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Lost Before You (Heart's Compass Book 2)

Page 7

by Brooke O'Brien

  Turning to face me, he catches me by surprise when he wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him. My hands are full with a coffee in one hand and a muffin in the other so I do my best to return the hug without making a mess in the process.

  “You’re not mad at me, are you?” he asks, whispering into my ear. I feel my heart pound just being close to him again. Taking a deep breath, I inhale his clean scent, leaving me slightly light-headed.

  “No,” I whisper, pressing my forehead against his neck before I look up at him. Giving him a reassuring smile, I add, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  One thing I inherited from my mom is when I’m nervous, I clean. I don’t think there is a space in this apartment left untouched. I could say it’s due to the test coming up, but I know it would be a lie.

  Mason will be here in a few minutes and it has me on edge, so I flutter around the apartment trying to find something to clean. There’s not much left to do considering I’ve been at it for the past four hours. He texted me twenty minutes ago, telling me he was grabbing us food and was on his way, which means he should be here any minute now.

  The sound of his thunderous knocks on the door causes my body to freeze as butterflies in my stomach take flight. I’ve never felt this nervous at the thought of spending time with Mason. Knowing this is going to be the first time we’ll be alone since we were together sends a wave of anxiety rolling through me.

  Padding my way across the living room, I unlock the deadbolt as I swing the door open. Standing before me is Mason in a Chicago Bulls t-shirt, a pair of athletic shorts, and tennis shoes. His hair looks wet, like he just showered not long ago. The thought alone has my attention drifting to picturing him standing in the shower as water cascades over his chest and body.

  The sound of his throat clearing jolts me from my thoughts, finding an amused look on his face.

  “You going to let me in?” Mason chuckles.

  “Not in that shirt, I’m not.” I laugh.

  “Alright,” he jokes, moving to hand me the bags of food. Confused, I take them from him as he grabs the hem of his shirt and starts lifting it over his head.

  The sight of his abs down to the deep V hidden beneath his pants have my eyes wandering lower as he once again clears his throat.

  “You know what, on second thought, you should really leave it on. You’re going to do damage to someone’s eyes. I don’t need this kind of attention from the neighbors,” I say, turning on my heel and heading toward the dining room. Mason’s deep laugh echoes through the room from behind me as I hear the click of the door shutting. My cheeks heat at my thoughts as I hurry to put some space between us.

  “I’ll grab us plates,” I mutter, setting the bags on the table. I need a minute to myself to get my wits about me.

  “Geez, Brea. Just chill out,” I whisper to myself. “Take a deep breath and relax.”

  Walking around the corner with the plates in hand, I plaster a smile on my face and hand Mason his. After we plate our food, we both head into the living room to where I left my textbook and notes for my test on Monday.

  I take a seat on one end of the couch and Mason takes the other, although the way he’s sprawled out he’s really taking up most of the room with the decorative pillow under his arm and his leg hanging over the arm of the couch.

  Flipping through the channels, we settle on a show to watch until the game starts. I told myself I was going to use tonight as an opportunity to tell Mason about my plans for the summer. I don’t know why, but knowing this conversation is coming is weighing on my mind.

  “Got any big plans for the summer?” I ask, not wanting to dive right into it.

  “Not really. I’m looking forward to taking a much-needed break. I normally take classes during summer break but this year I decided to focus on working and saving up money. What about you?”

  I take another bite of my burrito, buying me time before I speak. Swallowing it down, I decide to rip off the band-aid.

  “I’m actually moving home to Cleveland for the summer,” I mutter, taking another bite.

  “Woah, really?”

  I hear the shock and surprise in his tone, and if I’m not mistaken a tinge of sadness, too.

  He doesn’t take another bite. I can tell he is waiting for me to respond. My eyes are focused straight ahead on the television.

  “I’m going to stay with my mom. I am hoping to save a little money before school next fall.”

  “You’re coming back here though, right? What about your apartment? And Lissa?”

  “Of course, I’m coming back next fall. I have no desire to stay there any longer than necessary, or ever move there for good. Between running out of my student loan money, needing cash for next fall, and money for tuition, I have a lot to save up for. Lissa’s cousin is coming to visit and agreed to take over my lease until school starts.”

  “Sounds like you got it all figured out.”

  What he’s really saying is, he can tell I have put some thought into this, and he’s hurt this is the first time we’ve talked about it.

  “I talked to Craig earlier this week and he agreed to let me take the summer off and will let me have my job when I come back to school this fall.”

  “Hell, yes, you’ll have your job. He knows better.”

  The way he laughs makes my heart ache a little more thinking about how much I’ll miss him, miss this, while I’m gone.

  We finish eating and crack open my textbook. I thought studying with Mason would be distracting, but it goes smooth. He explains every problem to me in a way where it starts to make sense. Don’t get me wrong, letters and numbers still have no business meshing together. Sprawled on the floor, we are lying next to each other with papers laid out in front of us. When he begins quizzing me, I’m surprised when I start getting them right.

  “I think you’re as ready as you’ll ever be,” Mason says, slamming the textbook closed.

  “It’s a nice way of saying good luck because you’re going to need it.”

  “I’m not saying that and you know it,” he says, rolling onto his back, crossing his arms behind his head. I don’t even let my eyes focus on the way his muscles bulge behind his head or how his lip curves when he smirks at me.

  “The game is about to start. Want me to pop some popcorn?” I ask, leaning back on my haunches and moving to stand.

  “Yes, I’m going to need some popcorn when I watch my Bulls crush your precious Cavaliers.” His laughter filters through the room, and I can’t help rolling my eyes.

  “I think I should be saying good luck to you. Your Bulls are gonna need it if you think they’ll be able to stop LeBron.”

  Pulling the popcorn out of the box, I remove the plastic wrapper and stick it in the microwave. I don’t hear Mason approach but I feel his body heat against my back. Looking at the microwave, I see his reflection in the glass. He slips his arm around my waist, and I feel my body relax into him. Clutching the edge of the counter, I lean forward and force a deep breath into my lungs.

  The microwave beeps but neither of us move. With his nose pressed against my neck, he takes a deep breath before taking a step back and walking into the living room.

  I feel like avoiding the subject, and I know we need to talk about what’s going on between us in order for us to move forward. Pushing the button to the microwave, I grab the bag of popcorn and quickly pour it into a bowl following behind him.

  Folding my legs under me, I set the popcorn on the cushion between us, giving us some space. Or giving me some space rather.

  “I’m going to miss this—us hanging out, watching movies, and just chilling. What am I gonna do when you’re gone?” Mason says, rolling his head to face me.

  “Something tells me you’ll have your pick of women who would love to take my place while I’m gone” I force out a laugh as a way of distracting myself from the w
ay my heart aches hearing those words out loud. The thought of him finding someone else, replacing me, even just our friendship hurts.

  I can feel his eyes on me once again, burning into the side of my face, as I focus on keeping them straight on the TV. Not even bothering to look at the bowl, I reach my hand in and bring the popcorn to my mouth, hoping he’ll let the comment go.

  “Is that what you think? That I’m like every other guy who has done you wrong and that I’ll be able to replace you?”

  Turning my head, I find him staring at me.

  “I’m sure Sierra would be more than willing to occupy your free time.”

  I see it in his eyes, the moment when it hits him. Seeing him with Sierra yesterday and the familiarity in their touch. They may not have the friendship we do, but she has a piece of him I don’t.

  “Is that what this is all about?” he asks, moving the bowl of popcorn to the coffee table, opening his arms to me. I can’t help but raise my eyebrow at him, questioning him.

  “What, I’ve touched you in the most intimate places but you don’t want to come cuddle with me now?” he jokes.

  The mention of the night we spent together has me hesitating even though I know I want to move closer to him.

  “What’s the look on your face for?”

  “So, you do remember everything from the night of the party?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You remember the night, kissing me, us.”

  I don’t even realize what’s happening, he moves so quick. Pushing the coffee table out of the way, he moves his body so he’s leaning over me with half his body on the floor, half on top of me.

  “How could you think I don’t remember?” he asks, but he doesn’t give me a second before his mouth is on top of mine. I feel him, all around me, everywhere. Last time I was so overwhelmed, consumed by every touch, I didn’t allow myself to feel it.

  It’s different this time. It’s slow, passionate, and all-consuming.

  He moves his hands up my thighs, pulling my feet so my legs are open, drawing me closer to him.

  “How could you think I could forget this?” he asks, pressing his hand against my cheek. “I will never forget the feel of your lips on mine and your body wrapped around me.”

  Adjusting a pillow at the end of the couch, he reclines back. Raising his eyebrow suggestively, he looks down at his lap as if asking for me to climb on.

  I think about it for a moment but dear God, how can I say no?

  Moving my leg so it’s between him and the couch, I position myself so I’m on top of him. The friction of our bodies this close to each other causes him to let out a deep groan. My yoga pants against his thin shorts leaves little between us.

  I can feel my breathing pick up in pace as I force a struggled breath. I don’t miss the glazed look of desire in his depths before a smirk graces his lips.

  Running his hand along my side, his fingers skate along the edge of my breast as he twirls a piece of my hair around his finger.

  “Come here,” he whispers as his eyes meet mine.

  I lean forward so our chests are pressed together. The movement causes me to grind against my aching core as he lets out a soft groan.

  “Fuck, you feel so good. You keep it up and this will turn into more than just kissing.”

  Wrapping his hands in my hair, he brings my mouth to his, causing me to let out a groan of my own. I feel his chest rise and fall against mine as he forces his breath through his nose. Loving how our bodies react to each other, I press my pussy into him, enjoying the delicious slide of our bodies connecting. The friction causes a flood of heat as tingles spread through my body.

  “I can’t stop,” I mutter as he slips his hand beneath my shirt. The heat of his skin causes my body to tremble. As soon as his fingers skate along the lace of my bra, I know I want his hands on every inch of my body.

  Mason sits forward and pulls my tank top over my head. As soon as my eyes find Mason’s, he’s lying down. His eyes are blazing, following my every move. Reaching behind me, I unhook the clasp of my bra and slide the lacy material down my arms.

  “I want to touch every inch of you,” he groans. When his hand covers my right breast, I can’t control the moan that slips out of my mouth. The heady feel of desire is causing my eyes to flutter closed.

  “She’s so beautiful. So perfect.” The words come out a harsh whisper, as if voicing his thoughts out loud.

  Pulling me so I’m closer to him, he grips my lower back keeping me pressed against his throbbing cock. As soon as his mouth covers my breast, it’s like a lightning bolt strikes right through me.

  “Mason,” I moan, running my fingers through his hair, holding him closer to me. I feel my release surge through me as I teeter on the edge. “I’m going to come.”

  His eyes turn heavy as he releases my breast with a pop. His mouth is on mine in a heartbeat.

  “I want to watch you come,” he moans against my mouth.

  Wrapping his hands low on my hips, he guides my body beside him with my back pressed against the couch. His hand slips between us and into my underwear. The feel of him through our clothes is nothing compared to his fingertips rubbing circles against my sensitive flesh.

  With each flick of my clit, I feel my release simmer below the surface. Mason’s hooded eyes stay trained on me. Wanting him with me every step of the way, I slide my hand to the waistband of his shorts and with Mason’s help, pull them and his boxer briefs over his hips.

  Fisting him in my hand, I swipe the head of his cock with my thumb.

  “Holy shit,” Mason growls, his movements are jerky as his breath comes out in heavy pants, mirroring the rapid beat of my heart.

  All I can picture is how he would react when I finally put my mouth on him. Mason doesn’t waste a second, his skillful fingers finding their way beneath the lace of my underwear. Holding my hand up to my mouth, I run my tongue along my palm before sliding it over his hard length, pumping it up and down. The groans that emanate from deep in his chest confirm he’s close, which is good because I’m not too far from the edge myself.

  “I want you with me,” Mason grits out. His free hand moves to his chest, peeling his shirt up, giving me a view of his ripped stomach.

  He knows what he’s doing as he runs the tips of his fingers down to my opening, plunging two skilled fingers inside me.

  My pussy clenches around him as I squeeze my eyes shut.

  “Open,” Mason commands. The one word forces my eyes wide and immediately they connect with his as he lets out a low hum of appreciation.

  “Are you ready?” he asks, as his fingers curl inside me, hitting the right spot. My hand picks up the pace.

  My eyelids lower, unable to control my body’s reaction and the intensity of the emotions racing through me. His jaw clenches, smothering his moan and before I know it, we’re both soaring over the edge, crashing into a sea of bliss. My body jolts through the aftershocks of my release as his cum shoots onto his stomach, dripping over my clenched hand.

  Letting out a shaking breath, he peers down at me as he flashes me a devious smirk.

  “Damn, Brea. I’ve got to be the luckiest man alive.”

  Standing in front of the door, I suck a deep breath into my lungs, after jogging up the steps to Brea’s apartment. After learning she was moving home for the summer, I told her I wanted to soak up every second of time I can before she goes. That’s exactly what we’ve done. The past couple of weeks with Brea have been amazing. In a lot of ways, we are still the same Mason and Brea we were before the night of the party. Since we are both working on the weekends, we often spend our weeknights together. We’ve both been focused on school, so I often use the excuse of helping her study just so we can be together.

  I am going to miss spending time with her. I’m going to miss the way my eyes search for he
r when we’re working together, how her body feels curled up next to me when we’re lying on the couch, and how, although we haven’t talked about it, things are changing between us.

  I knew we would never be the same after the night we spent together, despite her asking me to promise her they would. The connection between us now is undeniable. Every time we’re near each other, it’s as if we can’t keep our hands off each other. The hunger I have for her is insatiable. I will never have my fill.

  My chest aches when I think about her leaving. After how amazing things have been, I don’t want to imagine anything other than how things are now. I’ve been trying to distract myself from the news by working through issues with my dad, school, and my shifts at Velvet.

  Tonight, I’m looking forward to spending time with Brea, especially because I know in a few short days, she’ll be gone and a piece of me will be gone with her.

  My knuckles rap against the hardwood of her apartment door. I hear the muffled sound of Lissa and Brea’s voices then Lissa’s subsequent laugh as Brea swings the door open. The bright smile she greets me with nearly knocks the wind out of me, and I can’t resist the urge to pull her closer. Bending, I wrap my arms around her waist and breathe her in.

  “Hey,” I whisper in her ear. Her hands skate across my forearms as she presses her body close, relishing the feel of her skin against mine.

  “Hi,” she murmurs. She peers her head up and, without thinking, I find myself leaning forward and pressing my lips against hers.

  “Well, look who it is,” Lissa grunts from behind her. I separate myself from Brea but not before I see her roll her eyes at Lissa while smothering a grin.

  “Oh, you’re at the kissing stage now. That’s interesting because I thought for sure I just heard someone say whatever was going on between you two wasn’t a big deal,” Lissa says, looking at Brea with a raised eyebrow.

  “Is that right?” I ask, rubbing my hand along my chin looking at Brea, too. I want to laugh because she clearly doesn’t like being called out. “I’d have to say the spark I felt when I just kissed you is a pretty big deal.”


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