LOVE ANTIQUE (Rules of Love Book 3)

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LOVE ANTIQUE (Rules of Love Book 3) Page 10

by Lindsey Hart

  They panted, kissing and breathing, coming up for air and diving back in. His hands slid down her body, ramming her up against him. She went easily, grinding and writhing already, a pillar of fire burning him up and consuming him.

  I need her. He knew it was best that he drives her away. That he spared her the inevitable. But he’d tried to be a gentleman and she’d made it pretty clear she didn’t need or want that. She needed him as much as he needed her. Her hunger was equal to his, hard and wanting, blazing out of control.

  Hector lost himself in that kiss. He lost himself and then suddenly, he broke away, unable to just claim her mouth. She was far too perfect for him to stop at tasting her there. He wanted all of her, he wanted to taste and lick and caress every single inch of her alabaster skin.

  He dropped his mouth to her neck. He kissed a fiery trail down that slender glorious column, down over her dainty collarbones, over her shoulders. His hands found the straps of her dress and slid them down her arms. It turned out that they were the only thing that stood between him and the glorious rest of her.

  The dress fell away, slid down her waist and puddled there, caught on her hips. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Lord, she wasn’t wearing a bra. It registered with him, hit him straight in the gut, nearly toppled him. She had the most sensual, pert little breasts, two alabaster globes with little pink-tinged tips. Her nipples stood out, hard, as hard as he fucking was at the moment.

  He resisted the urge to throw her on the table, peel away that dress and drape his body over hers. He doubted the thing would support his weight. Just when he got himself under control, Laney’s hands pushed away her dress. It was so sensual, those little fingers sliding through the fabric, revealing the swell and curve of her hip and her slender shapely legs, he was finished.

  She had panties on, black cotton ones, but she pushed those down with the rest of the dress. Laney stepped from it and stared at him boldly, daringly, hungry. There was no mistaking the intensity in her eyes… although he couldn’t look there for long.

  His gaze was drawn downward, to her utter female perfection. She was smooth, her belly hard and flat, her hips gently flared.

  It was all he could take. The beast clawing away under his skin was unleashed. He moved so fast he didn’t even know what was happening. Laney let out a little gasp and somehow that sound was the most sexual thing he’d ever heard in his life. His hands curled around her waist and he lifted her easily onto the table. Her legs spread open at the same time as her coffee mug with a little bit of remaining coffee went crashing to the floor.

  Neither of them paid any attention. Laney let out a little moan as his hand trailed up her thigh. He wanted to go slow, to give her everything she needed before he even considered himself, but the sight of her naked turned him into an animal. He’d never felt such strong waves of lust. He’d never felt so damn out of control.

  So instead of teasing her, instead of touching her gently, he brought his whole hand to her sex. He cupped her heat and she moaned, low and sexual, right next to his ear. The wicked sound only amped up the animal lust writhing under his skin. He trailed his index finger through her silken heat. She was so wet that his finger was instantly soaked. She whimpered and ground against him, pushing his finger right to her sleek tight entrance in her urgency. He didn’t stop. He plunged inside of her, filling her up. Lord, she was tight. She gripped him, ground against him, taking her pleasure from his hand.

  He bent his head and covered her mouth with his own, eating at her as he fucked her with his hand. He plunged his tongue inside and stroked her, trying to keep his shit together. His cock was so hard it throbbed in a painful pattern he’d never experienced before. Not to that level. He was desperate, so desperate that it nearly blinded him to anything else.

  His tongue stroked hers hotly, wildly. He started a pattern while she ground against his hand, mewling and whimpering as she gasped for air between his frantic kiss.

  He broke away, panting. He felt the tremors rip through Laney, felt them in her thighs, saw them in the tightening of her stomach when he looked down.

  Their gazes locked before he broke away to watch his finger slide in and out of her. She was slick and hot. So damn hot. His finger glistened with her arousal before he pushed back inside of her. It was undoubtedly the most sexual thing he’d ever done. Not that he hadn’t done more. He had. He might not have brought women back to the farm, but he had dated on and off. He’d had his fair share of experiences.

  Nothing, no matter how far he’d gone, compared to his. Watching his finger slide in and out of her body, feeling her throb around him, watching her writhe and grind against his hand, hearing her little moans fill up the kitchen, her head thrown back, eyes closed, lips parted… it was the most intimate, sexual, connected experience he’d ever had.

  It threw him off balance. Laney came into his life and interrupted everything he knew. She took his world and threw it on its end. He’d told himself he didn’t want her there. That she had no place in his life, or more like, he had no place in hers. That he was no good for her. No good for anyone, at the moment. He was powerless to follow through with it. Powerless to stay away or drive her away.

  “You’re so wet,” he said hoarsely because he needed to break the silence to get out of his own head.

  “Yeah…” Laney didn’t open her eyes. She breathed the word through her already parted lips. The slender column of her throat shifted with every breath. She opened her eyes slowly and looked up at him. The fire in those orbs was breathtaking. “You have no idea how tortured I’ve been, thinking about that kiss.”

  It was the absolute wrong thing to say. Or maybe the absolute right, depending on how fast she wanted it to be over. Hector groaned. He was too much of a gentleman to tell her how tortured he had been himself. How he’d lain awake at night, how he’d touched himself to relieve the ache, how he’d failed because it had never gone away.

  He realized there was a deep rumble in the room and was almost shocked when he finally also realized it was coming from his throat. He took his hand away from her and lifted his finger to his mouth. She watched, dazed, eyes glazed over and hazy, as he popped that finger into his mouth. He suckled it, the entire thing, right to the knuckle. He never broke eye contact.

  “You taste- lord, there is nothing like you in the entire world.”

  “Stop it,” she begged. She closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them, her pupils were dilated. The black ate at the emerald part. He saw the level of his own need echoed there in her eyes.

  “Lay back, Laney. I want- I need- to taste you. I want you sliding down my throat. I want you to come with my mouth on you.”

  She let out a little gasp, just a silent rush of air departing from those sweet coral lips. A sweet stain of pink appeared on her cheekbones. He understood it. He couldn’t believe he was talking like that, saying those things to her.

  Laney blinked hard and then she shifted, inching up on the table. The damn table. He realized he should have done better. Taken her upstairs to the damn bedroom and done right by her, not spread her out on the table to satisfy his lust.

  When she opened her legs and stared up at him, sensually, daring him, waiting for him, the siren in her responding to the beast in him, he realized she didn’t care if the table was a table or if it was hard or inappropriate. She wanted him. She looked at him like he was the only person in her world.

  Which, despite the fact that he’d tried to drive her away and the fact that she’d also tried to keep him at bay, he wanted to be. The. Only. Man. In. Her. World.



  There wasn’t a single time in her life that she could ever remember feeling so vulnerable. She wasn’t exactly self-conscious. She’d made her peace with her body and her hair color a long time ago. She just felt- open. Even if she was dressed, she would have felt the same way.

  It wasn’t a bad thing though. She liked it. She loved the way Hector looked at her. She was at he
r most vulnerable. She was half his size. He was still fully dressed. When she saw the fire in his eyes, the hunger and the craving, she felt a shiver of power. No, maybe not power. She couldn’t really define it, but she knew whatever it was, it made her feel safe in her vulnerability. It made what he was doing okay in a way it had never really been okay with her before.

  She knew right from the start that Hector was different. Sex had always been sex to her. It was just a physical act that sometimes gave her pleasure. It had never been mind-blowing or transcendent like some people said it was. She actually found it was a bit of a letdown. Not with Hector. All he’d done was touch her and she was already a quivering mess. She was completely off balance. Her world tilted crazily. And then… and then he told her to get up on the table.

  Laney held her breath as Hector’s hands traced a pattern up her thighs. She shivered violently at the warm touch. She watched him, watched him watch her. God, it was sexy as hell, seeing the lust twist his features, watching the craving in his eyes.

  He skimmed his fingers gently over her heated sex and she arched, rocking her hips forward, towards the edge of the table, towards his hand. She wanted him inside of her again. Am I seriously on his table right now?

  If she’d allowed herself to fantasize about this happening with Hector, which she hadn’t, she never would have gone that far. No, her fantasies probably would have been pretty vanilla and contained to the bedroom. Or maybe the shower. That was about as wild as it got. She liked that it was the table. No one had ever done anything like that with her before. She liked that it felt all new with Hector. Most of the sensations were brand new. No matter how many times she’d had sex before, it wasn’t like this. She finally understood a little of what people were talking about when they said that it could be an almost sacred experience, or at least, one about connection and oneness.

  “You’re still so wet,” Hector breathed as he brushed his finger over her sex again.

  That brought back the vision of him putting that finger in his mouth, tasting her on it. She nearly jolted right out of her skin.

  She blinked hard and said nothing. Any words died away anyway when Hector’s eyes narrowed, and his lips parted. He lowered his face to her. Laney let her head fall back against the table. It made a dull thud on the hard wood. Her spine ground in painfully, but she ignored that.

  Hector’s mouth was glorious. He was a good kisser. He was even better on her sex. She let her legs fall open, giving him all of her. He caressed her gently with his tongue, kissed her sweetly, took his time. He groaned and it inflamed something in her belly. Something raw and primal and animal. She’d never felt like that either. Never felt that level of desperation for another person.

  His tongue grazed her clit. It was just a slight pressure, but she shivered. Her hands tightened at her sides, curling into fists. He kept going, circling her slowly with his tongue, applying the sweetest pressure at her entrance and then her clit again, before dancing away. Waves of white-hot sensation hit her. She couldn’t contain a few moans of her own. The shudders wracking her body moved from her spine into her thighs.

  Laney hadn’t come to Hector’s with the intention of this happening, but she knew without a doubt that she wanted it. She tilted her head back so that she could try and get air into her screaming lungs since she’d forgotten all about breathing. She closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the sensation. The tingling sensation moved up her thighs and hit her right in the belly.

  Hector, sensing that she was close, brought that beautiful hand of his up to her sex. He swirled it over her, teasing her and wetting it with her slickness. She felt him at her entrance. His tongue played over her clit while he slipped his finger inside. He did it slowly, letting her feel every single inch, every single second, every single sensation.

  “Come for me, Laney,” Hector growled. “I want you to come on my face, with my finger inside of you so that I can feel you.”

  Just because he asked her so nicely, she did. The array of lights that burst behind her eyes put on quite a show. She lost herself. She didn’t know if she panted or moaned, screamed or cried. She didn’t know if she said his name or if she remained absolutely silent. She just lost it, went to another place completely, a place that was flashing lights and darkness and wave after tidal wave of exquisite erotic pleasure.

  When she finally came down from it and was able to open her eyes, she found Hector studying her. The look on his face said it all. He enjoyed it. Every single second. Probably as much as she did. It was unbelievable, that he would have wanted to watch, that he would have wanted to give her pleasure more than he wanted to take it.

  “I thought…” she panted, and she struggled to sit up. Now that the crazy want inside of her was sated slightly, she felt a little self-conscious of the fact that she was splayed out on the kitchen table. “I thought you said…”

  “What?” He cocked a brow and a dark hint of humor, something she hadn’t seen on him yet, but somehow knew was there, flooded his face.

  “I thought- well- uh-” she blushed and couldn’t continue.

  “You thought that I- what? I want to know.” Hector smiled slowly and that spark of amusement never left his eyes.

  “I thought that- well you said-”

  “You thought that I wouldn’t know what I was doing?” He sounded incredulous, on the verge of laughter.

  Laney was sure her face was beet red. “Well, you made it sound like your encounters had been pretty limited.”

  “I said I didn’t often date and certainly haven’t in the past few years with my grandparents being sick. I never said I was a saint.”

  “I bet to differ.” Laney slowly shifted towards the edge of the table. “That felt pretty saintly to me. Or maybe that was just me, soaring through the damn clouds.”

  “It could be. You looked like an angel to me.”

  Laney doubted she could get any redder. “Well…” she glanced away for a second before she looked back. Hector moved. He sat down slowly on one of the chairs and watched her.

  “Well, what?”

  “Why are you still dressed?”

  “So, you were hoping for more?”

  “Weren’t you? Don’t you care about your own pleasure.”

  “Normally, I would say it’s secondary, but I can’t lie. If I don’t rip off these clothes shortly, I am going to have to take the world’s longest and coldest shower.”

  “A shower? Not without me, you’re not.” She stared pointedly at his jeans. “Take those off.” Hector’s eyes danced away for a second and then a frown creased his forehead. “Unless you don’t want to…”

  “No, it’s not that. I want to, believe me.”

  “What is it then?”

  “I- I don’t have any- protection.”

  “Oh. Right. I’m sorry.” She knew she was blushing harder, if it was even possible. “I’m on the pill. Uh- if you don’t trust me, we don’t have to do this. We can wait and I can get some condoms tomorrow, or the next day, or whenever. You might have to take that cold shower though. Or you could let me take care of you.”

  “Laney, please don’t fucking say that.”

  She blinked. “Say what? I thought you didn’t curse in front of ladies.”

  “Yes, well, I think I can make an exception for this.”

  “Don’t say what?”

  “That you’d take care of me. I do trust you. If you say you’re on the pill and you trust that, then I trust you. I haven’t been with anyone- uh…”

  “I know. I know you haven’t. I’m good too- if you trust me on that as well.”

  “Of course.” Hector sighed. “Well, now that the most awkward conversation in the world is out of the way- I’m going to stand up and take these pants off-”

  “And then you are going to sit back down on that chair, and I am going to sit on top of you.” She felt a shiver of unexpected pleasure rip through her at being the one to issue commands.

  Hector groaned. He did as she as
ked. His jeans and boxers came off faster than she could have believed was humanly possible. His cock, when it was finally free, was huge. Thick and throbbing and shiny at the tip with his arousal.

  He sat back down in the chair and closed his eyes. His jaw clenched and she knew without even asking that he was trying to keep it together. She felt a little like that herself. Even though she’d already had the pleasure of coming, that pressure built back between her legs, in her belly, in her thighs. Her heart beat harder to keep up with the amount of blood flow required by her body. Her pulse spiked and her breathing became erratic. Just the thought of sinking down on top of Hector and filling herself up with him… it was enough to turn that throbbing in her sex into a series of sharp tingles.

  Hector kept his eyes closed. He didn’t move. His breathing was measured, probably because he was counting it out to keep everything under control.

  Laney couldn’t wait anymore. She slid off the table and walked to the chair. She braced her hands on Hector’s broad shoulders. He was still wearing his t-shirt, but she wasn’t going to complain about that. She didn’t want to wait even the second it took to get it off. She slowly straddled him, which was a little difficult given that she was tiny, and he wasn’t a small man. His thighs were probably thicker than three of her set side by side.

  She closed her eyes, positioned herself over Hector and slowly lowered herself down. He slid easily inside, given that they were both soaking wet. He let out a hard groan, but she leaned forward and claimed his mouth. It was so much more erotic, kissing him at the same time she took him all the way inside. He was huge and it hurt, but it was a pleasant pain. He filled her up and she took all of him, though she was careful, and it took her probably a full minute to adjust enough that she could.

  He waited, though it must have taken a herculean amount of patience and control. Once it was obvious that she was good to go, there was no holding back on either of their parts. There was no control or resisting.


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