At Last
Page 31
Angie tried to explain to Noami that Helen’s aversion to the parties was less about the surprise, and more about the fact that Helen had felt that the parties were never really about her, but rather a vehicle Richard used to charm clients, business partners, and political associates. Nonetheless, Noami didn’t want to risk upsetting Helen over the party, so she gave her one of the invitations while they were out to dinner two mere weeks before the scheduled event, at which time, Helen clarified the reason behind her displeasure for Richard’s past parties. Angie was correct—her distaste for her past birthday parties had been because they were about Richard, not her. Still, it did take some convincing by both Angie and Noami for Helen to get into the spirit of the evening.
Helen had even gone out and purchased a special ensemble for the night. She chose a black form-fitting two-piece number that fit her quite well. The knee-length skirt hugged her in all the right places, and the matching shirt with wide neckline showed off her long neck and collarbones, not to mention revealed the perfect amount of cleavage—that was the part Helen appreciated most, and hoped that Noami would agree. The purchase of the dress was the thing that clinched the deal for Helen. After she tried on her new clothes, she knew she was in for a great evening. By the time the night of her party arrived, Helen was pretty excited about the dress and planned affair.
The evening of the party, she dressed in front of the mirror, satisfied that she looked her best. Her slow titivation began with black sheer stockings and ended with sexy black high-heels that she had been inspired to purchase by naughty thoughts a few months past. By the time she finished preparing herself, Helen was certain that she was guaranteed an evening to remember.
She was correct. The moment she walked into the door, she was surrounded by friends who wanted to congratulate her on her newfound freedom. Many, in fact, also commented on how great she looked. Before she had a chance to thank them all, Noami swooped in on her, steering her up to the VIP section of the club on the second floor, stealing demonstrative touches and tender kisses along the way. When they reached the second floor, the party began. Everyone she had known and formed a connection with was there. Mom, Veda and LaDonna, Magda and a nice lady she had recently started dating, Kat, one of the bartenders, Sheila, Lisa, Veda’s little sister, and her best friend, Jack, Ro, Monica, Noami’s sister, all three waitress from Sappho’s Repose, and dozens of others who Helen had gotten to know over the past three seasons.
Angie made sure Helen was never without a drink in her hand, and Noami never left her side the entire evening. Helen was graciously thanking Monica for coming when Noami came behind her, taking her lovingly by the waist, and backed her onto the small, cramped dance area. Although there were only a half a dozen couples dancing, the floor the space, less than one quarter the size of the main floor down stairs, was crowded. This of course forced them to dance close, which Helen didn’t mind at all.
“Are you having fun, yet?” Noami asked, swaying slowly to an old Luther Vandross tune, her voice barely above a whisper, despite the blare of the romantic music.
“Yes.” Helen nodded and swayed gently, following Noami’s lead. “Thanks again. This was a marvelous idea.”
“My pleasure.” Noami pulled her closer if that was possible. “Let me know when you are ready to go.”
“Go? We just started.”
“Just let me know, huh?” She busied herself with the length of Helen’s neck.
Helen was having the time of her life. She had never danced so much in her life. As the evening progressed, the party only improved, reaching its zenith around midnight. By that time, many of the invitees were inclined to dance, so the tight-knit assemblage migrated with their merrymaking down to the main floor where there was more room and a greater assortment of beverages to be had. Helen sat sideways, close to Noami in a chair near the front of the room, watching Angie and a collection of women groove on the dance floor. She laughed heartily. Those women did love Angie.
“She never gets tired, does she?” Helen shouted over the music.
“No, she never gets tired. Are you ready to go yet?” Noami smiled wickedly before biting her gently on her bare shoulder. “Have I mentioned how good you look tonight?”
“Yes, you have.” Helen punctuated each syllable with the nod of her head.
“Okay. Did I tell you yet how much I like your new haircut?” Noami ran her fingers along the back of Helen’s neck, resting them neatly in the small groove at the nape of her neck.
“Yes, you did mention that. And it’s a hairstyle.”
“Fine. But have I told you how much I’ve missed you?” Noami leaned to the side and back in order to bury her nose in and bite at the small of Helen’s back.
Helen wiggled until Noami was forced to sit up. “Behave.”
“I will, but are you ready to go yet?”
“No, I’ll let you know.” She turned to face Noami. “Why would you go through all the trouble of planning this party, and then try to get me to leave early?”
“Early, Helen, it’s after midnight. And I have to get up early.”
“Then you go. I don’t mind.” Helen teased her. There was no way she was letting Noami get out of there without her.
Noami didn’t reply immediately. From where she was seated, she pulled Helen to her feet and turned her so that she landed in her lap. Then she kissed her. The kiss began tenderly, but ended passionately. When she released Helen to her chair again, Noami looked deeply into her eyes and asked simply, “Ready yet?”
Helen didn’t get the chance to answer, because before she had the chance to recover, Wire had walked up and was standing directly in front of Noami.
“Oh, hell.” Noami did nothing to mask her annoyance with the new arrival. “We were having so much fun.”
“Helen.” Wire ignored Noami’s rude remark. “I guess congratulations are in order. I hear you’re divorced.”
“Yes, I am. Thank you, I guess.” Helen still wasn’t comfortable about celebrating her legal separation from Richard. “Would you like to join us?”
“No, she would not.” Noami answered for Wire. “Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t that your date over there?” She motioned across the dance floor to the opposite corner of the bar.
Wire looked over her shoulder. “Yes, she is there. I just thought I’d drop by to offer my congratulations.”
“Congratulations for what?” Angie had joined them. “Who is she congratulating?” She took her seat next to Noami.
“She is congratulating me, on my divorce.” Helen responded. “That’s very kind of her, don’t you think, Angie?”
“Hell naw! I don’t get why she has the audacity to even be over here,” Angie snapped.
Both Helen and Noami looked at Angie, stunned by her callousness. No one there wanted Wire around, but that was taking matters too far.
Angie ignored their startled expressions. “Why don’t you tell them the real reason you are here, Wire?” She didn’t give her the opportunity. “I will tell you myself. Wire’s interested in playing silly-ass games. Look, girl, your childish games do not appeal to any one sitting here.”
“Angie, let’s go to the bathroom,” Helen said, leading her away from the table. “What is wrong with you?” She asked when they were far enough from the table.
“Nothing.” Angie shrugged her shoulders. “I just don’t want anything to ruin your evening. Especially not Wire. Now that you and Noami are officially a couple, I don’t want Wire hanging around trying to antagonize you.”
“Officially a couple?” Helen stopped in her tracks. “What are you talking about?” Helen turned to face Noami sitting alone across the room.
“Didn’t Noami ask you to be her girlfriend?” Angie doubled over in a fit of laughter. “Or isn’t that how you do it?”
Normally Helen would have found Angie’s infantile remark slightly funny. Yet tonight, she was thrilled by Angie’s teasing. She and Noami had broken up as a couple months prior, because Noami w
anted to wait until both she and Helen were free to develop as a couple without relationship baggage. She with Wire, Helen with Richard. Noami had managed to disentangle herself from Wire some time ago. Helen was the one who was attached—at least until the day when her legal separation was settled. That was until two days ago when the divorce was finalized.
“What are you talking about, Angie?”
Angie covered her mouth. “Oops, didn’t she mention yet she wanted to be your girl?” She laughed harder.
“I cannot stand you.” Helen walked away, only slightly amused by her best friend’s taunts.
“Wait, Helen!” Angie called after her. “You have to act surprised when she asks you.”
Helen rolled her eyes in exasperation as she turned toward the bar to chat with Mom. She hadn’t taken the opportunity to sit and chew the fat with Mom all evening.
A few minutes later, when Helen returned to the table, Angie and Noami had their heads together deep in conversation. They were clearly discussing Orlando. Helen only caught the tail end of her comment, but distinctly heard Angie complaining that Orlando was in the doghouse for not standing up to Richard and doing what was right concerning Richard and Helen.
“Please, Angie, what are you talking about?” Helen interrupted. “You should know Orlando better than that. Why are you the last one to realize that Orlando encouraged Richard to behave honorably?” It was Helen’s turn to be annoyed that evening. She had already told Angie what she learned about Orlando’s involvement and his efforts to get Richard to do what was right for both him and Helen. “You better give him a break, Angie. You have a great guy there. You’re being stubborn because you were wrong about him, and you can’t admit it and let that go.” She turned to Noami. “The entire time, her husband didn’t choose sides. He managed to support us both. Angie chose sides, and he didn’t get angry with her, yet she is punishing him for the very thing she did herself.”
“Ladies and gentlewomen.”
Helen, along with the rest of the patrons turned her attention to the small stage. Veda, Lisa, and Jack stood together on the newly lit karaoke stage.
“We would like to dedicate this song to our dear friends, Helen and Noami, who just tonight embark on what we hope, will be a long-lasting relationship.” The music began. Helen recognized the song immediately: At Last. Helen turned to face Noami, who was on her feet with her hand out in an offer to dance. Helen stood, placed her hand in Noami’s, and allowed her to lead them to the dance floor.
Helen relaxed in Noami’s embrace, living the words to the song.
Angie came up behind Helen, placing her hand gently on her back. Helen turned to face her best friend. She could tell by the look on her face that Angie was happy for her, yet there was more behind her expression. Angie was a little sad. She was uncertain as to how Helen and Noami’s relationship would impact their friendship. Helen turned from Noami to give Angie her full attention. She took both Angie’s hands in her own. She lowered her face so that their foreheads touched and said, “You are my best friend. I love you, you know that.”
Angie nodded. “I’m going home to have sex with my husband.” She planted a sweet kiss on Helen’s cheek. Helen returned the gesture. “I love you, too, Hels. Rock her boots tonight. She deserves it, and so do you.” With that, Angie turned to leave the bar.
“Now are you ready to go?” Noami asked once the song ended.
“In fact, I am.” Helen headed toward the door, holding Noami’s hand tightly around her waist. They departed together, leaving the party behind.
“Your place or mine?”
“Mine,” Helen said. “We can wake early and watch the sun rise.”
“It’s nearly two now. We may as well stay awake to watch the sun rise.”
“Stay awake? What are we possibly going to do for four hours?”
Noami reached inside Helen’s leather trench, encircling her waist, pulling Helen’s body close for an impassioned kiss that Helen felt in every part of her body. She knew by the command in Noami’s touch and the slightly forceful kiss that she was in for a very stimulating romp once they arrived at her home. After they stepped out into the quiet of the street, Noami backed Helen into the outside wall. Helen, not completely comfortable with public displays of affection that were of an obviously sexual nature, turned her mouth slightly out of reach of Noami’s.
Noami went instead for her neck. The gentle suckling turned Helen on. She acquiesced to Noami’s ascendancy, accepting a long, ardent kiss, which claimed her completely, and served as a precursor for the rest of the night. Two young people passed them on the street. One of the two called out a request to join them. The other whistled and congratulated them on a job well done.
In the past, Helen would have been embarrassed, but this time, she wasn’t.
SPRING DOES NOT pounce upon winter in the Midwest, as is the case elsewhere. Winter’s grasp on Minnesota is not so easily broken by the impetuosity and youthful eagerness that spring possesses. Spring arrives quietly to the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes, lingering patiently until winter tires of its sentry and lumbers away to the other side of the world. When spring does take hold, it does so splendidly, that the citizens of Minnesota are so inspired, that they scarcely remember why they were so enthralled with winter’s frosty beguilement.
Helen awoke shortly after noon, twisting into a stretch toward the new spring warmth that streamed into her window as the sun rose beyond her view on its ascent west. She and Noami had fallen asleep in each other’s arms just after the sun rose, as promised, and she had been asleep most of the early morning. She sat up, aware that Noami had slipped out of bed and was already gone.
“I’ll have to leave pretty early.” Noami whispered between kisses. “I’m following Mr. Standt today…starting the sketches for his portrait. It’s a surprise from his wife.” She barely was able to voice her excuse, as she was otherwise involved tasting greedily the small stretches of Helen’s anatomy.
“Stay a little longer.” Helen sighed before surrendering. Half asleep, Helen found Noami’s mouth without the benefit of opened eyes, and kissed her there. She was basking in the afterglow and the dawning of a spectacular sunrise. She smiled as she enjoyed her private joke. Later when they were together, she would tease Noami that she would no longer be able to take any more female clients, because that was how they met.
Later, Helen sat in the sudsy bath, utterly relaxed by the hot water. For the first time in a while, she felt totally content. Her entire body tingled with happiness. Overcome with giddiness, she slid under the water beneath the fragrant foam, and allowed her body to float for as long as she could hold her breath. When she could no longer fight the need for air, she used her feet to push up again to the surface. She emerged through the soap bubbles, covered completely, ready to embrace the newness and prospects of the coming year.
Helen felt her way blindly to the shower, leaving behind her a trail of sudsy footprints. She stood in the stream of the hot water, counting her blessings. The water cascaded over her skin, washing away any lingering doubts that plagued her. She turned her face into the hot stream, clearing away any remaining uncertainties, washing off all residual reservations concerning what the new season might bring.
As she stepped out of the shower, she started. In the tawny light of the new day, Helen caught a glimpse of own reflection in the fogged mirror. For an instant, she didn’t recognize herself. It was as though there was a stranger in the room. Helen stepped toward the mirror, seeing a great life reflected in her eyes. She saw herself clearly for the first time in years. She gazed at her distorted reflection, amazed at how different she had become. With the exception of her hair, her external appearance had not changed, but her perception of herself had altered greatly. She stood naked in the mirror, a different being altogether. The past year had brought many changes in her life, and those transformations were reflected in the depths of her being in the most insignificant gestures.
After d
ressing for the day, Helen made ready to settle at her desk to begin working on her novel with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. She looked over to her answering machine and noticed she had five messages waiting to be heard.
Helen sat back in her chair to listen to her messages. The first message was left by Marsha, her agent: “Helen, Dear, get ready. We are on for the last leg of your book tour. I’ve added two cities, given our spring projections. I’m really excited about the interest and numbers your book is generating. Give me a call, so we can settle all the details. Check on you later. Look forward to hearing from you. Later.”
Helen made a mental note to call Marsha back before the end of the day. She was excited about the sales of her book so far. The tour would be a lot of fun, especially on the east coast. She hadn’t been to New York for a while, and hoped the city was on the tour. As she thought about it, she was certain that New York was one of the cities her agent would be adding. They were both shocked when the publishers sent out the initial itinerary, and the vital city was absent from the list of stops.
Sydney left the next message: “Mom, it’s me, Sydney. I’m calling to arrange lunch next week. The girls are hoping to see you as well. They really miss their grandmother. And I miss my mom. We all want to get together soon. How about lunch early next week? We’ll be in St. Paul on Tuesday. I’m taking Erica and Sammie to the Children’s Museum, so that might be a great chance to get together. Just let me know. It’s about eight-thirty Saturday night. I can’t imagine where you might be right now…having fun, I suppose. Anyway, if you get this call before nine, give me a call.”