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Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

Page 9

by Michelle Woods

  After three bowls of soup, he’d split the soup into two separate containers. One he’d put into the fridge and the other the freezer. He cleaned up the kitchen, then he headed upstairs. He needed a shower, and then he’d take care of his woman’s hurt feelings. He entered his room, not happy to find that Annie wasn’t in the bed. He snarled, damned woman. She surely didn’t think that he was going to let her sleep in the guest room. Storming across the hall, he grabbed the handle intending to thrust the door open and demand that she get her ass into their room. Only it was locked.

  He slammed his hand against the door, demanding, “Annie, open this door right now!”

  “No!” She screamed.

  “Annie, let me in or I will rip this door off its hinges.”

  “No, you can sleep alone for the rest of the time I’m here. I will be leaving in a week and a half anyway.” Her voice was muffled, but he was pretty sure she’d just said she was leaving.

  Tank roared, “The hell you are! Get away from the fucking door, I’m coming in!” Then he kicked the door in, it crashed against the wall. Its broken frame splintered.

  Annie screamed, then demanded from where she sat up on the bed. “What if I’d been standing there, you neanderthal! You could have hurt me.”

  “I could tell you weren’t near the door, and I warned you to get back. Now, get your sexy ass into our bed.” Tank roared back at her.

  “No, asshole. Go to your damned room. I’m not in the mood!” She screeched, pointing.

  Tank could not believe that she was actually treating him like a fucking child. Really? Nope, not after the night he’d had. He stormed over to the bed, she tried to scramble out from under the covers and off the other side of the bed, headed to the bathroom. Oh, hell no, he thought as he caught her ankle. Jerking her back across the bed. She screeched again, kicking out at him. He caught her other ankle. Then holding them both in one hand, he flipped her around, and jerked her over his shoulder, smacking her ass.

  “Behave!” He rumbled, smacking her ass when she tried to bite his back. Her hands beat against him as he carried her sweet little ass across the hallway to their room.

  “Bastard!” She yelled, beating him with her hands.

  “Hold still, you damned hellion.” He jerked her off his shoulder, throwing her on the bed. He held her down, with his hand on her stomach, while he pulled back the covers. Then he climbed into their bed, holding her to him with an arm around her waist.

  “No, let me up, Tank you sorry son of a bitch!” Annie felt tears threatening. She’d been hurt when the man hadn’t even bothered to call her to let her know he was okay. She’d spent hours last night agonizing over him. Wondering if he was okay, or hurt, or dear lord…dead. He’d just told Bone to tell Molly that he was fine today when Bone had called Molly. He hadn’t even asked to talk to her, or called her on the cell he’d given her a few days ago. Then she’d spent half the day waiting for him to get home. Most of the men had returned at ten o’clock this morning, but not Tank. No, he’d didn’t shown up until six at fucking night. She’d made him dinner, unable to sit still while waiting on him.

  Then when he’d shown up, she’d been cooking. She’d been mad, seeing him standing there in the doorway. He didn’t even look sorry that she’d spent all night, and half the day with her stomach in knots, and her heart clenching in fear for him. She’d wanted to run into his arms and kiss him senseless, but then she’d thought of the way she’d paced half the night, only falling into a fitful sleep just before dawn. She’d decided that she didn’t need him, and she was not going to put up with this shit. So, she’d come upstairs and locked herself in the guest room, a lot of good that did. Damn the man, he was not getting away with this. She was leaving in the morning, and he could just fucking deal with it.

  “Fine, I’ll sleep here tonight, but in the morning I’m moving in with Katie and Trick.” She told him angrily.

  “No you’re not!” He bellowed, flipping her beneath him, and glaring down at her. She was held by his hips, which were laying over hers, and his hand was holding her wrists to the bed above her head. “You are going to stay here. That is not even a question, woman! You. Are. MINE!” He yelled into her face.

  “I’m not yours!” Annie screamed, fighting his hold on her.

  “Yes, you most definitely are! MINE. MINE. MINE.” Tank yelled, holding her to the bed trying not to hurt her. Then he slammed his lips down on hers. His tongue thrust into her mouth with possessive rage. He wasn’t allowing Annie to leave him. That was not fucking happening.

  His sweet Annie stopped struggling as he devoured her mouth, wanting her to need him like she needed her next breath. She moaned, her hands pulling against the hold he had on them. He released them, and she reached for him, burying her hand in his hair. Her body was curling around him as he slipped between her legs, his hardened dick pressing against her wet heat. He growled, nipping at her lips as he pulled back slightly. She fought to keep his mouth on hers. He finally managed to pull back slightly looking down at her beneath him with possessive need. His fucking woman, he thought, taking in her swollen lips and her hazy eyes.

  “Mine. Annie, fucking say it.” Tank demanded.

  She shook her head, trying frantically to pull his lips back to hers. He refused making her grunt in displeasure as her legs wrapped around his waist and she thrust up against him seeking relief. He leaned in, kissing her again.

  She let out a groan of need, whispering, “Tank, please.” When he pulled back again.

  “No, Annie. You are not leaving me because I didn’t realize how worried you were!” He grumbled. “Now, say it.” He demanded, thrusting his hips against hers, feeling her body follow his.

  “I will not.” She moaned, trying to hold on to her anger. Only she couldn’t. Although, that had almost been an apology, it wasn’t one. She was not telling him that she belonged to him, she wasn’t. His lips moved to her neck and his hands slipped into his shirt, which she was wearing cupping her breast. She groaned, trying to stop her body from reacting. Damn the man. He was too sexy for his own good, she thought, as his thumb flicked over her nipple.

  “You will say it Annie.” Tank told her, his lip hovering over her breast. He’d pulled her shirt up, revealing her breasts. “Or I will not let you come, for hours.” His lips closed around her nipple and she was clutching his head trying not to moan again. Bastard, he was right, she would most likely say anything if it meant she got to come.

  “I…will n….Tank.” She moaned, her body arching off the bed as he sucked her nipple into his mouth with his hand moving to caress the other one. She couldn’t help it, it felt so good. She tried to wrap her legs around his hard thigh so she could ride it to completion. To show him that he couldn’t keep from her orgasm, but he didn’t let her, moving it away from her wet center with a dark chuckle.

  “Not going to be that easy, sweetheart.” He said, releasing her nipple. Then he took the other in his mouth and his hand slid down to her hot core. She moaned, his fingers entered her, and for a second she thought he would give her the release she craved. Only he thrust his fingers into her two times before he stopped holding still with his fingers barely inside her. The tips poised at her entrance making her want to scream in frustration. She needed to come.

  “Say it.” He demanded.

  “No…” she whimpered.

  He thrust into her again sucking hard on her nipple before stopping. His head lifted his eyes meeting hers. “Say it.”

  “Bastard.” She moaned, trying to move on the three fingers he had hovering just barely inside her, only he held her down easily with his hip resting on hers, not allow her any movement. She groaned, her body was on fire, she needed him to move. Only in order for him to allow it, she had to admit what they both already knew.

  “Annie,” Tank growled. Then he thrust his fingers into her wet heat, and he sucked hard on her other nipple. Unable to stand it, she moaned.

  “Please, Tank…please.” She begged, despera

  “Not till I hear it.” His fingers stopped moving. She couldn’t take it, she was going mad from the need. That was the only explanation for what she said next.

  “Fine, I’m yours, asshole!” She yelled, into his ear. Hoping she caused his ears to bleed with her declaration.

  He only chuckled, “Yes, you are, baby” He said, before he pressed hard on her clit and thrust his fingers inside her, making her come apart in a single thrust. Annie could swear she was seeing stars as her vision turned white, and she fell back against the bed with a moan of satisfaction. Tank didn’t waste time. He was between her legs in a moment with his hard member at her entrance, he thrust inside with a groan of approval. He set a demanding rhythm that had them both moaning in completion only a few minutes later. As he thrust into her one last time, he roared, “Mine!”

  Annie was still basking in the glow of the two fabulous orgasms he had given her when Tank whispered into her hair, “I’m sorry, baby.”

  Turning to him, her eyes met his. Then she ran her hand down his serious face.

  “Are you just saying that because I was mad, or do you mean it?” She asked, a hint of variability in her eyes.

  “I mean it. I just didn’t think. All the other men were calling, and I figured telling Molly telling you I was okay was enough. I knew you were with her.” He looked at her, his hand cupping her face.

  “Okay…” She looked away, her heart clenching. “I was worried.”

  “I know, and I really am sorry that I didn’t call you, Annie. It won’t happen again, but you can’t leave me.”

  “I won’t right now. I’ll stay till the vans fixed.” She whispered, pissed that she would have to leave him. Even if she had every intention of coming back it wasn’t fair that she would have to leave him because of her mother. Her mother’s business was always the bane of Annie’s existence.

  “You are not leaving at all, Annie.” He informed her, with a hard expression.

  “I’ll come back after, Tank. But I have to drop that van off at the drop spot, and then I’m free from my mother’s business, at last.” She smiled, seeing his puzzled expression.

  “Annie, I have like three hundred men that I can tell to go take that van where ever it needs to go. And that means you can be free now.” Tank ran his hand over her hair, pulling it back from her face. Leaning forward to kiss her lightly.

  “Tank, no. I told you. I don’t have a choice. If my mother finds out I didn’t do this job, she will insist that I return to do one more. It’s her way. She just doesn’t want to lose a driver.” Annie silently added that she didn’t want to because reliable people in her mother’s line of work were hard to come by. They either ended up dead, or they ran off with her weapons.

  “What the hell, Annie. It’s a damned van. How were you getting home any damned way? If you were dropping the van, didn’t you need a ride?” He narrowed his eyes, watching her.

  “Rico.” She told him running her hand over his back. She felt him still above her, tensing at the other man’s name.

  Tank didn’t like hearing another man’s name on Annie’s lips while she was in his bed, all warm and satisfied. Rico that was the one she’d told her mother not to send that first day at Trick’s shop. He didn’t like hearing that he was the one she was planning to call into come and get her. He leaned down until he was right in her face before saying between clenched teeth.

  “Not fucking happening!” Tank kissed her roughly before he continued. “I will pick you up.”

  Annie didn’t argue. She just nodded, which Tank rewarded with a mind blowing kiss before he settled her in the bed next to him, getting up.

  “Wait, where are you going?” She asked.

  “I need a shower, and you need to be cleaned up too. So, let’s go.” He scooped her up, carrying her laughing form into the bathroom. They didn’t get to bed for another hour, but when they did finally make it, both of them were exhausted and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 12

  Annie watched the couple feeding each other near the clubhouse. Katie and Trick’s wedding had been fun, and their bonfire reception was in full swing. Tank had gone to get them some drinks, and something to eat about two minutes ago, leaving her with Racheal and Tiny.

  Racheal was sitting in Tiny’s lap staring into the fire, brooding. “What’s wrong with you, Rach?” Molly demanded, coming up with Bone following behind her, a scowl on his face.

  “Huumm…oh, it’s nothing.” Racheal said, looking back into the fire.

  “Uh-uh, Bitch. What’s wrong with you?” Molly demanded, her hands on her hips and a scowl of her own gracing her face.

  “Nothing. I told you that, Molly.” Racheal bellowed, standing up she scowled at her friend.

  “Tell me!” Molly screeched, her voice so shrill that Annie wanted to cover her ears. Damn, these women were crazy, she thought, smiling. She really liked them.

  “Fine, I THINK I might be PREGNANT! There are you happy, bitch!” Racheal snarled, her eyes filling with tears. Uh-oh, was the woman not happy about being pregnant? That sucked. She saw the woman’s old man look at her in astonishment. He looked like he was holding his breath.

  “So, why the hell are you acting like this?” Molly barked. Her face sad, and at the same time happy. It was a weird expression.

  “Damn it, I didn’t want to tell you because I know that you have been trying to get pregnant for the last year. Tiny and I didn’t even try. I didn’t want to make you feel bad, but now I don’t care. You can kiss my ass.” Racheal’s eyes filled with tears, watching Molly with an apprehensive look.

  “Don’t be stupid, Rach. I know that it will happen when it’s time. It’s possible that the shot I took is still effecting my hormones. I already talked to Doc about getting a test run. You should have told me.” Molly grumbled.

  “Ha, she should have told ME!” Tiny thundered. Standing behind Racheal. Oops, Annie thought, almost giggling. Someone was in trouble. Tank walked up looking around the small group then turned to Annie asking quietly.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Racheal’s pregnant and she forgot to tell her husband.”

  “Shit.” Tank muttered, looking at the scene before them with almost as much fascination as she did.

  “I don’t know for sure that I am pregnant, but I know that bitch. She wouldn’t give up till I told her. I didn’t want to hear it again. She’s been hounding me all damned day.” Racheal said to Tiny, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Darlin’, are you crying?” Tiny asked, gathering her into his arms.

  “Yes, Tiny I didn’t do it on purpose. I know we haven’t talked about kids, and I…”

  “Stop, babe.” Tiny gathered her into his arms. “It’s okay. I know that, and I will be ecstatic if you are pregnant. Your mine, nothing could make me happier.” Tiny whispered into her hair. Then he turned to the club, a grin splitting his face. “I’m going to be a dad!” he whooped, making everyone laugh.

  There were hoots and yelled congratulations, making Racheal blush and Tiny laugh. Annie watched Molly, who smiled happily for her friend, but her eyes misted and she looked so sad that Annie wanted to hug her. Bone must have noticed too because he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He whispered something that made her smile, and she looked up at him. Then he pressed a gentle kiss on her lips, and rocked her in his arms.

  Annie looked up when a plate appeared in front of her. Tank handed it to her with a soft, “Here, sweetheart.” Taking the plate, which was piled high with all kinds of food, she laughed.

  “Tank, I can’t eat all this.” Annie told him.

  “Well, eat want you want, and I can eat the rest.”

  Annie smiled, the man was a mountain, and she shouldn’t be surprised by the amount of food that he managed to put away, but she was. The first time she’d watched him eat, she’d been shocked. Looking at the plate he’d made for himself, piled so high she was frankly shocked it wasn’t buckling under the w
eight, she grinned. Tank was shoving a roll into his mouth.

  “What?” He asked.

  “Nothing.” Annie said, hiding the grin as she began to eat her own food.

  An hour later, Katie was sitting with Annie near the bon-fire. They were watching Trick dance with his sister. Tank had gone to break up a fight with Bone a few minutes ago. Katie leaned in closer to her.

  “So, I was thinking that since you still have to be here for another week that maybe you’d want to join me in the team races next week before you have to take care of the job for your mother.” Katie whispered.

  “You mean the one at Devils Run?” Annie asked, her blood filling with excitement. She’d always wanted to enter that race, but never had someone she trusted enough to run it. It was a twelve mile race, and both cars had to make it to the finish line in order to win. It was called Devil’s Run because it was a twisting, winding road that if you weren’t careful you ended it with a fiery crash into the side of a mountain.

  “Yeah, Trick and I will be back on the tenth, and it’s the twelfth. I’ve never run it, but I trust you. I know that it’s not a race for everyone who drives. But I would run it with you. You’re the best driver I know, well besides Mae, but she’s too old now. She refused last year. Her reflexes aren’t fast enough, at least according to her there not. I’ll understand if you say no.” Katie waited for her to say something.

  “Racheal said that the part for the Van will be in on the tenth. I think it would work. I’ve always wanted to run it, but I never knew anyone except Rico who I thought could run it. Rico wouldn’t let me run it because he’s too scared of my mother. I don’t know why I never thought to ask you” Annie replied, her eyes meeting Katie’s.

  “So, you’ll do it?” Katie asked, quietly. Her excitement seeming to make her vibrate.


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