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Protect and Fur [3xtasy Lake 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Corinne Davies

  Brenna knew it was natural to be worried about labour, but Ava’d been so dramatic about the upcoming event it was grating on Brenna’s nerves. One mild evening after Ava had gone to bed, Brenna had decided to get out for a while. Bill’d warned her not to wander too far from the house, but she’d figured it was because he worried about Ava going into labour.

  She’d walked for over an hour when she saw a group of men hanging around outside a pool hall. She’d crossed the street and the group had watched her as if they were hawks and not wolves. The back of her neck had bristled, and her intuition had screamed for her to be careful. She’d felt the fur tickling the inside of her skin, wanting to burst out. If she’d stayed human, they’d be able to overtake her. Shifting was the only answer, and she’d been moments away from going furry when he’d stepped out of the pool hall.

  He’d spoken to the other men and followed the way they’d pointed. At her. She’d stumbled the moment his eyes had met hers. She hadn’t been able to hear what he’d said, but even from a distance she’d felt the intensity of his gaze. He’d lifted his head and sniffed the air around him before snapping his gaze back to her. She’d imagined she’d felt the growl he emitted before he had started running for her. She’d taken off as fast as she could, running for what, she hadn’t known. Her wolf’d howled in her thoughts, but it wasn’t out of fear. She’d darted a look over her shoulder and saw nothing but empty street. A flash of disappointed that he was gone had filled her.

  If they were trying to spook her, it’d worked. Deciding to go back to her sister’s, she’d looked forward only to being trapped in his gaze again. He stood a mere inch away from her. Wrapping his arms her waist, he’d hoisted her off the ground.

  “Well, aren’t I the luckiest wolf alive?” He’d buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. His scent had pounded against her senses like a heartbeat. Her Mate! She’d found her Mate. He’d lifted his head and pressed his lips against hers in a drugging kiss that made her wolf want to expose her belly.

  “I’m Aiden and you’re mine.”

  “Brenna!” A high-pitched yell snapped her out of her memories. It was her only warning before a young girl pounced on her. The breath whooshed out of Brenna when her back hit the ground behind where she’d been sitting. “I got you and you didn’t know!”

  “Lulu!” Brenna tickled her sister, sending the little imp into spasms of giggles. She’d been so lost in her own thoughts she hadn’t noticed her own sister sneaking up on her. Lula wriggled, and Brenna rolled them away from the uneaten food on the ground next to her. “What are you doing here, munchkin?”

  “Daddy wanted a burger and Mom and Mommy said they needed a nap. So he brought me and Willow for a milkshake.”

  “Where are they?” Brenna looked up but didn’t see her dad or baby sister. What she did see was Craig Walker walking toward them. He walked like a predator, loose limbed and graceful, but she could see the dangerous power rippling beneath his skin. Lulu chattered on about her favorite kinds of ice cream as Brenna fought to keep herself under control.

  “Everything all right, ladies?”

  “Hi, Officer Walker! I snuck up on Brenna and she didn’t even know.”

  Craig squatted next to them and smirked at Brenna. She didn’t like lying there on her back in front of him, and she could tell by the tilt of his grin that knew it.

  “Come on, kiddo. Let’s find Daddy.”

  “Woo-hoo, milkshakes!” Lulu leapt to her feet and ran off toward the ice-cream hut. “Come on, Bren. Hurry.”

  Brenna pushed herself up but hadn’t made it far when Craig blocked her way. Placing a hand on the ground, on either side of her waist, he leaned over her. The playful smile had melted, and hunger burned in his gaze, relighting the fire that had smoldered inside of her since the other day.

  “You and I have some unfinished business.”

  What else should she expect? He’d given her an incredible orgasm, but she’d known there was something wrong afterward. The tension had hung in the air between them and Craig had kept his wolf from her. How else should I take that? It’d felt like he hadn’t wanted to get that close to her after all, or hadn’t trusted her enough. That thought left her with a bitter taste in her mouth and a flash to her temper.

  “Now, what could you be thinking about, Miss Roberts? I bet it’s nothing near what I have going on in my brain.”

  “If I remember correctly, males think about sex every twenty seconds.”

  “Not even close.” He leaned closer, invading her. “The moment your scent crosses my senses, I’m thinking about way more than simple sex. While I like the sight of you on your back, I was thinking we need to talk about something else.”

  “Why do you think we need to talk?”

  “Because you’re not a stupid woman. You and I both know that yesterday—”

  “Was a mistake. It won’t be repeated.” She pushed up with the intention of making him move, but he stayed where he was. Her lips were a breath away from his, and she could feel the energy between them vibrating.

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  They both stayed where they were, in a standoff. She wanted to force him to look away first, but she should’ve remembered that Alphas like him loved the challenge of dominance. He let everything he felt for her bleed into his gaze, and she looked away. Her body vibrated with the need to tilt her head back and bare her neck to him, but she refused to give in to it.

  “Promise me you’ll fight it as long as you can, Brenna. I love the anticipation of having you under me again.”


  Craig stood up and offered his hand to her. For a moment Brenna considered ignoring the offer, but the amusement she saw on his face stopped her. He knew what she was thinking of doing. She clenched her teeth and slipped her hand into his outstretched one. He lifted her to her feet with ease and pulled her up against him. Off-balance, she fell the few inches against him and he caught her close to him. His arms wrapped around her, but he didn’t move to do more and she didn’t encourage it. He slid his hands along her spine and then over her hips.

  She could feel his shoulder muscles bunching under her hands, and her inner wolf rolled over and exposed her belly. Slutty puppy.

  Brenna looked up. She wasn’t a short woman, but Craig was much taller than her. She could tuck herself under his chin if she wanted. He didn’t look like one of those pretty boys that strutted through town every summer or hung out on patios. Craig Walker had the look of someone who’d protect the woman he cared about. His rugged exterior made victims feel safe and thankful that he was there for them, but he easily intimidated the criminals he arrested. But then she’d thought Aiden had a similar look and look what happened there.

  Thinking about Aiden caused a familiar pain to rip through her heart. She forced the emotion back with a rough shove, allowing the anger to come forward and smother the agony.

  “And there it is again.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Craig tilted his head slightly as he spoke. “Whatever you’re thinking about makes you so angry I can almost feel it vibrating off your skin.” He shook his head and stepped back away from her. The blessed space between them made it easier for her to think, but she longed to beg him to pull her close and drive the anger away. “Your sister’s calling you.”

  “What?” Brenna looked around. “I didn’t hear her.”


  How did I miss hearing that?

  “Damn, that girl has a set of lungs on her.” Craig chuckled, and Brenna felt the bass note of his voice in her chest.

  Oh, yeah, that’s why.

  “We’re going to see each other sooner than later,” he stated as if it was a done deal.

  “I think we should simply stay away from each other.” Brenna took a step past him, but Craig snagged her upper arm. He wrapped his fingers around her bicep and held on lightly.

can’t do that.” He let go and strode off toward the bus. Brenna looked toward where her sister’d run, and her gaze collided with her father’s. Her dad looked past her and watched Craig with a shuttered gaze. Great, that’s what I need right now.

  “There isn’t anything to know, Dad. No point in asking those questions I see in your expression.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Brenna.” He gave her a big smile and kissed her on the cheek. “Can’t a father keep an eye on a man who obviously wants to spend time with my daughter?”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.” Except, she could still feel exactly where Craig’s hand had wrapped around her arm with such a gentle grip. She already knew the rough man could be gentle when the situation called for it. When Jessica was in trouble, he had done everything he could to protect her and not frighten her at the same time. River thought he walked on water and often referred to him as the hottie cop.

  “Do me a favor and let’s keep this between you and me for now, please. Don’t say anything to the moms yet.” Her moms would have a thousand questions, and if they ever found out what had happened ten months before, they’d hunt Aiden down and tear him to shreds.

  Willow fussed and waved her chubby little hands. “Here, let me take her for a bit.” Brenna scooped her sister out of her father’s grasp. Lulu saw her dad’s arms free and ran over with hers wide open. Gordon leaned over and scooped Lulu up into his arms. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his throat. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too, princess.”

  Brenna grinned, remembering when she used to do the same thing, only he’d called her “pumpkin.” He still did at times. Willow cooed in her arms and she kissed the baby on the nose.

  “Look, Daddy, Brennie found her smile again.”

  “I didn’t lose it, honey.” She tweaked her sister gently on the nose.

  “Yes, you did, when you left for a while.” Lulu waved at someone walking behind Brenna.

  “She’s right, you know.” Gordon arched an eyebrow, daring her to dispute him. She didn’t want to get into this argument in front of her sisters, so she dropped it for the moment.

  “I think that Officer Walker found it for you,” Lulu continued to chatter away. “Is that why he wouldn’t let you get up right away? Did he try to kiss you to give it back?”

  Oh, no. She was going to get a phone call from one of her mothers now. There was no way Lulu would keep quiet on this one at home.

  Her father wrapped an arm around Brenna’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze, and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Let’s go get some ice cream for my favorite girls.”

  He paused as he opened the door to the ice-cream shop and looked over Brenna’s head. She followed his gaze and saw Craig leaning back against a picnic table with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs crossed at the ankle. Craig didn’t stop looking even though he’d been caught, and Brenna worried that her dad might get it into his head to go talk to him.

  “You sure there isn’t something you want to tell me about, Bren?”

  “Not right now, Dad.”

  Gordon nodded and waved her into the air-conditioned ice-cream shop. Brenna couldn’t help but steal glances out the window at Craig. He must’ve been waiting for a burger, because she watched him accept a wrapped package from the window in the bus. Then he wandered off toward the road.

  * * * *

  Craig Walker had found himself in some tight situations in the past, but this felt claustrophobic. He sat in his cruiser and ate his burger, but couldn’t handle being cooped up. Two more hours to his shift and then he planned to go for a run and try to burn off some of the excess energy that pounded against his senses. Aiden had better get his shit together and get there, because he wanted his Mate more and more every time he spoke to her. Craig might’ve pushed the animal inside of him down into a dark corner of his control, but Brenna’s scent was like a lit match to dynamite.

  A group of men in a shoving match drew his attention. Craig would’ve chalked it up to too many beers on a sunny afternoon, but these guys were wolves. A bunch of restless wolves in a tourist town was a recipe for disaster. He got out of his cruiser and sauntered toward them.

  “I smell bacon.” One of them snickered and punched his buddy in the arm.

  That wasn’t the first time he’d seen such infantile behavior, and it took everything in him to not to roll his eyes. These kids, and they weren’t much older than that, needed to be reminded of some manners. “You boys passing through?”

  “Looking for a home, actually.” The one leaning back on a picnic table rubbed the heel of his hand into his groin. “I like this town. The food is good and there’s a really pretty vet. I bet she’s good at taking care of all sorts of animals.”

  “I don’t think this place is for you.” Craig addressed the group as a whole, resting his hand on his sidearm. At the mere mention of Brenna, he was ready to put a bullet in each of them. Or tear their hearts out with my bare hands. The darkness in him shifted a bit closer to the front of his thoughts but thankfully stopped there.

  “Really?” One of the guys behind him snorted. “I heard this would be a perfect place for us. There isn’t any Alpha here to tell us no, and I haven’t seen a single Guardian in the area. Looks to me like this place needs a group like us to help keep order.”

  Craig knew Gordon was the unofficial Alpha around these parts and didn’t want a military-type hierarchy because he felt Ecstasy was a sanctuary. With a formal presence, it might scare off those who needed to find a home. These boys weren’t in that category.

  “You heard wrong.”

  “You think you can stand up to me?”

  I know I could kick your ass back to the hills. But he couldn’t take on six at a time, and that was what was going to happen at this rate. They might feel the need to square off with him in order to look tough, but Craig wasn’t insecure. “I don’t have to. Enjoy your stay here in Ecstasy Lake, but take a bit of friendly advice. Make it brief.”

  “We’ll do whatever the fuck we want, pigger.” One of the boys flipped him the bird.

  “That’s enough, Bobby. We’re here to watch the race, Officer.”

  Craig ignored the group and focused on the man in front of him. He was the dangerous one who led this rabble and would be the one to watch.

  “Come on, guys. We’re making the authorities nervous. Hope you can sleep tonight, Officer.”

  “I’ve no fears of that, Mister…”

  The leader snorted and walked away, and his toadies followed behind. The sun warmed his back as he watched them meander toward the forest.

  “Something we’re going to need to keep our eye on?”

  Craig turned and looked at the man standing next to him. He’d spoken to Kaden Henderson a number of times in the past year. While they both agreed with Gordon’s philosophy, something had to be done.

  “We need to speak to the town elders. Those guys mean trouble.”

  Kaden nodded. The middle Henderson brother was the most even-keeled of the three. “Do you think they might have something to do with the shooting last week?”

  “No, but I’m not ruling anything out until I find a bit more information out about them. I’ll make some calls and get back to you.”

  “I’ll go talk to Gordon.”

  Craig nodded toward the buildings behind them. “He’s in the ice-cream shop.”

  “You didn’t tell him about this?”

  “He has Brenna and both his younger daughters with him. I don’t want children on their radar.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll speak to him and then call a meeting with the town guardians. We should still spread the word for everyone to keep an eye out for now. No point in raising panic, but I don’t like the idea of a group of rogues that think they can waltz into this town and wreak havoc.”

  “Do you know if Gordon has ever had to face this kind of situation before?”

  Kaden’s expression shut down. �
�Trust me, Gordon has made tough decisions before. Alec isn’t the first person we’ve lost around here.”

  Craig thought of the woman who had tried to kidnap Jessica. Gordon’d said he didn’t know what happened to Cheryl, but she was never seen again after trying to murder a citizen of Ecstasy Lake. “Let’s hope he won’t have to make another one.”

  Chapter Four

  Brenna had enjoyed the extended visit with her dad and sisters but eventually had to say good-bye and go back to work. Holly Marshall-Denninger had made an appointment this afternoon, and Brenna hadn’t wanted to be late.

  “I don’t think you should be swimming in the race, Holly,” Brand Denninger commented as he and Colwyn Marshall lifted their newest dog up onto the examination table.

  “Why not? I think it’ll be fun.” Holly scratched behind the dog’s ears, helping the nervous animal to settle down. Brenna moved her stethoscope over the animal’s chest, listening to the heartbeat.

  “Sweetheart, you’ve only just learned how to swim,” Brand replied as if it were the most obvious answer in the world.

  Brenna held her opinion as Holly tried to convince her husbands she would be safe participating in the annual fund-raising race. “I read the rules, and there isn’t anything that says I can’t wear floaties, and Godiva can swim next to me. What do you think, Brenna?”

  Brenna looked up from where she examined Holly’s newest baby, Godiva. She was a soft chocolate Lab with the biggest brown eyes Brenna had ever seen. Holly and her husbands, Brand and Colwyn, had three dogs now, all of them from rescue shelters. Holly had a soft spot for dogs, and her husbands had a soft spot for her.

  “I have more concerns about you than Godiva, to be honest. The race is pretty long. Are you planning on trying to do the entire thing?”


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