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Ancients and Old Ones : Book 8 of the Heku Series

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by T. M. Nielsen

  When Emily was able to get to her feet, she decided to start her plan to rescue the former Council. She braced herself and sent waves of burning pain to the heku at her door. When they fell unconscious, she let them go and made a mad dash for the palace.

  Once she wiped the memories of the Door Guards, she went to the garage and pulled a crowbar out of a strange truck. She couldn’t help but notice that Chevalier’s vehicles were no longer in the palace garage. Continuing to wipe the memory of any heku she came to, she finally made it to the Ancient’s room and pried open the heavy stone door with the crowbar.

  It took a painfully long time for her to find the banishment markers for the Council. She worked quickly and set her plan in motion, one that was fairly safe, but could have dire consequences if the heku figured it out.

  She tensed when she heard yelling echo through the palace to find her. She carefully tucked the 13 small leather bags of ash into her pockets and then listened at the door.

  When the rush of footsteps passed, she sat down and used her legs to force the heavy door open. She cried out when strong hands suddenly grabbed her and roughly began to drag her to the council chambers.

  Emily was pushed inside and landed on her hands and knees before the Council. She looked up at the 13 angry heku and slowly got to her feet.

  “Search her,” the centermost Elder hissed.

  She was forcibly pushed against the stone wall as harsh hands began patting down the pockets in her clothing. Tears streamed down her face as all 13 bags were taken from her and she turned when the heku returned to his seat.

  The Elder sighed, “Emily, I warned you. You’ve now forced us to dispose of these ashes for the good of the Equites. If you’d have just left them alone, then in 600 years you would have had your heku back.”

  Emily’s eyes narrowed and she sent a flash of burning to each of the Council. She couldn’t turn them to ash, 13 of them would have only made the Palace Guards madder and she wouldn’t have gotten away.

  When they recovered, Emily was immediately backhanded to the floor and then kicked painfully in the side.

  “You will not do that again!” the Chief Interrogator yelled. He returned to his seat as Emily slowly got to her hands and knees, sure that he’d broken a rib.

  “Scatter them,” the Elder ordered, and the Chief Enforcer gathered up the 13 small bags and disappeared from the room.

  “What to do with you,” another Elder said as he watched the tears stream down her face.

  “You made us do that to them,” the Chief of Finance said. “Their death is on your head.”

  Emily looked down at her battered hands and let the tears flow. She expected no sympathy or understanding from the new Council, and suddenly felt very alone.

  “Notify the covens that because of Emily’s disobedience, their former Council has been killed,” the Chief Investigator said with a malicious smile.

  “Now you will be hated more than even we are,” the Elder said.

  Emily finally made it to her feet and swayed slightly. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked at the Council.

  “How do we get obedience out of you?” he finally asked.

  She stayed silent and glared at them.

  He smiled, “The rumors of your temper weren’t exaggerated, were they? We will have respect and obedience from you. I won’t hesitate to put you in prison for the rest of your life if you don’t do as you’re told.”

  Emily smiled and the Council gasped when the Elder turned to ash in his chair. Her mortal eyes didn’t catch the movements of the other Elders, but suddenly she was thrown down onto the ground with a tight hand around her throat.

  She gasped for air and clawed at the strong hands as she fought to breathe.

  “Learn now or things will become very difficult for you,” he screamed at her. She saw him grin just as her oxygen ran out and she lost consciousness.


  “Em, wake up,” she heard Kralen whisper as a soft hand touched her face.

  Emily tried to say something to him, but her throat hurt too badly to speak.

  “Come on, Em. Open your eyes.”

  When she finally managed to look up at him, she saw he was smiling down at her and sitting on the side of the bed in the overseer’s room.

  “Stay down,” he whispered when she tried to sit up. “The Council let me in here because I told them I can talk you into behaving. We have limited time, so you have to listen to me.”

  She nodded slightly and took his hand.

  “You have to stop fighting back, do you hear me? They will kill you.”

  Emily tried to speak again, but he shook his head, “Don’t talk, ok? You aren’t going to be able to hide it much longer, and when they find out, you need to be on good terms with the new Council.”

  She shook her head and he sighed.

  “I know what happened with the former Council, how they were scattered. Don’t let them blame you for that, that was unnecessary and not your fault.”

  She swallowed painfully and touched the bruises on her neck lightly.

  “You have to trust me on this. Stop making trouble for yourself. Silas and I are doing all we can to get out of prison and if we can be reinstated to the city, you won’t be alone anymore. If you cause problems, that may work against us.”

  Emily looked up at him with frightened eyes. He smiled and touched her cheek, “Things look bad now, I know. I promise though that it’ll all calm down. It may not get back to normal, but there will be a new norm and you won’t have to put up with a lot of this.”

  Kralen picked up her hand and looked at the cuts and bruises across her fingers.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered softly.

  He smiled, “I know. Trust me though, things will be ok. I’ve asked the Council to let you grieve. You need to do what you can to mourn Chevalier. After that though, do as the Council asks and try to get on their good side before they find out.”

  She nodded as her eyes filled with tears.

  “The Council has told all of the Equites that you are to blame for the scattering of the former Council’s ashes. They aren’t happy, so you’d be best staying away from the City and any covens, ok?”

  Again, she just nodded, afraid if she spoke he may leave.

  Kralen softly kissed her forehead, “I have to go back. Behave, please. The abuse is only going to get worse.”

  Emily watched him walk out and then turned onto her side and studied the wood grain pattern on the wall.

  A few hours later, there was a knock on Emily’s door and she turned as the main Elder came in. He set down a plate of spaghetti and then pulled a chair up beside her.

  “I want to start over, you and I,” he said, and then smiled. “My name is Kirt and I was a member of the Farlane Coven before coming to the Council.”

  She watched him, but made no move to eat.

  “I realize we started off on the wrong foot, and I apologize for that. I see now that continual threats and punishment may not be how to gain your obedience. I’ve spoken to two of your former guards, who suggested a softer and kinder approach.”

  Emily’s eyes fell to his Elder’s pin and realized it had once been Quinn’s.

  “It’s not in heku nature to try a soft approach, so this will be a learning experience for us both. I know you have the flu, and now you also need time to mourn your husband. We’ll give you three days, and then we’ll meet again, just you and I, and we’ll see if we can work out an arrangement.”

  Emily watched as he looked around the tiny room.

  “We’ll also see if we can get you back into the palace where it’s warmer. I didn’t realize how cold it is out here.”

  She fought back the repulsion and the urge to turn him to ash again, and simply nodded.

  He smiled, “Good, then do what you need to and we’ll talk in three days. If all goes well, we may have you back in the palace before long, without so much violence.”

  Again she nodded
and watched him leave the room. Even though her stomach lurched at the smell of garlic, she managed to eat some and then laid back down to try to get some sleep. She realized she would need all of the strength she could muster to gain the confidence of the new Council.

  Chapter 3

  “Come, Child,” Kirt said, motioning Emily forward.

  She stepped toward the Council and watched them closely.

  “We understand that you are feeling better?”

  Emily nodded slightly.

  “Good, that was a long flu. We’re glad that after two months, it is over.”

  She didn’t reply, but watched him.

  “Are your palace accommodations acceptable?”

  She again nodded, and wondered at the patronizing tone in his voice. It seemed to her as if he was pretending to be sweet and caring, but there was a definite undertone of the harshness of reality beneath it.

  Kirt smiled, “Well we have done all we can as a Council to make sure you’re well taken care of.”

  “Now though, we want a show of obedience from you,” another Elder said to her.

  “Emily, this is Neal, he’s also an Elder.”

  Neal looked down at her. His scrutinizing glare made her shift uncomfortably.

  “To show the Council that you are willing to do your part, we ask that you turn a heku to ash. He was caught trying to join the Valle and is being banished for 400 years, but our Chief Enforcer is off dealing with a coven and cannot do it,” Neal explained.

  Emily turned and saw a terrified heku brought forward. He was forced to his knees.

  “Please… don’t do it…” he whispered.

  She didn’t recognize him, and following Kralen’s advice, she instantly turned him to ash.

  “Good, Child!” Kirt said, clapping. “We’re very proud of you.”

  Neal nodded, “Fine, then she’s showing obedience. But will it continue?”

  “I’m sure it will,” Kirt told him. “She seems very willing to assist the new Council.”

  “Then why isn’t she speaking?”

  “Dr. Edwards told me it’s part of the psychological abuse imposed on her by Salazar.”

  “Well get over it,” he snapped at her.

  Emily’s eyes grew wide, but she kept silent when Kirt began to yell, “Leave her alone! She’s doing as we ask and we have no right to punish or demand more from her.”

  She watched with some amusement as they began to quarrel among themselves. As she watched, she realized that this Council wasn’t nearly as strong as they thought, and was only a mere fraction as good as the former Council.

  Finally, the argument ended and Kirt smiled at her again, “We were told that you enjoy swimming. Would you like to go?”

  Emily thought briefly. She knew that she was already showing, but it was hidden by the baggy overalls that she’d started wearing again. As the swimsuit would surely show off her growing form, she shook her head.

  “Very well. We were advised that you are the peace keeper,” Neal said. “You mediate meetings with other Councils?”

  Emily nodded.

  “The Valle want to speak to us then. Stand back against the wall and stay silent unless they threaten us.”

  She stepped back and put her back against the cold stone walls.

  Valle Elder Ryan and their Faction Liaison Officer entered and walked up to the trial area. With her scent masked, they didn’t even notice Emily hiding in the shadows behind them.

  “Why have you asked to see us?” Kirt asked.

  “It’s time we meet the new Equites Council,” Ryan said. He looked along the row of heku, “I don’t recognize any of you.”

  “No, you wouldn’t. However, we are the ruling body of this faction now and you’ve met us. So get out of this city.”

  Ryan sighed, “We want to know where Emily is.”

  Kirt smiled, “She’s standing behind you.”

  Ryan spun and instantly caught sight of her. His keen heku vision picked up scars along her hands and dark circles under her eyes, “Come out where I can see you better.”

  “She’s fine where she is,” Neal hissed.

  Ryan turned back to them, “There are crimes against the Valle that we wish to hold her accountable for.”

  “There are crimes against this faction also. We will not let her go.”

  “What crimes?” the Valle’s Faction Liaison Officer asked.

  “None of your concern.”

  Ryan glanced back at Emily again and then turned to the Equites, “The Valle will see holding her as an act of war.”

  “We have a right to hold her.”

  “And we have a right to fight to get her into custody for crimes against my faction!”

  “No,” Kirt said sternly.

  “We are demanding immediate release of our former Chief Interrogator, his officer, Solax, and Emily.”

  “You may have your former Chief Interrogator and his officer, for that we understand he should have been turned over to you immediately. You may not, however, have Emily,” Neal said calmly.

  “You’ll back your decision with a war?”

  “Yes, we will. Just because we’re new, doesn’t mean we can be pushed around.”

  Ryan turned suddenly to Emily, “Turn them to ash and we can ensure your safety.”

  She gasped just as Kirt stood up, “Get out!”

  “Come with us,” Ryan said, stepping closer to Emily. “We’ll protect you.”

  Emily wanted to go with him badly. Even with Sotomar mad at her from before, she truly believed that they would be nicer to her and she would again be around friends. When members of the Palace Guard came and forcibly removed the Valle, Emily fought back the tears and waited for the Council to calm down.

  Once things were quiet, Kirt smiled at her, “I’m very proud of you. You could have gone with the Valle. We know they are friends of yours.”

  When she didn’t reply, he nodded, “Well we have business to attend to. Your things have been taken to the Elder Guard’s quarters, as it’s one of the few with human amenities. Please stay there until you are needed.”

  She nodded slightly and then followed Palace Guards up to Kyle’s old bedroom. Once alone, she quickly started the fire and tried to warm up. She’d been cold for too long and her entire body ached.

  Emily finally was able to do what she had been wanting to. She sat by the fire in a tight ball and buried her face in her arms, then slowly began to rock. The slow movement calmed her down and she felt the slightest bit less afraid and alone.

  Late that night while she slept, she heard a commotion outside of the bedroom door and suddenly her room was flooded with lights. She shielded her eyes and watched Kirt come in, he was obviously furious.

  “Get dressed! You’re heading out immediately to take care of a coven. You are to wipe out the entire population and then report back here immediately,” he yelled, and then left and slammed the door.

  When he was gone, she hurried out of bed and threw on the old overalls and a large sweater to help hide her tummy. Once dressed, she stepped out of the bedroom and was pulled up the stairs by an angry heku who didn’t say anything to her.

  Equites 1 took off with Emily and four Palace Guards. No one spoke, but tension was high and Emily wondered who she was going to be forced to wipe out. If Kralen was right and the entire faction blamed her for the death of the former Council, she could only imagine how mad they would be when she began to discipline them also.

  The flight gave her time to consider what she was going to do. She wasn’t sure wiping out the entire coven would make things any worse in the faction, but she did know that not doing it would earn her punishment. By the time the pilot announced they would be landing in 5 minutes, she’d decided to go along with the Council to buy her some time.

  Emily looked out the window and gasped as the helicopter descended into the lush ranch lands of Thukil Coven. The Cavalry was already lined up and ready. It was obvious they were there to prevent what w
as going to happen. Darren was at the head, and she could tell he was furious.

  “Don’t give us any problems,” the highest ranking heku in the helicopter yelled at her. “Just take them out.”

  Her heart sank when the helicopter landed and the deafening sound of silence filled the area as the heku watched her and she looked out the window and into the eyes of her friends.

  Darren didn’t seem surprised to see her, and he nodded slightly when she met his eyes.

  “Do it,” one of the heku ordered.

  She nodded and then crawled out of the helicopter alone. As she walked toward Darren, she could tell he was waiting for her to attack.

  Emily stopped and put her hand against his horse’s neck, “I…”

  “I know why you’re here,” Darren said angrily. “We know you caused the former Council’s death, and have started doing the dirty work for the new Council. So get on with it.”

  She frowned and swallowed hard.

  “We expect no loyalties from you anymore.”

  Emily was finding it hard to breathe as she looked down the long row of heku she considered friends and saw that they all watched her, scowling.

  She turned without a word and walked back to the helicopter.

  “What are you waiting for?” the closest heku snapped.

  Darren watched, not sure what was going on. All of Thukil was ready to stand by their decision to defy orders from the new Council, and were ready to turn to ash for it.

  As the helicopter took off, the entire Thukil Cavalry saw Emily backhanded to the floor and then the helicopter disappeared on the horizon.

  “She’s going to get punished… for us,” one of the Generals said, still in shock.

  Darren nodded, “I think we were wrong.”

  “We still have to be ready for a fight. The Council isn’t going to let this go.”

  “Keep the coven locked down. I’ll to talk to Lord Thukil.”


  “I thought we’d worked this out,” Kirt said as Emily was tied to the rack. “You were going to behave… what happened?”


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