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Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod

Page 11

by Lexi Buchanan

  However, before we arrive at the house, I need to check a few things out, so retrieving my cell, I quickly dial Colin. “Can you quickly check someone out for me?”

  “Do I want to know?” he replies.

  “We may have a lead, but I need her story checking before I take her anywhere around my wife.”

  “What’s the name?” Colin asks without even having to think about it, which I knew he’d do before I called him.

  I watch Carrie, watching me, and ask, “What’s your full name and your sister’s?”

  She bites her lip before answering. “Carrie Samantha Gilbert, and my sister is Jessica Jayne Gilbert. Jessica went missing from the University of Texas, four weeks ago. My parents filed a missing persons report and a case was opened.”

  I nod. “Did you get that?” I ask Colin.

  “I’m going to send DMV pictures of both girls to your cell. There’s missing person reports for both of them. Jessica disappeared first and two weeks ago her sister disappeared… Apparently, Carrie shouted to anyone who’d listen that human traffickers had taken her sister… Who do you have?”

  I hesitate, but know that I need to answer. “We have Carrie with us.”

  “The sister?” he enquires.

  “No. We’re heading back to the house and once she’s changed and had something to eat we’re going to talk to her. See what she knows.” My eyes stay on Carrie who nods in agreement.

  “I can spare two Marshals if you need them?” Colin offers.

  “Not yet, but maybe on standby.”

  “I can do that,” Colin agrees. “I’ll be in touch.” He hangs up.

  Julian glances through the rear view mirror and I frown at the odd look on his face. He looks worried, which makes no sense because he can handle anything without blinking.

  Pulling up at Jarrod’s home, I climb out of the vehicle and meet Julian. “What?”

  “I don’t think us bringing her back here is going to go down too well.”

  “Gia will be fine.”

  “I’m not referring to your wife.” Julian sighs and gives me a shove. “Speaking of which, she’s waiting for you.” He nods toward the front door.

  I smile and hold my hand out toward Gia, who doesn’t hesitate and runs, jumping into my arms. I close my eyes and inhale her sweet scent into my lungs.

  “You stink,” she comments, and Julian roars with laughter.

  “We both do, I would imagine.” Julian holds his hand out and Carrie takes it, allowing him to help her from the car.

  Gia glances at me and then back to the woman we rescued.

  “She was looking for her sister and ran into some trouble,” I offer. “I think her sister might have been one of the girls taken by Abatangelo’s associates.”

  “Oh!” Gia slides her fingers through mine, gripping them tightly. “What’s your name?”

  “Carrie Gilbert,” she whispers, moving closer to Julian.

  “I’m Gia Fielding, please come inside.” Gia grips my hand and indicates for Carrie to follow us.

  She does but parker is standing in the doorway, not looking happy, and when I turn to glance at Julian I realize why. Julian has his arm around the young woman as he helps her into the house. I shake my head at Parker, trying to let her know that it isn’t how it seems.

  In truth, I’ve no idea how it seems because as far as I’m aware nothing is going on between Parker and Julian regardless of what Parker wants. It’s damn tiring.

  Spotting Gia’s father moving toward us, I introduce, “Jarrod, Carrie Gilbert. She’s in need of our help. But I think a shower, clean clothes, and some food would go a long way first.”

  “You look of similar size to me so why don’t I find you some yoga pants and shirt?” Gia offers with a soft smile.

  “I’d appreciate that.” Carrie slowly moves to follow after Gia.

  Before I can say anything against Gia being alone with Carrie, Julian says, “I’ll go up and help.”

  Gia turns to me, frowning, but at my nod she smiles and continues leading Carrie up the stairs.

  To Parker and Jarrod, I say, “Let’s go into the kitchen and I’ll fill you both in.”

  Seated with a steaming mug of coffee nestled between my hands, I tell them the little bit of information I know about Carrie and her sister, hoping that they’ll be back down soon so that Carrie can tell us more.

  “She’s taken with Julian,” Parker comments, under her breath.

  “Julian was the one to carry her out of the dive we where in at the time. I think she trusts him more than she does me.” I shrug.

  Parker glances out of the kitchen window, ignoring Jarrod and I.

  Jarrod shakes his head and joins me at the table. “Do you believe she’s told you the truth?”

  “Yeah.” I pass my cell with the pictures on that Colin sent through and Carrie looks the same as her DMV picture, once you remove the smeared make up that she was caked in. “I’m hoping that she’ll be able to tell us something to help find the asshole. She had marks around her wrists. It looks like she’s been held against her will. Whatever happened to her, it wasn’t pleasant.” I glance at Parker and know she’s listening.

  “Parker,” she sighs and turns to face me, so I continue now that I know I have her attention, “she could do with a friend.”

  Parker swallows, nodding her head stiffly.

  Her heart doesn’t look to be in it but I have a feeling that has more to do with Julian than Carrie.



  As Carrie stepped out of the shower, she’d ended up collapsing to the bathroom floor. Luckily for us, Julian was on hand to pick her up and carry her into the bedroom. I quickly cover her with a towel once Julian has settled her on the bed. He then quickly moves and watches from the doorway.

  “Do you need me to help you dry?” I ask, feeling unsure about what she wants me to do.

  “I should be okay. I’m just unsteady when I’m on my feet. They made me drink lots of vodka before I was allowed into the bar.” Tears slip from the corner of her eyes. “I keep thinking that something is going to happen. I mean it was so easy to get out of there. I don’t understand.”

  “How did you get out of there?”

  Carrie sits and starts drying herself before she reaches for the clothes I’ve brought her and slips them on. The warm fluffy socks, she seems to appreciate more than anything.

  “I was at the bar when this man told me that your husband and friend would help me get away. I didn’t know what to think, but I had nothing to lose so I went over and dropped onto your friends lap and begged for help. They brought me here.” Carrie looks at me and I’ve never seen anyone look so lost before.

  I put my arm around her shoulders as I sit beside her. “My husband is a good man, and so is Julian, and my father, Jarrod. They’ll do anything they can to keep you safe so please don’t worry about anyone getting to you. You’re safe here.”

  Carrie looks at me for a long time before she nods. “I believe you.”

  “Let’s go downstairs and get something to eat,” I suggest.

  Reaching out, I help Carrie to her feet and pray she manages to keep herself upright, but no need for me to worry because when we exit the guest room, Julian is waiting and picks her up into his arms.

  “I’ll carry you,” he says, softly.

  I raise my brows in surprise, wondering what’s gotten into him. If he’s doing this to piss Parker off then I think it’s going to be working. But I don’t think my friend deserves this much grief from him.

  I worry at my bottom lip as I follow them into the kitchen. Hunter raises a brow in question at Julian and Carrie, but I shake my head and move to sit on his lap and sigh when I feel his arms wrap around me.

  “Are you okay?” he asks me, moving my hair over my shoulder, following it with a kiss.

  “I am now that you’re home.” I offer him a small smile because it’s the truth.

  I’ve always worried about his line of work but non
e as much as I have since the other night when I thought I’d never see him again.

  “Parker, is there any chili left?” Julian asks my friend.

  I watch as Parker sighs and starts moving out of the kitchen. “It’s in a tub in the fridge. I have somewhere else to be.”

  Julian grows angry, saying something under his breath while I whisper to Hunter, “I’m going to see what’s up with her.” He squeezes my hips and lets me up. I quickly place a quick kiss on his sweet lips and jog after Parker.

  I find her in the room she uses while she’s here, packing. “Hey, where are you off to?”

  She doesn’t answer but very slowly turns to face me and that’s when I see the tears rolling down her face.

  “Oh, Parker.” I rush over and wrap my arms around her. “He’s only being kind to her.”

  She shakes her head and pulls away. “He says whatever I feel for him isn’t real. He says that it’s the situation and that if I think that he’d ever be interested in someone like me then I’m stupid.”

  “Wow.” I drop to her bed. “What an asshole. I can’t believe he said that. It’s obvious to everyone that he has feelings for you. You must see that, Parker?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m leaving. I don’t care anymore.” She laughs erratically. “He’s finally got what he wants… Me leaving him alone and going after someone closer to my own age.”

  “Parker, I really don’t think that’s the best thing for you to do,” I admit.

  “Gia.” She tugs me into her arms, and whispers, “You and Ivy are my best friends, but I can’t stay here with you anymore while Julian is also inside these walls. I just can’t do it.”

  I back out of the room, leaving her to pack, and then quickly make my way downstairs to find Julian. He can’t let her leave. Not while there’s still a threat out there to us all.

  “Where’s Julian?” I glance around the kitchen only seeing Hunter and my father.

  “He’s taken Carrie up to bed. She was falling asleep at the table.” Hunter frowns. “What’s up? You okay?” he asks, spotting my frown.

  “I am… Parker’s packing to leave,” I mumble.

  My father stands. “She can’t leave.”

  “I know that, but Julian isn’t exactly making her want to stick around and she won’t stay as long as he’s here.” I shrug because I know he won’t be going anywhere soon.

  “Let me talk to her,” my dad offers.

  I shake my head. “The only one who can make her stay is upstairs with another woman.”

  “Fuck,” Hunter curses. “Carrie has latched on to Julian, but he’s just being good about it because of what she’s been through. Parker can’t take that to heart.” Hunter grasps my hand. “You’re so cold.”

  I squeeze his fingers. “I’m fine. I’m just worried about Parker.”

  “Like hell!” Julian roars from upstairs.

  We look at each other for a moment before dashing into the hall, and looking up to the landing.

  Parker is standing her ground with her purse and suitcase in her hand while she confronts an agitated Julian.

  At least he doesn’t have Carrie in his arms this time.

  “You are not leaving,” Julian shouts. “It’s too dangerous out there right now. Have you forgotten what happened to Gia?”

  Parker narrows her eyes. “No, I haven’t forgotten, but what the hell do you care?” She pauses, breathing deeply, and not getting a response from Julian, she continues, “I’m going.” She quickly dashes downstairs while it takes Julian a few seconds to catch his temper, which he seems to be struggling with.

  The minute Parker opens the front door Julian slams it shut before she can leave. He breathes heavily as he takes a step back, his fists clench at his sides. “You can not leave…”

  Parker slowly turns and looks distraught. “Why Julian? Why can’t I leave?” she whispers the words, tiredness now surrounding her.

  He glances away before he returns his gaze to Parker. “It isn’t safe out there.”

  “Goodbye, Julian.” Parker turns and leaves while we all watch her in silence.

  Julian turns and looks surprised to find us behind him. “Hell! She can’t go back to her place.” He turns to go after her, but Hunter stops him with a hand on his arm. “Let her cool off, then I’ll go and get her. It’s because of you that she’s left. I don’t think at this stage you’ll be able to get her back.”

  “Fuck.” Julian roughly tugs his arm free of Hunter’s grip and heads toward the kitchen, seconds later we hear the backdoor slamming shut.

  “That went well,” I drawl and meet Hunter’s gaze.

  He moves closer and curling a hand around my neck, he brings me against his chest. “I’ll get her back in the morning.” He kisses me on the head. “We all need a good nights sleep.”

  “Do you trust Carrie to not get up to anything in the night?” my father asks.

  “I’d like to say yes. The thing holding me back is how easy it was to walk away with her. That bothers me.” Hunter sighs, tightening his grip around me.

  My father frowns and rubs at his brow. “You don’t think the feds or another agency have someone on the inside who just happens to be Julian’s contact?” He pauses. “It’s not unheard of, but I could just be reaching at straws because her story tugged at my heart strings.”

  “I say we sleep on it. I’ll lock her bedroom door, but I’ll tell her first so she doesn’t think we’re just as bad as them… I won’t risk Gia.” Hunter rests his forehead against mine. “Ever!”



  Nothing happened during the night and as far as we know, Carrie slept well, or so I overheard her telling Gia.

  Carrie certainly looks much better this morning with no bags under her eyes and she seems to be able to eat a bit more than she had been able to the night before. I wish I could say the same for Julian who hasn’t said a damn word to anyone, other than a grunted, ‘morning’ to Gia. It’s his own damn fault that he’s suffering, but hopefully that was the kick in the ass he needed to finally do something about Parker, at least I’m hoping so because he’s too distracted at the moment and I need him focused.

  My own distraction is very slowly moving her hand along my thigh, which I catch under one of my own. I lean in and whisper, “Behave,” before placing a kiss to her cheek.

  “How long have you been married?” Carrie asks.

  “Ten months,” Gia answers, turning to smile at the other woman.

  With a wistful sigh, Carrie says, “I hope to have what the two of you have one day.” Her smile disappears. “But I’m not sure if anyone will want me now.”

  Silence follows her statement, which is broken when Gia moves to sit beside Carrie. “Don’t think like that. You’ve done what you have because you went looking for your sister, and most of what was done, you didn’t have a choice. If he’s the right man then that won’t matter to him…he’ll be pissed on your behalf.”

  Carrie looks at Gia with tears rolling down her face while she attempts to smile. “Thank you.”

  Clearing my throat, I break up the small talk because I need more from Carrie in order to move forward, and before I put in a call to Colin for someone to come and get her.

  I hold my hand out to Gia, who lets me tug her up and back into her chair. I brush the hair down her back, and look at Carrie. “Last night, you said that we were both after the same man…what makes you think that?” I watch a muscle tick in her jaw as she clenches her teeth together.

  “Abatangelo’s name was in all the national newspapers after he’d been apprehended in Lexington, and then he’d escaped and word was going around that his organization had been kept going while he was in jail… my sister went missing from the University of Texas, he had a known business that was easy to find if you went looking.” Carrie takes a sip of the coffee, which has probably gone cold by now.

  “He sold it eight months ago to a known associate. I followed Matthew Long for over a week until th
e night I went to sleep, and woke in a different place, roped to a bed.” She shudders. “He never laid a hand on me…but others did… When they thought I was unconscious, I heard them talking and they mentioned their boss and Abatangelo’s name came up a few times.

  “Then when they couldn’t get anything out of me, they kept me on a short leash in that bar where you’d found me. Jekyll or whatever his real name is said to tell you everything because we wanted the same man.”

  The scrape of the chair as Julian pushes away from the table brakes into the silence. “I know he’s my contact but we walked out with you,” Julian points at Carrie, “and that is driving me nuts. We should have had some sort of resistance but we didn’t. Nothing. I didn’t even see anyone watching us.”

  He glances at me.

  “It bothers me. We checked the SUV before we left and used the scrambler to jam any GPS tracking. So, I don’t know what the hell is going on.”

  “I wish I could help you with that, but other than being told to come to you for help, I don’t know,” Carrie mumbles apologetically.

  I sit back and wonder as I meet Julian’s gaze across the table. “What you thinking?”

  “I’m not sure…” Julian turns to Carrie. “Did anyone give you anything? Asked you to wear something different? Something that wasn’t in your sight before it was handed to you?”

  Carrie shakes her head and then pauses. “Earrings.” Her face drains of color. “Oh, God. No! You think they had some sort of tracker in them?” She reaches up to her ears and comes away with only one earing. “I’ve lost one.”

  I jump up and try to calm myself down. The thought that she might have inadvertently led them to where Gia is makes me want to pound something.

  “Have you removed them since you’ve been here?” Julian asks.

  She shakes her. “No. Only now.”

  “I’ll check her bed.” Julian dashes off.

  Jarrod heads out with him. “I’ll check the stairs.”


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