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LOVE ANTIQUE (Rules of Love Book 3)

Page 6

by Lindsey Hart

  “Your parents?”

  “Yeah. They died before I was even a year old. Their car rolled over on a gravel road and they were both killed.”

  “Jesus. Seriously? That’s- that’ terrible.”

  Laney’s hands gripped the edges of the island so hard her knuckles turned white. Even though she was standing, and he was sitting, they were almost the same height. Hearing those words come out of her pretty little, sweet, innocent looking mouth, made him want to laugh. Just at how incongruous it was.

  “It was terrible,” he agreed. “My grandparents never talked about it. It was really painful for them. I tried to ask questions sometimes, but they never answered them. They’d just talk about something else. My grandpa would just disappear outside, where he didn’t have to answer. My grandma would steer me into talking about something else. Eventually, I got older and I realized that they were hurting inside, and they just couldn’t talk about it.”

  “I’m- I’m really sorry. I had no idea…”

  “It’s okay. It was a long time ago.”

  Laney’s eyes moved away from his face and shifted to the box again. “So… whatever is in there, if it was from your parents, it’s probably pretty special then.”

  “I guess so. If the letters were written by my mom or dad, I guess it would feel like talking to them or hearing their voice for the first time in my life.”

  “That’s really sad.” Laney reached up and brushed at her eyes. She looked at him after. An embarrassed smile played over her lips. “Sorry…”

  “No, don’t apologize.” He was oddly touched by her tears. She reached up and swiped at her eyes again. Her tears hit him right in that hole he’d so recently discovered in his chest and in his heart.

  “I can’t believe I was the one to find it. It’s so crazy to think it… what if there isn’t anything in any of that furniture and I just picked the one piece that had the box in it?”

  “I don’t know…” he shook his head. “I really don’t know what that means. I guess everyone is always saying the world is a strange place.”

  “It’s very strange. I was thinking about that earlier. I don’t believe in fate or anything, but this whole thing is just a really strange coincidence.”

  “The whole thing?”

  “Yeah. I mean, Rayvn was the one who was supposed to come out and do the pick at your place, but then she was busy. I came out and- and then you phoned me to come back. Then I picked that dresser out of all the others and found the box. It’s just so crazy.”

  “It is strange, but like I said, I think you and my grandma would have got along just fine. You both have…” he was about to say good hearts, but he cut that off quickly. He didn’t know anything about Laney’s heart. Her heart wasn’t any of his business. “You both have some similar traits, I guess,” he finished lamely.

  “I hope that’s a compliment.”

  “It is. My grandma was the best lady I knew.”

  Laney flushed and had to look away. He glanced down at his coffee too, because it was somewhere to look. He was shit with strangers. Actually, he was shit with anyone. He felt the need to explain that to Laney, no matter how dumb he might look doing it.

  “I was raised by my grandparents after my mom and dad died. I- I grew up on the farm. My grandma homeschooled me, since there wasn’t really a school close by. I worked on the farm my whole life. I didn’t go into the city all that often. Most people say I’m awkward. I’ve gone on a few dates with people from the city on and off over the years and some of them haven’t held back. One of them called me a backwoods redneck. One was more polite and informed me at the end that she wouldn’t be calling me back, since I smelled like cow manure.”

  Laney let out a sharp burst of laughter. She clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh my god. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh at that.”

  “No, no, it’s funny. It’s funny now. God, it was probably even funny at the time. I just- stopped. Stopped dating after a while. Stopped going into the city. I guess maybe I am strange. Maybe I am a backwoods redneck.”

  “You don’t seem like one.”

  “Are you sure? I did uh- faint and then cry the first time you saw me.” He curled his hand around his mug and took a long sip of coffee. It was cool enough that it didn’t scald him. He gulped down half the cup and set it aside on the island a little too rough. The liquid inside sloshed but didn’t spill.

  “That low blood sugar… gets you every time. It can do strange things to the best of us.”

  He had to laugh. What else was there to do? He hadn’t been close to anyone in his life besides his grandparents and he’d cried all over Laney. Now he’d seen her three times in as many days. Did that even make her a stranger anymore?

  Hector slowly slid a hand towards the box. He let it hover over it for a second, realized he was being ridiculous thinking it would strike him or bite him, and set it down. The box was the same temperature as everything else in the kitchen. The cardboard top and sides were smooth and ordinary. He never would have guessed there was something special inside.

  Though he slid the box over in front of him, he didn’t do anything other than look at it. They lapsed into silence for a long time. Finally, he sighed. He didn’t look up at Laney.

  “I guess I should be going. It’s late. You probably want to get to bed.”

  “No. Not really.”

  His eyes flew to her face and he was a little startled to see her upturned lips. “I should still go. It’s still late. I’m exhausted. I- I have a long drive ahead.”

  Laney’s smile slowly faded. Her eyes darkened with concern. “You’re right. It is late. I couldn’t imagine driving home in the dark right now. I hate that.” Her eyes searched his face. “You do look exhausted. I know this is going to sound crazy or maybe even wrong, but I have a guest room. You’re welcome to use it.”

  He shook his head even as something wild and frightening inside of him jumped at the opportunity. “No but thanks. I’ll drive home. It’s not that far.”

  “It’s probably over two hours since you have to go through the city first. Seriously. It’s three in the morning. Why don’t you just stay and sleep a few hours?”


  “No, I insist. Seriously. Have you eaten today?”


  “That’s what I thought. You probably stuffed that food I brought in the fridge and didn’t look at it again. You’re staying here. I’m not going to be responsible for something happening to you.”

  “Nothing is going to happen.”

  “I should have waited until the morning to call you and tell you about that box. I just- couldn’t. I knew it was something special. I’m sorry. I never should have asked you to come…” Laney actually started pacing in front of the kitchen counter and sink. She looked tired. As tired as he felt.

  “Alright. Alright. I’ll stay in your guest room. But just for a few hours.”

  “Really?” She spun, eyes wide. “Really? You’re actually going to listen to reason?”

  “Why? Do I look like someone who is unreasonable?”

  “I- I don’t know.” Laney blushed again and he couldn’t help but realize how damn pretty she was. Not just with the color on her cheeks, but that pink staining her face was adorable. No, breathtaking. “I don’t even know you.”

  “I would say that you know me better than anyone on earth.” He realized, too late, what a dumb thing that was to say.

  Laney didn’t seem to notice. She blinked those long, fiery eyelashes at him. Finally, she inclined her head. “I’ll show you where it is then. The guestroom. And the shower, if you want.”

  “Does it look like I need one?”

  She blinked again. He couldn’t smother a wry smile and she gave him an answering one a second later. “I was just trying to be polite, but honestly… yes. You brought it up though. Not me.”

  “And in the morning, let me guess… there’ll be a full spread here- eggs, bacon, waffles, the whole lot.”
  “Is that a good guess or a demand?”

  “I was maybe hoping that you and my grandma really did have a few things in common.”

  “Nope. I’m not a good cook.” She blinked again before she looked quickly away. “But for you, maybe I could give it a try.”



  The shower was running. Her shower. Which would have been fine, except that it was Hector in there. And for the past five minutes, Laney had sat on the edge of her bed, trying to breathe, trying to steady her racing heart and her clammy palms, trying to ignore the fact that she ached all over. Spots that she’d pretty much forgotten about- especially after her long run of shitty luck when it came to men- suddenly came to life, reminding her that she was indeed very much a woman and still very much alive.

  This is insane. Why the hell did I ask him to stay? Oh right. Because I was trying to be nice. Why did I have to suggest the shower though? She was also trying to be nice when she’d offered. She hadn’t thought about the consequences.

  Consequences. There shouldn’t be any damn consequences. I shouldn’t feel like this. But she did. She felt cagey. Restless. Turned right on knowing that Hector was just a few feet down the hall behind a closed door, water sluicing over streamlined muscles.

  Fuck. Me. That probably wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. She couldn’t invite the guy over, share a moment, feel connected, be vulnerable and then ruin it all by bargaining in and demanding that he what- make out with her? Have sex with her? Both options seemed pretty good to her. Which just went to prove that she was in the wrong ass frame of mind.

  Ass. Hector probably has a really nice ass. God!

  Laney jumped off her bed and began pacing the room. She felt itchy, horrible, burning up from underneath her skin. What she needed was a good dousing in cold water, but Hector was in the shower already. Thinking about that made her think about him naked and soaking wet, maybe even soapy, and that just kicked the burn up a few painful notches.

  Her brain turned off as her body came to life. She knew she shouldn’t do it, that it was wrong, but she tiptoed down the hall to the guest bedroom anyway. She shut the door behind her.

  What the hell am I doing? This is nuts.

  It might be nuts, but she was well acquainted with regrets. What was one more. On the other hand, there was always a chance… Hector was lonely. That was pretty glaringly obvious. She was lonely too. It was strange, how they came from different worlds. He was by himself out on the farm. He’d lost everyone, or at least, a lot of people in his life. She, on the other hand, had lost no one. She was surrounded by people every single day. She had lots of friends, lots of good friends. She was beyond blessed, but she was still fundamentally lonely.

  It had been a long time, as in never, since she truly connected with another person. What she felt with Hector in the kitchen went beyond anything she’d ever felt with anyone. The other day, when she’d held him as he wept… she’d never done that for a man before. She’d hugged Charlotte and Rayvn before when they were going through hard times, but it was different with Hector. It was like she’d given him a piece of her soul in that exchange and the universe, which had always been pretty unkind before, suddenly seemed like it was doing her one hell of a favor by bringing them back together so unexpectedly.

  She thought she’d never see him again and there he was, at her house. In her shower. About to sleep in her bed. Well, not her bed. The bed in her guest room. But he was there. She didn’t want to throw that chance away and spend the rest of her life regret not even trying.

  The shower turned off and Laney tensed. She held her breath and remained standing by the bed. She waited. A few minutes later she heard Hector’s heavy footfalls in the hall. Her insides turned into a wild, leaping, mass of jumbled up knots.

  This is a terrible idea. She wanted to leave the room, but it was too late. The doorknob turned and the door swung inwards.

  Hector halted. He was wearing nothing but a pair of tight black boxers. There were still beads of water dripping down his chest, probably from his wet hair. He was… he was marvelous. Laney tried desperately not to look at him, but she failed miserably. Her eyes were drawn to his hard build. She’d guessed right. He was completely streamlined, athletic, hard as a rock. He didn’t have the chunky muscle that some guys did, the guys who earned it in the gym, but she’d never been a fan of that. She liked men who were real. Who were raw and earthy and flawed. Who wouldn’t look at her and demand perfection, because they weren’t perfect either. Hector still had the broad shoulders, the narrow waist, the hard legs, the chiseled abs. He got those muscles working hard every single day to make a living and take care of those he loved. Knowing that made Laney’s chest hurt.

  “Laney…” Hector breathed. “What are you doing in here?”

  He didn’t move to cover himself up and his face didn’t turn red with embarrassment. He just stood there, frozen. As frozen as she was. She wanted to explain her thought process, explain everything that had driven her from her room to his, but she couldn’t. She barely forced out a couple of words.

  “I- I was lonely.” That was definitely the understatement of the century. “All my life I’ve been looking for a real connection with someone. I’ve never found it. I.. I thought maybe you felt that way too. And even if you didn’t- I thought, no, I can tell- that you’re lonely. Just like me. I thought I’d come in here and take a chance that maybe you need this as badly as I do.” Brutal honesty. She’d never really been one for it, so she was shocked that at the time she needed to use some tact, she couldn’t.

  “This isn’t a good idea,” Hector said slowly. He looked her in the eye though, when he let her down.

  “Why? Because you’re not attracted to me?”

  “No. I- no, yes, I am. You have no idea how beautiful you are. I can tell.”

  That left her a little astounded. Her body flooded with heat. “What then?” she whispered.

  “I’m not in a good place right now. I don’t think that you’ve really thought this through. If you’re lonely, there are other ways to fix that. Friends, hobbies-”

  “I have friends and I have hobbies. Don’t tell me what I feel and don’t feel.”

  “I wasn’t trying to do that.” Hector stared at her pleadingly and she knew she wasn’t being fair. What on earth was wrong with her? She’d come into his room like a damn predator and basically demanded that he sleep with her. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right at all.

  Laney shook her head. She finally took a step forward. “No, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. This was a horrible idea. I don’t even know what I’m doing in here. I just felt this crazy- I don’t know- connection or undercurrent or something in the kitchen. Way before that actually. I really did think that you were brought here for a reason tonight. I- okay this is dumb. I’m dumb. I’m sorry. You don’t have to leave. I promise I’ll go to my room and I’ll lock the door and I won’t let myself out until morning. You’re safe.”

  She went to doge by him, out the door. She couldn’t remember a single time in her life when her humiliation had been so complete. And in her younger years, there had been more than a few walks of shame that were pretty bad. She’d had her wild nights and her cringe-worthy mornings after. Nothing compared to having to step by Hector and disappear.

  I am seriously losing my mind here. Seriously.

  She had just about cleared the room, just about set herself free to burn up with shame in her own room, burn with shame and the lust she couldn’t seem to get under control, when Hector’s hand came down hard on her arm. He spun her around and before she knew what was happening, he crushed his lips to hers.



  All he could think as Laney brushed past him, her sweet curves, soft skin, flowing hair grazing against his naked chest and his arm, was that he wanted her. He was lonely. He was fucking starved.

  It was like another man moved when he pulled her into his arms, slammed her tiny fr
ame up against him and lowered his face. He bruised her lips, drinking her in like he’d been parched for weeks. Years. He’d been parched for years. He’d dabbled in dating, but never found anything that stuck. Then his grandfather passed away and he’d been so numb with grief he couldn’t even think of another person. After that, he was too busy with the farm and then his grandma got sick. He cared for her after the stroke, but the truth was, she’d been declining long before then.

  His hands tangled in her hair and lord, it was soft. It was so very soft. Laney moaned into his mouth. She writhed against him, a spitfire in his arms. He was so large and she was so small that he covered her body with little effort. He ate at her mouth and she nipped back. She was as wild as he was. Their teeth clashed together painfully, but neither of them stopped. She bit his bottom lip. Hard. He let out a roar of pain, but she swallowed that up and kept on going.

  One hand remained buried in her hair at the nape of her neck while the other dropped to her hip. She was so small and slight but rounded there sweetly. He ran his hand around to her ass and gripped the supple flesh. Again, she might have been tiny, but she had a great ass. A womanly ass. She gasped at the rough contact and her mouth broke away. He licked at her lips a second later, not ready for it to be over, and they parted for him again.

  He knew it was wrong, that he should show a semblance of self-control and restraint, but he couldn’t. He gripped her ass tighter, his hand fisting in the folds of her dress. She ground against him, using her knee to satisfy the ache. The heat of her, there between her legs, even through her dress and the panties he assumed she was wearing, was astounding. It sent him into a complete tailspin.

  Laney ground against him in blind desire. Hector tasted her urgency in her kiss. Her mouth was wet and hard against his, her breaths sharp little bursts when she could get them in. He felt it as soon as her tiny hands roamed over his chest. She ground herself harder, against his knee and that heat at the juncture of her thighs sent a zing of raging animal lust straight through him. He kissed her so hard it probably hurt and then… then that tiny hand of hers closed over his aching cock. His boxers managed to contain it, but it stood straight up, pulsing, no, thundering, with need.


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