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Lost Before You (Heart's Compass Book 2)

Page 13

by Brooke O'Brien

  Giving a small wave to Graham, she makes her way down the hall to her bedroom.

  “Everything okay with him?”

  “He got into it with Callum earlier. They haven’t been getting along, and today it all blew up.”

  I’m aware Mason hasn’t spoken to his brother since Callum visited this past May. He’s mentioned to me a few times how he’s tried to reach out to his brother, with no response. There were nights we would stay up late talking, in hopes getting it off his chest would make him feel better.

  “Is he okay?”

  “He’ll be fine. Believe it or not, he’s happy you are home. I don’t know how honest he was with you, but he missed you. More than I think he’d like to admit.”

  “I missed him, too,” I mumble, looking to my hands while running my thumb along my fingernail.

  “I’m going to head down and help him unload your stuff. Like I said, it’s great to have you back, B.” He reaches out and touches my shoulder reassuringly. Without another word, he turns and heads toward the door.

  Picking up my bags I left by the door, I lug them over my shoulder and bring them to my bedroom. I’m thankful when I find my room nearly the same as I left it. I turn on some music as I start unloading clothes, hanging them up in my closet.

  I’m so lost in the sound of the music that I don’t even hear Mason as he enters the room. Bending down, I line up my sandals on the floor of my closet. When two hands grip around my hips, catching me off guard, I nearly do a somersault forward.

  “Good God, you scared the hell out of me.”

  “Who else would have their hands on you like this?” Mason asks, as I stand turning myself to him. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close to him again. All signs of whatever was bothering him before are gone.

  “No one.” I defend. “I just didn’t expect you to come up on me unannounced. I didn’t even hear you.”

  “How could you? Not with this playing.” He laughs, pointing to where my phone is docked on my iHome as Ariana Grande plays through the speakers.

  “What? You don’t like this?” I ask, letting my hips move to the beat of the music. He takes a step away from me, biting his bottom lip as he lets his eyes roam over my body. Laughing, I smack him on the shoulder.

  “If you’re going to be in here, you need to help put stuff away. Otherwise, you’ll just be a distraction.”

  “It’s been almost three months since I’ve last seen you. I’m going to distract you all I want.”

  “Alright, well if that’s the case, sit,” I say, pointing at my bed. I can see the hopeful look on his face, paired with his devilish grin, as if thinking we’re taking this somewhere else. “Where is Graham?”

  “He and Lis are in the kitchen ordering the pizza. Graham is just going to go pick it up quick since it’s not too far away.”

  My phone chimes play through the speakers of my iHome. Turning down the volume, I pick up my phone from the dock.

  I bite on my lip as my brows furrow when I see who it is.

  Kaleb: Welcome back to Chicago. Can we meet up at some point to talk? I’ve missed you, B.

  “Everything okay?” Masons asks, shaking me from my thoughts.

  Closing out of the text message, I set the music on low.

  “Yeah, sorry. It’s nothing important,” I mutter, pushing the text out of my mind.

  I feel terrible for lying to him but I’m not prepared to talk to him about Kaleb, especially after I practically just walked in the door. I’m not planning on seeing Kaleb so the way I see it, what’s the point in bringing it up.

  “Alright, it’s time to spill it,” I command, changing the subject.

  Bending forward, I pull more shirts from my duffel bag. Grabbing hangers from my closet, I walk to where he’s lounging on my bed and start sliding shirts on each one.

  “Spill what?”

  He’s trying to avoid this conversation, so I’m going to have to drop it or force it out of him. I decide to go with the latter.

  “Graham told me something went down with you and Callum. He didn’t tell me what, but it was enough to tell me I need to ask you about it. So, spill it.”

  Flashing me an unamused look, he rubs his hand along his jaw as he falls back on the bed.

  “I’m just fed up with him and his arrogant ass attitude all the time. After his trip to Chicago, he has blown off both mine and my dad’s calls and texts. I know how he feels about my dad. Hell, I understand it, but he won’t even let me get a fucking word in edgewise to talk to him. He had no idea when he got here, Dad had just put himself through rehab and was released. I mean, damn, the least he could do is hear him out.”

  While I understand how Mason feels, like the news of his dad’s release from rehab could change things, he also needs to understand some mistakes are not always easy to overlook.

  “He still doesn’t know about his arrest or stint in rehab?”

  I’m almost shocked. Mason is from a small town in Iowa named Arbor Creek. While the city I’m from isn’t small, I know all too well how word can travel like wildfire.

  “Nope. My mom and Randy know, and I told my friend, Brannon. While my Mom doesn’t like the idea of us fighting, she thinks Callum’s feelings about our dad need to be worked out on his own. Even though the woman likes to meddle in people’s business, she doesn’t want to get in the middle.”

  “Well, she’s not wrong you know. You can’t force him to feel something that he doesn’t feel. Hell, before I left, my mom told me I should find it in me to forgive my dad for his actions leading to the divorce. It just doesn’t happen like that for everyone. Sometimes you have to let people heal on their own terms.”

  “When you put it that way,” he mutters, as if piecing together that although our situations are very different, Callum and I are both justified to feel how we do about our fathers.

  “It’s good to have you home,” he confesses, grabbing the pillow from my bed, tucking it beneath his head, making himself at home. “I know we talked on the phone and all, but having you here like this is different. Sometimes I just need you next to me, knocking sense into me.” Leaning over, he grabs my hand, pulling me to sit beside him.

  Mason slides his fingers around mine and brings my palm to his mouth giving me a small kiss.

  “I’m sorry about earlier. Everything blew up with Callum right before we left. I guess I let it get the best of me.”

  “You’re forgiven.” I smile, rubbing my thumb along the back of his hand.

  “God, I’m so fucking glad to have you here,” he says, pulling me closer. Climbing on the bed next to him, I lean my head against his shoulder and lay my arm across his chest.

  “I’m glad to be here. So glad,” I sigh, letting my eyes drift closed.

  “How did things go with your dad at lunch?”

  I called Mason earlier as I panicked standing in my bathroom getting ready to meet up with him. Thankfully, despite the fact he was busy, he was there to calm me down.

  I knew before even meeting up with him, I wasn’t going to bring up the tuition issue. I’m done looking to him as a parent, as someone who I thought would always be there. I need to live on my own two feet, and I’m determined to do that now.

  “It was painful…” I say, running my hand along his chest. “I told him how angry I still am for all the lies and secrets. He finally told me everything, or at least most of it. How they met, how it happened. As hard as it was to hear, I’m glad I’ve finally been given the chance to know the truth.”

  “Are you okay?” Mason asks, knowing how hard it was for me to hear.

  “Yeah, well I will be. I just need a little bit of time. I told him I forgave him for what he did, but I wasn’t ready to forget or if I’ll ever be ready to meet them. I know it’s not Kyla and Kaden’s fault, but I feel like meeting them is still betraying my mom.”
  “Sometimes you have to let people heal on their own terms, right?” he says, repeating the same phrase I used earlier.

  I don’t say anything, instead, I nod my head again and squeeze him close.

  “I got a call from my buddy, Brannon, from back home. He’s planning on coming into the city in a couple of weeks to visit. I’m trying to figure out something for us to do. We were thinking of hanging out at Dean’s house, grilling out and maybe lighting off some fireworks. You and Lissa could join us, if you’re up for it.”

  Tilting my head up, Mason turns his head to peer over at me. Wrapping his hand in my hair, he waits for me to respond.

  “Yeah, that sounds like fun. I’ll talk to Lissa about coming, but either way I’ll be there.”

  We continue to lay here in bed as Mason tells me stories of him and Brannon growing up. I find myself smiling as I think of a young Mason riding dirt bikes and playing football after school. It’s like the stress we were both wearing earlier has lifted and, in the quietness of my bedroom, it’s just the two of us.

  I can’t predict what tomorrow will bring, and I don’t know what the future has in store. The only thing I do know is regardless of the feelings I have for Mason, it’s much more important for me to have him in my life in some way than not at all.

  I just hope I don’t break my heart in the process.

  It’s after seven o’clock when Brea and Lissa pull up outside of Dean’s house. As much as I’ve been looking forward to having Brannon visit, my body physically aches to have Brea near me. I feel like I just got her back.

  The nice part about Dean and Seth’s house is it’s out in the middle of nowhere. As much as I like living in the city, coming out here reminds me a lot of being home.

  My eyes track Brea as she climbs out of the driver’s seat toward where I stand with Graham and Brannon.

  “Damn.” I hear Brannon grunt next to me. “Please tell me the redhead is not yours.”

  I can’t help but chuckle at his appreciation of Lissa. You’d have to be blind not to see how beautiful Lissa is. She’s all long legs and red hair, with a spitfire mouth to match.

  “No, the brunette beauty next to her is mine. The redhead is Lissa, her best friend. I’m sorry to break it to ya, man, but she’s already spoken for,” I say, leaving him standing here as I saunter toward Brea. I can’t wait any longer. As soon as she spots me, her eyes gleam. The smile on her face nearly knocks me on my ass.

  “Hey.” I smile, wrapping my arms around her. She melds into my body easily.

  “Hi,” she purrs.

  “Before you maul my best friend, don’t you think you should be a gentleman and introduce me to your friend?” Lissa asks over my shoulder, but I don’t even bother to move much less turn around. “Where are your manners?”

  See what I mean?

  “I missed you,” I whisper, ignoring Lissa, pressing my lips where her neck and shoulder meet.

  I feel her body relax beneath my touch as I take a deep breath, inhaling the strawberry scent of her shampoo. Stepping back, I slide my hand into hers.

  I want to laugh when I turn and see the annoyed look on Lissa’s face as she stands there with her arms crossed in front of her, waiting.

  “Since when have you ever needed help starting a conversation?” I ask with a wink, earning me an eye roll.

  “It’s okay, darlin’, I have no problem introducing myself. My name’s Kyle Brannon,” he says, winking at her as he reaches to shake her hand. Lissa slides her hand in his as Brannon raises it to his mouth, kissing the back of it. We all watch in bated breath as Lissa’s eyes widen before she snatches her hand away, rubbing the back over the denim of her jeans. Brea’s shoulders shake with laughter as Graham smothers his smile behind his clenched fist.

  “I have a boyfriend,” she retorts.

  “I know, firecracker,” Brannon says as she turns and sashays to the backyard. Brannon’s eyes track her movement as she goes, wearing the biggest grin on his face.

  “Yeah, Brannon, you shouldn’t have done that.” I laugh, running my hand along Brea’s shoulder.

  “Something tells me I’ll have a lot of fun convincing her it was an innocent gesture.” He smiles, holding his hand against his heart. “I just wanted her to know not all of us have piss poor manners.”

  “You must be Brea,” he says, holding his hand out to her.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I threaten, which earns me a laugh of my own.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you, Brea. It’s great to finally meet you. Anyone who can tame the wild Mason Reid has my admiration,” he says, winking at me.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I chide, pushing him on his shoulder as Brannon and Graham both laugh. “Yeah, laugh it up, fuckers.”

  With Brea’s hand in mine, we follow along behind Lissa, finding Dean and Seth firing up the grill. They had started cooking not too long ago and by the way my stomach growls at the smell, the food is almost done.

  Stepping onto the backyard patio, I let Brea walk in front of me as we take the stairs. Lissa is seated at the table with a bottle of beer in her hand.

  “She even drinks beer,” Brannon mumbles, running his hand over his chest. “A woman after my own heart.”

  “Don’t let her hear you say that,” Brea jokes back as Brannon chuckles.

  We all sit at the table and eat. Brannon takes a seat next to Lissa, which has her rolling her eyes but I don’t miss the small smile lining her mouth.

  We sit relaxed and talk about how things have been going. Brannon shares with us some of the work he’s been doing back home. Brannon was good friends with Callum and I growing up. He was a grade between us so he had made friends with Callum’s friends, including Callum’s best friend Wes. Wes and Brannon have been talking about going into business together, expanding the Motorsports Shop. This is something Brannon has been into since we were just kids, so it’s great to hear their vision for where they want to take things.

  Once we have all finished eating, we decide to light a fire. Dean and Seth are getting the shit together to set off fireworks. It’s illegal in Illinois, but that’s one of the perks about being out here in the middle of nowhere. There’s no one around to call in and complain.

  Spreading the blanket on the grass, I sit and pat the seat next to me, holding my hand out toward Brea.

  “I’m cold,” she says, running her hands along her forearms. The temperature has dropped since the sun has long since gone down. The heat from the bonfire next to us is not doing enough to warm us up.

  “I’ll keep you warm.” I wink, standing, lifting the blanket up from the ground with me.

  Taking a seat, I hold the blanket up for her to sit in front of me and say, “C’mere.”

  She comes to me easily, her back pressed against my chest as I pull the blanket over us.

  No one is paying us any attention. Looking around the fire, I watch as Brannon and Graham shoot the shit with each other. The smile on Graham’s face is one I haven’t seen in a long time, and I know he’s happy to have another familiar face from Arbor Creek here with us. Lissa’s on the other side of Graham, curled up in the lawn chair with a blanket wrapped around her, texting on her phone.

  Brea runs her fingers up and down my arm as she leans her head on my shoulder.

  “Mm,” I moan, leaning in close to Brea’s neck. “I could get used to this.”

  Twisting her head toward me, she lifts her mouth up to mine and I don’t hesitate. As soon as our mouths connect, I hear her whimper. Swallowing her cries, I open my mouth and my tongue meets hers.

  “Get a room, will ya. Some of us don’t want to see that,” Brannon jokes.

  I separate from Brea, pressing my forehead against hers, whispering a low, “asshole.” That earns me a smile.

  “If you don’t want to see it, don’t look,” I retort, raising my hand f
rom beneath the blanket to flip him off.

  Brannon gives me the finger before turning his conversation about the four-wheeler he recently bought back to Graham.

  I skate my fingers along the edge of Brea’s shirt. As soon as they meet her creamy smooth skin, I feel her body tremble beneath me.

  Pressing my palm against Brea’s stomach, my hand raises higher fingering the edge of her bra. The blanket is pulled up beneath her neck, hiding the way my fingertips peruse her body.

  As soon as my hand cups her breast, I let my finger pluck her pert nipple peeking through the thin material. The sudden inhale of breath is loud enough that if anyone were paying attention, they would’ve easily heard her.

  I run my nose against the column of her neck and whisper in her ear, “Did that feel good?”

  I feel her whimper again as I murmur a quiet “shh” in her ear.

  Pulling the material of her bra beneath her breast, I roll her nipple between my thumb and finger. Angling her head back, she presses her mouth close to my ear.

  “Mason,” she moans. “That feels so good.”

  I feel her the rise and fall of her chest beneath the palm of my hand.

  “You have to keep quiet or I’m going to take you out of here,” I mutter. I’ll be damned if I let anyone hear her cries, but at this point I don’t want to get up and move us.

  “Please,” she whispers and I don’t waste any time finding out what she means as I pull her shirt down, covering her stomach.

  “Stand up, baby.” Her body trembles beneath me as she moves to stand. “C’mon.”

  I see the smirk on Brannon’s face. “Where are you two going?”

  Lissa’s head peeks up from her cell phone for the first time in twenty minutes. “Don’t tell me you’re going for a walk to your little secret hideout.” Mention of the last time we were here has my mind filtering back to the way Brea rode me.

  “She’s cold. We’re going to go grab some more blankets. We’ll be right back.”


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