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The OP MC 5: God of Winning

Page 43

by Logan Jacobs

  I squeezed Evangeline against my side as I thought about different aspects of the wedding, but just when I began to slide away into sleep, I hit the reset button to enjoy it all over again.


  I made love to all three women for the rest of the day, and I ignored the knocking that came at the door sporadically for a long time. Unless there was death and destruction waiting outside the door, I didn’t want to be interrupted, and I made myself very clear through the wooden portal the next time a knock sounded.

  The girls’ giggles grew louder and louder with each run through, and I made them climax a dozen times each by the final attempt. Once I was fully satisfied with the number of orgasms I’d both given and received, I made a new save point and let time continue.

  It was late in the afternoon, and the setting sun shone through the glass windows, which cast the room in an orange hue. It was a beautiful and fitting end to a wonderful day, and I sighed happily as I laid in bed with my three women.

  Then another knock sounded on the door, so I crossed the distance to the portal and pulled it open.

  I was surprised to find the general store owner standing before me, and Caelia flashed me a timid smile as she gazed up at me.

  “I brought you dinner,” she explained, and she gestured to the cart laden down with food that stood beside her.

  “Will you eat with us?” I asked as I flashed her my sincerest smile.

  “If that is your wish, Great One.” Caelia bowed her head. “I brought more than enough for five.”

  “It’s settled, then.” I nodded decisively. “Come inside.”

  “Yes, Great One.” Caelia grabbed her cart, and the general store owner didn’t drop her smile as she pushed it inside the threshold.

  I directed her toward the small table that sat in the corner, and a few moments later, the food was spread across the surface.

  “Hi, Caelia!” Elissa greeted in an excited tone as the three women sat up in the bed to see what was happening. “You brought food? You’re amazing!”

  “That is very kind of you,” Eva observed with a friendly smile. “Please excuse us, we need to get dressed.”

  Mahini nodded in agreement but didn’t say anything, and the three women crossed the room to the dresser completely naked.

  Caelia immediately looked away with a blush, and she stared hard at the food for a long moment.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, even though I knew the answer to that question.

  “I… I… I heard you earlier…” Caelia admitted in a soft voice, and when she finally met my gaze, her chocolate eyes were full of confusion. “It sounded like… fun…”

  “Are you saying you’d wish to participate in the future?” I raised one eyebrow as my pulse quickened at the very thought of making love to Caelia.

  “M-M-Maybe,” Caelia stammered, and she wrung her skirt in her hands anxiously. “Forgive me, Great One. I’ve said too much. Please, do not banish me for my desires. I-I-I--”

  I cut off her words by lifting her chin in my hands and placing the softest, most delicate kiss upon her thick lips. Caelia moaned and leaned into the touch, and the next thing I knew, she was in my arms.

  I was making out with Miss Caelia Stone, and I couldn’t believe my luck.

  It sounded like she wanted me just as bad as I wanted her, and I was excited to discover more about the timid shop owner. I’d finally gotten her to open up to me enough to kiss her, so there was no telling what I could accomplish next.

  I had all the time in the world to explore the dark-haired beauty both inside and out, but I also had a wedding to look forward to, and some enemies to deal with, so I was going to be a busy god. I was eager to tackle the next set of challenges, but I also wanted to enjoy the current moment thoroughly, too. I had a lot going on.

  There were worse things in life than having to balance multiple beautiful women with saving the world by killing one asshole at a time.

  The God of Winning would always come out on top, after all.

  End of Book 5

  End Notes

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2021 by Logan Jacobs




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