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An Ozarks Christmas (Planned to Perfection Book 1)

Page 15

by Angela Drake

  “Max gets car sick on the curvy roads. How about ten? That will allow time for his breakfast to settle and his Dramamine to kick in.”

  He turned loose of her hand and scooted out from beneath the tree then stood and extended his hand to help her up. He pulled her close to him then wrapped his arms around her waist. They stood together in the glow of the colored lights, suspended in the moment of acceptance as Brendan dipped his head to brush her lips with his. Her heart skipped a beat as she braced her hands against his firm chest, letting the tenderness of his kiss penetrate her soul. She knew in that moment she had opened the door to something she had wanted so long ago.

  He broke the kiss then looked at her and smiled.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She stood, with her fingers against her lips as if holding his kiss in place as she heard the front door click shut.

  Chapter 14

  Not knowing where Brendan had in mind for dinner, Stephanie had chosen her go-to business casual. She hadn’t realized at the time she took the black dress pants and white silk blouse from her closet, that Brendan would choose the same outfit he’d worn the night of the gala. They looked like a real couple as they sat across from one another at Ermilio’s. Brendan had shown up at the cottage and suggested they walk the few blocks back up the hill to the Italian Restaurant.

  Ermilio’s had earned several awards, including Best Italian Restaurant in Arkansas. Considering Eureka Springs was a dot on the map compared to larger cities such as Little Rock, which spoke volumes for the owner and his team. He had worked with Stephanie a few times since she launched Planned to Perfection, catering small parties. The food and the service fit her idea of what an event should be. Perfect.

  She was surprised they did not have the customary wait. Ermilio’s was open from five to nine every evening, seven days a week except for January when they were closed for vacation. During the busier season, waiting up to ninety minutes was not uncommon. While they never accepted reservations, she decided Brendan may have had a little pull when they were barely in the door before being seated at one of the few tables for two in a quiet corner.

  The black and white décor accented with tan drapes gave the place an elegant yet comfortable feel. Romantic music played softly throughout the entire restaurant. If he had plans to seduce her into submission, he was sadly mistaken. Yet she understood this was the perfect public place to have an adult conversation. Talking was becoming more natural between them when they had others in their company but this was different.

  They had stayed on general topics during the customary Sunday dinner. Afterwards, the house had become a flurry of activity as they put the last of the Christmas decorations in place. Some held stories, which Kim shared. Stephanie noticed a touch of sadness return to her daughter as she talked about ones specific to Matthew, such as the wreath her Girl Scout troop made her the Christmas after he died. A green wreath with Blue and silver ball ornaments and an America’s Finest Ornament from Military Republic hanging from the bow to swing in the center opening. Since their move down here, the wreath had taken a place of honor above the small table that held his academy photo and a velvet box with his badge.

  “We didn’t get to talk about your outing with the kids.” Stephanie opened with what she thought would be the perfect segue to their pending discussion. “They had a great time, Saturday. Kim was still telling me every detail as she put her head on the pillow and fell asleep mid-sentence.”

  “If I hadn’t thought you needed the time to yourself, I’d have asked you to come along.

  “That and you wanted an outing with permission this time.” She didn’t attempt to hide the smile. While she had been furious and frightened at the time, she understood that everything happened for a reason though purpose might not be clear at the time. The secret outing had brought everything out into the open. Now, they needed to figure out the best way to move forward.

  “That too. Seeing over six million Christmas lights through Max’s eyes was an experience. I don’t think his mouth closed from the moment we walked through the gate until he fell asleep on my shoulder on the way to the tram.”

  “I’ve never been. Maybe I’ll take them next year.” She hoped he didn’t notice she was careful to eliminate him. Not that she didn’t want him along, she just wasn’t ready to make plans for something that might never happen. Who knew where Brendan would be in three months, six or ten.

  “That would make a nice family tradition. I overheard several say they had come as kids with their parents and now were bringing their own.”

  The waitress brought a basket of fresh, hot bread along with butter and roasted garlic cloves. They agreed to share an appetizer of pesto bread rounds. Stephanie knew she would need to walk back and forth to the Crescent every day for a week to work off the meal but Ermilio’s had won their awards for a reason. They both ordered iced tea as well as their entrees. When the waitress left, Brendan continued.

  “Speaking of family tradition, you and Matthew created several. Your children are very lucky.”

  “Didn’t you grow up with traditions? Your folks seem the type to go all out.”

  “I don’t recall. A lot of my childhood memories were erased with the alcohol. Sad, isn’t it?’

  “I don’t imagine being on the road allows you the opportunity to make your own.”

  “No. I didn’t realize until this weekend with you and the kids how much I’ve missed out on. I’d like to change that, if you’ll help me.”

  “I don’t know, Brendan. I mean, I’d like to but…”

  “But what? Stephanie, I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “Don’t you?”

  “I told you that at some point you have to trust me, angel. I didn’t mean just with the kids.”

  “I know. There was a time when I would have trusted you with my life.”

  “And now?”

  Now? Could she go through the heartbreak again? She didn’t know if she would have had the courage to walk out on him the first time if Matthew hadn’t been there to catch her. Now, she was on her own. Frankly, she was tired of doing things alone.

  While he’d had the kids Saturday she had taken care of last minute tasks for Jennifer’s wedding then rode the trolley downtown. Wandering by herself in shops selling more delicate items, places she wouldn’t have dared take a three-year-old in, had been sheer heaven. She had felt like a real grown-up as she searched for the perfect wedding gift for Jennifer and David. Afterwards she stopped for tea and salad at Myrtie May’s before returning home to the quiet cottage where she curled up on the sofa and watched holiday movies on the Hallmark Channel. Those shows always had the happy ever after ending she wanted for her life. Was that possible outside of a Hollywood script?

  The waitress brought their salads. They had both chosen the Too Blue for You chunky blue cheese dressing. Stephanie ordered hers on the side, while Brendan’s was generously drizzled across the top. A testament to their similarities as well as differences. Both attributes they’d need if things were to work out between them.

  She took a couple of bites then laid her fork down and put her hands in her lap, choosing her words carefully when she spoke.

  “My life isn’t what I have to think about. The children are always foremost in my mind.”

  “I understand that. I can do that, too, if you’ll give me a chance.”

  Stephanie placed her fork across her partially-eaten salad and moved the plate to the side before placing her elbows on the table and lacing her fingers together beneath her chin.

  “I’m listening.”

  Brendan slid his plate next to hers then took a long drink of tea. Was he stalling? Surely, he had rehearsed his pitch multiple times over the past few days. Or was he nervous about his proposition? She knew whatever he had in mind was new territory for him.

  “After being included on your Sunday dinners, the field trips with the kids and helping to decorate for the holidays, I realized those w
ere all things that I’ve been missing in my life. Not just the kids and not just you but the whole package. I want a family, angel. I want that with you and the kids.”

  “What about your career? I won’t go over that discussion again. You know how I feel about your touring, yet I understand that’s a part of who you are.”

  “No, it’s what I do and I’ve been told by more than one person that there is a difference between what I do and where I do it.” He leaned his forearms on the table in front of him. “Look, I can’t just jump off the road and do something else. There is a whole slew of people who depend on me. Everyone from my manager and booking agent to the stage crew and my band. They all have families to provide for. I can’t leave them in the lurch. All I’m asking is that you give me time to get things in order.”

  “How much time?”

  “I don’t know. I have a plan in the works. I can’t say any more than that right now.” He reached across the table and took both of her hands in his. “I have to go to Nashville right after the wedding for a meeting with my label. Hopefully, we can set up a timetable. Until then, angel, I just need you to trust me.”

  Stephanie saw the beseeching look in the brown pools that had won her heart that very first moment all those years ago. Now, as then, she could lose her soul if she weren’t careful. She knew he had her heart. Her soul couldn’t be far behind.

  “I want us to work, Brendan. Last time it had been me asking for something. Now it’s you. The difference is I’m willing to try.”

  “Me too, angel. Me too.”

  Their entrée’s arrived and they spent the rest of the meal enjoying the food and talking about life in general while he ate his Filet Mignon she savored the Shrimp Provencale. She filled Brendan in on the latest wedding details and that she had scheduled his final tux fitting for later in the week. He asked questions about Kimberly’s growing up, the things she knew he was now realizing how much he had missed in both her and Jennifer’s formative years. Thankfully, both girls had fared well in spite of his absence.

  As tempting as the Tiramisu sounded, they chose to skip dessert and walked back down the hill to the cottage. Kim and Max were both snuggled against Teddy watching Secret Life of Pets when they arrived, barely acknowledging the adults were back. Stephanie led the way to the kitchen where they fell into what had become an evening routine. Brendan discarded the kids’ pizza remains while she put water on for tea. By the time the kettle whistled, Brendan had the cups waiting. They carried their drinks into the parlor and sat on the sofa to finish the movie with the kids.

  The children were content, tree lights twinkled and she had as close to a promise of someone to share everything with as she could get for now. The peace she had been waiting for slowly wrapped around her like an ethereal warmth. She had his blessing.

  * * *

  Brendan knew the moment Stephanie accepted her potential future. The children, enthralled with the movie, were unaware of how their life would soon change. Maybe not much more than what they had experienced over the past few weeks, but on a more permanent level. He felt a glow of warmth envelope him and if he’d been a believer in ghosts, he’d stake his life on the fact that Matthew was okay with those changes.

  He sat his cup on the side table then draped his arm around Stephanie’s shoulders. He wasn’t surprised when she snuggled in as she smiled up at him.


  He felt more than saw her nod as she closed her eyes and sighed. He took her cup and sat it next to his then laced their fingers together. For the first time he noticed the wedding band still in place, a sign she wasn’t completely ready to let go but they were getting there. If she were willing to give him the time he needed, he would do the same.

  The movie ended and Kim came over to them.

  “Munchkin is asleep. I’m going up to bed. Goodnight Mom, goodnight Dad.” With that, she leaned in and kissed them both on the cheek then went upstairs as if this were a routine she followed every night. And she had called him Dad.

  “Want me to carry him upstairs for you?”

  “Thanks… dad.”

  She giggled as he got up, pulling her along with him then gently scooped up the little boy and snuggled him against his shoulder.

  Upstairs, he leaned against the door jam, watching as she managed to undress Max and tuck him in without so much as a sound of disturbance and using only the light from the hallway to see. Brendan wasn’t sure he could manage that. Must be a motherly trait. But there were plenty of other things he could do for Matthew’s son. Matthew had been there for Kimberly, now it was his turn to return the gesture.

  When she’d finished, they walked back downstairs hand in hand. Before she could step off the final step, he turned and pulled her into his arms. From this point, they were almost the same height. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her goodnight.

  “I have a string of meetings in Branson so I probably won’t be around much before the wedding. I’ll be here for Sunday dinners, but beyond that I can’t make promises until I know how things need to play out on the business end.”

  “Do what you need to do. We’ll be here.”

  With those words, she leaned in for another kiss and Brendan knew he was making the right decision.

  Chapter 15

  “Mom, these shoes are too tight.” Kimberly entered Stephanie’s room, wincing with each step. “I can’t wear them.”

  “They’re the only ones you have that go with the dress.” Stephanie slid her pumps on. With everything happening over the past few weeks, she had totally forgotten Kim needed shoes. She bent down and inserted her index finger between Kim’s heel and the inside of the shoe.

  “Ow! What am I going to do?”

  “My cream flats are in the closet. They’ll be a little loose but you can get through the afternoon. Take your time walking down the aisle and you should be fine.”

  A light snow had fallen the night before. Christmas Eve morning dawned clear, crisp and beautiful. Four inches of the powdery dust created the illusion of a Christmas card scene, providing the perfect backdrop for a winter wedding.

  Max woke her up at first light with his own rendition of Jingle Bells. He had no sooner stopped singing than he began asking for Brendan. That part had become routine over the past month. This morning she’d been able to assure her son he would see him today. The past three Sunday dinners had been the extent of his visits since their date. He had warned her that would be the case but trying to explain his absence to Max had been a bit of a challenge. Steph had finally resorted to telling her son that Brendan was on a secret mission for Santa. She hoped she hadn’t been lying.

  If Brendan was able to work out whatever he was trying to do to ensure he was a more permanent part of their life, she knew Santa would be granting her wish and a Christmas miracle would be involved.

  Hearing voices in the foyer below, she did a final check of her reflection, frowning at what she saw. Lack of sleep over the past weeks were beginning to show. The teal fabric of her dress closely matched the shadows beneath her eyes. Adding a last pat of powder, she turned out the light and went downstairs.

  “Stephanie!” An older replica of Brendan greeted her in a hug as she stepped off the final stair.

  “Pop!” She hugged Bill Keane with delight then turned to the petite woman beside him. “Betty, it’s good to see you.” She kissed Brendan’s mom on the cheek. “I thought you’d be at the hotel with Jennifer.”

  “We were. There’s too much activity going on over there for this old man. Brendan suggested we drop in on you.”

  “I hope it’s okay.” Betty Keane fussed with the buttons on her coat as if she were unsure whether to unbutton them or not. She and Stephanie had never been close. Pop and she had a special bond all those years ago when they hoped for a different outcome between her and his son.

  “Of course! I’m glad you came. Let me take your coats.” As she hung them up an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.

nbsp; They’d talked to Brendan? Well, of course they would have. Had he told them about Kimberly? Stephanie hadn’t given a thought to telling his parents though she always thought Pop might have suspected at the time. She did know they would accept Kim as one of the family. That’s the kind of people the Keane’s were. They’d done the same with her all those years ago when she’d first become a part of Brendan’s life. Betty Keane had been a mother when she needed one.

  “Come in and sit down. We have time before we have to be at the church.”

  “Mom, Max won’t let me… oh, excuse me. I didn’t know we had company.”

  “It’s okay, Kim. They just arrived.” Before she could say anything further, Betty stepped forward and took hold of Kim’s hands.

  “Bill, can you believe how much she’s grown? Why, she looks just like Jennifer did at thirteen.”

  “Yes, she does.”

  Stephanie saw the warm smile shared by the couple. They knew and everything was fine.

  “Honey, do you remember Mr. and Mrs. Keane?”

  “Sort of.” Her daughter looked questioningly at the couple then her eyes widened.

  “You’re Brendan’s parents. That makes you…”

  “Your grandparents, little one.” Betty cupped the side of Kim’s face with one hand.

  “I’ve never had grandparents before.”

  “Yes, you have, Kim. You just didn’t know us.” Bill joined his wife and granddaughter. “We’re glad everything is out in the open now.”

  “How long have you two known?” Stephanie wasn’t surprised by their revelation.

  “We first noticed the resemblance at Matthew’s funeral.” Betty took a few strands of Kimberley’s hair between her fingers. Both of my granddaughters have a habit of twisting their hair around their fingers when they’re nervous or upset. She has the Keane brown eyes, too.”

  “You never let on. Why not?”

  Bill led them into the parlor. When she was seated between the couple, Bill took hold of one of her hands.


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