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Alicia's Misfortune

Page 36

by Sarah Silver

  “What’s going on Edward?” Eric said and released me from his arms. I just told Eric that Edward just killed someone. How was he talking to him like I only told Eric that Edward took his car without permission?

  “George from the Merriman Motel was giving Maria here a hard time. I just helped the lovely young lady out.”

  “Motel? What were you doing there?” Eric turned to me and asked. I was hoping that I’d never have to tell him, but considering the situation that we were currently in, I owed him an explanation. I told Eric about John and how I’d been living in a motel from a month. I told him how I was about to become homeless because I was running out of money and nobody wanted to hire someone without job experience. I told Eric how Edward had stood up for me when John disrespected me and how he even offered to take me to get my things. By the time that I finished telling Eric everything I was sobbing. Instead of Eric kicking me out onto the street, he embraced me.

  “I know that we’ve just met and you probably wanted to impress me or something like that, but you could’ve told me.” Eric stroked my hair and I gripped his back with a need that I never thought that I had in me. “So what do you want Edward?” Eric asked his brother while he held me in his arms.

  “Let me talk to you for a minute.” Edward said and walked out of the Kitchen. Eric let me go and went over to the cabinet and handed a glass to me. He poured some rum in the glass and then some coke. “Drink because I know that you’ve had a long day. I’ll be back soon.” I looked after him and wondered if I should just make a b-line towards the front door, but where would I go? It was true that I didn’t see Edward murder George, but no matter how Edward cleaned up his words, I knew that he had. I drunk the contents of the cup and immediately poured me another cup. I was so confused and scared that I thought that the only way I’d be able to make it through the day was if I had more to drink. After a while, I had drained the coke and was downing the rum plain.

  “You’re my kind of woman.” I heard Edward say and I turned towards the sound of his voice. He was blurry and I couldn’t make out the details of his face.

  “That’s enough” Eric said and grabbed the almost empty bottle from me. Eric walked around and placed the rum back into the cabinet and Edward sat down next to me and touched my arm.

  “Hey, how about you be my girl instead of Eric’s? I can take care of you much better than he could.” I looked at him wide eyed as my head swayed from side to side.

  “You’re… you’re crazy.” I said, but instead of screaming like I knew sober me would have done, I clenched my thighs together instead.

  “Don’t force her!” Eric yelled and Edward sighed.

  “You’ll choose me after we finish.” Nothing made sense to me then. Why was Eric letting his brother speak to me like that? Why couldn’t I see them clearly? Edward pressed his mouth hard into mine and forced his tongue into my mouth. I bit his tongue and he just swiped at mine harder. I wanted to push him away, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t think anymore as he hands moved quickly over my body. Even though I was previously scared out of my mind a while ago, I couldn’t resist his hands over my body.

  “If she says me then you’re not allowed to step foot near me or her again.” My mind barely processed what Eric said when he bent down and kissed my neck. I didn’t know what the brother’s had planned, but apparently this was supposed to be the deciding factor of something. Edward pulled away from me then and yanked me up which practically pushed Eric down. He sighed and followed us to the couch as he began taking off his clothes.

  “What are you doing?” I asked them, but my mind was too cloudy to hear their response. I drifted in and out of consciousness as I felt gentle hands rubbing up and down my body while a rather large cock pushed itself into my mouth. I was surprised that I was growing hotter and hotter by the minute. Edward’s manhood throbbed in my mouth as he filled my tongue with his pre-cum. Eric was more gentle and considerate of me as he focused on making me feel good instead of his own orgasm.

  “You got a rubber?” I heard Edward’s lust filled voice say just before my eyes closed and I shivered when Eric slid my pants down my legs. I didn’t hear Eric’s response, but I felt him shift and leaned his body towards the floor. “Move out of the way.” Edward said and I heard something being ripped opened. I opened my eyes just in time to see Edward positioning himself near the entrance of my freshly shaven love.

  “Aah!” I called out as Edward slammed inside of me hard. He was the complete opposite of Eric, but he was equally as talented.

  “I’m sorry.” Eric said and leaned my head back so that he could connect our mouths together. I kissed him long and hard and I felt tears well into my eyes. My fuzzy mind might not have been able to register their faces anymore, but it didn’t stop my sense of feeling. It felt so good to have Edward’s cock ramming in and out of me. It felt so good that I couldn’t remember if I hadn’t wanted him to do me or not. I looked down at Eric’s length and despite him obviously being pissed off, he was hard as a rock. I took him into my hand and stroked him quickly.

  “Fu...” Eric bit his lip and his breathing came out quicker.

  “I want you.” I told him and I felt Edward shift so that he was laying on top of me. Eric stood up and I placed him into my mouth quickly and sucked him the same way that drove John crazy.

  “Ah. Maria.” He said my name and grabbed a fistful of hair. I grabbed Edward’s arm with one of my hands as he continued to pound into me. Edward was amazing, but I wanted to feel that gentleness that Eric gave to me the night before. I knew it wasn’t going to happen though because I felt Eric’s hips quivering and they began thrusting in my mouth. “I’m coming!” he called out and he let out a hoarse groan as he exploded into my mouth. Edward laughed.

  “Light weight,” he joked and I opened my eyes to see a serious expression on his face. “I guess I am too.” He added and gritted his teeth and pounded three deep times inside of me as he exploded. The deeper his length went, the more it pressed against my spot and I came right along with him. Breathing heavily he exited me and I could feel my juices sliding down my legs. I opened my eyes again and I was able to make out Edward a little more since he was close to my face. “So?” he asked and I looked at him. I guess that meant I had to choose one of them. Even though I was attracted to Edward for a few minutes, I couldn’t trust him. I couldn’t prove that he did anything to George, but I knew that he had. It was apparent that Eric and Edward didn’t get along either, but I knew that Edward said something to Eric to make him go along with this threesome.

  “Eric” I said and leaned my head against the couch cushion.

  “You heard her.” Eric said and I heard Edward growl. “I’ll keep my mouth shut, in return you never set foot around me or Maria.” Edward sighed and moved away from me. I heard clothes hurriedly being put on and movement towards the door. It slammed loudly and a few seconds after that I heard a car speed off. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see Eric still beside me. I couldn’t say anything anymore because I knew that I went over my drinking limit. Eric embraced me and I felt his hot and slick skin and I felt protected. I couldn’t begin to comprehend what had just happened between us, but I knew that as long as I was in Eric’s arms I’d be protected. I’ve seen a lot this past month and my luck didn’t appear to have gotten any better. I didn’t want to worry about that too much now because I just wanted to feel the loving touch that Eric was giving to me.

  Owned by the Bad Boy Outlaw

  By: Steamy Reads

  Owned by the Bad Boy Outlaw

  © SteamyReadsPublishing 2016 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the produc
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  Chapter 1

  With her straw blonde hair waving behind her, Marie Anderson clutched her black binder against her wiry frame as if to shelter herself from the onslaught of cold stares and harsh voices that flew at her as she made her way down the path at Brookfield University. They talked about how she still lived with her mother, and how strange her mother was. They talked about their strict beliefs and their rigid way of life. They talked so much that it was hard to ignore the things that the students, and even the teachers said about her.

  She was that girl, the kind that didn’t party with the rest of them and couldn’t go out on Sundays. They all knew she was a virgin, so they called her Virgin Marie. Everyone said it. They gawked at her homemade long gray skirts that went down to her knees, and the way her glasses made her look like an old woman. They laughed at her for being so clumsy, stupid and ugly.

  She stayed away from everyone as best as she could. She just hugged her binder to her stomach and tried to ignore the world around her. She didn’t feel comfortable there. There were always prying eyes, but what mattered were her grades.

  With nothing but school and church to occupy her time, she was able to maintain a 4.2 GPA, which was higher than any the school had ever seen due to her vast array of extracurricular activities. Her academic prowess was unheard of, but she never learned to relate to anyone. Her peers didn’t understand her, and she didn’t understand them. They were all from different worlds.

  It was a cold winter morning, with ice and salt covering the pavement. The school was one of the few places in the city that could afford the expense of using salt on the pavement. They didn’t care that the salt degraded the sidewalk. They knew that lawsuits were more expensive.

  It was the kind of place that catered to its students. They passed people that never should’ve gotten ahead. Idiots graduated every day when they could do little more than read simple sentences. It was the hunger for money that kept the school going, and as far as Marie was concerned it was greed and avarice that fueled the entire planet. There was greed for flesh, greed for wealth and greed for violence.

  She saw the demon lust in every man that passed her, and the jealousy in women’s eyes. She saw the carnal passion that moved through lovers, like hellfire engulfing them in flames. They knew better, every last one of them knew what they were doing, but they were all driven by their flesh. It was just like Mama said.

  Marie sat down under her favorite tree and reached into the tiny hemp purse at her side. She pulled out a tiny plastic tube with a red lid. This was where she found her comfort and escaped the mundane. She opened her binder to a blank piece of newsprint. She closed her eyes and took around in the tube for the right one to call to her. It was there, that tiny piece of burnt carbon that opened a door to another world.

  Through her charcoal drawings could shape beautiful flowers and faces. She could create forests and waterfalls, or massive structures. She felt like she was creating life, and that that life was whatever she wanted it to be rather than the harsh reality around her.

  When the sun started to set, she started to make her way up the sidewalk towards the tiny neighborhood streets that would take her home. Her mother would want her to help with dinner so she decided to pick up the pace. The houses that surrounded hers on Gary Lane were all tailored and perfect with short green lawns and little flowers in front, but they were sterile. They didn’t look like they were lived in. They simply looked like they were maintained. The flower beds had never grown food. The lawn didn’t have the little path leading through the grass, or the little homemade wreath on the door with the blue and white fake roses. They never painted their house, the paint was chipping, but her house was whitewashed every two years. Nobody care about those kinds of things anymore.

  She opened the door softly, so as not to disturb her mother. She walked through the quiet parlor, with its antique wooden couches and kerosene lamps to the living room, where her mother was sitting in the dark and quietly.

  “Ow, child you scared me.” She looked down to see that her mother had pricked her finger. She was wiry, like her daughter, but her hair was auburn and always kept in a tight bun.

  “I’m sorry, Mama,” she set her bag near the hard couch and walked over.

  “So,” Phyllis began, “how was school?”

  “Alright. I aced a calculus exam.”

  “Have you been able to avoid temptation?” The woman’s straight-lipped face slapped Marie with an accusatory glare.

  Marie was filled with embarrassment. She looked away and said, “Yes, mama.”

  “Only liars avoid their mother’s eyes.” Her mother put down her sewing and stood up to walk past her. “You’re not a liar, are you, Marie?” She got out a sterile dishrag from the sink and started scrubbing a spot off of the counter.

  “No, Mama,” she had a confident voice and an innocent smile.

  “If you lie to me, child, He will know.” Her mother’s soft voice was stern and determined. Her oratory manner was a constant staple in their house, especially after Marie’s father died when she was 9.

  The house lost its vitality when Herman died. Now it was nothing more than quiet sewing and dark rooms. There was dust gathering in the parlor, and he mother became more and more insistent about the way things should be. She was strict, but she knew the way the world was, better than Marie knew her own body, and she was protecting her daughter.

  Phyllis turned around as Marie looked longingly at the chair behind her. It had been a hard day. The woman opened the refrigerator to assess the situation. ‘We’ll need some eggs and some butter. I don’t want the expensive kind—get spread.”

  “Yes, Mama.” Her mother reached into the little Mason jar at the top of the refrigerator and pulled out a five dollar bill. “Get nothing else, now. I’m making chicken and potatoes tonight, but we’ll need the rest tomorrow.” She handed the crisp bill to her daughter, along with the whistle on the top of the fridge. “You take your whistle and you use it if you have any trouble.”

  “Yes, Mama.” Marie made her way out into the dark night.

  * * * * *

  Phyllis hummed softly to the sound of her favorite choir on her tiny record player. It had been her mother’s. June had never needed to have the firm hand of a father the way that she did. She couldn’t think about that. She felt the familiar stabbing feeling in her gut and she double over—nearly collapsing onto the cutting board where she had been cutting the chicken leg quarters.

  He had been so strong. He could’ve held them up in a way that she never could’ve. He could’ve guided Marie. She felt like she was constantly trying to hold onto what little control she had. Women are flawed, Phyllis knew that. They didn’t have the strength that men have, and only a man can instruct a young woman in the true ways of chastity.

  Phyllis knew that one day it would happen. Marie would find a man who wanted to lead her away from home, but in this world, with the way that things were, she could never be sure that her daughter would remain pure. Temptation was always around the corner, and she had to fight righteously to be sure that her daughter wasn’t getting caught up in it.

  Chapter 2

  Marie didn’t like walking at night, when the demons of liquor and smoke made their way through the stre
ets. She saw the boys in their twisted caps and tight shirts swaggering around the streets. She knew these creatures; so intrinsically intertwined in their animal desires, they could hardly see. Their lives were made up of the constant pursuit of pleasure, so much so that they couldn’t hold on to money, or oftentimes even a place to stay.

  They stole form girls like her, and as she made her way up to the store, she kept her eyes straight, trying to avoid the gaze of the men that walked past her. Some looked, a pale man with a thin face and a jersey stared as he stood against the corner of a building.

  “Hey, babe,” he walked closer to her and she jumped. No cars were coming so she ran across the street and he stood at the curb laughing. She was frantically running. She didn’t even see him stop. But she did here him cry out, “I just wanted a taste of that pretty little thing!”

  The General Market was less than a block away and she got there as fast as she could. It was rush hour so the place was crowded with people getting dinner before they headed home. She got a shopping cart near the door and ran in so she could get what little she had to buy. She ran to the back, snatched it up and turned around and bumped into Lucifer.

  He had on a pristine white shirt with dark hair parted down the middle and a black jacket made form cow’s skin. His pant—she couldn’t think about those. She darted to the right to get by and he darted to the right. She moved to the left and so did she. “I’m sorry. Excuse me.” She went to move past him and he blocked her with his round lips so close to her face—hellfire was burning in her stomach. His breath was fuel to the flames.

  “Virgin Marie, his cocky grin spelled danger. “How about I come see you sometime, huh?” He put his hand in his pockets and thrust his pelvis forward.


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