orlov?” he asks, lifting his fork to stab a piece of meat. I watch as he brings it to his lips and pops it into his mouth.

  Watching him, I tilt my head to the side. “Do you usually make a habit out of blowing buildings up?” I casually ask.

  His eyes widen before he schools his features and that’s when I know it was him. He thinks I’m too stupid to see it, or maybe he thinks that he’s too fucking smart. Whatever the case, I don’t give a fuck, he is gunning for me and I want to know why.

  “Wasn’t me,” he shrugs.

  I let out a chuckle as I shake my head. “It was. Which is why your status at the club and your room has been canceled. Katrina has already been informed. If this is retaliation for your grandson, your anger is misplaced,” I inform him.

  “So, should I have gone after Katrina instead? She is the one who took Zakhar’s slave right from beneath his nose. She is the reason my sweet boy is gone.”

  Leaning forward, I place my palm flat on the table leveling him with my gaze. I’m fucking pissed. “How about I take you out right here, old man?”

  He snorts. “You do, and you’ll be rotting in a prison cell. Do you think that I’m just swinging out there with no backup?”

  I don’t back away, I lean in a bit closer, my voice dropping when I speak. “I could give a fuck if I’m sent to prison. Wouldn’t be the first time or the last,” I shrug.

  He doesn’t even flinch when he speaks. “How would Raisa do with you gone, again? From what I heard, she didn’t do too well the last time.”

  I growl, unable to reply the way I want, which is to slit his throat right here and now. “Do not threaten me, old man. You w
on’t like the consequences.”

  “I have a feeling you won’t either,” he smirks.

  Standing, I decide to end this verbal sparring session. “Seems we can’t come to an agreement. Guess we will have to come up with some other way to co-exist,” I lie.

  “Seems we will, boy.”

  Turning away from the old fool, I walk out of the restaurant. Niko is waiting for me and pushes off of the wall as I make my way outside. “Boss?” he asks.

  “That fuck wants to play with the big boys, then that’s exactly what will happen. We’ll fucking play,” I growl.

  Niko chuckles as we walk toward the car. Slipping inside of the passenger seat, I wait for him to slide into the driver’s seat. Once he’s inside and the door is closed, I speak. “Meeting at the club, with Katrina. Two hours. I want all of the Brigadiers in this area in attendance.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I want my sovietnik and obshchak there too,” I instruct, speaking of my councilor and my bookmaker. “We’re hitting this fucker where he’ll bleed, at his bank.”

  Nikolai laughs, shifting the car into reverse. “Fuck the violence. This game is my favorite,” he states.

  Turning to him, I smirk. “Mine too, but call Vladimir, as a plan B.”

  We head toward the club. I know even though it is during the day that Katrina will be there. She has a small apartment in the basement, and she lives on site. I send her a text letting her know that we’re on the way. I need to fill her in on everything that’s happened.

  Me and Niko look like a pair, both dirty and disheveled in our thousand dollar suits. Today, I don’t give a fuck. Today, I’m going to end this shit with Ilya, the shit that has trickled from Zakhar. It is done.

  Katrina is waiting outside of the club’s back door when we arrive. She has a scowl on her face, and her arms are crossed over her chest. The look of annoyance quickly fades when we both step out of the car.

  “Dear God,” she breathes.

  I shake my head. “We are fine,” I say, holding my palm up. “The men will be filtering in soon, we need to brief you.”

  “Ilya Deripaska is a fucking dead man,” she growls.

  Lifting my chin, I give her a wide smile. “You have no idea.”

  Once we’re inside of the club, we follow Katrina to her conference room, and I take my phone out to send a text to the men that I have guarding Raisa. They all respond quickly affirming that things have been calm and quiet around the building. Raisa’s Byki also confirms that all is well. Deciding none of that is sufficient enough, I decide to call her myself. I need to hear her voice.

  “Hello?” Panya asks.

  “Give me Raisa, yeah?” I demand.

  I can practically see Panya’s eyes roll into the back of her head at my rough command, but she doesn’t comment. There is a rustling sound on the phone and then the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard fills my ear.


  “I’m going to be tied up for a while, probably the rest of the evening. I just wanted to ensure you were okay.”

  I can almost see her frown as the silence causes the air to become thick. “I will wait for you,” she eventually murmurs.

  “Good girl,” I grunt.

  Deciding to end the call, I shove my phone in my pocket. Lifting my head up to Katrina, she watches me. “First, fill me in on what is happening here,” she quips.

  I sigh, then I go about telling Katrina about Zakhar, Ilya, and the jewelry store explosion earlier today. I also tell her about the meeting I had just moments ago with the man himself. Her face turns red and she leans forward, slamming her palms down on the table. Both Niko and I jump at her sudden move.

  “That man has been a thorn in my side since day one,” she growls. “I want him gone. His status and room have been revoked. I have Lusha cleaning it out now,” she announces.

  “I want anything that was private brought to me if it could be of use,” I demand.

  Katrina shakes her head. “There is nothing in the rooms. They’re cleaned often, and guests are not encouraged to leave anything personal in them, other than toys. Those will be trashed,” she explains.

  “Lusha is well?” I ask, changing the subject.

  Katrina doesn’t need to know how Ilya will be taken down. She already knows too fucking much for a woman. She plays her part in the Bratva, but she will never be Bratva. I have a feeling she will never marry Bratva either. She and her Lusha have quite the happy life together when the club closes for the evening.

  She narrows her eyes at me, my stance on giving her anything else clear. “Lusha is fine, recovering. She will be back to work next week,” she shrugs.

  “I’m surprised you are putting her back to work, Katrina.”

  Her eyes widen, and she leans back in her chair. “Why? Because I enjoy fucking her? She is my top earner, the most requested submissive I have on staff. It would be foolish to lock her away in my own room for my personal pleasure.”

  Shaking my head, I chuckle. “Not everything in life is about money. It is okay to have some happiness with a partner,” I offer.

  Katrina snorts. “You are in love; therefore, you know what is best for all couples? Sorry to spoil your rose-tinted glasses, Sergei. Lusha is fun, and I do care for her deeply, however she is my employee.”

  She stands and begins to walk toward the door. “Let yourself feel again, Katrina,” I say. She pauses with her hand on the knob. She doesn’t turn around, so I continue, because I know that she is listening. “You both care for one another, why not live happily?”

  Katrina leaves without a word. Nikolai clears his throat, but I lift my hand and wave him off. “I overstepped. I don’t care. She overstepped with Raisa,” I shrug.

  “If having Lusha taken from her didn’t wake her up, nothing will, boss,” Nikolai states.

  I nod once. “You are right,” I agree.

  Before either one of us can say anything else, the room begins to fill with men. My councilor and bookmaker are the last to arrive. I usually only meet with them quarterly. They are probably surprised to be here today, and I’m sure I pulled them away from important business. However, this is the most important thing on the agenda for the foreseeable future.


  Panya’s worried gaze meets mine. I shake my head. I don’t know what is happening with Sergei, but I can tell that the tension is high. There is a light rap against the bedroom door, and the man who has been assigned as my guard slowly opens the door.

  “Mr. Orlov wishes for me to keep you in my eyesight for the remainder of the day,” he announces from the doorway.

  My back stiffens, and I nod. “Okay,” I mutter. Thankfully I have a top and shorts on as I lounge in bed. I don’t wish for him to be in here though so I slowly shift my body until I’m standing. “We’ll go in the living area,” I smile.

  He nods. He is very serious and takes his job seriously which I appreciate. Following behind him, I know that whatever Sergei is doing today is much more serious than I originally thought it to be. I wish he could have told me, I feel on edge, and extremely nervous about what is to come for the day.

  “He will not make the same mistakes twice, Raisa,” Panya announces. Turning to her, I look up at her, waiting to see what she is going to say, if she’s going to continue or if I’m going to have to ask her. “Just trust me, girl,” she winks.

  I watch as she walks away, and I wonder how she came to be under Sergei’s employ, how she became so trusted by him. I don’t ask either one of them, but I do wonder.

  My Byki stands against the wall, his hands crossed in front of his stomach, his eyes glued to me. He doesn’t speak, and he doesn’t look inviting, so I don’t say anything back.

  I’m feeling very overwhelmed, so I slide onto the floor. Sitting on my knees and resting my ass against my heels, I bow my head. Closing my eyes, I breathe. In and out. In and out. In and out. I clear my mind and attempt to relax.

  I tell myself that everything will be okay. Ser
gei will be home soon, and he will tell me what has happened. I talk myself into the fact that this reaction from me is just an overreaction. I’m just paranoid from the whole Zakhar thing a week ago. That is all this feeling is, paranoia. In a few hours, Sergei will walk through that door and everything will be fine.



  “You want me to do what?” my obshchak asks.

  I narrow my eyes on him, unsure of how to react to the fact that he’s questioning me instead of saying, yes sir, and moving on. Clearing my throat, I sit up a little straighter. “I want you to have an audit performed on Mr. Deripaska. We have enough government employees on our payroll for that, do we not?”

  Antosh lifts his hand and runs his fingers through his hair. “We do, boss,” he nods. “I just, are you sure you want to use your favors for this? The man isn’t worth it. Kill him and be done with it,” he shrugs.

  I shake my head. “Oh, he will die. Do not think that he won’t. However, he believes he is untouchable and he is expecting us to come after him with violence immediately. He is being arrogant for a reason. I want to know what that reason is. I’ve taken his physical pleasures away and ended the life of his sole heir. He should be bowing down to me, I want to know why he doesn’t. Why he thought he could best me and kill me.”

  “I will call my friends at the tax offices now,” Antosh mutters, lifting his phone from his pocket as he stands.

  “Do not leave the room, yeah?” I instruct.

  He lifts his head. As my obshchak, he understands my system. I want everything out in the open, in this room, there are no secrets when it comes to the Bratva, not amongst these men. Turning my attention to, Karik, my councilor I grin. He matches my gaze with a wary one, probably afraid of what will come next.

  “I need you to draw up some paperwork for me,” I state. He lets out a breath, of relief I’m sure. A contract is easy for him, paperwork is safe, at least he thinks it is. “I need Raisa added to my will.”


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