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Page 6

by Waheed Mohiuddin

  He asked again “but where are you from”?

  She said again, “we came from the Oneland”. “Where is that” he asked.

  She said “one hundred and twenty four hundred thousand miles to the east”.

  He said, “I never heard about the country ‘Oneland’ and in which continent the country is”?

  Another guy replied this time and said, “We do not understand whatever you talking, the continent, and the country – what is that meant for”.

  He said, “You are students and look intelligent then how it’s possible that you do not know about the country, the state, the continent and the neibour states”. But found a silence.

  He realized these guys were really not aware of these concepts. He asked them to sit in his hut and take some rest but they told him they were not tired because only a few hours before, they left their place. He wondered how it’s possible for you to have travelled more than hundred thousand miles in a few hours.

  He was told that they travelled in the capsules, in the Oneland, everyone had been given a capsule to travel by the king which can fly hundreds of miles per minute and are controlled by the one central satellite system.

  He thought how much the man has developed himself. After a short while he offered them the fresh fruits and milk but they said that they had their own food and they cannot take any other food to stay free from the diseases then after a few minutes, everybody opened their boxes and took one pill and told him that this was their breakfast which had been specially made to take during travel. No doubt, it was another shock to him.

  In the meanwhile, one of the students contacted the central office and told them about this creature, the authorities ordered them to stay with him and bring him here in Oneland and where also told that a special capsule was being sent for him. They had to wait for one and a half hours. Meanwhile, they told him that there is only one place for the humans and it was their Oneland which he could not understand but he would feel that something strange had happened to the world he left behind.

  He was asked by the students to go with them to the Oneland because it was the order of the higher authorities. He refused to join them and told them that he is happy to spend rest of his life in this beautiful land but they again ordered him to get ready for the travel and again found the refusal. Then a spare capsule arrived and they showed him a painting, as he saw the painting, he became unconscious then they put him in the capsule and they all left.

  Rahas left the place where he spent hundreds of years and collected uncountable sweet memories, he learnt the bird’s language, the animal’s signs, set up a dispensary for the birds and animals, he talked hundreds of time with the air when it blew, the clouds when it rained, the snow, the sun and with the trees. He told lots of stories to amuse the little kittens, sparrows, pigeons, dogs, and other so many animals, he had long walks with the lions and elephants for so many times, he had parties with these innocent creatures and had a lot of meals together with thousands of smiles and millions of laughters.

  Now, without saying a final goodbye to his mates, he had to leave this heaven, he even did not know what they (the birds and animals) decided for their future either they will continue to live with their natural system or they were going to adopt the man-made system. He had never ever thought that he would leave the place in this manner; he always thought that after his death, he would be buried by his friends and his friends would often visit his grave from time to time, whether the winds blows, or in the rain, or when the plants grow flowers, or when the sun smile. But all rest was a dream and he was dragged out to the Oneland.

  Book Two

  The capsules reached to the Oneland and Rahas was still unconscious. A couple of guys put him on the bed. All around his bed there were some officers standing and looking at him with wonder, they were treating him like an alien who come from another planet.

  After a short time, Rahas opened his eyes and found himself in a well decorated room with blue paint and blue furniture. He was looking all around with curious eyes and was in complete shock at missing his friends. Suddenly, his eyes got stuck on a wall calendar which he saw after a very long time. He noticed from the calendar the highlighted date which was sixth day of June and the year was 2266. He realized that he spent two hundred and fifty years in Noland, the heaven.

  He asked to the officers, “what is the date of today” and found reply, its 6, 6, 2266. “Oh my God” he uttered and fell down on the bed once again and began staring to the ceiling with black paint.

  One of the officers asked him to get up and be ready for he had to meet the king. Then a bunch of young girls got closer to him, led him to the bathroom, gave him a shower, dressed him up accordingly but as they had received the orders, they trim his beard complete and the hair was left about one foot long till his shoulders.

  Then a group of officers wearing black dresses and black goggles came in to the room to lead him to the king. They asked him to come out from the room, he did so and when he came outside from the room, he saw that there is everything bluish in this land, there were no roads but a specific path had been constructed for the capsules which looked like road, most of the people had worn the blue dresses and black goggles, women had worn the miniskirts mostly in pink and red colors. There was smoke everywhere as smoking cigarette was a heart favorite habit of these people.

  There was a great silence here but after every six minutes, a horrible creepy sound which everybody could heard, the sound like the evil spirits hailing or devil laughing or the witches dancing. This sound was like a sweet melody for the people. It was day time but there was no sunshine, he was feeling it as the evening and asks from the officers about the time. They told him that it was 2 in the afternoon, and asked but it does not seems a day because there was no day signs like sunshine and was replied that there is a specific cover on the whole land and the sunlight cannot pass through it. Then after a short while, they advised him to sit in the capsule, this capsule was a bit large for a group of people to sit in, they all sat in it and the capsule started flying.

  It was his first travel in the capsule when he was in his senses and could feel the luxuries. The seats were very comfortable, the temperature was mild and has been set according to the demand of the body, it was completely sound proof cabin and speed can be seen on the screen which was set on the front wall. There were no drivers in the capsule to fly it. He suddenly noticed that the capsule was flying 666 miles per minute but while sitting inside the capsule; it was felt as there was no movement at all. He thought the capsule as a great human invention.

  Just in thirty three minutes of travel, the capsule stopped and the officers asked him to come out, he did so and they led him in a big black complex. The inside atmosphere was so sinister as the skulls of human were hanging on the walls, the naked women were moving all around, the women had a job to cheer all the visitors in the complex, a special blood wine served to the visitors in the human skull bowls, the ladies offer the wine with their own hands while sitting in the laps of the visitors. He saw there a lady visitors to whom the naked men were serving the wine. The demon songs were being played by a group of singers and musicians for all the time.

  After a short time, he was called by the king and only two officers led him to the king and then they left the chamber. He saw the fire was burning on the all six corners of the chamber, the walls were painted in black, the skeletons of human bodies were hanging all over, the blue and red spot lights were moving all around, there was a big tower in the middle of the chamber and on the top of the tower which was about six feet in height, the king was sitting on his ivory made throne.

  Welcome, welcome in Lucifer’s new world, my dear, he listen to these words in a heavy and horrible voice and tried to follow the sound, he then saw the king who was now visible for the lights started to shining high now. He saw a very handsome man talking to him, who was in black dress, having a fair complexion, but there were some black spots on his face; he was smiling with prid
e and drinking the pure human skimmed blood.

  “Are you the Lucifer”?

  He asked him with wonder.

  “No, no, no, I am not the Great Lucifer, he is the absolute power, and I am just his slave, his agent and his lover”. He replied.

  “Then who you are”? Rahas asked him again.

  “I am Kenudemon, the king”. He replied.

  “You know - I felt jealousy from you, when I was commanded by Great Lucifer to bring you to his palace, I personally will have to lead you to the great palace. Who you are bloody ugly old”? He (king) asked him in wonder, “are you devil, a demon, a beast, a fallen angel, tell me who you are”?

  Rahas collected himself and said in a serious tone, “Your Great Lucifer knows me”.

  He asked again “how did you become as important to the great Lucifer himself want to meet you even for a long time, he never wished to meet anybody personally, I and other slaves are doing all of his jobs but who the hell are you”?

  The Kenudemon felt him a threat for his own position and thought in his mind that might take his place. It was the reason he was curious to know about him.

  Then after a short pause, the king asked him to get ready be led to the Lucifer.

  Then the king turned around and opened his arms, then the back wall of the chamber opened with creepy sound, he put him on his back and asked him to hold him strongly, the arms of the king turned into the big wings and he started flying with a great speed.

  He flew over the mountains, the rivers, the jungles, the snow covered fields, in the sun light, above the wild flowers, running streams, and deserts and stopped in the middle of the ocean where the Lucifer was waiting for him. He became wonder that the Lucifer was standing on the surface of the water as it he was standing on a wooden floor, king Kenudemon and Rahas were also standing as the Lucifer. It was also a great shock for him but he collected himself to meet with the Lucifer.

  When he saw the Lucifer, he got another shock because the Lucifer was looking like a young man of 40 to 45 years old, a very handsome and smart with fair complexion, dark and deep blue eyes, with height about 6 feet and was wearing a very nice black suit and blue shirt, red ties and black shoes, he was wearing black goggles as well. Then, he (the Lucifer) ordered the Kenudemon to go back, he did so.

  Then after a long pause he passed a nasty smile to Rahas, broke the silence and said:

  “I thought you died in the last war but it’s good to see you again my dear Rahas”.

  “Why you brought me here”? Rehas asked him in serious tone but he replied with a nasty smile again and said:

  “To show you my power, authority and strength and to tell you the story of my victory and your defeat, my sweet human – the only human”.

  “What stories, which defeat, speak in clear words” he asked. Then Lucifer said in a very serious tone,

  “My dear child, I won and your God had been defeated, I won the war He started to order me to accept the supremacy of human and to bow my head down in front of Adam, your father. How could I do that when I am made of fire and he from mud – the dirt, then because of you I had been thrown out from the heaven and been a symbol of hatred. The clash was established at that very moment my sweet human. (Then he shouted and said) look, look, look around - today after the billions years of hard work, I achieved success, there is no human left who may bow his head down to your God, I have killed them all and today you can see that everywhere there is my rule and there is my kingdom. I started my work from Eve, your mother – sweet innocent foolish lady when she accepted my offer and ate the fruit, then I showed my power when Cain killed his Brother Abel – how brutal and how sweet, then I started the game of killing and bloodshed. The hot blood of human made me relaxed. You know, 20th century was mine, I did all what I desired and your God could not do anything, I cut His hands. I am the one who killed more than 20 million in Congo and Zulu, more than a hundred millions in pre-Columbian population, uncountable in Argentina, in Haiti, in Mexico, in Peru, in Rawanda, in Australia, in South Africa, and above all in my Wars and Clashes in Czar in Russia, Indo-Pakistan, Sino Japan, Nepal and in your whole world, I killed the human like gross cutter machine. In the second world war, I have drunk the blood of six million Jews and killed billions in the great wars, I threw Kashmir, a ball between India and Pakistan to play with for my victory and enjoyed killings for years and years, I made fights among Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs to taste the innocent blood of billions and my dear Rahas, you the human did not understand me. Soon after you left the world behind, I killed thousands in Palestine, and in whole Arab world by invisible hands as I did in Second World War by Hitler against the poor Jews. Oh I enjoyed a lot the shrieks of children and women raised from the concentration camps, I enjoyed innocent rapes in Bangladesh, I killed the Arabs and you know this time I did not had to do a lot because the human themselves were more eager to kill each other than me, I just made a strategy to use the friends and brothers to kill their friends and brothers, look at your Arabs, the fools, my favorite children, how I eliminated them by the soft hands of their own friends and brothers, how I played games with Israel and Palestine, how I destroyed Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordon, Emirates, Qatar and even whole Arabian world”.

  He took a short pause and said in a nasty smile, “O my war against terror, a great human error, how much terror I spread to combat the terror, millions of skulls and bones I found in the war against terror, then the elimination of borders and boundaries, the uprising of new groups, O I feel proud and when I enjoyed a heavy meal of Muslim blood, tasty red wine, prepared for me by the Muslims themselves, o poor Muslims – my children, my follower, I did not need to made the other enemies to kill the Muslims, I just divide them in some groups, the Shias, the Sunnis, the Wahabis and a few more - they were enough to kill each other, Muslims (he said and laugh) the easiest to trap, and had default virus of sex and greed, my favorite children, they do all what I order (he smiles again). I made weapons of mass destruction in so many countries in America, in Russia, in Europe, in India, in Pakistan, in Iran, in China, in Japan and almost everywhere, and along with it, I used then again my old weapons, pride, lust, greed, jealousy and the vanity to end the game. I gave the system based on corruption so that the ignorant and incapable people would be the leaders, as you know your own king, the Bazil, my child. I broke the third world war in 2016, the Gulf states and the South Asia I decided the battle field this time because Europe had done enough for me in the previous world wars, I made two groups, America, Israel, India, Britain, whole Europe, Australia, and a few Arab states were in one group and Turkey, Iran, Palestine, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and a few Arab states were in the second group. These two groups killed each other, threw bombs, used Atomic energy and all other weapons of mass destruction to win the land, the resources at the name of religion, most of them were killing and being killed without knowing the reason. I established controversies and made confuse you the human – the fool for some believe the war, the war against terror, some the war for religions, some the clash of civilization, some the war to save the blood line, some the war to gain resources but in fact I waged this war for my new world order. I needed the people to be sorted out so I may take care of those who were on my side and may eliminate the rest and just in four years, till 2020, I achieved my goal, now in the world, there were Masjids, Manders, Churches, Gurdowaras, Temples, Synagogue , and so many other worship places but there was no one to go there, the world was free from the fools and my new world order has been implemented, today all the religions who were fighting against each other for the land and for the blood line, and for the resources, have illuminated and only one religion is left and that is the worship of me, the Lucifer, the Great Lucifer (he laughed). I have given my followers everything what they desired, I made the world which was divided in 200 pieces in the Oneland, established the one system, one government, one religion, one currency and one single authority so that everyone would be seen by the same one eye, the all seeing
eye, the equality. Your God is defeated. Do you know who deserved to claimed as ‘one’ me or your God; Your God can not be one because the followers of every religion divided him in so many parts but I used to be treated as the same, the one, the one devil. Your God said to me that His true followers will never follow me, yes, He was right - so look, look around, where are the followers of God - I have killed them all. Oh I won, I won, O Adam look at me today and see how your son, your descendent stands in front of me like a war prisoner and he can do nothing except listening to me. That was the reason, I did not bow my head down in front of you Adam (his face turned red in anger, then after a pause, he said) Today, I bring you here to enjoy my victory. O dear man, o dear man, a fool, a big fool, a God’s mistake”. He said all to him in anger, passions and pride.

  Little while after he (the Lucifer) again spoke to him, “My dear human, dear Rahas, I give you permission to go to my New World and see how happy the people are and how their lives have become so luxurious and live with dignity and enjoying the freedom and then compare my world with the world of your God, because you are the only one who have experience to live in the world of your God and now to mine and after five years when you will bow your head down to me then I will enjoy my absolute victory. I did not get the opportunity to implement my ideology as a whole in the world you left behind, so I had to prove that my world and my ideology was better than that of your God’s. I am sure; you will find me the symbol of light, wisdom and knowledge after staying in my world. I will give you five whole years to live in my world then I will allow you to live here forever if you bow down before me and will accept my supremacy and I will also make you young like me and then you will be remaining young forever”.

  Rahas wanted to reply him but he (the Lucifer) put his finger on his lips and said, it’s my day, your’s is gone, just do as I order you. Then he moved his hands towards the sky and then towards Rahas, then he (Rahas) became as young as 40 years old man. Lucifer called the king Kenudemon and ordered him to give him all facilities of the Oneland. Then the Lucifer vanished somewhere under the water and Kenudemon and Rahas flew back to the chamber.


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