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Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

Page 5

by Michelle Woods

  “Most are from raids, some I bought. Why?” Tank replied, looking at her in confusion.

  “Huh…raids on who?” She demanded, cringing a bit on the inside when he stared at her suspiciously. Damn, maybe she should have asked that more casually.

  “Jackal’s, and I am not telling you anymore. It’s club business, so don’t ask.” Tank told her, with a frown marring his brow.

  “What’s the big deal? It’s just a question.” Annie asked, looking adorably confounded.

  Tank grumbled under his breath before he replied, “Club business isn’t for women or outsiders.”

  “That’s sexist! Why can’t women know about whatever they want to?” Annie grumbled.

  “Because women need to be protected. Now, let me have that and I will put it away.” Tank reached out, taking the launcher from her suddenly loose grip, she watched him put it away with her mouth hanging open in surprise. Had the man really just said that to her? He could not have just said that totally idiotic thing could he? She was not the little woman who shouldn’t worry her pretty little head about anything. She was not a porcelain doll who needed her big strong man to take care of her.

  “I can’t believe that you just said that.” She growled, staring at him with fire in her eyes.

  “Believe it. Now, let’s head upstairs. What were you doing down here anyway?” Tank asked, walking towards her where she stood watching him in disbelief.

  “What… I was…you can’t really say something like that to a woman. You do know that, right? Women are quite capable of taking care of themselves. I don’t need a man to take care of me.” Annie stuttered out, after she finally got her thoughts settled.

  “That’s debatable. Come on let’s go upstairs, and you can tell me what you were doing down here while I make dinner.” He said, taking her arm to guide her up the stairs. Annie was so angry at his audacity that she allowed him to guide her. When they were in the kitchen again she jerked her arm free from his grasp, and turned to glare at him.

  “I will not be treated like a child who doesn’t know how to behave. You will underst…uff” Annie was cut off from her tirade when Tank pulled her to him and set his mouth crashing onto hers. At first she resisted, but then his tongue teased her lips seeking entrance, and with a moan she allowed it. Her senses exploded with need, his tongue thrust past her lips, caressing her mouth with deep long strokes that made her want to rip their clothes off and fuck him on the kitchen floor.

  Tank growled, trusting his tongue inside her mouth roughly. Damn, he wanted her naked, now. He slid his hands up to cup her breasts. She withered against him. Making him want to growl again. He kissed her deeper, already addicted to the taste of her sweet honeyed lips. She thrust her hands into his hair, pulling him to her wildly, making him clench his fingers around her breasts, squeezing them. Then he was trying to remove the shirt she was wearing. His hands were sliding under the silky top, as she moved her hands to the bottom of his.

  Annie was on fire, she’d wanted Tank since the moment she’d watched him prowl towards her on the side of the road, and her anger wasn’t making her want him any less. Angry sex was always hot, she thought. And she was angry, he was a pig, a male chauvinistic pig. But a fucking hot one. She moaned as his figures made short work of her bra and his hands closed over her breasts. His fingers teasing her nipples, pinching them roughly. His mouth slid down her neck nipping and sucking as he raised her shirt.

  Tank closed his mouth over her right nipple, his fingers working the other one roughly. Her cries as she held his head to her breast, making him groan. He lifted her moving her to the counter and setting her down. He continued to suck at her breast, his tongue circling her nipple, his teeth lightly teasing it. His hands moved to pull her to the edge of the counter. Her legs wrapped around him hips, and he settled against her.

  Annie moaned in pleasure, her body was on fire. He was so damned sexy, and fuck he was making her burn hotter than any other man had ever managed. He’d barely touched her, and she was ready to go up in flames from the lust he inspired. She clutched at his shoulders, as he sucked her breast into his wet mouth. He was making her mindless. When he’d lifted her to the counter she’d been surprised. Most men wouldn’t be able to lift her, she wasn’t huge, but she was no light weight. She’d always wanted a man who could carry her around with ease. It was sexy. She felt him pulling her to the edge of the counter and wrapped her legs around him, wanting him closer, and naked. Naked would be good.

  Tank heard the annoyingly shrill ring of his phone. Damn it, he didn’t want to stop. He wanted to take off her pants, and fuck her on his counter. Only he knew he had to answer the damned phone. It pissed him off. He pulled back slightly looking at her on his counter. She was leaning back slightly with her abundant breasts bare, and her eyes glazed with passion. Fuck. That was a damned sexy look. He stared for a moment before leaning down to take her nipple into his mouth for one last taste. He dug his phone from his pocket as he allowed her breast to slip free of his lips with an audible pop.

  Lifting it to his ear, he demanded. “This better be fucking important.”

  “Watch it.” Bone barked. “It’s the Jackal’s.”

  Tank wanted to put his fist through the wall. Damn, those fucking Jackal’s were always ruining his day. The stupid bastards.

  “What the fuck did they do now?” He asked, stepping back from Annie, watching as she seemed to shake herself before sliding off the counter, picking up her shirt to put it back on. That made him want to hunt down the Jackal’s and murder them all. He didn’t want Annie’s breast covered by anything other than his mouth, his hands and maybe his cock. Bone spoke bringing his attention back to the phone.

  “They grabbed a woman in Longville. I need you to see if you can track them. Tick can’t cause he has to watch the damned farm, and your our only other tracker. These bastards are really starting to piss me off with this dumb shit. I’m about ready to make it open season on their stupid asses.” Bone’s voice held an edge Tank hadn’t heard since they’d kidnapped Molly. He could understand the man’s anger. He was really pissed off himself, if they hadn’t kidnapped someone, he’d be balls deep in Annie right now.

  “Fine, give me a half hour, and I will be ready to ride.” Tank hung up without waiting for an answer.

  Annie was still panting in lust when Tank took a damned phone call. Damn, he must not have been as consumed by lust as she had been. Otherwise, he would have ignored his phone. He was likely hoping for a way out of having sex with the chunky chick. Men were all bastards when it came to a woman with a little extra junk in her trunk. She didn’t have a bad body image or think less of herself for liking to eat. She was big and beautiful, only most men didn’t see it. They weren’t at fault, they been told from years and years ago, before Mother Nature’s temper tantrum, that scrawny women were more beautiful than larger ones.

  It just pissed her off. A man the size of Tank should want a larger woman, one who could handle what he had to dish out. Sliding off the counter, she found her shirt slipping it on. She saw Tank watching her with a grim expression before he snapped into the phone, “Fine, give me a half hour, and I will be ready to ride.” Then he shoved the phone back into his pocket.

  “Sweetheart, I know I promised I’d cook you dinner, but I have to go take care of something.”

  Annie stared at the man. That was all he was going to tell her? That he was going to take care of something. She was not his little woman, and this scene was just not something she wanted to be involved in. He could take his ‘women needed to be protected from the world’ crap and shove it right up his ass. What the fuck?

  “Right, well, have fun.” Annie said, turning to head upstairs.

  “Hey, what the hell was that attitude for?” Tank demanded, glaring at her back. She didn’t even stop walking. Really? How dare she?

  “You get back here this minute, Annie!” He roared at her retreating form, earning a bird shot over her shoulder. Oh, hell no, that was
it. He’d been nice, while he allowed her to be a bitch earlier today, but he was done with that bullshit. From the minute she’d responded to his kisses and allowed him to strip her, she’d become his. Now, she was going to learn what that meant because he wasn’t going to allow her to brush him aside anymore.

  He stormed up the stairs behind her, grabbing her arm. He didn’t hurt her, but he didn’t let her go either. He spun her around, glaring at her. She was level with him because she was standing on the step above him.

  “What the hell was that in the kitchen, Annie?” He demanded.

  “It was you getting out of screwing the fat chick. Don’t worry asshole, I don’t want you any way. I was just horny and any dick would do.” Annie’s eyes blazed with anger.

  Tank saw red. Any cock would do? Any fucking cock got near her other than his and it was going to get cut off. And she wasn’t fat what the hell was she talking about, she was sexy as fuck.

  “Don’t tell me that you’re hung up on your weight. If you are that’s stupid cause you’re sexy as fuck and make me hornier than a rabbit. As for the any cock comment, I wouldn’t suggest you try it.” Tank said, leaning into her face. One hand holding her hip and the other her arm keeping her close to him.

  Annie tried to jerk her arm away from him with no success. She glared at him, her breaths coming in short pants. “No, I don’t have any body image, or self-esteem issues. I know I am fucking beautiful. It’s bastards like you who get hung up on a woman’s size, not me. And let me tell you that if I want to fuck a man I most certainly will, and you have no say in the matter.”

  “The hell I don’t! Any fucking body touches you and they’re going to be breathing through a straw. You need to realize that I am not going to allow any other man near you, your mine. From the moment you allowed me to take your shirt off in my kitchen you became mine. And I keep what’s mine.”

  Annie was shocked by the madness she could see gleaming in his eyes. The crazy bastard meant it. Holy Fuck. She tried to pull away again, but all she got for her trouble was a tighten grip and a growl as he lowered his head towards hers. What the hell? Was his solution to every argument going to be kissing her senseless?

  That was her last thought as his lips crashed onto hers. His tongue thrust into her mouth as he lifted her against the wall, devouring her. She moaned, her mind fogging, she guessed as plans went his was a pretty damned good one. Only she should let him know that she didn’t belong to him or any other man. She was not a damned push over. Of course, he wouldn’t know that with the way her legs wrapped around his waist. She made soft mewling sounds of pleasure while he rubbed himself against her soaked core.

  Tank pulled back, not wanting to, but he had to go find those idiot Jackal’s. He really fucking hoped they realized that pulling him away from the heaven that was Annie was going to get them killed. Because he was beyond livid that he had to leave her, instead of sinking deep inside her and hear her scream his name over and over.

  “We’ll talk more when I get back. Unless it’s really late then we can talk tomorrow.” Tank told her slowly lowering her back to the ground, smiling as he took in her tousled hair and her swollen lips. Fuck, why did he have to leave now? But he did and if he didn’t go right this minute he would end up in bed with her rather than were Bone needed him to be. With that thought in his head, he pulled back, steading her. Then he was down the stairs headed to the weapons room, calling over his shoulder at a sexily bemused Annie.

  “Don’t leave. I’ll be back in a few hours, but if not, don’t worry. I will be back in the morning, sexy.”

  Annie stood up finally, glaring at the empty hallway. Shit, she was in trouble.

  Chapter 7

  Annie picked up the phone, Tank had left it on the counter for her this morning when he’d come in. She’d been eating breakfast when he’d walked in looking like he’d been in a fight. He had scraped knuckles and a busted lip. She had looked at him and demanded to know what had happened to him. He’d grumbled he was fine then asked if she needed anything. Realizing that the man was exhausted. She’d told him to go sleep, and he’d nodded.

  Before he headed into his room though, he leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss, then handed her his phone and went off to bed. She’d been a bit bewildered by the whole exchange. The man was acting like they were in a relationship, and that confused her. She barely knew that man.

  She needed to call Katie and her mother. Not that she wanted to call her mother, but if she didn’t do it soon the boys would show up looking for the product, and then all hell would break loose. Stepping outside she dialed her mother, she really didn’t want to tell her about the Jackal’s having a large stock of her mother’s product. Not when she’d worked so hard to keep it from them. Even the guns she’d brought them to trade for Annie hadn’t been working. Not that the idiots had checked. Sighing she ground her teeth knowing her mother wasn’t going to like that tidbit. She let the ling ring then hung up, waiting, she paced on the porch. It didn’t take long.

  “Hello, Mother,” She replied, answering the phone.

  “Well, I’m glad to know you’re still alive! I was about ready to send the boys. Next time call me sooner.” She roared into the phone, making Annie pull it away from her ear with a sigh.

  “Fine, next time I’ll call sooner,” Annie told her then after a pause just rushed to tell her, better to get the inevitable explosion over with. “I have disturbing news.”

  “What? Are they treating you bad, or holding you for ransom?” She asked shrilly.

  “No, for goodness sakes mother, chill! It’s about the Jackal’s”

  Her mother interrupted Annie again, screeching, “What are they taking over the town? Do you need me to send the boys to secure the merchandise?”

  “Mother, shut up and listen, and I will tell you.” She paused waiting a few seconds, hearing her mother’s huff of impatience on the other end of the line. “Thank you. Now, the Jackal’s seem to have a large amount of your product. An alarming amount actually. I think it was them who raided the warehouse.” Annie said, pulling the phone away from her ear, waiting for her mother’s outburst. She wasn’t disappointed, she could clearly hear her mother yelling about those stupid bastards and talking about a raid on a delivery from two weeks ago that had gone missing. When her mother finally stopped yelling Annie put the phone back to her ear.

  “How did you discover this?” Her mother asked.

  Annie didn’t want to tell her mother that the Red Devil’s had half of her possibly stolen merchandise in a basement under Tank’s house. But she had to tell her something, she racked her brain.

  “Ummm….Tank and his club have a weapon they got from a Jackal in a raid. It’s here, and they were telling me that the Jackal’s had a bunch more just like it with that emblem.” Annie finished lamely. That wasn’t going to convince her mother. She thought, cringing.

  “Really, and can you trust them, Annie?” Her mother demanded. “They’re bikers.”

  Annie thought about that, she did trust Tank strangely. Maybe it was because she trusted Katie. “I know they’re bikers, mother. But yes I think I can trust them.”

  “You do?” Her mother asked, skeptically.

  “I do.” Annie said, firmly and she did.

  “Fine, I’ll have the boys look into it. And Annie don’t wait more than four hours again before you call me, or the boys will be on your doorstep, understand.”

  “Yeah, I got it.” Annie sighed, hanging up the phone. She needed to call Katie to see if there was really nothing to do, but wait. The sooner she got that drop done the better because then she was free.

  Annie sat back listening to the three other women talk. They were at the shop, she’d come with Katie to help them plan her bachelorette party, after calling Katie to ask about any possible way to get the van fixed faster. There wasn’t any luck in that department, but she’d agreed to come and help. They’d been here for about an hour. She couldn’t help with this part of the plan because
she had no idea what the three clubs they were talking about were like. So she listened while thinking about Tank, and his mind blowing kisses.

  “I think Fancy’s in Titus will be perfect,” Katie was saying.

  “No!” Trick roared, storming out of the office glaring at Katie. Annie sat forward looking at him.

  “What are you bellowing about?” Katie demanded.

  “You’re not going to have that party anywhere, but Wink!”

  “I’m pretty sure that you, and I are not married yet. So, you my dear, dear old man can’t tell me what to do!” Katie yelled, back at him as she stood getting in his face.

  “The hell I can’t!”

  “Hah, we’re having my party at the club in Titus and that’s final.” Annie laughed, watching her pat the man’s chest.

  “You will not, I forbid it!” Trick bellowed, making Katie narrow her eyes at the man. Molly who sat beside her laughed, and looked at Annie, crossing her eyes.

  “Uh-oh,” she whispered, smiling. Making Annie snicker, yeah that had been a dumb move on Trick’s part. You never ever forbid Katie to do anything. Well, unless you wanted her to do exactly what you told her not to do. That was why she’d begun racing at the tender age of 16 because her father and Trick had forbid it. Yep, the man was a dumbass, she thought, chuckling.

  “You are not the boss of me, Trick Tannon! I can do whatever the hell I want!” Katie screamed into his face, making him cringe.

  “Damn it. No, Katie, I will not allow you to go to that club with those dickheads ganging up with the Jackal’s hanging around like flies. It’s not going to happen, sugar!” He was in her face his breaths coming in deep pants. He was holding her arms, and glaring at her.


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