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Page 8

by Waheed Mohiuddin

  Fifth point was to invent the biological weapons for example, the viruses of dangerous and incurable diseases to control the emotions so that a large number of people could be killed just to control the population.

  Sixth point was to establish the glamorous fashion, beauty and media industries so that the people may be discouraged to have children by their own will.

  He found that the particular policies were being used for the multiple purposes. The basic agenda of the king was to have the total control over the minds, bodies, souls and emotions of the humans. Thus to have, the total control over the population was the most important point.

  He was very much impressed by the intellect of the swift minds of the policy advisers but thought for a minute, that policy advisers could also use their intellect to provide good governance and welfare to a big population, they had even the intellect to manage hundreds time bigger population with this intellect, but again he remembered that this was in Oneland. He (devil) feels himself weaker as he realized that the total control over a large population would not be possible, the powers of devil thus are limited for the reason, he wanted a limited population.

  Once Rahas was watching a media program on the television where it was being shown the surgery of the changing the gender, there was a man of about 40 years, he had a desire to change his gender and to be a woman, so an expert team of doctors operated him and just in a couple of days, he become a complete woman, his male organs were cut off and his (her) breasts became so enlarged like a women with silicon packets inside and also his penis was replaced by a female vagina. He was also given some medicines so his internal functions may work like a woman and he would be sexually attractive for men.

  The man told in the interview that he was feeling always confused about his gender, he was a male by birth but by the passage of time, he started to feel always desired to be a woman, and he often had been used to wear the womanly dresses and feeling sexual attraction towards men and now after this surgery, he felt satisfied and planned to join the enjoy pleasures as a woman.

  Rahas believed that there were only two genders, male and female in this world but here in Oneland he found a third gender, the ‘shemale’ who have the organs of both genders, male and female. They had the big breasts like women and also the penises as well like men, their face cut was same like women but their bodies were not as soft as those of the women. He had never seen this creature before. The shemales were sexually attracted to both of the genders, males and females. He found that the particular creature had been promoted in the media at a big scale and so many males and females unfolded their desire to be a shemale because the shemales were portrayed on the media as celebrities and very close to the king.

  The shemales could enjoy the sex with extra pleasure and stamina since they had been given special medicines. They could perform sex comparatively for a longer period than the normal men and women but they could not produce children. shemale were treated as the special privileged group by the great Lucifer so everyone loved them and wished to get closer to them.

  Rahas found some strange stories about the male and female relations of the Oneland. He went to a party with Stella and saw there the guests were enjoying the party in a strange way. Women were in very short dresses whereas men were completely dressed up from head to toe. Some women only wore the under garments and their skirts were just a little longer than their under garments even the curves of their butts could be easily seen.

  The wife of the manager was almost looking naked, she only wore undergarments, and her pink brasses were pushing up her tits which were already so big, the white laces on the pink brasses were rather provoking. Her long hairs were kissing the apples but a few went in to the black line between the white boobs, everybody went mad when she touched her boobs, threw her hair back on her shoulders and rub her boobs time and again. She wore a ‘thong’ to cover her up which was of the same, pink with white ribbons, the thong could hardly cover the dividing line of her vagina and rest all was visible, at the back there was only a short string in the middle of her hips which could not be seen as the hips were too larger where the string vanished somewhere inside the middle line. She also had rings in her belly button and along with the eye brows.

  Another woman, the wife of the Chairman, had a strange style as she did not wear even a single garment, not even the under garments but had painted brasses and panties with the water paints, even her private parts were visible under the cover of colours. She also had some oil painted fixed images on different parts of her body including hips, boobs shoulders, neck and upper part of vagina. The image of a snake on her vagina looked amazingly great and everybody in the party was praised it particularly.

  In the land of the Lucifer, everyone was free to enjoy the sexual pleasure at any time even in the offices and also at the worship time, whenever a person felt a desire, he could have sex at there at the same time.

  In this land it was being taught in the educational institutes when a person offered his/her body to provide pleasure to another one, it was a virtue so it was also a law that every adult could not say no to the one who request to perform sex with him/her.

  There was centralized point based system which collected the data of how many people performed sex in a day. One who requested for a person for sex, he or she were given 69 points and the one who accepted the offer, were awarded with 666 points. By the end of every month the one who secured maximum points, he/she have been awarded with very precious gifts and his/her name was added in the annual dinner guest list with the master king, the Lucifer.

  There were several concepts and rituals related to sexual activities in this land. ‘Child in the mouth’ was a strange practice which was very common in this land that a man and woman during their sexual intercourse, they may enjoy inter course as much longer as they want with different positions but the ejaculation of man must be in the mouth of the woman and women herself love and feel more pleasure to have the semen of man in her mouth even she open her mouth and she herself rubs the penis of man and showed him the desire to take the semen in her mouth. It was another mystery for Rahas. He thought a lot and then he came to know that it was a useful and free of cost exercise to control the birth.

  A painting hanging on the wall in the social services office unfolded one more secret of the controlled population, the painting was telling a story of a clever rat who always enter the house from the back doors and never used the main doors, the main entrance. In this painting the rat was portrayed like a man’s penis and the door as an anal.

  Another common painting, put up around the country, was another riddle for him. In this painting, two dogs were smiling wearing pink coloured hats and showing their rings to the spectators. It was again another question mark for Rahas but soon he came to know that the same sex matrimonial relationship was being promoted in this land and he noticed that at so many places in the country, he saw the men having sex with a men and women with the women. Again it was another cost free method to control the birth.

  Rahas could not understand how every single person was that much desperate for sex and everywhere people were having sex with one another. Later he found that there was a special team which was directly hired by the supreme king, the great Lucifer. A special team was also selected to provoke the sexual feelings in the public and the particular team was recording the porn movies to update the latest styles and methods to perform sex with more pleasure and fun.

  The particular team performs sexual activities in different forms, i.e. a single couple, a group of three or more, a single man with women, single woman with men, masturbation and sex with toys, how to offer sex to a stranger, man with man and ladies with ladies, even sexual activities with different animals were also been promoted. Every sexual exercise which supports the birth control was being promoted in this land.

  Special sex medicines were available for free of cost in the different stores in the land. These medicines helped the users to increase the stamina, impro
ve the length of the sex organs of males and thus to control the birth.

  Scientific inventions and human scientific achievement were at the highest place which he could not imagine that medical science might be that much advanced, one could change his/her gender with a medical surgery. There were so many examples in this land that the people wanted to enjoy the pleasures of both genders so a man after having sex with women thousands of time could also enjoy the sex as being a women, he simply changed his gender and would be able to enjoy the sex as a woman and same as with women.

  He found here a specific department whose job was to update the people about innovative sex styles so that more pleasure could be attained.

  Stella led him to a recording house where different men and women where having sex under the direction of expert sexologists in front of the cameras, women with men, men with men and women with women, men and women with shemales, in couples, in group of three, or more, in the open fields, with sex toys, and in different costumes as some times in nurses and doctors, sometimes in police and sometimes in college professor’s gowns, outside in the park, on the bed and even in the kitchen, everywhere recordings were being in a process. Pornography was at its worst in this world. He was impressed here to think, there was no children involve in pornography. Stella proudly told him that it’s all because of the great Lucifer as he wished us to make love all the times.

  Once they both were walking around in the city, at one place, he saw thousands of people gathered and performing the sexual activities. He asked Stella about this mystery. She told him about the monthly sex fair where nearly one million people gather to perform sex in public and the specialty of this fair is that the word ‘no’ was not allowed, everyone could have sex with anyone who desires. There were special pills available for free of cost to join the fair so that maximum sexual pleasure could be enjoyed. There was a special prize from the Lucifer himself for the one who satisfies the maximum sex partners. He noticed in the fair that men were ejaculating their semen in the mouths of the women.

  He asked Stella to tell him the reason why the men ejaculate their semen in the mouth of women. “O to get more pleasure and points as to receive the semen in the mouth secure thirteen bonus points for both of the sex partners so people like to finish the game in the mouth” she said. Rahas was shocked and impressed also.

  As he lived in Oneland for a long time but did not see people performing the religious practices, he became confused about the religion of the land. One day he asked Stella to lead him to a worship place. On the same day, the capsule took them to a worship place, where he saw a lot of people gathered in a big hall. The hall was decorated with very expensive pearls, gold and diamonds, the walls had been painted in black whereas the roof was blue. The image of the great Lucifer was set on the front wall; a special statue of the Lucifer was made of pure gold with a diamond necklace around his neck. Special red diamonds were set in the eyes which were glowing like fire balls, the human skeletons were hanging to the roof, on the floor, the human skulls and bones were scattered all over. The walls were decorated with large size paintings.

  He saw the people came to the hall for worship, they were offered blood in the human skulls before they entered in the main hall where the statue of Lucifer in immense size was set. The people bowed down their heads to the ground and flung their hairs, forward their heads so the saint could walk over their hair, then after this ritual, the people lead to the second hall by a demon where they could perform the demon dance with erotic music, in this hall only naked people could go in, and then to the third hall where the delegates would offer their blood to the great Lucifer, for this practice, people cut their hands with knives and poured their blood in the bowl which was set under the feet of the Lucifer. The similar statues of the Lucifer were set in all of the three halls of worship in different sizes.

  The paintings were revealing how Lucifer detracted the followers of the other religions before the war.

  He saw a painting where a demon was offering jewels and gold to a Muslim saint to create differences among the Muslims and in the same painting he found Muslim people wearing the different colored hats, were fighting with each other and the saint was laughing wearing jewels and gold.

  Another painting showed the Lucifer was offering the golden river from the oil wells in a desert and the saints from all of the religions were trying to get this treasure for themselves but Lucifer said that the treasure will be for him who eliminates the others; then in the same paintings, he found that the Christians, Jews, Muslims and all other religious leaders were trying to kill each other.

  One paintings was showing a naked girls offering for sex to those who will love Lucifer and a lot of people were rushing towards those girls to get them, similarly another painting showed that the one who accepts Lucifer as his/her master, will never get old and would always enjoy the sexual pleasures.

  Another painting showed a great place where there were sacred worship places of different religions at one same place; a white light was shining from this great place while the Lucifer was looking at this place with hegemonic and brutal eyes. Then the very next painting showed, the same great place turned into dark and the worship places were destroyed and the blood was shown on all the four corners of the painting as like the four blood moons and the Lucifer was shown with a big nasty smile.

  Another painting showed the two groups of people, one was destroying a Masjid and the second was destroying a Mandir, both Masjid and Mandir were among the beautiful mountains and the Lucifer was looking at this destruction from above the clouds and was laughing.

  He told Stella about a few hidden messages in these paintings. He told her that there was a great place in the world where Muslims, Christians and Jews were lived together with love, respect and care for each other, the place was rich with oil and gold but then these people started wars against each other and killed each other. The great placed turned into a haunted place where there was no smile, no respect and no care left but the blood and creeps everywhere; and there was another place where Hindus and the Muslims lived for centuries with love and brotherhood but on one day they both started killing each other thus the heaven turned into hell. He asked her, ‘would you believe if I say that Lucifer has done this? She said, ‘how the great Lucifer can do that because he is so kind’. He could just pass a smile at Stella and said, ‘yes how could he do that because he is so kind, it was the humans who were not kind for their own’.

  Reddish water was flowing in the water falls, rivers and streams in the Lucifer’s Oneland. It was a mystery for Rahas to find out the reddish tint in the waters of the land. Then they reached in white multi storied building which was a piece of art where the black colour was used in a way to make it look as white. He saw the reddish water was flowing everywhere from this building and the whole world used the water flowed from the wells of this building.

  He came to know that the reddish water which was spreading all over the land was actually coming from this building but another question again disturbed him that why the water was reddish. Then he saw a particular writing on the main wall of the building. He tried to read the words but he did not understand it but he could develop an idea from the painting where the words were written and came up that the king of the land resides in this building but again the mystery of reddish tint in the water remained silent.

  Another painting revealed the process of selection of the king in this land. The one who sucks the blood of the maximum human beings, he/she secure the right to be a king and the current king Mr. Kenudemon was selected just a few weeks before he (Rahas) entered the Onleland and sucked blood of more than a million human beings and the remaining blood of the dead ones was added in the waters of the land so that the public should also develop the taste of blood of those who do not accept the Lucifer as their God, and in the upcoming selection process everybody should have a chance to participate.

  There was a strange thing in the blood sucking exercise that the participan
ts held the human from his/her neck and bite at the chest where they felt the heart beat and until the person dead, they would suck the blood then after his/her death, the remaining blood in the body was stored in the storage tanks which was add in the waters till the next exercise after every six years.

  One day at the breakfast table, Stella told him about a special event in the land which was going to be arranged in a few days’ time. It was a ritual which was organized after every two year. The title of the ritual was ‘Zombitra’ it symbolized the people whose blood had already been sucked and they were remain half dead, neither had they died nor they live so they remain in this state. Then he decided to prepare himself for the ritual. Stella gave him some important tips since this ritual could be dangerous for the one who is not familiar of the system and Stella also assured him to remain with him all the time to face any odd circumstances. Stella purchased special costume for herself that looked so horrible, a black long and torn off gown as of the witches used to wear in the ancient times. She also purchased special masks for herself and for him. She bought special dress for him as well, a torn off black trousers and an upper. The masks were as pure white as a dead body whose blood had been sucked off and the body turned white without blood, with dark circled eyes, and the neck turned to the left side on the shoulders. She trained him to produce certain voices as of the witches in the haunted places and in the ancient graveyards like uuuhhhnn chir chir chir chir chir chir cha cha cha uuunnhh. He kept practicing until the ritual day came.

  The day was important because the Lucifer himself participated in the ritual along with his special agents so the ritual was important because Lucifer came into people for only a very few times, otherwise the king hold the affairs as his special representative. He thought that in the ritual, Lucifer will come with his real face, the horrible one.


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