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Lost Before You (Heart's Compass Book 2)

Page 17

by Brooke O'Brien

  “Is that a no? If so, you can come with me into my room and I’ll help you find it.”

  Stepping forward, I twist my hand around hers and pull her closer to me. “I know I promised you dirty later, but I’m not as gentlemanly as you think. Come here,” I say, drawing her closer, pressing a kiss against her lips.

  The sudden inhale of her breath gives her away. I know she doesn’t want to say no, so I don’t give her a chance to try. With her hand clutched in mine, I pull her into my bedroom and shut the door behind her.

  “You look so beautiful. I promise I won’t mess it up before we go out, but you have had me going out of my fucking mind. Seeing the flushed look on your face, I can’t wait any longer.”

  My voice comes out a low whisper as I lean in closer, running my nose along the column of her neck up toward her ear. “You have to be quiet though. I can’t have Momma hearing you.”

  She lets out a low whimper and I quietly shush her in response. The towel wrapped around my waist is doing very little to hide how my body is reacting to all the little noises she makes.

  “Unzip your pants, Brea.”

  The only light in the room is from the sun, casting a soft glow in through the bedroom window. Running my hand along her hip, I press my body closer to her so she can feel how much I want her. She presses her palm against my growing erection, and I bite down on my bottom lip to conceal a groan.

  “Careful,” I grunt.

  Sliding my hand along her stomach, I gather the material of her shirt up around her chest and skim my fingers along the soft skin. As soon as my fingers line the lace of her underwear, I tilt my head closer and press the palm of my hand against her.

  “Are you wet, Brea?”

  It takes her a second to reply to my question as her head nods yes.

  “I want to hear you say it.”

  “Y-yes,” she whimpers.

  “Let’s see.” I smile, whispering in her ear as my hand slides lower. Dipping my finger into her folds, I can’t contain the grunt when I find her so fucking wet and waiting. I think she’s been wanting this as bad as I have.

  “Shit,” I moan into her ear. My breath is coming out in heavy pants as I press my aching cock against where my hand is.

  My fingers don’t stop their appraisal as they slide lower and lower. She takes a step, widening her stance, which allows me more room to explore her.

  When my finger dips into her wet heat, I know I’m screwed. I hold on tight to her, knowing I’m going to have to make this quick before we both blow our cover.

  “Hang on, baby,” I murmur, as I draw my finger out and add a second one.

  “Damn, you’re so fucking tight,” I grunt, pressing the palm of my hand against her clit as my fingers set out to do what they were meant to do. Curling my fingers deep in her pussy, I hear as her breathing picks up and her body trembles. She’s close; I can feel it.

  “Does it feel good?” I groan.

  Her muttered “yes” has me grinding my dick against the palm of her hand pressed between us.

  “Come for me, Brea,” I moan into her ear as I struggle to keep myself standing upright. Her fingers squeeze the shaft of my cock through the towel. The feel of her tight grip and the sound of her heavy breathing has me teetering on the edge.

  “Mason,” she whispers.

  “That’s it,” I say, speeding up each thrust, matching the way my fingers ease in and out of her pussy. “Come, Brea. I’m coming.”

  Locking my knees, I press her further against the wall and use my weight to hold both of us up. Even in the muted lighting, I see the fireworks go off in front of my eyes as I follow her over the edge.

  I’m thankful for the towel between us and the way her hand grips my dick because I’m certain had there been nothing, I would’ve made her a whole lot dirtier than I had originally promised.

  Easing my hand out of her underwear, I slip the button back on her jeans and slide the zipper up. Raising my hand to my mouth, I slide the two fingers in. The sunlight streaming into the bedroom window highlights the soft skin on her face. I watch her eyes go wide as she takes in the way I suck all her juices from my fingers.

  “I’ve been thinking about this all day,” I grunt before leaning in closer, pressing a kiss against her soft lips.

  Holding my hand out to Brea, I help her out of the Rover. I don’t move to let go and neither does she as we make our way into Brodie’s.

  As soon as we enter, I spot the table toward the back of the bar. Wes and Brannon are seated at the high-top table with two tall-boy glasses of beer in front of them. Halle and Kinsley are standing near them, laughing at something, but with the two of them you never know what they are up to.

  The worry I saw on their faces earlier this week is gone, knowing their friend is okay and is home with my brother.

  I pull Brea along behind me as we navigate through the tables toward where everyone is seated.

  “Ahh, there he is. For a second we were thinking you guys had run off and weren’t going to show.” Brannon smirks, remembering the night of the bonfire when Brea and I took off to be alone. He knew better.

  Rolling my eyes, I turn to Wes. “Hey, man,” I say, wrapping my hand around his and clap him on the back.

  “Good to see you again,” Wes replies before looking behind me to where Brea stands. “Hi, Brea. Here, you can have my seat. I’ll grab another.”

  Wes moves down from the barstool and slides it over to Brea who mutters out a thank you before she climbs onto the seat. I pull a stool from an open nearby table, taking a seat next to her.

  “How are you, Brea?”

  “I’m good, how are you, Brannon?” Brea asks, giving him an amused smirk.

  “I can’t complain, although I’d be doing a lot better if that firecracker friend of yours was here. How’s she doing?”

  I watch as Brea bites on her bottom lip, smothering a grin. Despite the fact we all warned him she’s taken, Brannon didn’t let up getting to know Lissa that night.

  “She’s doing good. I’ll tell her you said hey.” Brea laughs.

  “Yeah, you do that.”

  Halle and Kinsley approach and I extend my arm out for Halle as she slides up close, giving me a hug.

  “Hey, Mason,” Halle says, pressing her head against my chest.

  “How ya doing?”

  “A lot better now that Ellie’s out and home with Callum.”

  “Yeah, I think we can all rest a little easier knowing she’s doing okay.”

  The waitress walks past our table and I flag her down, ordering us two drinks and asking for her to bring us a menu.

  “I talked to Sandy the other day and she wanted me to tell you to drop by if you can before you leave.”

  Turning my head, I peer down at Halle as she presses the palm of her hand against my chest. Hearing her mention Graham’s mom has so many questions running through my mind.

  I know Graham hasn’t spoken to Halle since before we moved to Chicago. Anytime her name is mentioned, he does his best to change the subject entirely.

  “How’s she doing?”

  “As good as either of us can, I guess. I go by and visit her every so often. I know she can get real lonely sometimes and it’s getting harder for her to get around. I try to help her take care of her garden, pull weeds, things like that to help out.”

  Those are all things I know Graham would be helping her do if he was here, but he still refuses to come home. I know Sandy doesn’t let on she needs the help. He can be so stubborn sometimes, I think he doesn’t even see what’s right in front of his face.

  “I’ll make sure I stop by on our way out of town on Sunday just to say hello.”

  Halle moves to the other side of the table. I turn my head to where Brea is sitting, and although she’s lost in conversation with Kinsley, Wes, and Brannon, I can tell
she was very much aware of the conversation I was having with Halle.

  Running my hand along the back of her chair, I pull her closer to me and she eases her hand along my leg.

  “When are you moving home?” Kinsley jokes. “It better be the next time I see you. I’m sick of all these people moving out of here. Don’t even lie to me either; you know that you love living in Arbor Creek. You can even bring this little beauty with you when you do. Oh, and tow the Big Lug with you, too.”

  I know she is referring to Graham.

  “I still have this year left before I start law school. I haven’t even decided where I’m going yet for sure,” I say, peering over to Brea. I see the question on her face. She’s wondering the same thing.

  “There is always Des Moines, you know. It’s not far from here.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure I’ll figure it out closer to when the time comes. I really enjoy living in Chicago though. I love the big city.”

  We spend the rest of the evening shooting the shit. Brannon and Wes announce they have decided to officially go into business together. He sold part of the company to Brannon and they are equal partners.

  Hearing them talk about the next step has me excited for my two friends. Wes has always wanted to get deeper into the Motocross circuit and having the financial backing with the second partner will allow them to do the expanding he’s always hoped to do. It also allows Brannon to focus on what he enjoys, which is working on dirt bikes and ATVs.

  I watch as Halle, Kinsley, and Brea sit around the table talking together. I hear Kinsley quietly try to ask Brea if she would ever consider moving here to live in a small town. Brea’s eyes look for mine, I notice from the corner of my eye, but I keep my attention focused on Wes as he talks while silently listening to what Brea says.

  When she nods her head yes, I feel my chest expand and my heart warm. I feel like we are one step closer to each other. I would love more than anything to bring her back here.

  The one thing I’m certain of is no matter where the future takes me, I hope Brea is always right here by my side.

  Turning down the long gravel drive, I lean my head on Mason’s shoulder with our fingers clasped together. The sky is dark and the crickets chirping is mingling with the soft sound of the radio playing. Pulling up in front of the house, I’m surprised when Mason keeps driving toward the back of the property where the barn and the horses’ stable sit.

  He parks in front of the wooden building. There are two lantern lights hanging on the front of the barn and the lights cast a soft glow in through the window.

  “Will you come into the barn with me?”

  My eyes find Mason’s and even in the muted lighting, I still see the look of want shining back at me.

  Running the palm of my hand along the stubble lining his jaw, I tangle my fingers in his hair and pull him closer to me. As soon as our lips connect, Mason unleashes a groan from somewhere deep inside his throat. When his tongue meets mine, I do my best to fight off a moan of my own.

  With his forehead pressed against mine, he breaks our connection. Feeling his heavy breath against my wet lips leaves me with desire pooling deep in my core.

  “Is that a yes, baby?”

  Nodding my agreeance, I wait as he opens the door and jogs around to help me out. Gently taking my hand, he guides me to the side door leading into the barn.

  As soon as we enter, I look around, taking in the several hay bales stacked against the wall. The saddles are lined up along the opposite side.

  “You don’t keep the horses in here at night?”

  “No, they stay in the stables on the other side of the barn.” Mason says, pointing toward the back. “We store the hay in here with all their equipment.”

  Grabbing onto his forearm, I lean in close as he pulls me along behind him.

  “This way.” He grins, leading me to the stairs along the side of the building. “There’s actually a loft upstairs.”

  I feel the butterflies take flight in my stomach. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a chance to be alone—no roommates or parents. Just the two of us.

  As soon as we take the last step, my eyes widen as they take in the space. For being a loft above a barn, this is nice. It’s not big by any means, but the way it’s set up would be enough for one person to live on their own. A small kitchen area with a table sits off to the side. On the other side of the room is a full-size bed with a small dresser.

  “Does anyone ever stay up here? It’s like a little apartment.”

  “No, not right now anyway. During the week, Randy has some farm hands who help him. When one of our horses was pregnant, one of the guys, Casey, stayed here to keep an eye on her.”

  “Wow, well, it’s really nice. It’s kind of cozy.”

  “Mm, very cozy,” Mason hums, pulling me closer to him as he guides me backward until my legs hit the side of the bed.

  Wrapping both of his hands around my waist, he runs his finger along the edge of my shirt. When I feel his fingertips against my skin, my body trembles with need.

  “Lift your arms, Brea.”

  The words come out as a command. I raise my arms in the air as he pulls the lacy tank over my head, leaving me standing in front of him in my silk bra.

  I watch as he bites down on his lip, his eyes grazing over every inch of my chest appreciatively. I’m turned on from the heat in his stare alone.

  His fingers find their place on my hips once again as he traces a line up my side and beneath the edge of my bra. My breath starts to stutter as my heart pounds. He’s slow in his inspection of my body, and each touch causes the need pulsating inside me to burn.

  “You’re so breathtaking,” Mason murmurs just as his lips find mine, pulling me closer to him. I lose myself when our tongues connect. I’m grateful his arms are holding me tight or I’m certain my legs would buckle.

  With my palms pressed against him, I appreciate the feel of his muscular chest as my fingers slide up and around his neck, working their way into his hair as our tongues twine together.

  Before I know it, he’s gone as he takes a step back and kneels on the floor in front of me. My eyes follow him, heavy with want. Slipping his fingers into the waistband of my denim jeans, he quickly unbuttons them and slowly slides them down my hips.

  “Sit,” he says. I do as I’m told as he yanks them the rest of the way off.

  “Take off your bra and underwear.”

  “You’re still dressed,” I mutter, wanting to see him. It’s not very often I get the delicious view of Mason without his shirt on.

  “We’ll get there, baby. I want to focus on you first.”

  “At least take off your shirt,” I beg as I squeeze my legs together, needing the friction to ease the ache.

  His eyes track my movement, and his nostrils flare as he watches me fight my arousal. My teeth dig into my bottom lip as he slides his hand to the front of his button-up shirt. Shrugging the sleeves down his arms, he adds it to the pile of clothes before pulling the white cotton undershirt over his head.

  I’ve seen Mason without his shirt, but never on display like this for only me. Tattoos cover every inch of his chest and upper arms. He was intentional about their placement, never wanting them to be visible with his clothes on.

  “Now take off your bra and underwear, Brea.”

  My body shudders as I force myself to stand on shaky legs. Reaching around, I unclasp my bra and let it slide down my arms, dropping it at my feet. Bending slightly, I slip off the matching silk underwear.

  “Dear God,” he moans, stepping closer as if there is a magnet pulling him. His tongue traces a line along his bottom lip. I don’t even recognize the sound of my desperate whimper in my own ears.

  Kneeling again before me, he grabs my hips and nudges me to sit on the edge of the bed.

  “Lie back and open up for me, baby,” he whi
spers. Doing as he says, I let my legs fall open. I feel the embarrassment heat my face. I’ve never felt this vulnerable for anyone before.

  “So perfect,” he mutters before his mouth is on me. Taking one long swipe of my clit, my back raises off the bed.

  “Mason,” I groan, sliding my fingers through his hair, tugging on the strands. The move causes him to unleash another moan, which only spurs him on further. He’s like a starved man and I’m his feast. With each flick of his tongue, I feel my release rush to the surface.

  He rubs the pad of his finger along the edge of my pussy up to my clit. With the combination of his heated breath and a light smack of his fingers, I am falling over the edge. His mouth is once again on me, drinking me in. His muffled groans vibrate against my sensitive skin, causing my body to shake with the aftershocks of my release.

  He stands and I watch through heavy eyes as he unbuttons his pants and quickly discards them. Gripping his fist around his length, I am in awe as he uses his same fingers to spread the bead of pre-cum coating the head.

  “I want you to fuck me,” I state matter-of-factly, ready for more. He’s made me wait long enough.

  “Oh, baby, I fully plan to,” he brags, fucking his tight fist. “Are you ready?”

  Opening my legs for him, I slide two fingers through my wet folds. My body quivers as his eyes follow my movement.

  “I’m ready,” I rasp.

  The hunger in his eyes staring back at me is unlike anything I’ve ever seen as he stalks toward me.

  “Slide up the bed,” he says as he crawls up the bed. With his body angled over mine, he leans forward, pressing a soft kiss against my lips. He doesn’t stop there as he leaves a trail of kisses along my cheek and up toward my ear.

  He leans forward, watching as he rubs the head of his cock against my wet heat. Easing his way in, my body trembles with each delicious inch. Mason clenches his teeth as his chest heaves, struggling to hold off his release.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he breathes. “Feels so good, baby.”

  With my legs draped over his forearms, he pulls me so I’m closer to him. Raising my butt of the bed, he eases out of me and quickly forces his way back in.


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