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Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

Page 13

by Michelle Woods

  Doc didn’t think that was what had happened to Molly, but he wanted to be sure. It was mostly a precaution. Bone was freaking out about the possibility because he knew that if that were true Molly, who wanted so badly to have a children, would be devastated. Bone didn’t like that idea outcome at all. Tank knew that anything that devastated Molly made Bone go apeshit. Not that Tank could blame him, he felt the same way for Annie.

  “So, then Tiny helped Doc off the floor, laughing. Then Racheal told Doc that he’d better get something to splint her hand with because she thought it might be broken. Tiny went a little nuts when he discovered she’d broken her hand hitting the man. So, what does that nut do? He decks him again, and he hit him so hard that he was out for two hours and has a minor concussion. They’re lucky that he didn’t refuse to monitor her pregnancy.” Molly told them laughing. Bone who sat with her on his lap, grunted.

  “Served him right. You never call a woman a bitch in heat, never.” Bone chuckled.

  Tank smiled grimly, yeah that had been kind of stupid, and the broken hand wasn’t the real reason he’d decked the man Tank would bet. Nope, that idiotic comment was the reason for a fist landing in his face for a second time in one day. Tank was protective, but Tiny was like a dog left alone for too long and then let off the leash. Racheal was his world, and if you threatened to even make that woman blink in distress and he was all over it.

  “Wow, that’s funny. What happened with her hand?” Annie asked.

  “Oh, well Stacy was there and she knew how to use the bone setter device Doc has, so she set the bone and bandaged it. That thing is pretty cool. I’d only seen one used when I was a kid and my dad broke his arm. So, it was fun to watch. It’s totally awesome that it fixes a broken bone within a day rather than having to wait like several months.” Molly told them, making Bone smile.

  “Yeah, I actually hand my leg set once, after the kid…umm after an accident.” Annie finished lamely. Damn, she’d almost let it slip that she’d been kidnapped by the Jackal’s, which would have brought up a whole host of other questions. She felt Tank stiffen around her, and she knew that had been the wrong thing to mention. He was still upset about her kidnapping. She didn’t think he’d be too happy to learn that snaky had broken her leg before he’d been forced to stop beating on her.

  “Ouch, that sucks.” Molly winched in sympathy.

  “Yeah, it wasn’t fun.”

  Tank leaned down brushing his lips against her neck. She let him kiss her. Hearing the door behind them open she turned watching as Tiny walked into the diner with a grim smile on his face. He looked at Tank and Bone.

  “Found that information you were wanting.” Tiny told Tank who gripped her hips a bit hard, before releasing them. Annie’s heart almost stopped thinking Tiny meant the information about her mother.

  “Good, how far away are they?” Tank asked, seeming to know what the man was talking about. That more than anything made the breath she hadn’t even realized that she was holding out in a long exhale.

  “About forty miles south, but it’s a general area, not an exact location.” Tiny told him.

  “Okay, let me take Annie home, and I’ll meet you at the club in a half hour.” Tank replied.

  “Slim, Trick and Dog want to come too. None of us are too happy about what you told us.” Bone told him with a grim look of his own.

  “I thought it might go that way. It’s good. More the merrier.”

  Annie had a bad feeling about this. She wanted to ask what the hell was going on, but knowing that they wouldn’t tell her she looked at Molly, who rolled her eyes. Yep, that about summed up how she felt about their highhandedness too, she thought.

  Tank nodded at the two other men and waited impatiently for Annie to say goodbye to Molly. He wanted this finished, today. He knew what Annie had been about to say about her kidnapping. One of those bastards had broken her leg, and if he hadn’t already planned to kill them and anyone else who was involved in her kidnapping, that little tidbit would have made him decided to.

  Annie climbed on the bike behind him, and he headed back to their house with her arms around him. She wouldn’t understand his need to take those two men out, but he wasn’t going to allow anyone who’d hurt her to live. It just wasn’t going to happen, ever.

  He walked into the house after her planning to kiss her before heading down to the basement for supplies when she rounded on him. Her eyes were flashing fire as she demanded.

  “What are you planning, Tank? If this is about me you…”

  “Stop,” He barked, his eyes lit with anger. “This is not something you get a say in, understood.”

  “If it’s about me, then no I don’t understand. Nor will I allow you to…”

  “I’m not going to talk about this.” Tank muttered, interrupting her. He stalked towards her jerking her into his arms, his mouth slammed onto hers with a passionate purpose. His tongue thrusting into her mouth, caressing her own. She moaned, accepting his kiss, melting into him. Her brain turned to mush and her body leaned into his. Her tongue thrusting to meet him. He growled and grabbed her ass, jerking her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He set her on the counter between the kitchen and the living room. His hands found her breasts beneath her shirt, and he plucked at her nipples.

  She wanted to demand that he stop, but then again she didn’t. He was her man even if he was an idiot for trying to do this. Grabbing onto his shoulders, she jerked on his shirt pulling it and his cut off. She felt him doing the same. She let the clothing fall to the counter beside her as he did the same. His mouth took her breast, sucking it while his hands slid to her jeans, jerking at the fastening. She was on fire, her body so wet and achy she could barely stand it. She pulled on his hair, moving him away from her breast.

  He grumbled, but moved up towards her lips kissing her along the way, she tried to find the words to tell him that he didn’t need to go after the men she suspected he was going after. He didn’t allow her to think for long, though. He pulled her jeans off, his lips still fastened to her own, pulling her to the edge of the counter. His hands moved to his own pants, and seconds later he was thrusting inside her with a grunt of approval, as he sank deep. Then all she could think about was how good his body felt thrusting into hers, he grunted and growled, nipping and sucking at her neck and lips. She lifted her hands wrapping them and her legs around him, mewling in pleasure with each thrust of his body into hers.

  He was like an animal, almost feral in his need to take her. He wanted to be gentle, but he couldn’t prevent the almost violent thrust of his body into hers. He watched her as she mewled and her mouth opened in a silent moan, as she began to come apart for him.

  It didn’t take long for her to explode in an orgasm that seemed to echo with every movement he made. She cried out, as he moved harder groaning in pleasure. He finally roared her name and came. He rested his forehead against hers, panting. She moaned, his lips kissed the love bite that he’d placed on her shoulder where it met her neck.

  Tank lay against Annie, panting. Not sure if he’d ever move again, something about angry sex always seemed to make him feel as if he’d run a marathon. After several moments, he pulled away. He adjusted his pants, then helped her pull hers back up. She didn’t say anything, just let him help her. He kissed her forehead.

  “This is going to get done, and there isn’t going to be an argument about it, okay.” Tank told her, helping her finish dressing.

  “Fine, but if you are hurt doing something crazy, I’m going to be pissed.” She replied, making him laugh before he kissed her.

  As he pulled away, he said, “Okay.” Then he grabbed his shirt after helping her down off the counter and headed down the stairs to his basement.

  “Don’t you need a shower?” She called after him, a look of disgust on her face.

  “Nope, I like smelling like you, sweetheart.”

  “Ewe…that’s just gross.” Annie told him, she turned heading up the stairs to take a shower.
She had some class, unlike him. Maybe she should have expected that level of disgustingness from him after seeing his house that first night, but it still made her flabbergasted to know he wasn’t taking a shower before he left.

  Tank walked into the bar two days later spotting his quarry standing in a darkened corner by a pool table. He held a beer and was talking to two other Jackal’s who were playing pool. Unfortunately, neither of them was the second man he was looking for. Dog, Trick, and Bone entered behind him, standing beside him near the door.

  Dog muttered, “Damn, it would have been too easy to find them together wouldn’t it?” He asked not really expecting anyone to answer.

  Walking towards the three men Tank moved in on the man with a snake on his forearm. As he moved he heard the scraping of chairs and stools all over the bar, and glanced around. He saw that many of the men who’d been near the pool table were getting up and moving in the direction of the door. They knew that anytime you got Jackal’s in a room with the Red Devil’s someone was going to start dying.

  Tank reached the pool table and came to stand behind the man with the snake tattoo. He turned, glaring at Tank.

  “Can I help you, mother fucker?” The man demanded.

  “Yes.” Tank said, calmly. “You can tell me where Spider is.” He saw from the corner of his eye that Bone and Trick had moved in on the other two men.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are? I’m sure as hell not telling you bas-” That was as far as he got before Tank reached out grabbing the back of the man’s neck and slamming his head down on the side of the pool table.

  “I will ask you again. Where the fuck is Spider?” Tank demanded, angrily. Staring dispassionately at the man, his broken nose pouring blood down his face.

  “Fuck, I think you broke my nose!”

  “Do I look like I fucking care?” Tank challenged.

  “No, don’t suggest you try that, asshole.” Bone told the man standing on the other side of the table. Bone was holding a gun in the man’s face. Snake boys friend had been reaching for his gun. Tank chanced a look at Trick to find that he’d already knocked out the third man. He was lying in a heap on the floor, with a gash on the side of his head.

  “I’m not telling you anything!” Snake bellowed, in a garbled voice, blood still pouring from his broken nose.

  “Wrong answer, Dickhead.” Dog growled from behind him.

  Tank had already grabbed the back of his neck and slammed his head into the table again, knocking him out.

  “You have two choices, one you can pick your other friend there up off the floor and walk away while we take your friend for questioning, or we can kill you both and we still walk out with yours friend here.” Bone looked at him calmly. “Your choice.”

  “Wha-what…why?” The man stuttered, annoying Tank, he was not in the mood for any bullshit today.

  Bone let out a long sigh, “Just pick him up and get the fuck out of here, and by the way. If you see Spider tell him we’re coming for him and anyone else involved in the kidnapping.” He finished.

  “Wh-what kidnapping? We haven’t kidnapped anyone since that one girl, and you killed half the club to get her back. Nobody else was involved.” The man stuttered out in a whiney voice.

  “Not that kidnapping.” Dog told him grimly. “Another one, for a different woman, who’s ours.”

  “I-I don’t understand what kidnapping? We haven’t kidnapped any other Red Devil’s women.” He complained.

  Tank was losing his patience.

  “She wasn’t a Red Devil’s woman back when this happened, but lucky for you bastards, she is now.” Trick laughed harshly.

  “Wh-what? That’s crazy she wasn’t a Devil. How are we supposed to know? How are we suppo-” The man’s whiney voice was cut off when Bone slammed his gun down on the back of his head, knocking him out too.

  Looking up, he grinned harshly, “Yeah that was getting annoying.” Before he stepped over the man’s prone form, and helped Tank drag his new toy out of the bar.

  Chapter 18

  Tank watched as Tiny pulled the cloth away from Snake’s face. The man leaned forward, coughing and gaging.

  “Now, Snaky. Where’s Spider?” Tank demanded.

  “My name’s Lizard not Snake, and I’m not telling you!” The man roared from the chair he sat in with his hands tied behind his back. Tank was getting damned tired of that answer after two hours of torturing the man that was the only thing he kept screaming. That his name was Lizard like if fucking mattered.

  “Again, don’t care, asshole.” He said, slamming his fist into the man’s face again.

  “I am not going to talk!” The man yelled at him, spittle coming from his mouth and his eyes looked wildly around at the other men in the room.

  “Oh, but you are.” Dog said, placing the cloth back over his face. Then Slim began pouring the water over his face again. They waited a full three minutes before they stopped. The man leaned forward as far as his bonds would allow panting and gaging.

  “Ba-bastards.” He panted finally.

  “Hell, Bone was that the filtered water?” Dog asked Bone sharply.

  “Oh, damn. I got it from the bathroom.” He said, making Tank almost laugh. Damn, he loved how devious his family could be.

  “What!” The man in the chair screamed, screeching in his panic.

  “Well, I guess he’s got about thirty minutes then. Sure we can get it out of him before then.” Bone said, casually.

  “Damn it, Bone” Tank roared, turning to the other man clenching his fists as if he were enraged, even as he smiled at his friend. He shoved Bone hard, making him stumble back and grunted.

  “A doctor. I need a doctor!” Snaky screeched, pulling on his bonds. Fuck, Tank hated pansies.

  “Geez, calm down, and tell us where spider is and we will.” Trick told him, smiling at Bone and Tank from behind the man.

  “I won’t.” He said clamming up.

  “Okay,” Tank said, turning to walk away. “Guess we’ll have to go after those other two when this one dies. They may know where…” Tank was saying to Bone who held his fingers up between their bodies, hidden from the other mans site counting off the seconds it took that little weasel to fess up. Bone was on the fourth finger when the man yelled.

  “Wait, okay, okay. He’s over in Millrun.”

  “Good.” Tank said moving towards the man. He stopped grabbing a lead pipe from the table as he walked past it. “Now, we can really start chatting.” Then he brought the pipe down on the man’s leg, breaking it. Nobody made his woman hurt without dying in severe pain.

  Tank pulled up to the house three days later having found Spider and three other men who’d been involved in the kidnapping and beating of his Annie. They were all dead now, and he was damned tired. He sighed, before he crawled off the bike. He’d called Annie every night since leaving, but he’d missed her. Grabbing his bag, he moved up the stairs, suddenly the door flew open and Annie stood there.

  Damn, she was beautiful, he thought taking her in where she leaned against the door frame. He wanted to scoop her up and kiss her from head to toe. She looked coyly at him.

  “About time you made it back. I was beginning to think you were just avoiding me.”

  Tank moved up the stairs, dropping his bag and grabbing her around the waist. His hands clutching her to him. He vehemently whispered, “Never.” into her hair before he kissed her. Pulling away he looked down at her. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I missed you too, Tank.” Annie replied with her arms wrapped around his neck. Tank lifted her carrying her inside, with his lips fused to hers.

  Annie sighed, as she looked in her review mirror again. Tank was following too close again. She tapped her brakes again, which was the signal they’d agreed on this morning before they left the house to go to the meet. If Bone or any of the other men in the club had found it odd that Tank insisted on ten prospects following them they hadn’t commented. Although, Bone had raised his eyebrows in surpris
e when Tank requested them. Annie was shocked that he hadn’t asked a bunch of questions regarding the drop, or Tank’s seeming paranoia. Tank had been on edge since two days ago when he returned.

  Annie wanted to just get this over with, and finally be free from the albatross that had been dragging her down for the last fifteen years. She’d been ten when her mother had insisted that she begin training to take over the business. At first it had been exciting, and fun. Only it hadn’t been long before the newness had worn off. Her mother had let the boys teach her all kinds of crazy things. The least of which was how to take a target down from a mile away, with a sniper rifle. She’d bet that knowledge would give Tank nightmares, she thought chuckling to herself.

  She was about three miles from the drop now, three miles from freedom. She couldn’t wait to be able to just live off the credits she’d saved. Of course, now she was living with Tank, and according to the property patch on her back, she wasn’t going to be on her own like she’d thought while saving those credits. Not that she minded. She loved Tank, and Devils Falls was home, now. It was strange to have a home. A place to belong, to really live for a change, but that was what Devils Falls had become.

  She checked again, almost groaning when she saw that Tank was still too close. Damn that man, he needed to back off. She pumped the brakes three times. She knew this client, and she didn’t want to spook him. He was a shifty one. Really she had a feeling that he was crazier than a damned loon. Possibly crazier than her mother, which she’d thought wasn’t possible until she’d met Tobias. He was always talking to himself and acting strange anytime she’d made a drop with him. She so didn’t need Tank screwing this up by frightening the man off.


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