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Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

Page 7

by Michelle Woods

  “Yeah, he did.” Terry smiled.

  Annie was dancing in the middle of a Red Devil old lady sandwich, laughing, three hours later. Damn, these girls knew how to party. Charity was dancing with Molly, they were spinning in circles nearby. Terry was dancing with a guy they called Dog, who was apparently her ‘old man’. Katie was singing a song loud and off key as she danced on a table. A man stood by her ready to catch her if she fell. It was silly, but that was what these men seemed to be here for, to protect the women. The night was in full swing and everyone was having a good time. Annie was a little surprised that Trick wasn’t here. She knew she’d heard Dog talking to him a little while ago near the bar.

  Apparently, the men were having a stag party tonight, too. Dog and two others had shown up an hour ago, and she’d heard them calling different men to update them on the condition their women were in. She’d thought that was funny until she’d heard Dog talking to Tank about her. Telling him that she was dancing with some dude named Raffer. Really that was his name, or maybe it was Rattler she didn’t really remember. That had been ten minutes ago. Then Lisa had screamed sandwich, sandwich. Hot bitch sandwich, and grabbed her arm dragging her away from the man towards Racheal and here she was dancing with them and laughing her ass off. This was fun. She loved it. This was what she’d been looking for she realized, her hazy brain working hard to get to that conclusion. She’d drank a lot of the punch, which was spiked with something really, really, good. She was all tingly and wished that Tank was here. Then he could make the tingling go away. She leaned on Racheal, heavily stumbling. Oops, she thought as they both started to fall.

  Only hard arms wrapped around them, steadying them, and a husky voice said, “Whoa there, darlin’.” Racheal smiled at the man who’d rescued them. Turning around and wrapping her arms around the man making him chuckle.

  “Hi, Tiny peter…” He tried to glare at her but he was still laughing. “Opps…thatsss a secrats…wait a secret. Sorry, Peter…no, no Tiny.” Racheal slurred, clinging to the man who allowed it.

  “Darlin’, let’s get you home. You’ve had enough.” Tiny told her as he lifted her into his arms.

  “Good, I need to be cured!” Racheal screeched.

  “Cured?” Tiny asked laughing, as her arms curled around his neck.

  “Uh-huh, wifh screaming orgasmssss.” She said in a loud whisper, giggling in glee.

  “Darlin’, you can have as many of those as you’d like.” Tiny chuckled, walking away with her in his arms.

  Annie was kinda jealous, it sucked that Tank kept holding out on her. He hadn’t shown up to get her either, dumb man. All the other women were either dancing with their men or being carried out by them. Not that he was her man. Nope, she was just horny and it was his fault, so he should be here to take care of it. Maybe she should go find Rattler, or Rattle, or whatever the hell his name was, and ask him to do her. She wasn’t really the committed type anyway. Nope, she had never been in one place long enough to be committed.

  Annie decided she needed another drink before she found what’s his name. She headed towards the bar, only a hard male arm wrapped around her waist. She looked down in surprise that the arm had lifted her off her feet. A hard male body was pressed against her back making her whimper in lust. Fuck, it was Tank.

  “No, you’ve had enough of that, sweetheart.” He whispered into her ear, making her body break out in goose bumps. She shivered, and moaned leaning into him. Damned the man for being so damned sexy. She wanted to hate him, only she couldn’t.

  “No, I want ‘nother one.” She told him, trying to get him to release her.

  “Nope, not tonight. Dog told me you could barely walk.” Tank chuckled.

  Annie growled, he thought he was so in control, and he wasn’t. He didn’t control her. She clawed at his arm trying to free herself. Tank felt her nails sink into his arm and yelped.

  “Ouch. Damn, you little hellcat. Stop. You do not need any more of that punch. Now, behave.” Tank muttered.

  He’d been at Trick’s stag poker party over at the clubhouse when Dog had come over to Wink to check on the women. They’d all been a little concerned with what their women were up to. They’d sent five prospects to the club with the women, but none of the men at the poker party had really trusted those idiots to do anything besides keep the other yahoos away from their women. Dog had shown up to find all the women were sloshed. Tank had almost brought his gun here with him when Dog told his woman was rubbing against Rattler. That boy had a death wish, and he’d have been happy to oblige.

  “I will not! You’re mean. You don’t give me screaming gasums…” She didn’t think that had come out right, but with her brain all fuzzy she wasn’t sure.

  “What?” He asked.

  “They’re all talking about it. They want screaming orgasms.” Stick told him as he went by wiggling his brows and following Brandy to the door.

  “Ah” Tank said, finally understanding what she was talking about. He grinned; he’d been taking things slow. He wanted to keep Annie, and he could tell that she was the type of woman who took her ‘screaming orgasms’ and left. He wanted to keep her, so he needed her to crave him, to need him like a drug. He lifted her despite her protests, throwing her over his shoulder. He walked out with her, all the while she hit his back and screeched for him to put her down. He ignored her and walked out of the bar. He was taking his woman home, and he was going to give her what she’d asked for. Just not in the way she wanted.

  Chapter 9

  Tank carried Annie into his house twenty minutes later because she’d refused with a pout to get off his bike. He’d laughed and scooped her up without even listening to the insults she hurled at him as she pounded on his back. She was a messy drunk.

  “Pig!” Annie yelled, at Tank as he carried her inside and up the stairs. She expected him to carry her to the guest room, but he kicked open the door to his room. She was thrown, literally thrown down on his bed. She tried to scramble off the other side, but somehow she managed to get tangled up in the covers.

  Tank laughed, watching Annie fight the covers. The bed had been made and she’d still managed to somehow get tangled in them. He wondered how much of the punch she’d drank.

  “How much of that punch did you drink, babe?” Tank asked.

  “None, of your buzniss…buisnuss…whatever.” She slurred, glaring at him from beneath the tangled covers.

  “Well, let’s get you to sleep.” Tank said, gathering the covers to help her free herself with another laugh.

  “Bassterd, I knew you woouldn’t give me screaming orgasms.” Annie tried to get away from him as he gathered her into his arms and began to remove her jeans.

  “I’d be an ass if I took you tonight, sweetheart. You’re plastered.”

  “Am not!” She screamed, fighting him again. He pulled her shoes and jeans off her and pushed her back on the bed. He didn’t have to worry about her escaping the bed while he got his own clothes off because she was already tangled in the sheet. He removed everything except his boxers, then freed her from the covers again before tucking her against his side.

  “Go to sleep, sweetheart. If you still want screaming orgasms in the morning I will be happy to oblige.” Tank said, curling against her. She felt right lying next to him in his bed. She grumbled and fought a bit before settling.

  “Promise.” She finally whispered.

  “Yeah, sweetheart. I promise.” His cock throbbed in anticipation. It had been hard not taking her for the last few days. He placed his hand on her hip, hoping that she would sleep soon. He was horny as fuck, and if she pressed him on the orgasm issue, he might cave in. And with the condition she was in he’d feel like a total dickhead. He wasn’t surprised a few minutes later to hear her quiet snores. Yep, she’d been beyond sloshed, he thought smiling into her shoulder as he fell into a peaceful sleep with his woman cradled in his arms.

  Annie awoke feeling a hard lump under her head. She must be at another one of those motels
that her mother always loved. She punched the pillow hoping it would soften, only the pillow grunted and moved. What the hell? She sat up a bit, only to groan and lay right back down. Holy shit, her head. Who’d let that little man loose with the jackhammer. She thought, holding her head to stop the incessant pounding. That was when the party last night came rushing back. Hell, she’d drank way too much of that punch. Someone should have warned her that shit was poison.

  Annie realized that she was laying on Tank’s chest. His naked chest. Fuck, had they slept together and she’d been too drunk to appreciate it? She wanted to cry at the thought. Because everything from last night was a blur, after her third cup of that punch. What the hell had they put in that shit? She had hazy memories of him arriving and carrying her home, but that was it. If she’d slept with the man she at least wanted to remember it. She had a feeling the hot kisses he’d been heaping on her were only the beginning and she’d missed it. God really did hate her.

  “Good morning, sunshine. Did you have to try and maim me again this morning?” Tank asked, when she looked at him through the curtain of her hair.

  “Sorry, I thought you were the pillow.” She muttered, still out of sorts that they’d slept together and she couldn’t even remember it. It sucked.

  “So, you still in the mood for screaming orgasms?” He asked, grinning.

  Damn, had she asked him for that, she couldn’t remember. Had he already given her a few she couldn’t remember, she wondered.

  “Did we…you know?” She asked.

  “Did we you know, what?” Tank asked, laughing at her adorable nervous expression.

  “Sex.” She clipped out.

  “Well…” He drew it out seeing her eyes widen and she looked like she’d just sucked on a lemon. “No.” He whispered close to her ear.

  “Wha-what…why not?” She demanded, her eyes narrowing.

  “Sweetheart, I may be an asshole, but even I don’t take advantage of obviously sloshed women.” Tank said, watching her with desire in his eyes.

  “Oh.” Was all she said, looking confused.

  “Now, about those orgasms.” Tank began, but she jerked up and away from him. Standing beside the bed, she headed to the door.

  “Uhh, I have to use the bathroom.” She said, as she scurried out of the room headed to the guest room like the hounds of hell were chasing her. Tank watched, chuckling. He allowed her the allusion that she could escape him. He knew that tonight when she was feeling better she wasn’t going to be sleeping in his guest room. Smiling, he headed to the shower. His woman was going to need Aunt Mae’s hangover remedy, and breakfast if tonight was going to go as planned. He grinned at his reflection.

  Today had been a good day, Annie thought. Tank had made her a headache remedy that she wanted to bottle and sell. Cause it was amazing. If she’d had that when she was younger, she never would have left her partying phase. It had made her vicious headache disappear. Tank had taken her on a ride, which she’d tried to protest, but he’d ignored it. She’d been glad he did when she’d seen the waterfall, he’d brought her to. They’d lay in the meadow enjoying the cool breeze that blew over their skin as they’d talked.

  It had been nice. She’d finally learned that he was the Vice President of the club. That was why everyone seemed to look up to him. She’d told him a bit about her unusual childhood, leaving out the parts that would give away who her mother was. She’d lay with her head in Tank’s lap while he ran his hands through her hair. He’d told her about growing up in the club and she’d been awed by his stories. It had sounded fantastic. He’d also told her he was trying to quit smoking. She’d told him that was a damned good thing because ever since Tony had kissed her after smoking a cigar the smell made her want to vomit.

  He’d stolen kisses, and held her while they took a nap. It quite frankly scared her. She’d never opened up to anyone the way she had today. She didn’t know what it was about him that she found so fascinating. He made her wish that she didn’t need to leave in two weeks to make that delivery. She wanted to scream, her mother was always ruining her ability to move on with her life. Maybe she’d come back after the drop, and if he was still interested they could see where this led them. But as soon as that thought occurred to her she knew that it would never work. Eventually they would figure out who her mother was, and then it would be over. They’d try to use her just like everyone else did.

  Her mother always stood between Annie and happiness. She sighed, walking out of the bathroom in the guest room, startled to find Tank leaning on the wall near the door. Shit, what was he doing there?

  “Umm…did you need something?” She asked.

  Tank’s response surprised her even more. The usually tame man looked positively feral as he moved towards her in a dangerous prowl. She backed up her back hitting the bathroom door, which she’d closed behind her.

  “Yes, I need something.” Tank growled, his hands landing on either side of her head. His mouth found the side of her neck and his hands moved to cup her breasts. Then he muttered. “I need to fuck you until your screaming my name.”

  “Oh…I-I don’t think that’s a-a good idea.” She panted while his hands slid to her hips, then around to cup her ass.

  “Your right, it’s not a good idea.” He said, his mouth hovering above hers. Annie thought for a second he’d walk away, and the made her sad. But instead he growled into her mouth, “It’s an excellent idea.” Then his mouth was devouring hers. He thrust his tongue into her mouth roughly. Lifted her, and her legs wrapped around him of their own accord. Annie gasped, when his mouth moved from hers to kiss down her neck. He was nipping and sucking at her. She knew from the feel of his lips sucking at her neck that she’d have marks. It made her want to protest, but at the same time she wanted to beg him to leave more.

  What was it about Tank that made her want so much more than she knew she’d ever be allowed to have. His mouth moved back up, taking her lips again, stilling the chaos in her mind. She moaned, his tongue thrust into her mouth meeting hers in a duel of lust so strong, her thighs clenched.

  Tank held Annie, his control had snapped today. They’d come back from the falls and she’d tried to shut down on him. He wasn’t going to allow that, not ever. She was his and he was finally making some progress with her. She was not going to pull back from him. Holding her luscious ass in his hands as he walked them towards his room. He’d almost ripped her clothes off and taken her right there against the bathroom door in his guest room. He was feeling very feral at the moment. Like a beast left too long in a cage. He devoured her mouth wanting more. He carried her into the room, stopping only when his knees hit the bed.

  He leaned forward, lying her back on the bed. He slid his hand beneath the tank top she wore, his hands making short work of her bra. Then he was ripping her shirt over her head. Looking down at her breasts, a groan of need broke free from his lips. Damn, those were some gorgeous tits. He took her nipple into his mouth sucking hard, he licked around the nub, scoring it with his teeth. His hand cupped the second one, not wanting to neglect it. His fingers flicked the hard tip, making her arch off the bed into his mouth. He growled, sucking her nipple harder. Tank pulled back slightly taking in her swollen breasts, her heavy lidded eyes and the way she whimpered when he moved away to watch her, with a feeling of satisfaction in his chest.

  His. He thought, taking her tit back into his mouth working it hard, with his fingers squeezing the other. She moaned beneath him, again arching off the bed. Her hands buried in his hair holding him to her. He groaned, when she thrust her hips into his. She clenched her legs around him, making his cock line up with her wet center. He wanted her naked. He tore at her yoga pants tearing them down slightly, shoving his hand between her legs needed to feel her wetness surrounding some part of him. He found her soaked and ready for him.

  Thrusting two fingers into her, his hand hit her clit making her cry out. He fucked his fingers in and out of her. Wanting to feel her clench around him as she came. Tan
k watched her, needing her pleasure like he needed to breathe.

  “Please, pl-please.” She panted, and he didn’t know if she was pleading for him to stop, or for release. It didn’t matter, she wasn’t getting away from him now. He couldn’t allow it. Not now, not ever. She was his.

  Annie was on fire, her body was weeping in need. She needed to come so bad she was shaking. Tank’s fingers worked her into a frenzy of need, so strong she thought she’d never be able to satisfy it. His mouth had devoured hers, and then when he’d ripped her shirt off and began sucking and flicking her nipples, she’d almost come. He was like a mad man, now. She didn’t think he knew it, but he was letting out a growl with every thrust of his fingers into her wet heat. She was moaning, so close she couldn’t bear it.

  Then she was thrust over the edge into the hardest orgasm she’d ever had, when he’d demanded roughly. “Come, now.”

  Stars burst behind her eyes, and she could barely move for several moments as her body trembled in aftershocks. Tank wasn’t so burdened and he worked her pants off one leg then stood tearing at his own. Then he was between her legs again, and the head of his cock was at her entrance. Then he was sliding into her with a roar of need that seemed to rattle the windows. Moaning, she met the thrust of his hips into hers with a moan of her own. Dear Lord, his member was huge. She was glad that he was holding still inside her, allowing her to adjust to his size.


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