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Family Ties (Hidden Secrets)

Page 5

by Belden, P. J.

  Mary was smart, entertaining, sexy as hell and just fun to be around. Yes, I still remembered what I was doing, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun while I was at it. She was definitely one of a kind. Talking to her, I couldn’t help but wonder why she would have gone after my family like she did. She doesn’t seem to have an evil bone in her body. Though, I have learned that looks can be deceiving. Hell for all I know she could be acting the role because we’re in public. But then I watch as she thinks of others before herself. She graciously signed autographs for all the people that came up to our table while eating. She didn’t even seem the least bit irked by it either. I, on the other hand, was getting annoyed because this was my time with her and they were interrupting.

  After the last handful of people left, she dropped her gaze to the table and said, “I’m sorry. I’m sure this makes you angry. I understand if you want to call off the date now.”

  “Absolutely not! I’m having a great time,” I insisted and I was being honest too.

  I was having a fantastic time. There were several moments since we have been sitting here that I have forgotten what my objective was. Which scared me some, but I needed to get her to trust me in order to execute my plan. The plan could not go far from my mind or I might get into trouble. It was bad enough I already felt I was getting in a little deep. And getting a little too deep and doing what I will be doing was not a good thing at all.

  “You are?” She interrupted my thoughts.

  She must have been burned by some guys not getting all of her attention in the past and made her feel like shit because of it. That wasn’t the kind of guy I was. Though I wasn’t the kind to get revenge for something I wasn’t involved in either. Everyone back home referred to me as the walking teddy bear. The guy that was the best friend and boyfriend not ever the one night stand kind of man and it was true. That was the truth until this moment anyway.

  Truth be told, I really didn’t know what had happened with her family and mine. Hell, I don’t know much about Mary at all. However, what they have told me that she did to them, I just couldn’t see a person alive lying about. As I looked at Mary though, I didn’t see her capable of the things that they accused her of. It was like trying to convince someone that cotton candy had no sugar in it.

  Maybe I need to do some digging on Mary and her family and find out what was going on. I knew somewhat of what the papers printed about Mary, but the person sitting in front of me was not everything they say or that my family has said. I really had no idea who Mary was or who she was related to, but I will find out. No better way than to find out who she really was then straight from the horse’s mouth as they say.

  “I am. You sound surprised that I could be enjoying my time with you.”

  “Well, that’s because I am surprised. Actually, everything today has been different. You are the first one not to try groping me or getting me into bed right away.”

  “There’s still time for that,” I winked only half joking. “Is that really how your dates go?”

  “Most times. Guys see me as some kind of conquest. Sleep with the celebrity, kind of thing. I won’t lie, I have lived it up, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want more. You know?”

  For some reason this statement pisses me off to no end. Why the hell would I care if she slept with other guys? Fuck! I need to get on with this. I’m setting myself up here I can feel it. Swallowing my anger, I look at her and pretend she wasn’t someone I was after to bring down and went with an honest gut response.

  “It sounds like you are selling yourself short. You need to realize the kind of total package you are. You are funny, smart, talented, and damn if you aren’t sexy as sin,” I said huskily.

  Realizing what I just said, I shook my head and looked into her beautiful eyes as she gaped at me.

  “Wow…” Was all she had the chance to say before we were interrupted.

  Her name was screamed from the door and she jumped. Turning, I saw a guy that was in a suit standing in the doorway to the restaurant. Glancing back at Mary, she was pale and had a panic look on her face. The guy came storming up to the table.

  “Where in the hell do you think you get off on leaving that meet and greet without clearing it through me first?!”

  “Kyle, I…” He interrupted her by grabbing her arm and yanking her out of the booth we were sharing.

  I watched as her eyes widened and she sucked in a breath. “You’re hurting me, Kyle.”

  That was it; I had all that I could handle. This woman did not deserve this treatment! No woman should ever be manhandled by a man. Even though my head is screaming at me to stay out of it, that this was public and would aid in bringing her down, my southern roots and raising would not let me sit back why some man manhandled my woman.

  What the hell?

  Shaking my head, I focused on the matter at hand not my sudden need to claim this woman. In one swift move, I got out of the booth and pulled Mary behind me with my arm wrapped around her waist.

  God, she felt good against me.

  Even with the situation that was unfolding before me, I still couldn’t ignore the way she felt with her chest against my back. When she put her hands on my hips, I almost turned and claimed her as mine right then and there. The heat from her hands had penetrated through my clothing and went straight down to my groin.

  Fuck this woman was trouble! And I seemed to be glutton for punishment.

  “I think you need to leave before I call the cops.”

  “I am not going anywhere without Mary!” He roared.

  “Well, she’s not going with you. She’s not safe with you.” I turned keeping the man in my peripheral vision and whispered to her, “You have cop friends you said, call one now while I keep him occupied.” Mary grabbed my phone and did as I said.

  “I think you need to reconsider this situation, buddy! No way in hell am I going to let her go with you when you just hurt her by your rough grabbing. Who the hell are you anyway?” I asked my anger rising by the second.

  “She knows who I am! Now get out of my way!”

  “No! She’s not going anywhere with you!”

  She whispered to me that it would be about ten minutes. Nodding my head, I tucked her further behind me holding her with both hands now. In a matter of that little time that I held her behind me, I knew I was in big trouble. She was making it very hard to stick to my plan to break her and leave her hurt. She was starting to get under my skin. A feeling I wasn’t comfortable having for her. How was it, I only met her a couple hours ago and already something was stirring in me. If I didn’t figure something out quick, my plan may just backfire.

  “I am in charge of her not you! Get out of the way!”

  “Sorry, no can do. You are in charge of no one. Last time I checked this was a free fucking country.” I turned my head, still keeping an eye on him, and whispered, “Is he like this a lot with you?”

  She just nodded her head. My stomach tightened. Every time he yelled she jumped and gripped my sides tighter. I wondered what was really going on here. I was definitely going to find this out from her later, but first I needed to deal with the situation.

  Kyle, which I found out was her manager, was pacing back and forth trying to get to her. I was beginning to contemplate just knocking him the fuck out and leaving the restaurant when the door flew open.

  “Kyle Hall! I think that is enough from you! Leave here now or I will arrest you for assault.”

  “Assault? How do you figure…” he waited for his name.

  “Detective Lane and because of the scene you are causing and hurting her before.” He said with venom in his voice. For some reason, it caused a jealous surge to run through me.

  “Never mind all that. There is no problem here, Detective Lane, other than this son of a bitch won’t get away from Mary to let her return to her job.”

  “Mare? What do you want to be done?” She stepped out from behind me to my side. I put my arm around her and kept her protectively at
my side. Detective Lane’s face was unmistakable as he looked at where my arm wrapped around Mary’s waist.

  Yup, there was or is something going on there. Interesting…

  “I am not going anywhere with him right now. Please allow me…”

  “You little bit-…” I cut him off.

  “I think you might want to refrain from what you are about to say unless you want to be eating through a straw,” I hissed at him.

  “Are you threatening me?” He hissed. “Detective Lane, do you hear this man threatening me?”

  “I’m not threatening you. You take one step near Mary and you will be eating through a straw for a very long time.”

  Watching as Detective Lane walked up to Mary and cupped her face in his hands. He whispered something to her. Damn, if I couldn’t make out what it was. Whatever he said she nodded and rested her head on his chest while he held her with his eyes closed.

  Fuck! Why do I care? Why does this bother me?

  “Listen you sorry son of a bitch. She has commitments and no wet dream of yours is going to be filled right now because she’s a damned sl…”

  My fist swung out and nailed him in the jaw. He stumbled backwards and I moved forward to hit him again. Kyle continued to stumble back until he tripped and fell on his ass. Leaning down, I grabbed his jaw and he yelled in pain as I did.

  “You ever think of talking about her like that again. I’ll rip you to fucking shreds you asshole.”

  Detective Lane pulled me back and Mary grabbed my arm. Looking down at her, I saw concern in her eyes, but when she wouldn’t meet my eyes any longer my chest tightened. Turning back, I watched as Lane picked Kyle off the floor reading him his rights.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Mary looked around and saw all the attention that had gathered. I heard her mumble something but couldn’t make out what she said before she ran from the restaurant. Immediately, I ran after her rushing past Kyle and the detective.

  “Mary! Wait up!”

  When I caught up to her, I grabbed her arm gently to turn her around. My breath caught in my throat. She was crying. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

  “What do you want?” She choked out. I could tell she was embarrassed.

  I know I should feel good that she was embarrassed because my plan I had for her was far worse, but I didn’t. Maybe I should have listened to Scott and not taken this on.

  “Come here,” I said softly, reaching for her.

  I pulled her into a hug. God, she felt good against me, I thought again. I held her tight as she cried, trying hard to get the image of her wrapped in Lane’s arms off my mind. When I looked around, I could see a crowd starting to form. Without thinking, I picked her up and took her around the corner and into my truck. Climbing in on the passenger side with her, I held her on my lap for a little while. We sat there in silence with neither of us saying a word. Just the sounds of her crying and sniffles were all that broke the quiet in the truck. After a few moments, I broke the silence.

  “Tell me where to take you. I will take you anywhere.” I felt compassion for this woman and I knew I shouldn’t. Today I will give her peace. She deserves it. Tomorrow the game is on.

  “To my parents’, please,” she mumbled into my chest.

  After scooting across the seat and starting the truck, she gave me the directions and I drove us there. While we were driving over there, she was texting on her phone. She didn’t say anything to me, but I didn’t ask her anything either. I was trying to give her a moment to regain her composure.

  Pulling up in front of the house, I shut my truck off. We sat there quietly for a moment before I broke the silence.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. Thank you, Tobey. I really appreciate all this. I will pay you back for lunch.”

  “You owe me nothing Mary. I’m glad you’re okay. Does this kind of stuff happen a lot?”

  “Sometimes…” she trailed off.

  “Why don’t you fire him?”

  “If it were that easy…” She said before she started to cry again.

  Scooting to the center of the seat, I gathered her into my arms and held her in my lap while she cried.

  Well, if nothing else, I’m earning her trust right? Get your shit together Young or you’re going to be the one that loses and again this woman will bring down your family.

  Chapter Five


  Here I was in his lap again. I found that I loved the comforting and safe feeling when I was in his arms. This man was made from one of my dreams. He saved me from my idiot manager. He didn’t even blink an eye to protect me when he was still going off on me. I wished I could find someone that would love me for me and not what I did or could give. I just wanted someone to protect and love me. Like what Kayla has. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me in closer, rubbing my back.

  “You need to get away from him, darling. He’s not a very good man. Why can’t you just fire him?”

  “You have not seen the half of what he can do. I have tried to fire him before and I will not make that mistake again. My sister lived in fear for sixteen years and I watched how her life fell apart every single day in those years. It was one week with Kyle and I couldn’t do it. I know now why it took my sister so long to get up the courage to go after her attacker.”

  “He attacked you?” He asked as he pulled back to look in my eyes.

  All I could do was nod my head; my voice was gone. I realized how close I was to his face. My eyes dropped to his lips as his hand stopped rubbing my back. He leaned down slowly watching my eyes. I lifted my lips and closed the last of the distance.

  The kiss was gentle and light at first. He pulled back and looked at me for a second, before I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and our lips connected for a more demanding kiss. He licked and nipped at my lower lip until I opened and his tongue entered my mouth and brushed my tongue cautiously at first. Once I pushed back, the kiss became eager and full of hunger. His hands were fisted in my hair and mine were tangled in his as we devoured each other’s mouth.

  A knock on the window, pulled us apart, but we just looked at each other and not at whoever was knocking. That was the first time I have ever felt anything like that when kissing someone. Just kissing him was almost enough to send me over the edge. This man knew how to kiss. The knock came again. I turned my head to see who was at the window and I blanched.

  “Hey Nick…”

  “Get out here, please.”

  Tobey opened the door and lifted me down to the ground and exited after me. He had a protective hand around my waist. I loved the feeling of being protected. However, there was no need to protect me here. I raised my hand to his face to let him know it was okay. I ran over and threw my arms around my brother.

  “Nick! I’ve missed you!”

  Nick wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. “You just saw me yesterday. You can’t suck up to me and have me forget the phone call I just got from Nate. How are you? Are you okay?”

  I had to laugh at my overprotective brother because as he asked me, he never took his eyes off Tobey.

  “What’s so funny Mare?” He asked finally looking me.

  “You are,” I smiled up at him.

  He frowned. “How am I funny?”

  “Because you’re asking me how I am, but not taking your eyes off Tobey.”

  I laughed as I walked over to Tobey. Rising up on my toes, I pretended to kiss him on the cheek, but whispered in his ear instead.

  “Just go with me on this, it’ll make it easier for you, okay?” He nodded his head and put his arm around me again.

  “This is Tobey, my boyfriend. Tobey this is my brother, Nicholas. We all call him Nick. He’s really overprotective,” I finished with a giggle.

  “Overprotective? I stand here while Nate tells me that your crazy ass manager is causing you trouble then come out and find you lip locked with some guy.”

  I couldn’t stop laughi
ng. My brother sounded more like an old man than my brother.

  “Stop laughing, Mare…” Nick tries to scold, but starts laughing. “Are you okay though?”

  “Yes, Tobey protected me.” I smiled up at him.

  “Well then I owe you my gratitude for saving my sister. That guy gets under my skin. I try to get her to get rid of him, but she won’t.”

  I sighed.

  “I’ve told her the same thing. I guess as long as I can be around, he won’t be able to hurt her anymore.”

  They shook hands and Nick turned to me and said, “Seems like a good man you got here, finally. Sure beats the hell out of the other guys you’ve dated.” He scoffs.

  “If I am able to defend myself here, I’ve never really dated any of them. They were just fuck buddies,” I said without thinking and then cringed when my words finally registered in my head.

  I felt Tobey’s arm tighten around me and I saw Nick clenching his fists. Neither of them spoke for a minute and I felt humiliated. What the hell was I thinking? It wasn’t that it wasn’t the truth, but to say it out loud to my brother… that was a different story. Nick cleared his throat.

  “Will you be joining us for supper tonight? Around six o’clock is when we plan to eat.”

  “Do you want me to stay, Darlin’?” He drawled.

  Now, I knew there had to be something wrong with him because he was just too sweet. He didn’t even bat an eye to help me with Kyle and he didn’t protest when I said he was my boyfriend. Now he seemed to have no problem staying and pretending to be my boyfriend for supper. I couldn’t do that to him, though. He had already given so much of his time, but I did ruin lunch.

  He leaned down to kiss my cheek and whispered, “If you don’t want me to I completely understand.”


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