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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 20

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Ava! Willy is on the phone with Walt. Come,” Sean told her as he held out his hand. She immediately set the teacup down on the table, took is hand, and hurriedly followed him into the study.

  * * * *

  “I understand completely. We will get packing and head out. We’ll meet you at the rendezvous point in twelve hours. Yes, she is right here.” William locked gazes with Ava. “Make it quick. He’s on the run and we need to get moving, too.”

  Ava was scared as she took the phone from William.


  “Yes, honey, it’s me. I don’t want you to panic. Let the Declan pack take you to the safety of their fellow pack’s territory. I’m going to meet you there.”

  “Where is Brennan? We can’t contact him?”

  Walt was silent a moment, and Ava felt the tears reach her eyes.

  “His position has been compromised. My intel says he’s either being held prisoner or dead.”

  “No! Oh God, no, Walt, he can’t be dead.” She cried out as William covered her shoulder with his hand.

  “Listen to me, Ava, there are others out there that can’t be trusted. Your only hope of survival is to allow the Declan pack and their allies to protect you and keep you in hiding. You need to leave now.”

  “I want to know who has Brennan.”

  “Leave it alone, Ava. This is not a battle for a princess.”

  Ava became angry as she looked at her men and absorbed Walt’s words.

  “I am not a princess, and this is my battle. If Brennan is in Ireland and being held prisoner then that is where we will head.”

  “No, Ava. Do not head back to Ireland. It isn’t safe.”

  “This must end, Walt. Fenly and his associates will continue to kill and manipulate until they are successful in taking over. This is beyond the money, Walt. This is about principle and about the O’Brian name. My name. I will not stand by and allow Fenly to take over. William will call you when we’re on the road. I want details and I am not taking no for an answer.” She closed the phone up and slammed it down on the desk. Her men stared at her, looking angry and about to reprimand.

  “What is it that you think you’re going to do, Ava?” Sean asked cautiously.

  “I’m tired of being the hunted. Brennan is the only family that I have left. I won’t leave him to die.”

  “We need to get moving. We’re running out of time. I just got a text from Van and he says fifteen minutes,” Mick said, interrupting them

  “We’ll discuss this further in the SUV. Let’s move Ava now,” William said, taking her by the elbow and ushering her out of the room. Twenty minutes later they were on the road headed to another location.

  * * * *

  Ava sat on the large boulder talking with Walt as the others stood by.

  “So what you’re saying is that whoever arranged the meeting with Brennan was involved with this secret organization you’re all involved in?” Ava asked.

  “Yes. It’s the Secret Order of the Brothers of Were. It not only helps to protect the sanctity of the Circle of Elders, it also enforces the laws established by the Circle and all Alpha were packs around the world. There are suborganizations, but the Secret Order is the largest,” Walt explained.

  “Not every Alpha male is asked to be part of this organization. There are only twenty men who stand as actually warriors. There are several hundred underneath those men, and of course the main leader is King.”

  “What do you mean by King? Like royalty or something?” Ava asked.

  “The King is unknown to most members of the Order. This is to ensure anonymity and restrain other organizations or rogue packs from engaging in a hostile takeover,” Walt stated.

  “Well apparently not everyone got that memo,” Ava replied sarcastically.

  They were silent a moment.

  “We have our suspicions of who may be behind Brennan’s disappearance or abduction. My men are working on this as we speak. I should have a definite by tonight,” Walt stated.

  “I still don’t understand why they would want Brennan. He’s just a butler and good friend of my family.”

  “He’s more than that, Ava. Your father ensured that he had a position in the Order. As far as I know, he’s higher than most of us. This was to ensure your safety if anything ever happened to your father. We’ll have to ask Brennan just what position he was appointed as soon as we find him,” Walt stated.

  “Well then, you all better work on making flight arrangements because we’re all going to Ireland to find Brennan,” Ava replied, and all the men stared at her, including Fagan pack.

  * * * *

  “Well, Walt, what’s the latest?” Samantha asked as she sat in the main office with her mates and her grandparents.

  “As you predicted, Ava has declared she will fight and head to Ireland.”

  “My God, this isn’t good, Samantha. If Fenly or his associates capture her…” Lady Marie began to say, but Samantha quieted her down.

  “Grandmother, Ava must follow her destiny. She is as strong as Alex had hoped for and as determined,” Samantha stated.

  “Alex? What does Alex have to do with this?” Walt asked.

  “I have said too much. I cannot interfere, but there is something I can offer,” Samantha added.

  “What’s that?” Walt asked.

  “Reinforcements. Contact Dustin the moment that you have the itinerary, flight schedule, et cetera. Fagan Pack and Dolberg pack will meet up with you in County Clare. Fennigan pack will be there to greet you all and provide safe quarters as you conduct your intel.”

  “Fennigan pack!” everyone exclaimed in shock. Samantha knew she would get such a reaction. The men of Fennigan pack lived in Ireland and were true warriors. Only problem was that there were six of them and they were a wild bunch.

  “Yes, Fennigan pack. Declan, you and the others will need them when the time comes. Now get going and notify us immediately when your plans are set,” Samantha stated before Walt hung up the phone.

  Her men looked at her, and so did Lord Crespin and Lady Marie.

  “I would love to share what I know, but be certain that I sent them forth with every weapon I can think of without ‘technically’ interfering.”

  “Should we go, too, Sam?” Adam asked. He was so kind to want to help.

  “You should stay here on the estate. Lord, make the other Alphas aware of a potential invasion.”

  “Potential invasion? What are you talking about, Sam?” Lord Crespin asked.

  “I am afraid that if Ava and her mates fail, then Fenly and his associates will come at us with all they have,” Samantha added.

  They were silent a moment until Lady Marie spoke.

  “As not to bend the rules, Sam, what if we made some inquiries into those individuals in the Circle who voted down eliminating Fenly? Perhaps this might assist the Declan wolves if they knew precisely who else was aiding Fenly?”

  Samantha thought about it a moment.

  “Call your cousin Sunny. I’m sure he’ll be able to take care of this,” Samantha told Adam.

  The men laughed as Adam made the call.

  Chapter 23

  It was early evening when William and the others realized that they were being followed. He spoke to his brothers through their mind links, not wanting to frighten Ava. Then his cell phone rang.

  “We’ve had company for a while now, Willy. Would you like to share your plan?” Van asked. Willy chuckled then glanced into the rearview mirror at Ava. Her eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder through the back windshield then forward again.

  “I was just deciding whether or not to face them or make a run for the airport. I’m thinking that I’d rather have them believing that we’re here in the US as long as possible.”

  “But you’re concerned for your woman?” Van asked.

  William glanced at Ava through the rearview mirror then replied to Van.

  “Of course I am concerned for her safety. If our guests are of the w
olf, our best bet will be to shift. That will leave her wide open for an attack.”

  “Not if we head a little out of the way and about twenty miles north. There’s a large conservation forest on the map Randolph just pulled up. We can park the vehicles, pretend like we’re camping out, then shift and take them out.”

  “We don’t know how many there are, Van,” Willy replied.

  “I’m going to pull ahead of you and let Bently and Baher out to see what numbers there are. They’ll let me know and we can decide.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s do it,” Willy stated then closed up the phone.

  “Will Van’s brothers be okay?” Ava asked.

  “They will contact their brothers if they get into trouble,” Sean told her.

  “How? There was no cell signal. Do they have walkie-talkies or something?” she questioned.

  “They will converse through their mind link, Ava,” Sean stated, and Ava looked very confused.

  “Mind link? You mean they can communicate through their…” She hadn’t finished her sentence as she absorbed the reality of such capability. She blushed then lowered her head.

  Mick leaned into her and Willy smirked.

  “That’s right, sexy. It’s just another perk to how wonderful we can make you feel in bed.” He kissed her cheek then nuzzled her neck.

  “Oh God, you’re crazy, Mick,” she whispered, sounding breathless.

  “Save that for later. Let’s figure out what we’re going to do with Ava while we take care of the guests,” William interrupted. He wasn’t purposely trying to be a downer. He was worried about his family. The thought startled him. With Ava, his brothers, and eventually cubs, that was exactly what was at stake here…his family.

  “Why don’t you let me help? I could—”

  “No!” all five men exclaimed, and Ava crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at William.

  * * * *

  “I don’t like this one bit,” William stated as they sat in the darkness deep within the woods. Evening came upon them, and for two hours, like sitting ducks they remained in their hidden position.

  “I don’t like it either. Van and his men haven’t given a signal of any kind,” Mick whispered as he held Ava between his legs. She was shivering from the cool night air, and in their rush to evade their attackers they hadn’t grabbed any supplies. What they thought would be a quick battle soon turned into the unexpected.

  “Why don’t you let me wander down the mountain a bit? My scent will surely bring out the bad guys and then you can all do your thing,” Ava whispered, adding to the conversation.

  “No,” William stated loudly. “No,” he repeated in a firm whisper.

  “What do you mean, ‘do our thing’?” Mick asked her, pulling her tighter against his chest.

  “Wreck them, tear them up, rip out their throats, and send a message loud and clear that no one messes with Declan pack,” Ava replied, teeth chattering with every syllable.

  They chuckled, and Mick began to rub her arms, trying to infuse the warmth of his wolf blood into her skin.

  “Have you been telling Ava stories lately, Sean?” Kyle asked, and they all smiled.

  “Seriously, why don’t you let me walk down a bit? I can get them out of their hiding locations and you can attack along with Van and his brothers.”

  “We won’t put your life at risk, Ava. I don’t like the way these men show up out of nowhere, how Van and his brothers can’t signal us, or the fact that Fenly remains somewhere close by.”

  “Well I’m cold and I’m determined to get to the plane so we can get to Ireland.” Ava stood up, and the men growled low at her. She placed her hands on her hips and stared at them.

  “I can’t stand sitting around. Let’s do this already.”

  Just then they heard the loud command signal from Van Fagan. Mick recognized the unique sound, like some huge wild beast, and Ava immediately jumped toward Mick and clung to him.

  “Not so brave now, huh, Ava?” he teased, and Ava clutched his shirt.

  “Spread out. Our enemies are moving in,” William whispered, and slowly the men shifted to wolf form except for Mick.

  * * * *

  Ava lost sight of the wolves immediately, and then came the howls and roars of battle.

  “Stay close, Ava, and don’t make a sound,” Mick told her, pulling her against his chest as he leaned his back against a large tree trunk. She felt his warm lips kiss along her neck, trying to ease her fear. But it was no use. She was scared and very concerned about the men.

  “Will they be okay?” she asked as deep growls echoed through the forest, causing her to clench her eyes closed and press her back harder against Mick’s body. She felt his erection, hard and thick against her rear, and she swallowed hard.

  “How can you be hard at a time like this?” she teased. He squeezed her to him and adjusted his stance to apply deeper pressure to her privates.

  “My mate is irresistible,” he stated against her earlobe then nibbled lightly.

  She felt the moisture leak from her pussy as Mick cupped the crotch between her legs before she could close them.

  She gasped.

  “My little princess getting wet and hot for me?” he asked as he rubbed his fingers back and forth over the jeans where her pussy throbbed in need. Closing her eyes, she covered her mouth to stifle her own moans of pleasure.

  Suddenly numerous growls, fierce and loud, surrounded them, causing her to open her eyes and scream as flying wolves collided in midair feet from where she stood.

  Mick continued to lick and nibble against her neck as if what she saw were not really happening. In a flash numerous wolves lay dead, and her men appeared, changing into human form before her eyes.

  They looked so damn sexy and fierce she felt her body go weak, and a moan escaped her lips.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Sean stated toward Ava and Mick.

  Mick’s warm breath pressed against her sensitive skin as he chuckled.

  “I thought you could use a little help in sniffing them out,” he replied, and it took Ava a moment to understand his meaning.

  Before she could speak, William was in front of her, grabbing her face between his hands then kissing her deeply on the mouth. His hands lifted her shirt as his nimble fingers attacked both breasts, kneading and massaging them, causing her nipples to harden as she sank harder against Mick’s cock.

  William released her lips and held her gaze with golden-yellow eyes.

  “Get her to the SUV now,” he told Mick.

  “My pleasure,” he replied as William stepped aside, appearing flustered.

  As they walked away from him, the others grabbed her one at a time, either nuzzling against her neck, kissing her lips, or caressing her body. By the time she made it to the SUV, she wanted cock and she wanted it now.

  * * * *

  “Using her scent as bait was a crazy fucking move, Mick,” Van whispered as he and his brothers followed William and Mick out of the woods.

  “It worked, didn’t it?”

  Van chuckled. “It sure did.”

  “That’s one tasty morsel you have. Keep her close by, my friend, she’s special,” Randolph added then walked away.

  Mick and Willy exchanged glances with one another then looked toward Van. Van’s brother Randolph was a wolf of few words.

  “Did he just speak to us?” Mick asked, sounding amazed.

  “I guess her scent got to him, too. Oh well, we’ll follow you whenever you’re ready,” Van stated then walked away.

  * * * *

  Ava felt the ache grow deeper and stronger the further they traveled toward the airport.

  She was nearly ready to rip her clothes off and offer herself up for the taking if they didn’t do something about this ache soon.

  Mick caressed her hand and squeezed it tighter.

  “Just a few more minutes. We’ve reached the airport, baby. Once we board the private jet, I’ll take care of you,” he promised h
er, and Ava closed her eyes, feeling the tears fill them.

  There must be something seriously wrong with her to need sex so badly that she contemplated touching herself to ease the ache and not caring who saw her or where she was. She just wanted to end the agony because the dire need for sex kept popping into her head. They arrived at the airport and exited the vehicles.

  As she was shaking and unable to walk, Mick carried her to a back room on the plane. She found that she was unable to stop rubbing herself against him. She inhaled his scent, held him tight around his neck when all she wanted was for him to be deep inside of her. She forced herself to look away from him and focused on what was around them. For a private jet it was larger than what she expected.

  “What’s wrong with me?” she whispered to Mick, feeling the tears sting her eyes. It was torture and a hunger so deep, she just couldn’t take it any longer.

  “Not a damn thing, baby,” he replied as he set her down by the bed and began to strip her of her clothing. The brush of his fingertips against her oversensitive skin was like being touched by fire. She moaned and shook with need deep within her core. He undressed next, and she watched him with hungry eyes as each ridge of muscle revealed itself. His long, thick cock tapped against his belly muscles, and she reached for it, falling to her knees, taking a half a second to swallow nearly all of it. She was desperate, for his taste and for his essence.

  Mick moaned as he grasped a handful of hair and held her firmly while she sucked him from tip to base. But it wasn’t enough. She reached down and pressed her own finger to her wet pussy lips and moaned against Mick’s cock.

  “Fuck, Ava, I can’t take this.”

  He yanked her up and tossed her to the bed, landing on top of her and between her legs.

  She spread herself wide, and he lifted his hips to press his cock between her wet folds.

  The moment she felt his shaft penetrate her vaginal muscles, she moaned long and deep. The feelings of desire and need were overpowering. As if Mick knew it, he began to move in and out of her, thrusting his cock then pulling nearly all the way out to thrust forward hard and fast again.


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