G. Holthouse A story about the world-historical, more than brilliant, completely exceptional act of the Minister of War Pantrop, worthy of the memory of all future generations 1964 19
R. Bradbury Mill 1964 22
E.Kan What the Moon saw (feuilleton) 1964 28
E. Griffith Prisoners of Advertising 1964 31
G. Gorin Fantastic story (feuilleton) 1964 31
X. Kirk Homeless Spirit 1964 32
R. Bradbury Tigers will appear here 1964 35
V. Shefner Girl at the Cliff 1964 39–44, 46
S. Mrozhek the Dog 1964 48
R. Sheckley Space Wagon 1964 52
G. Diber Triumph of artistic taste 1965 2
R. Bradbury Death and the Virgin 1965 3
I. Guro Boy, a dog and a presidential candidate 1965 6
A. Shubin Half an hour in the company of goddesses 1965 7
D. Rodari Tales (Elevator to the Stars) 1965 18
D. Aiken Five Green Moons 1965 29
S. Lem Institution of Dr. Vliperdius 1965 36
J. Dutour Old legends in a new way (Pygmalion) 1965 38
R. Bradbury The smell of sarsaparilla 1965 39
V. Kozlov Idol of the old chest 1965 41-42
E. Evdokimov Migunov 1965 51
Konetsky Adam Neznahshum, Professor Seis and the fate of Alpha Orion 1966 1
V. Bakhnov Fantastic story 1966 2
Y. Postnikov Magic wand 1966 5
B. Tucker Tourism 1966 11
A. Clark Advertising Company. Space Casanova 1966 18
S. Lem How the prince Pantorctacus was rescued 1966 25
R. Young Dandelion Girl 1966 47
A. Bester Little star, early star 1966 52
G. Gulia Very far from us 1967 1
D. Rodari Planet of Christmas trees 1967 3–6, 8
A. Buchwald Computer marriage 1967 9
I. Calvino Dinosaurs 1967 24
I.Radunskaya Jungle 1967 29-31
Hottabych's letter (parody) 1967 45
J. Oislander Evolution 1967 50
P. Burton When the Martian landed 1968 12
The Execution of Roger Mahaffy
S. Baruzdin Dear fellow elephant (small story) 1968 15
J. Dutour Little Red Riding Hood-70, or These modern children ... 1968 15
F. Brown Puppet Theater 1968 18
A.Inin, Osadchuk The truth about Bacchus 1968 19
R. Sheckley The Problem of the Native 1968 31
E. Shatko The Lost Galaxy 1968 45
F. Brown Weapon 1969 5
R. Sheckley Guardian Bird 1969 7
R. Kipling The Naked Truth 1969 27
R. Mateson Test 1969 35
E. Russell A thread to the heart 1969 36
M.Michchinesi Exact calculation 1969 39
A. Balabukha Tramp. Ballast 1969 42
A.Salenko Mammoth Tail 1969 49
R. Bradbury Sprint before the anthem 1970 1
D.Levis Who deducts from whom 1970 3
K. Fialkovsky Strange visit 1970 21
C. James Following the Heart 1970 32
R. Mateson Button, button 1970 36
A. Balabuha Sailing ships 1970 45
R. Kipling Mary Postgame 1970 49
P. Anderson Endless Game 1970 50
R. Sheckley Accountant 1971 6
Reisner Grick and Elena 1971 10
Mikhanovsky Kid and Snapper 1971 20
V. Bakhnov Uncle Vasya - Golden Hands 1971 20
P. Schuyler-Miller the Forgotten 1972 2
V. Stropgin Last Uncle Vasya 1972 5
E. Russell Chair of Oblivion 1972 16
A.Azimov Klyuch 1972 26
A.Raskin It is difficult to swim sideways (parody) 1972 21
W. Malmgren Three wishes 1972 36
G. Slysar After the war 1972 43
Y. Prokopenko Mask, I know you 1973 1
E. Novosad Occurring (Phantom of 2000) 1973 2
R.Serling Refuge 1973 7
G. Slysar Candidate 1973 9
A.Troaya Lady in black 1973 13
S. Hoshi Belief 1973 15
E. Costner Parable of Happiness 1973 20
P. Bull History of the Good Writer 1973 19
J. Andrevon Face 1973 21
A.Azimov Mirror Image 1973 25
A. Bellomi Test 1973 33
A. Balabuha Flower Solly 1973 45
V.Vladin Dust of Ages 1973 26
Silverberg Pain Traders 1974 3
J. Osenka Excursion out of town in 2050 1974 16
R. Bloch For ever and ever - and so be it 1974 23
R. Russell Room 1974 28
F. Sullivan Visit to Miss Guiche 1974 32
R. Bloch Honest Word 1974 51
E. Cecil Won History 1975 4
L. Naumov Three wishes 1975 5
A. Troyaya Guinea pigs 1975 7
A. Ivashchenko Mendelssohn Effect 1975 28
P. Gammara Onesima Machine 1975 33
S. Mrozhek Pause 1975 42
K. Bachinsky Umbrella 1976 5
C. Vonnegut People without bodies 1976 13
G. Vigne Return 1976 21
G. Goldstone Virtuoso 1976 23
D. Thorber Want The Moon 1976 35
E. Russell Man's Best Friend 1976 47
T. Thomas The Last Test 1976 48
F.Plugart Dolphin Day 1977 2
V.Tubelskaya Brownie 1977 5
B. Bermyak, A. Yurikov New Pygmalion 1977 9
Z. Skuin Foresight 1977 15
M. King On the shore 1977 17
A. Kuchaev How I Visited the Flying Saucer 1977 19
D. Rodari Three plots for the game (Voice that cries, Piper and cars, Cat-traveler) 1977 21
J. Curtis Ideas for Sale 1977 29
R. Gossink Regeneron 1977 30
C. Abe Invasion 1977 31-32
A.Hort Remembering the Future 1977 33
R. Sheckley Sorry to break into your dream 1977 36
G. Berezko Literary evening 1977 47
R. Sheckley The Seventh Victim 1978 3
B. Wolf Eternal Cent 1978 1978 15
D. Kersh Dangerous Contribution 1978 21
I.Urtsidal Carousel 1978 23
X. Estemadura Sporting life 1978 24
G. Sadovnikov According to the laws of the genre 1978 25
C. Beaumont Beautiful people 1978 29
R. Hoffman Prosecutor 1978 37
D. Rodari Hatry over Milan. One hundred lire in your pocket. Miracles on TV 1978 39
V. Shefner Uncle with a capital letter, or the Great pause 1978 41
A.Ame Captain Cal, his adventures and ideas 1978 52
I.Dvinsky Report from the bald mountain (parody) 1979 1
R. Bradbury Knew What They Want 1979 4
I. Demynsky Option number 3 1979 7
L. Danseny Pearl Coast 1979 8
O. Larionova Sonata Uzha 1979 8-9
S. Dmitriev Chicken and Chest 1979 13
S. Lem Tsevinnna, Knight Krenshlin and Knight Marlipont 1979 18
I. Brown, G. Brown. Artist's mistake in Harmonopolis 1979 20
J. Sternberg Representative 1979 28
Putyaev, Shukhov Light of a distant star 1979 33
G. Marquez The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship 1979 34
Ch. Khrushchevsky Do not walk on the lawns 1979 43
D. Rodari On the beaches of Comacchio 1980 1
M.Kolosov Traveling on a Flying Saucer 1980 3
V. Rakhmanin The Witcher Refrigerator 1980 8
I. Irtenyev Potato from Jupiter 1980 17
G.Semar Century live - learn a century! 1980 20
V. Strongin Antosha 1980 22
S. Komisarenko Sidyakin-second 1980 26
A. Buchwald Unleaded mayonnaise and other fuels 1980 26
A. Yakhontov Discovery 1980 32
L. Naumov Wings 1980 38
E. Sarrantonio Get Away Jones 1980 41
A. Ivanov Man in quotes (parody) 1980 46
G. Apollinaire Aesthetic Surgery 1980 52
Yu.Dryukov When
they smoke candles 1981 1
V. Strongin Case on the hunt 1981 3
D. Rodari War of poets. The whole world in the bank 1981 4
A.Krumov About the Goldfish 1981 4
M.Naumov The Fierce Hare 1981 13
V. Brainin, Vladin A chilling story about Sir Baxter's castle 1981 14
M. Yursenar How Wang Fu was saved 1981 16
G. Gulia Abkhazian science fiction 1981 20
L. Chernets Death of Sisyphus 1981 20
V. Strongin Telekinesis 1981 29
N. Nielsen Night Chase 1981 32
D. Rudy Private Message 1981 34
A. Troyaya Portrait 1981 35
G. Hesse Flute dreams. A man by the name of Zingler 1981 37
M. Levitin Conscience 1981 39
D. Priestley Case at Lidington 1981 47
A. Troyaya Fake Marble 1981 50
A.Hort Reading Love 1982 10
G. Holz-Baumert Three Women and Me 1982 17
N. Dumbadze Demons 1982 21
V. Zegalsky Broken Rocket 1982 27
S. Lundwall Speculation in the fourth dimension 1982 29
R. Bradbury Farewell to the Summer of 1982 32
B. Rakhmanin In the language of birds and animals 1982 32
S. Lagerlef Changeling 1982 35
V. Arkanov Memory 1982 36
E. Dvorkin Ice-hole 1982 39
Y. Rakov Where did the engineer Elk live? (Aelita Earth Pages) 1982 39
L. Naumov Reality and Dream 1982 40
P. Karvas Reporting Satan 1982 40
I. Danilov Invention 1982 44
Whitpunk foreword
Allen M. Steele
Ernest hogan
Jeffrey ford
James morrow
Bradley denton
Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Corey Doctorow and Michael Skeet
Jeffrey ford
Alice moser
William sanders
Michael arsenolt
William Browning Spencer
Jeffrey ford
Eugene byrne
Robert Silverberg
Don webb
Leslie wat
Jeffrey ford
David langford
Hiromi goto
Paul dee filippo
Pat cadigan
Jeffrey ford
Pat murphy
Ray vuksevich
Laurent McAleister
Meet witpunk
Acknowledged segments
* * *
It all started in June 2001, when at a forum called Fikshenmagz someone asked: "At what point did reading NF and fantasy cease to be fun?" The future co-editor of Witpunk, Claude Lalumiere, protested against such a statement of the question, and especially against the point of view that such a question implies, namely, that science fiction does not deliver the pleasure that it brought before. He immediately issued a whole list of recently published books of this genre, which could well give the reader pleasure in a whole range of ways. There was everything from hyper-adventure stories and idiotic satyrs to sardonic stylizations and black comedies.
Taking this list as a model, the fictchmagi brothers Marty Halpern and Claude Lalumiere began to think about compiling an anthology, which would bring together the armor-piercing classics of sardonic literature and the latest stories demonstrating that modern science fiction is of any kind, whether it be something completely original or the so-called “mainstream” - can deliver no less, if not more, pleasure than ever. And we (we apologize for such a sudden transition from third person to first person) settled on the name “Whitpunk” as playful enough for such an undertaking [1] ... But I'm sorry, here we ran a little ahead.
Let us return to the question from which it all began. Such complaints can be heard very often: that [fill in the gap yourself] no longer delivers the pleasure that it once delivered. To this we reply: bullshit!
When people make such complaints, they really mean this: “When I was younger, I discovered science fiction (or rock music, or sitcom, or whatever), and in my brain the image of exactly what science fiction (rock music, sitcom, etc.) should be established. Any deviation from this pattern is a degradation of form, and meeting such deviations, in my complacent obstinacy I will invariably declare them disgusting, since they insult my right to satisfy all tastes that I learned in my youth! ”
By proclaiming publicly that they want everyone to have fun, such people actually become some kind of policemen who suppress any fun; they are ready to destroy everything new and interesting, to discredit everything that does not combine with their uniform idea of entertainment. We are sure that you, readers of Vitpank, are above such petty feelings; you understand that to enjoy is to accept the challenge and be surprised, and the mechanical repetition of the hardened old paths bores you to death.
You are looking for such literature that would satisfy your need for entertainment through new ideas, ruthless irony, not knowing the boundaries of wit and fascinating narrative.
The Place Where Page 13