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The OP MC 5: God of Winning

Page 37

by Logan Jacobs

  The sex I’d had with Elissa on our wedding night was some of the best sex of my life, but it had only gotten better and better from there. Still, I knew the night with Evangeline would be just as special, and I planned on burning every detail into my long-term memory.

  I kicked open the door with the toe of my boot, and then I carried the duke’s daughter across the threshold. I crossed the distance to the bed, and I placed her gently down upon the blanket.

  “You’re being so sweet to me,” Eva murmured as her eyelashes fluttered over her smokey-gray eyes. “Thank you, Bash… You make me feel so happy.”

  “Trust me.” I smirked. “I’m about to make you a lot happier.”

  “I believe you,” Eva giggled in anticipation, and she scooted back until she was in a comfortable position against the pillows.

  “Why are you still wearing so many clothes?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, and then I proceeded to kick off my boots and unhook my belt. “You have until the count of five to get naked.”

  To be fair, I made sure I was taking off my clothes at the same pace as the duke’s daughter, but she was faster. Eva was laying naked before me by the time my pants came off my hips, and I flashed her a devilish grin as I took in her full beauty.

  Eva’s short jagged hair was a little askew from getting undressed, and her soft pale skin glimmered in the light from the lamps. Her smokey-gray eyes were full of lust, and her tongue darted out to moisten her dry lips.

  I dragged my eyes across her body, and I couldn’t wait to do the same thing with my hands. I followed the form of her shoulder to the dip of her waist and then even further to the curve of her hips.

  Eva was perfect, and she was all mine.

  “I can almost feel your eyes on me,” she murmured as she covered her perky little breasts with a self-conscious hand. “Do I please you, Great One?”

  “More than words could explain.” I shook my head in amazement at how lucky I was. “You have no reason to be embarrassed or self-conscious. You’re gorgeous, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”

  “Me, either.” Eva removed her hand slowly, and she flashed me a timid smile. “Get over here already, my future husband!”

  I chuckled as I crawled across the massive king-sized bed toward her, but I stopped when I reached her feet. With the softest of kisses, I explored the skin of her toes until Eva was giggling from the ticklish sensation. She pulled her feet up and curled her legs until she was in the fetal position, and she shot me a pouty face.

  “Be still,” I growled in a playful tone. “I’m trying to explore my fiancée’s body.”

  “I’m trying,” Eva giggled, and she stuck her toes back out in a straight line.

  “Thanks.” I grinned, and then I returned to my ministrations.

  I wanted to literally kiss her from toe to head, and since I was the God of Winning, I always got what I wanted.

  I wished time would slow down so I could spend the rest of my life in this moment, but I had ways to make that happen. I could go as slow or fast as I wanted and then reset back to my save point to do it all over again.

  Eva inhaled sharply as my lips found their way a little higher north, and I was pleased to discover her ankles were equally as sensitive as her feet. The lighter the touch, the more she reacted, and her little gasps were music to my ears.

  “Oh, Bash, you’re such a tease,” Eva murmured as goosebumps erupted along the flesh of her legs. “This is torture!”

  “I haven’t even reached your waist yet, darling,” I informed her. “Be patient. If you’re going to be my wife, then you have to let me make love to you as slow as I want sometimes.”

  “Of course,” she breathed, and her eyelashes fluttered once more. Her gray eyes were trusting as she gazed down at me, and I kept her locked in my gaze as I slowly lowered my lips to her skin. “Do whatever you want to me. I am yours…”

  “Forever.” I nodded, and I trailed my tongue from her ankles to her shins. My fingers followed the path my mouth had already taken, and I felt Eva stretch toward the sensation of my touch.

  Then my lips crossed her knees, and I tasted the silky-smooth skin of her inner thighs. Eva instinctively spread her legs ever so slightly, and the movement drove me wild with desire. My cock hardened against the bedspread beneath me, and I had to take a deep breath to cool my rapidly rising desire. I was going to take my time and enjoy every inch of my future bride, and my body would have to deal with it. It would soon be time to get my own pleasure, but for the moment, I wanted to torture Eva until she begged me for release.

  I moved upward, but I avoided her center of pleasure as I caressed her hip bone with my tongue and spread the warmth of my fingers out across her legs.

  “Oh, my!” Eva gasped as I made my way toward her stomach, and goosebumps trailed in the wake of my tongue.

  “You like that?” I chuckled against the soft dewy skin of her lower abdomen.

  “I like everything you’re doing to me,” Eva whispered, and her fingers reached down to tangle themselves in my hair. “It’s torturously delightful…”

  “That’s exactly what I intended.” I nodded in satisfaction, and then I returned my focus to her magnificent body.

  The primary word that sprang to mind was soft, but the duke’s daughter had earned some hard edges as well. The muscles of her abdomen were lean and toned, and her legs had grown more muscular since the first time I’d ever seen them. Eva trained regularly now, and fought by my side more often than I liked, but her efforts were paying off. While I loved her just as she was, it was still kind of awesome to have my woman getting hotter over time. Her skin would always be silky smooth and soft, so she could get as fit as she wanted, and I would be one happy groom.

  I felt her hips buck toward my fingers as they roved especially close to her down-covered mound, and I shot her an admonishing look.

  “Getting anxious, are we?” I teased as I pressed her hips back into the bed. “What do you want me to do, Eva?”

  “I-I-I… I want you… to…” Eva bit her lip as she gathered the courage to say what she wanted. The expression was adorable and made me want to be inside her right then and there, but that would come later.

  “Make you cum?” I supplied with an arched eyebrow, and then I trailed my mouth tantalizingly close to the mound between her thighs.

  “Is that the word for the lightning feeling?” Eva murmured as she played with my hair, and a subtle pressure pushed me toward her center of pleasure.

  “Mmhmm,” I confirmed. “All you have to do is say it.”

  “Please, Bash…” Eva gasped as my lips reached their destination. “Yess…”

  “You have to say it,” I insisted, and I flicked my tongue across the outer edges of her lower lips.

  “I… want you to… make me… cum!” Eva stammered out, but it was all I needed to hear.

  Her nails dug into my scalp as I pushed her legs even further apart and licked her crevice from bottom to top in one swift motion.

  “Fuuuck,” she gasped, and her juices already seeped from her entrance to drip onto the bed sheet beneath us.

  “You’re so wet already,” I observed as I sampled her juicy flavors. “You must want me really bad…”

  “Yes.” Eva nodded slowly, but her eyes were staring blankly up at the ceiling as she focused in on my movements between her legs. “I always want you, Bash… Every moment of every day.”

  Her words were music to my ears as I got busy eating her pussy like my life depended on it. I swirled my tongue around her clit, and then I sucked the pleasure node between my lips, which elicited a series of panting gasps from the duke’s daughter.

  “Oh, Bash, yes…” she moaned, and her hips bucked toward the sensation.

  I wrapped my arm around her hips, and I positioned my fingers at the top of her entrance, which allowed me to spread them open even more to give my tongue full access to her dripping wet pussy. She tasted delicious and refreshing, and I lapped up he
r juices like a kid in a candy store.

  Eva was getting really worked up, and I pushed her to the verge of orgasm multiple times, but each time I paused until she calmed back down. This was still supposed to be torturous, after all. The duke’s daughter was already gasping for air, and her pale skin was flushed a rosy hue. I was just waiting to hear her beg me, and then I would release her from the agony of my teasing.

  “Please…” she murmured in a voice thick with desire, and her tongue flicked out to moisten her lips. “Please, Bash… It’s too much. I need you.”

  That was my cue, so I slurped up her clit once more, and with my other hand I slowly slid one digit inside her moist entrance. I thrust gently in and out while I manipulated her pleasure node with my mouth, and her gasps turned to screams as her entire body began to shudder beneath me.

  “Fuck!” Eva gasped. “Oh, Bash!”

  I didn’t relent my attack on her pussy, and her hips bucked wildly around my face despite the arm restraining her. I licked her from bottom to top, and I flicked my tongue across her clit as she shook against my mouth. Then the walls of her entrance clamped down on my fingers, and she spasmed through another orgasm right on top of the first one.

  Intrigued, I decided to see how many times I could make her climax in a row, so I added a second finger to the one inside her entrance. Her lips stretched to accommodate the additional girth, and her tight little pussy shuddered around my digits as I moved them slowly in and out. I circled her clit with my tongue until she was pressing toward me, and then I sucked it into my mouth the way she liked.

  Eva’s nails dug deeper into my scalp, and she held my head motionless while her hips ground against my face until she was practically fucking herself with my mouth and fingers.

  It was hot as hell.

  My cock throbbed with need as she calmed down from her third orgasm, and the sheets beneath us were soaked with her love juices, but there was still plenty of dry bedding remaining.

  “Come here.” I hopped up on my knees, and I repositioned Evangeline onto a dry spot.

  “Anything you say,” Eva murmured, and she looked up at me beneath hooded eyes. “You’re amazing…”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, my love,” I assured her, and I stroked my cock slowly as I eyed her dribbling pussy and spread-eagle form. “We have the rest of our lives for me to come up with new ways to blow your mind.”

  “I will gladly spend the rest of my life picking up the pieces of my brain,” Eva replied with a coy smile. “Now, come up here and kiss me like you want to marry me.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I growled, and then I curled up beside her. I cupped her cheeks in my hands as I leaned in for a kiss, and I brushed her lips softly with mine. “Like this?”

  “Mmhmm,” she murmured, but her lips parted ever so slightly to invite me in further.

  The kiss deepened, and our tongues roved out to explore each other’s mouths. Eva moaned, and the sound vibrated her lips in a very enjoyable fashion. When we finally came up for air, my cock was pressed against her legs with a demanding energy.

  “I need you inside me now,” Eva informed me in a decisive tone, and her gray eyes were serious. “I want to feel all of you.”

  “Me, too.” I smirked, and I rolled onto my back as I pulled the duke’s daughter on top of me.

  Eva’s legs spread to straddle my hips, and as she settled into a seated position, her wet lips rubbed against the tip of my cock, which made it jump with anticipation. My future wife giggled, and she rocked her hips to rub herself all over me.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” I groaned as I kept my eyes locked on my crotch. My dick was already slick with her pussy juices, and I hadn’t even been inside her yet. My member throbbed almost painfully with the urgency of my desire, but I wanted to make sure my bride was just as ready as I was, so I spread her legs a little more and rubbed her clit in a circle with my thumb.

  “That… feels… so… goood…” Eva gasped, and she bucked her hips toward the sensation, which positioned the tip of my dick right at her entrance.

  I felt her inviting warmth, and the wetness coating my length, but her eyes were full of desire as they burned into me.

  She was ready, and so was I.

  I kept her locked in my gaze as I slowly slid inside her, and her lips parted ever so slightly as her gray eyes widened. Her forehead creased as a moan escaped her mouth, and her hips rocked in a slow circular motion.

  I could feel every inch of her tight wet pussy, and my cock pulsed as she squeezed tightly around me. Every motion she made sent shockwaves of pleasure up my spine, and I could have come right then, but I held onto my control.

  Then Eva began to bob up and down the length of my shaft, and her juices gushed out in torrents. She planted the palms of her hands on my chest to give herself support, and her face was contorted in an expression of bliss as she rode me like a blue-ribbon cowgirl at the fair.

  I gripped her hips to encourage her rhythm, and soon we were working together at a brisk pace that had us both panting. She kept her smokey-gray eyes locked on my face, and the wave of pleasurable expressions she wore was almost as enjoyable as the sensation of her pussy around my cock.

  “Oh, Bash,” Eva moaned as she ground her crevice onto me so my tip reached deep inside her. “The… lightning… is starting… again…”

  “Oh, yeah?” I grinned as I leaned up and wrapped my arms around her lower back to hold her against me. Then I started to lick and suck on her nipples while she bobbed up and down on top of me.

  “Oh! Oh! Oh!” Eva gasped out, and then she froze as a wave of orgasmic bliss took over her. “Yesss!”

  A sea of stars exploded in my vision as I gripped her tightly against me, and the sensation of her pulsating around my shaft was too much for me to bear, so I released my hold on my self-control.

  “Fuuuckk,” I growled as I sprayed my seed deep inside Evangeline’s dripping wet tunnel.

  The wave of sperm exploded out of me like water shooting from a firehose, and I collapsed back on the bed as my hips spasmed. I held my future wife against my pelvis as we both shuddered through the aftermaths of our orgasms, and I groaned when my legs jolted with another shock of electricity.

  “Mmm,” Eva murmured as she moved her hips in a circle. “I love the way it feels when you fill me with your seed.”

  I glanced down to see some of the white tendrils dribbling out of her red, swollen pussy to coat my shaft and balls, so I quickly grabbed her and flipped her onto her back.

  “Squeeze your legs together,” I instructed. “That way none of it will fall out. You do want a baby, right?”

  “Absolutely.” Eva nodded emphatically. “I will do as you say.”

  She snuggled up against my chest, and I squeezed her against me with one arm.

  “You’re way too sexy for your own good.” I shook my head in awe as memories of our lovemaking session flashed through my mind. I was already itching to reset and do it all over again.

  “As long as you think so,” Eva replied with a contented sigh. “I can’t wait to rub it in those ladies’ faces that I’ll be your wife someday.”

  “Speaking of our wedding,” I said. “How soon are you thinking?”

  “I am not sure,” Eva admitted. “While I must admit I have fantasized you would someday claim me as your wife, I haven’t thought much past just being yours forever.”

  “We could do it soon if you want,” I pointed out. “I’m sure the king would happily help us tie the knot. He’s always wanting an excuse to have a banquet, after all.”

  “I would want all of Bastianville to be able to be there,” Eva said. “It wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the people if they couldn’t witness your second marriage.”

  “They got to see the first one,” I reminded her. “You’re sure Vallenwood wouldn’t be a better location? We’d have all the finery and fanciness of the palace at our disposal. It would be even better than if you had a wedding at your dad’s castle.”
br />   “I’m sure he will insist upon us using his castle as soon as he gets word of our engagement,” Eva mused.

  “I take it Vallenwood is out altogether, then?” I chuckled.

  “Too fancy.” Eva shook her head, and the motion caused the ends of her jagged blonde hair to tickle my nose. “I’ve spent my entire life draped in fine clothes and surrounded by fancy things. I would much rather our wedding be smaller and more casual.”

  “You’ll be the Archduchess of Bastianville,” I pointed out. “You deserve all the finest things in life, but if that’s a small wedding in our hometown, then so be it.”

  “I want you to be happy, too, my future husband,” Eva purred. “I’m not the only one getting married at our wedding, you know. If you want a big wedding in Vallenwood, then I will be happy to go along with you. I just want to be your wife. The rest is unimportant.”

  “There’s no rush to figure it out,” I assured her. “We just got engaged last night, and where I come from people stay like that for years before they actually tie the knot. I’m not sure I can wait that long, though.”

  “Me, either,” Eva admitted with a wry smirk. “It’s all I can do not to say let’s tie the knot tomorrow.”

  “We could…” I waggled my eyebrows at the duke’s daughter, which elicited a delighted giggle.

  “Patience, my love,” she urged. “It is as you always say. We have all the time in the world.”

  “I do say that a lot, don’t I?” I chuckled, and then I nuzzled my nose against her jagged blonde locks. “You’re pretty wonderful, you know that?”

  “Not nearly as wonderful as you are,” she countered.

  We spent the next few hours going several more rounds, cuddling, and complimenting each other the way only a newly engaged couple can, but right before we ended up falling asleep, I reset back to my save point to enjoy the evening all over again.


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